The evolution of the (alveolo)palatal lateral consonant in Spanish and Portuguese

image of The evolution of the (alveolo)palatal lateral consonant in Spanish and Portuguese

This paper provides a formal account on the evolution of the (alveolo)palatal lateral consonant /ʎ/ in Spanish and Portuguese, by considering the phonetic motivation for its variation patterns and by connecting its synchronic dialectal distribution with its diachronic pathways of change. The novel approach in this study presents a unified, constraint-based view of the role that the articulatory and acoustic patterns of the aforementioned consonant have played in its history and continue to shape its current dialectal manifestations. More specifically, it proposes that the three apparently disconnected transformations this consonant incurred at different points throughout the history of Spanish (i.e. /ʎ/ > /j/, /ʎ/ > /ʝ/, /ʎ/ > /ʒ/) and Portuguese (i.e. /ʎ/ > /j/) reveal, in fact, integrated steps of changes that compose its historical evolution, i.e. /ʎ/ > /j/ > /ʝ/ > /ʒ/.


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  59. Recasens, Daniel & Aina Espinosa
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  1. Aguilera, Vanderci de Andrade
    1999 “Um estudo geolingüístico da iotização no Português”. Português no Brasil: estudos fonéticos e fonológicosed. by Vanderci Andrade Aguilera , 155–179. Londrina, Brazil: Universidade Estadual de Londrina.
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  2. Alkire, Ti & Carol Rosen
    2010Romance Languages: A Historical Introduction.Cambridge: ­Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511845192
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  3. Amaral, Amadeu
    1976O dialeto caipira. São Paulo: Hucitec.
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  8. Baker, Gary K. & Caroline R. Wiltshire
    2003 “An OT Treatment of Palatal Fortition in Argentinian Spanish”. Romance Linguistics: Theory and Acquisitioned. by Ana Teresa Pérez-Leroux & Yves Roberge , 33–48. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/cilt.244.06bak
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    1998Functional Phonology: Formalizing the Interaction between Articulatory and Perceptual Drives. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics.
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    1980Manual de fonética acústica. Buenos Aires: Hachette.
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  12. Bruña Cuevas, Manuel
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  16. Chang, Charles B
    2008 “Variation in Palatal Production in Buenos Aires Spanish”. Selected Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguisticsed. by Maurice Westmoreland & Juan Antonio Thomas , 54–63. Somerville, Mass.: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
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  17. Colantoni, Laura
    2001Mergers, Chain Shifts and Dissimilatory Processes: Palatals and Rhotics in Argentine Spanish. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota.
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  18. 2004 “Reinterpreting the CV Transition. Emergence of the Glide as an Allophone of the Palatal Lateral”. Contemporary Approaches to Romance Linguistics: Selected Papers from the 33rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL)ed. by Julie Auger , J. Clancy Clements & Barbara Vance , 83–102. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/cilt.258.05col
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  19. Cristófaro Silva, Thaïs
    1998Fonética e fonologia do português.São Paulo: Contexto.
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  21. Fernández Trinidad, Marianela
    2010 “Variaciones fonéticas del yeísmo: Un estudio acústico en mujeres rioplatenses”. Estudios de fonética experimental19.263–292.
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  22. Flemming, Edward
    2002Auditory Representation in Phonology. New York: Routledge.
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  23. 2004 “Contrast and Perceptual Distinctiveness”. Phonetically Based Phonologyed. by Bruce Hayes , Robert Kirchner & Donca Steriade , 232–276. New York: ­Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511486401.008
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  24. Fontanella de Weinberg, María Beatriz
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  28. Jun, Jongho
    2004 “Place Assimilation”. Phonetically Based Phonologyed. by Bruce Hayes , ­Robert Kirchner & Donca Steriade , 58–86. New York: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511486401.003
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    2001An Effort Approach to Consonant Lenition. New York: Routledge.
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    1996The Sounds of the World’s Languages.Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
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    1950Orígenes del español. Estado lingüístico de la Península Ibérica hasta el siglo XI.3rd ed. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe.
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  41. 1977Manual de gramática histórica española. 15th ed. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe.
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  42. Moreno Fernández, Francisco
    2004 “Cambios vivos en el plano fónico del español: Variación dialectal y sociolingüística”. Historia de la lengua españolaed. by Rafael Cano , 973–1009. Barcelona: Ariel.
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  43. Navarro Tomás, Tomás
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  44. 1967Manual de pronunciación española. 13th ed. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
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  45. Ohala, John J
    1981 “The Listener as a Source of Sound Change”. Papers from the Parasession on Language and Behavior, Chicago Linguistics Societyed. by Carrie S. Masek , Robert A. ­Hendrick & Mary Frances Miller , 178–203. Chicago: Chicago Linguistics Society.
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  46. 1989 “Sound Change is Drawn from a Pool of Synchronic Variation”. Language change: Contribution to the study of its causesed. by Leiv E. Breivik & Ernst Hakon Jahr , 173–198. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110853063.173
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  49. 2012 “The Listener as a Source of Sound Change: An Update”. The Initiation of Sound Change: Perception, Production, and Social Factorsed. by Maria-Josep Solé & Daniel Recasens , 21–35. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/cilt.323.05oha
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  50. Penny, Ralph J
    2000Variation and Change in Spanish. New York: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9781139164566
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  51. 2002A History of the Spanish Language. 2nd ed. New York: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511992827
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  52. Pope, Mildred Katharine
    1934From Latin to Modern French with Special Consideration of Anglo-Norman: Phonology and Morphology. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
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    2004 [1993]Optimality Theory: Constraint Interaction in Generative Grammar. Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9780470759400
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    1963Fonética y fonología del español. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
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  56. Recasens, Daniel
    1990 “The Articulatory Characteristics of Palatal Consonants”. Journal of Phonetics18.267–280.
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  59. Recasens, Daniel & Aina Espinosa
    2006 “Articulatory, Positional and Contextual Characteristics of Palatal Consonants: Evidence from Majorcan Catalan”. Journal of Phonetics34.295–318. doi: 10.1016/j.wocn.2005.06.003
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  60. Rini, Joel
    1991 “Metathesis of yod and the Palatalization of Latin Medial /k’l/, /g’l/, /t’l/; /ks/, 
/ssj/, /sj; /kt/, /ult/ in Hispano- and Luso-Romance”. Linguistic Studies in Medieval Spanished. by Ray Harris-Northall & Thomas D. Cravens , 109–133. Madison, Wisc.: The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies.
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  61. Rost, Assumpció
    2011Variación en los procesos de palatalización de yod segunda (o cómo la sincronía permite la explicación de la diacronía). Ph.D. dissertation, Universitat de Girona.
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  62. Stein, Cícero Cecote
    2011 “O percurso acústico-articulatório da alofonia da consoante lateral palatal”. Domínios de Lingu@gem5:1.1–28.
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  63. Straka, Georges
    1965Album Phonétique. Laval, Québec: Université Laval.
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