Critical Glissantism

Édouard Glissant’s Views on Language(s)


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    1999 [1923] “The Task of the Translator.” InIlluminations: Essays and Reflections, ed. by Hannah Arendt , Harry Zohn (trans.), 69–82. London: Pimlico.
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  2. Bernabé, Jean , Patrick Chamoiseau , and Raphaël Confiant
    1990 “In Praise of Creoleness.” Mohamed B. Taleb Khyar (trans.). Callaloo13: 886–909. doi: 10.2307/2931390
    https://doi.org/10.2307/2931390 [Google Scholar]
  3. Bhabha, Homi K
    1990 “DissemiNation: Time, Narrative and the Margins of the Modern Nation.” InNation and Narration, ed. by Homi K. Bhabha , 291–322. London: Routledge.
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  4. 1996 “Unsatisfied: Notes on Vernacular Cosmopolitanism .” InText and Nation: Cross-Disciplinary Essays on Cultural and National Identities, ed. by Peter Pfeiffer and Laura Garcia-Moreno , 191–207. Columbia: Camden House.
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  5. Bongie, Chris
    2008Friends and Enemies: The Scribal Politics of Post/Colonial Literature. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. doi: 10.5949/UPO9781846315299
    https://doi.org/10.5949/UPO9781846315299 [Google Scholar]
  6. Britton, Celia
    2008 “Transnational Languages in Glissant’s Tout-monde .” InWorld Writing: Poetics, Ethics, Globalization, ed. by Mary Gallagher , 62–85. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
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  7. Chamoiseau, Patrick , and Raphaël Confiant
    1991Lettres créoles: Tracées antillaises et continentales de la littérature (1635–1975). Paris: Hatier.
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  8. Condé, Maryse
    1985 “Au-delà des langues et des couleurs.” Magazine littéraire436: 36.
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  9. Damas, Léon-Gontran
    1947Latitudes: Poètes d’expression française d’Afrique noire, Madagascar, Réunion, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Indochine, Guyane, 1900–1945. Paris: Seuil.
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  10. 1966Nueva Soma de poesia negra. Paris: Présence Africaine.
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  11. 1972 [1937]Pigments: Névralgies. Paris: Présence Africaine.
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  12. Deleuze, Gilles , and Félix Guattari
    1986Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature. Dana Polan (trans.). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
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  13. Derrida, Jacques
    1996Le Monolinguisme de l’autre ou la prothèse d’origine. Paris: Galilée.
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  14. DuBois, W.E.B
    1903The Souls of Black Folk. Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Co. Electronic Library Virginia University. etext.lib.virginia.edu/etcbin/toccer-new2?id=DubSoul.sgmandimages=images/modenganddata=/texts/english/modeng/parsedandtag=publicandpart=front
    [Google Scholar]
  15. Fanon, Frantz
    1952Peau Noire, Masques Blanc. Paris: Editions de Seuil.
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  16. Gilroy, Paul
    1993The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness. London: Verso.
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  17. Glissant, Édouard
    1969L’intention poétique. Paris: Seuil.
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  18. 1997[1981]Le discours antillais. Paris: Gallimard.
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  19. 1989Caribbean Discourse: Selected Essays. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
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  20. 1990Poétique de la Relation. Paris: Gallimard.
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  21. 1993Tout-monde. Paris: Gallimard.
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  22. 1996Faulkner, Mississippi. Paris: Stock.
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  23. 1997aPoetics of Relation. Betsy Wing (trans.). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
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  24. 1997bTraité du Tout-monde. Paris: Gallimard.
    [Google Scholar]
  25. 2002 “Préface.” InLa culture française vue d’ici et d’ailleurs, treize auteurs témoignent, ed. by Thomas Spear , 8–9. Paris: Karthala.
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  26. . 2005. La Cohée du Lamentin. Paris: Gallimard.
    [Google Scholar]
  27. 2006Une nouvelle région du monde. Paris: Gallimard.
    [Google Scholar]
  28. 2009Philosophie de la Relation: Poésie en étendue. Paris: Gallimard.
    [Google Scholar]
  29. 2010La Terre, le feu, l’air et le vent: Une Anthologie de la poésie du Tout-monde. Paris: Galaade.
    [Google Scholar]
  30. Graham, Shane , and John Walters
    (eds) 2006Langston Hughes and the South African Drum Generation. New York: Palgrave.
    [Google Scholar]
  31. Gyssels, Kathleen
    2000 “La migration des mots et le néerlandais comme ‘langue mineure’ dans la mosaïque linguistique caribéenne.” Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction13: 179–201. doi: 10.7202/037416ar
    https://doi.org/10.7202/037416ar [Google Scholar]
  32. 2003a “Du ‘guerrier de l’imaginaire’ aux auteurs virtuels: libertés et limites de l’internet pour les auteurs antillais.” Africultures54: 117–127. doi: 10.3917/afcul.054.0117
    https://doi.org/10.3917/afcul.054.0117 [Google Scholar]
  33. 2003b “Maryse Condé on Créolité.” InA Pepper-Pot of Cultures: Aspects of Creolization in the Caribbean, ed. by Gordon Collier and Ulrich Fleischmann , 301–320. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
    [Google Scholar]
  34. 2008 “Scarlet Ibises and the Poetics of Relation: Perse, Walcott and Glissant.” Commonwealth Essays and Studies31: 103–116.
    [Google Scholar]
  35. 2010 “V.S. Naipaul dans l’archipel caribéen: Confiant, Condé, Glissant, Walcott, Phillips, McLeod, Ramdas.” InV.S. Naipaul: écriture de l’altérité, altérité de l’écriture, ed. by Florence Labaune-Demeule , 153–176. Paris: Houdiard.
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  36. 2012a “Littérature-monde: une vignette pour ‘défranciser’ la littérature du XXIième siècle.” InGoing Caribbean: New Perspectives on Caribbean Literature and Art, ed. by Kristian Van Haesendonck , 113–135. Lisbon: Humus.
    [Google Scholar]
  37. 2012b “The ‘barque ouverte’ (Glissant) or The Black Atlantic (Gilroy): Erasure and Errantry.” InNew Perspectives on The Black Atlantic: Definitions, Readings, Practices, Dialogues, ed. by Bénédicte Ledent and Pilar Cuder , 59–82. New York: Peter Lang.
    [Google Scholar]
  38. 2013a “Poloniser ou polliniser? L’oeuvre schwarz-bartienne comme Fremdkörper dans le canon antillais.” InNouvelles perspectives dans les études francophones, ed. by Daniel Lançon and Claude Coste , 199–215. Paris: Champion.
    [Google Scholar]
  39. 2013b “Un long compagnonnage? Schwarz-Bart et Glissant face aux diasporas.” Revue des Sciences Humaines309: 73–94.
    [Google Scholar]
  40. Hallward, Peter
    2001Absolutely Postcolonial: Writing between the Singular and the Specific. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
    [Google Scholar]
  41. 2004 “Option Zero in Haiti.” New Left Review27: newleftreview.org/II/27/peter-hallward-option-zero-in-haiti.
    [Google Scholar]
  42. Helman, Albert
    1994Adyosi, Afscheid. Nijmegen: Stichting ter Bevordering van de Surinami stiek.
    [Google Scholar]
  43. Joubert, Jean-Louis
    2006Les voleurs de langue: Traversée de la francophonie littéraire. Paris: P. Rey.
    [Google Scholar]
  44. LeBris, Michel , and Jean Rouaud
    (eds) 2007Pour une littérature-monde. Paris: Gallimard.
    [Google Scholar]
  45. Liska, Vivian
    2009When Kafka Says We: Uncommon Communities in German-Jewish Literature. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
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  46. Mouralis, Bernard
    1975 Les contre-littératures. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
    [Google Scholar]
  47. N’Zengou-Tayo, Marie-José
    1996 “Littérature et diglossie: Créer une langue métisse ou la ‘chamoisification’ du français dans Texaco de Patrick Chamoiseau.” Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction9: 155–176. doi: 10.7202/037243ar
    https://doi.org/10.7202/037243ar [Google Scholar]
  48. Prahbu, Anjali
    2005 “Interrogating Hybridity: Subaltern Agency and Totality in Postcolonial Theory.” Diacritics29: 76–92.
    [Google Scholar]
  49. Price, Richard , and Sally Price
    1997 “Shadowboxing in the Mangrove.” Cultural Anthropology12: 3–36. doi: 10.1525/can.1997.12.1.3
    https://doi.org/10.1525/can.1997.12.1.3 [Google Scholar]
  50. Redfield, Marc
    2010 “Imagi-Nation: The Imagined Community and the Aesthetics of Mourning.” Diacritics29: 58–83. doi: 10.1353/dia.1999.0033
    https://doi.org/10.1353/dia.1999.0033 [Google Scholar]
  51. Rivarol, Antoine
    1991 [1783]De l’universalité de la langue française. Paris: Editions Arléa.
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  52. Sabba-Guimarães, Newton
    2010 “Le hakitia: ou judéo-espagnol du Maghreb, classification, situation et futur.” MicRomania4 (10): 3–9.
    [Google Scholar]
  53. Schwarz-Bart, André
    2009The Morning Star. Julie Rose (trans.). London and New York: Overlook Duckworth.
    [Google Scholar]
  54. Senghor, Léopold Sédar
    1948 [2011]Anthologie de la nouvelle poésie nègre et malgache de langue française. Paris: Prsees Universitaires de France.
    [Google Scholar]
  55. 1977Liberté 3: Négritude et Civilisation de l’Universel. Paris: Seuil.
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  56. 1983Liberté V: Socialisme et planification. Paris: Seuil.
    [Google Scholar]
  57. Taylor, Lucien
    1997 “Créolité Bites: A Conversation with Patrick Chamoiseau, Raphaël Confiant and Jean Bernabé.” Transition74: 124–164.
    [Google Scholar]
  58. Wargny, Claude
    2004Haïti n’existe pas (1804–2004). Paris: Autrement.
    [Google Scholar]
  59. Wright, Richard
    1995 [1957] “The Psychological Reactions of Oppressed People.” In hisWhite Man, Listen! Lectures in Europe, 1950–1956, 39–71. New York: Harper Collins.
    [Google Scholar]


  1. Benjamin, Walter
    1999 [1923] “The Task of the Translator.” InIlluminations: Essays and Reflections, ed. by Hannah Arendt , Harry Zohn (trans.), 69–82. London: Pimlico.
    [Google Scholar]
  2. Bernabé, Jean , Patrick Chamoiseau , and Raphaël Confiant
    1990 “In Praise of Creoleness.” Mohamed B. Taleb Khyar (trans.). Callaloo13: 886–909. doi: 10.2307/2931390
    https://doi.org/10.2307/2931390 [Google Scholar]
  3. Bhabha, Homi K
    1990 “DissemiNation: Time, Narrative and the Margins of the Modern Nation.” InNation and Narration, ed. by Homi K. Bhabha , 291–322. London: Routledge.
    [Google Scholar]
  4. 1996 “Unsatisfied: Notes on Vernacular Cosmopolitanism .” InText and Nation: Cross-Disciplinary Essays on Cultural and National Identities, ed. by Peter Pfeiffer and Laura Garcia-Moreno , 191–207. Columbia: Camden House.
    [Google Scholar]
  5. Bongie, Chris
    2008Friends and Enemies: The Scribal Politics of Post/Colonial Literature. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. doi: 10.5949/UPO9781846315299
    https://doi.org/10.5949/UPO9781846315299 [Google Scholar]
  6. Britton, Celia
    2008 “Transnational Languages in Glissant’s Tout-monde .” InWorld Writing: Poetics, Ethics, Globalization, ed. by Mary Gallagher , 62–85. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
    [Google Scholar]
  7. Chamoiseau, Patrick , and Raphaël Confiant
    1991Lettres créoles: Tracées antillaises et continentales de la littérature (1635–1975). Paris: Hatier.
    [Google Scholar]
  8. Condé, Maryse
    1985 “Au-delà des langues et des couleurs.” Magazine littéraire436: 36.
    [Google Scholar]
  9. Damas, Léon-Gontran
    1947Latitudes: Poètes d’expression française d’Afrique noire, Madagascar, Réunion, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Indochine, Guyane, 1900–1945. Paris: Seuil.
    [Google Scholar]
  10. 1966Nueva Soma de poesia negra. Paris: Présence Africaine.
    [Google Scholar]
  11. 1972 [1937]Pigments: Névralgies. Paris: Présence Africaine.
    [Google Scholar]
  12. Deleuze, Gilles , and Félix Guattari
    1986Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature. Dana Polan (trans.). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    [Google Scholar]
  13. Derrida, Jacques
    1996Le Monolinguisme de l’autre ou la prothèse d’origine. Paris: Galilée.
    [Google Scholar]
  14. DuBois, W.E.B
    1903The Souls of Black Folk. Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Co. Electronic Library Virginia University. etext.lib.virginia.edu/etcbin/toccer-new2?id=DubSoul.sgmandimages=images/modenganddata=/texts/english/modeng/parsedandtag=publicandpart=front
    [Google Scholar]
  15. Fanon, Frantz
    1952Peau Noire, Masques Blanc. Paris: Editions de Seuil.
    [Google Scholar]
  16. Gilroy, Paul
    1993The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness. London: Verso.
    [Google Scholar]
  17. Glissant, Édouard
    1969L’intention poétique. Paris: Seuil.
    [Google Scholar]
  18. 1997[1981]Le discours antillais. Paris: Gallimard.
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  19. 1989Caribbean Discourse: Selected Essays. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
    [Google Scholar]
  20. 1990Poétique de la Relation. Paris: Gallimard.
    [Google Scholar]
  21. 1993Tout-monde. Paris: Gallimard.
    [Google Scholar]
  22. 1996Faulkner, Mississippi. Paris: Stock.
    [Google Scholar]
  23. 1997aPoetics of Relation. Betsy Wing (trans.). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    [Google Scholar]
  24. 1997bTraité du Tout-monde. Paris: Gallimard.
    [Google Scholar]
  25. 2002 “Préface.” InLa culture française vue d’ici et d’ailleurs, treize auteurs témoignent, ed. by Thomas Spear , 8–9. Paris: Karthala.
    [Google Scholar]
  26. . 2005. La Cohée du Lamentin. Paris: Gallimard.
    [Google Scholar]
  27. 2006Une nouvelle région du monde. Paris: Gallimard.
    [Google Scholar]
  28. 2009Philosophie de la Relation: Poésie en étendue. Paris: Gallimard.
    [Google Scholar]
  29. 2010La Terre, le feu, l’air et le vent: Une Anthologie de la poésie du Tout-monde. Paris: Galaade.
    [Google Scholar]
  30. Graham, Shane , and John Walters
    (eds) 2006Langston Hughes and the South African Drum Generation. New York: Palgrave.
    [Google Scholar]
  31. Gyssels, Kathleen
    2000 “La migration des mots et le néerlandais comme ‘langue mineure’ dans la mosaïque linguistique caribéenne.” Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction13: 179–201. doi: 10.7202/037416ar
    https://doi.org/10.7202/037416ar [Google Scholar]
  32. 2003a “Du ‘guerrier de l’imaginaire’ aux auteurs virtuels: libertés et limites de l’internet pour les auteurs antillais.” Africultures54: 117–127. doi: 10.3917/afcul.054.0117
    https://doi.org/10.3917/afcul.054.0117 [Google Scholar]
  33. 2003b “Maryse Condé on Créolité.” InA Pepper-Pot of Cultures: Aspects of Creolization in the Caribbean, ed. by Gordon Collier and Ulrich Fleischmann , 301–320. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
    [Google Scholar]
  34. 2008 “Scarlet Ibises and the Poetics of Relation: Perse, Walcott and Glissant.” Commonwealth Essays and Studies31: 103–116.
    [Google Scholar]
  35. 2010 “V.S. Naipaul dans l’archipel caribéen: Confiant, Condé, Glissant, Walcott, Phillips, McLeod, Ramdas.” InV.S. Naipaul: écriture de l’altérité, altérité de l’écriture, ed. by Florence Labaune-Demeule , 153–176. Paris: Houdiard.
    [Google Scholar]
  36. 2012a “Littérature-monde: une vignette pour ‘défranciser’ la littérature du XXIième siècle.” InGoing Caribbean: New Perspectives on Caribbean Literature and Art, ed. by Kristian Van Haesendonck , 113–135. Lisbon: Humus.
    [Google Scholar]
  37. 2012b “The ‘barque ouverte’ (Glissant) or The Black Atlantic (Gilroy): Erasure and Errantry.” InNew Perspectives on The Black Atlantic: Definitions, Readings, Practices, Dialogues, ed. by Bénédicte Ledent and Pilar Cuder , 59–82. New York: Peter Lang.
    [Google Scholar]
  38. 2013a “Poloniser ou polliniser? L’oeuvre schwarz-bartienne comme Fremdkörper dans le canon antillais.” InNouvelles perspectives dans les études francophones, ed. by Daniel Lançon and Claude Coste , 199–215. Paris: Champion.
    [Google Scholar]
  39. 2013b “Un long compagnonnage? Schwarz-Bart et Glissant face aux diasporas.” Revue des Sciences Humaines309: 73–94.
    [Google Scholar]
  40. Hallward, Peter
    2001Absolutely Postcolonial: Writing between the Singular and the Specific. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
    [Google Scholar]
  41. 2004 “Option Zero in Haiti.” New Left Review27: newleftreview.org/II/27/peter-hallward-option-zero-in-haiti.
    [Google Scholar]
  42. Helman, Albert
    1994Adyosi, Afscheid. Nijmegen: Stichting ter Bevordering van de Surinami stiek.
    [Google Scholar]
  43. Joubert, Jean-Louis
    2006Les voleurs de langue: Traversée de la francophonie littéraire. Paris: P. Rey.
    [Google Scholar]
  44. LeBris, Michel , and Jean Rouaud
    (eds) 2007Pour une littérature-monde. Paris: Gallimard.
    [Google Scholar]
  45. Liska, Vivian
    2009When Kafka Says We: Uncommon Communities in German-Jewish Literature. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
    [Google Scholar]
  46. Mouralis, Bernard
    1975 Les contre-littératures. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
    [Google Scholar]
  47. N’Zengou-Tayo, Marie-José
    1996 “Littérature et diglossie: Créer une langue métisse ou la ‘chamoisification’ du français dans Texaco de Patrick Chamoiseau.” Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction9: 155–176. doi: 10.7202/037243ar
    https://doi.org/10.7202/037243ar [Google Scholar]
  48. Prahbu, Anjali
    2005 “Interrogating Hybridity: Subaltern Agency and Totality in Postcolonial Theory.” Diacritics29: 76–92.
    [Google Scholar]
  49. Price, Richard , and Sally Price
    1997 “Shadowboxing in the Mangrove.” Cultural Anthropology12: 3–36. doi: 10.1525/can.1997.12.1.3
    https://doi.org/10.1525/can.1997.12.1.3 [Google Scholar]
  50. Redfield, Marc
    2010 “Imagi-Nation: The Imagined Community and the Aesthetics of Mourning.” Diacritics29: 58–83. doi: 10.1353/dia.1999.0033
    https://doi.org/10.1353/dia.1999.0033 [Google Scholar]
  51. Rivarol, Antoine
    1991 [1783]De l’universalité de la langue française. Paris: Editions Arléa.
    [Google Scholar]
  52. Sabba-Guimarães, Newton
    2010 “Le hakitia: ou judéo-espagnol du Maghreb, classification, situation et futur.” MicRomania4 (10): 3–9.
    [Google Scholar]
  53. Schwarz-Bart, André
    2009The Morning Star. Julie Rose (trans.). London and New York: Overlook Duckworth.
    [Google Scholar]
  54. Senghor, Léopold Sédar
    1948 [2011]Anthologie de la nouvelle poésie nègre et malgache de langue française. Paris: Prsees Universitaires de France.
    [Google Scholar]
  55. 1977Liberté 3: Négritude et Civilisation de l’Universel. Paris: Seuil.
    [Google Scholar]
  56. 1983Liberté V: Socialisme et planification. Paris: Seuil.
    [Google Scholar]
  57. Taylor, Lucien
    1997 “Créolité Bites: A Conversation with Patrick Chamoiseau, Raphaël Confiant and Jean Bernabé.” Transition74: 124–164.
    [Google Scholar]
  58. Wargny, Claude
    2004Haïti n’existe pas (1804–2004). Paris: Autrement.
    [Google Scholar]
  59. Wright, Richard
    1995 [1957] “The Psychological Reactions of Oppressed People.” In hisWhite Man, Listen! Lectures in Europe, 1950–1956, 39–71. New York: Harper Collins.
    [Google Scholar]
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