“Because it is my life, and I’m the one who makes choices” – Newcomers in the French education system and career guidance

What about their plurilingual competence?

image of “Because it is my life, and I’m the one who makes choices” – Newcomers in the French education system and career guidance

The chapter analyses the career guidance counselling procedures regarding newcomer students attending “Classes d’accueil” in France. The aim of the research is to question the monolingual ideology pertaining to the educational objectives set out for such students by the Ministry of Education, i.e. the priority set on the acquisition of French as the language of schooling, without acknowledging the learners’ plurilingual repertoires. Based on retrospective interviews with two newcomers, we analyse the gap between their professional aspirations and the possibilities offered to them by the educational and guidance counselling structures in place. We explain how, once students attend mainstream classes, their plurilingual and pluricultural competence is made virtually invisible and they are disempowered by the priority given to high competence in French.

  • Affiliations: 1: University of Strasbourg


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  4. Cavalli, M. , Coste D. , Crisan A. & van de Ven P. H
    2009 L’éducation plurilingue et interculturelle comme projet. Division des Politiques linguistiques. www.coe.int/lang/fr (8 January 2012)
  5. Code de l’Education
  6. Collier, V
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  7. Coste, D. , Moore, D. & Zarate, G
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  8. Coste, D
    2001 Postface. De plus d’une langue à d’autres encore. Penser les compétences plurilingues?In D’une langue à d’autres: Pratiques et représentations [Collection Dyalangues], V. Castellotti (ed.), 191–203. Rouen: Publications de l’Université de Rouen.
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    2005 An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method , 2nd edn. New York NY: Routledge
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    1994 Educating Second Language Children. The Whole Child, the Whole Curriculum, the Whole Community . Cambridge: CUP.
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  24. Genesee, F. & Gándara, P
    1999 Bilingual education programs: A cross-national perspective. Journal of Social Issues 55: 665–685. doi: 10.1111/0022‑4537.00141
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  25. Genesee, F. & Nicoladis, E
    2008 Bilingual first language acquisition. In Blackwell Handbook of Language Development . E. Hoff & M. Shatz (eds), 324–342. Oxford: Blackwell.
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  26. Hélot, C. , Hoffmann, E. , Schneidhauer, M. L. & Young, A
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    2007 Du bilinguisme en famille au plurilinguisme à l’école . Paris: L’Harmattan.
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    2011 Language Policy for the Multilingual Classroom: Pedagogy of the Possible . Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
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  31. Lambert, W.E
    1980 The social psychology of language: A perspective for the 1980’s. In Language: Social Psychological Perspectives , H. Giles , W. Robinson & P. Smith (eds), 415–424. Oxford: Pergamon.10.1016/B978‑0‑08‑024696‑3.50067‑3
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  32. Lemaire, E
    2009 Politique scolaire à l’égard des mineurs étrangers isolés. Entre volonté d’intégration et lute contre l’immigration subie. In Langues et immigrations: Société, école, travail , 183–198. Paris: L’Harmattan.
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  41. Zetter, R
    1991 Labelling refugees: Forming and transforming a bureaucratic identity. Journal of Refugees Studies 4(1): 39–62. doi: 10.1093/jrs/4.1.39
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  42. Zirotti, J.P
    2006 Enjeux sociaux du bilinguisme à l’école. Langages et sociétés 116(2): 73–91. doi: 10.3917/ls.116.0073
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