Translation of Anatomic terms in two Jesuit Dictionaries of Japanese


  1. Alvarez, Manoel
    1594 Emmanuelis Alvari e Sosietate Iesu de Institution Grammatica . Amakusa: Collegio Amacusensis Societatis Iesu. (facsimile: 2012, Tokyo: Yagi-shoten).
    [Google Scholar]
  2. Anonymous
    1580 Ambrosii Calepini Dictionarium . Lyons. (microfilm: Basel University Library?.
    [Google Scholar]
  3. 1595 Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum . Amakusa: Collegio Iaponico Societatis Iesu. (facsimile: 1979, Benseisha, Tokyo).
    [Google Scholar]
  4. 1598 Racuyoxu . (Nagasaki?): Collegio Iaponico Societatis Iesu. (facsimile: 1978, Kasama-shoin, Tokyo).
    [Google Scholar]
  5. 1603–1604 Vocabulario da lingoa de Iapam . Nagasaki: Collegio de Iapam da Companhia de Iesus. (facsimile: 1998, Seibundo-shuppan, Osaka).
    [Google Scholar]
  6. 1605 Ambrosii Calepini dictionarium, in quo restituendo, atque exornando haec praestitimus . Venice: Marcum Antonium Zalterium. (microfilm: Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa).
    [Google Scholar]
  7. 1696 Oranda-geka-shinan . Kyoto and Edo: Izumoji Izuminojo. 1705. 2nd ed. (microfilm: Kyoto University Library).
    [Google Scholar]
  8. c.1789–1801 Nanshi-shukai . manuscript copied by Gi Ryozan . (microfilm: Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture).
    [Google Scholar]
  9. Barreto, Manoel
    1606–1607 Vocabulario Lusitanico Latino . manuscript. (microfilm: Biblioteca da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa).
    [Google Scholar]
  10. Cardoso, Jerónimo
    1569–1570  Dictionarium Latinolusitanicum et vice versa Lusitanicolatinum . Coimbra: Ioan Barrerius.(microfilm: Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa).
    [Google Scholar]
  11. Collado, Diego
    1632 Dictionarium sive Thesauri Linguae Iaponicae Compendium . Rome: Propaganda Fide. (facsimile: 1966, Rinsen-shoten, Kyoto).
    [Google Scholar]
  12. Granada, Luis de
    1588 Quinta parte de la Introdution del simbolo de la fe . Salamanca: Officina de Cornelio Bonardo (1997 Huerga, Alvaro , ed. Obras completas 13, Fundación Universitaria Española, Dominicos de Andalucia).
    [Google Scholar]
  13. 1592 Fides no dǒxi . Amakusa: Iesus no Companhia no Collegio.(facsimile: 1985, Seibundo-shuppan, Osaka ).
    [Google Scholar]
  14. Nizzoli, Mario
    1595 Marius Nizolius sive Thesaurus Ciceronianus . Basel: Sebastianum Henricpetri.
    [Google Scholar]
  15. Ricci, Matteo
    and Ruggieri, Michele. ca 1583–1588  Dicionário Português–Chinês . manuscript. (facsimile: 2001, Biblioteca Nacional Portugal).
    [Google Scholar]
  16. Rodriguez, João
    1604–1608 Arte da lingoa de Iapam . Nagasaki: Collegio de Iapão da Companhia de IESV. (facsimile: 1976, Benseisha, Tokyo).
    [Google Scholar]
  17. 1620 Arte Breve da lingoa Iapoa . Macao: Collegio da Madre de Deos da Companhia de IESV. (facsimile: 1993, Shin-jinbutsu-oraisha, Tokyo).
    [Google Scholar]
  18. Sawano, Chuan
    . Nanban-ryu-geka-sho . manuscript. (Kyoto University Library).
    [Google Scholar]
  19. Terashima, Ryoan
    1712 Wakan-sansai-zue . (Osaka): Okada Saburoemon and other four. (facsimile: 1970, Tokyo-bijutsu, Tokyo).
    [Google Scholar]
  20. Doi, Tadao
    1932 Kirishitan-gogaku no kenkyu [Study on research into the Japanese language by the early Catholic missionaries]. Osaka: Seibunsha. (2nd ed. 1971, Tokyo: Sanseido.)
    [Google Scholar]
  21. 1982 Kirishitan-ronko [Study on the Japanese linguistics by using the missionaries’ documents]. Tokyo: Sanseido.
    [Google Scholar]
  22. Ebisawa, Arimichi
    1978Nanban-gakuto no kenkyu [Study on Western learning from the Poruguese people in Japan]. Tokyo: Sobunsha.
    [Google Scholar]
  23. Harada, Hiroshi
    2011 Kirishitan-ban raponichi-jisho no genten Calepinus raten-go jiten no keifu [Variant editions of Calepino’s Latin dictionary, which was the original of Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum printed in Japan]. Osaka: private printing.
    [Google Scholar]
  24. Kajikazawa, Chizuru
    1996 “Raponichi-jisho no Nihongo: Nippo-jisho ni nai nihongo ni tsuite”. [Japanese vocabulary in Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum that is not found in Vocabulario da lingoa de Iapam]. Goi-jisho kenkyukai dai-10-kai kenkyu-happyokai, 10–19.
    [Google Scholar]
  25. Kanazawa-daigaku hobungakubu kokubungaku-kenkyushitsu
    1967–1973 Rahonichi-jiten no nihongo [Japanese words in Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum ]. Kanazawa: Rahonichi-jiten sakuin kanko-kai.
    [Google Scholar]
  26. Kishimoto, Emi and Toyoshima, Masayuki
    2005 “Barreto-cho porajisho no kirishitan-gogaku ni okeru igi”. [The Portuguese–Latin dictionary compiled by Manoel Barreto: Its implications for Jesuit linguistics in Japan]. Nihon-gaku, tonko-gaku, kanbun-kundoku no shin-tenkai , Ed. Ishizuka Harumichi kyoju taishoku-kinen-kai , 247–306. Tokyo: Kyuko-shoin.
    [Google Scholar]
  27. Kishimoto, Emi
    2006 ‘The Process of Translation in Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum’. Journal of Asian and African Studies 72.17–26. repository.tufs.ac.jp//handle/10108/28712
    [Google Scholar]
  28. 2008 “Senkyo wo ishiki-shita Raponichi-jisho no nihongo-yaku”. [Japanese translation in Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum as missionary work of Jesuits in Japan]. Kuntengo to kunten-shiryo 121.106–95.
    [Google Scholar]
  29. 2012 “Kirishitan-ban Raponishi-jisho no fogen-goi”. [Regional dialects included in Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum]. Wakan Gobun Kenkyu 10.1–15.
    [Google Scholar]
  30. Koga, Jujiro
    1966 Nagasaki yogaku-shi [History of the Western learning in Nagasaki], vol.1. Nagasaki: Nagasaki-bunken-sha.
    [Google Scholar]
  31. Maruta, Hiroshi
    2000 “Nippo-jisho to Manase Dosan-shoron”. [Introduction to the research on the relationship between Vocabulario da Lingoa de Iapam and Manase Dosan]. Himeji Dokkyo Daigaku Gaikokugo-gakubu Kiyo 13.298–311.
    [Google Scholar]
  32. Michel, Wolfgang
    2008 Keian san, yonen no nihon ni okeru dejima shokan-i Schamberger no katsudo oyobi shoki Caspar-ryu geka ni tsuite [On Caspar Schamberger’s activities in Japan (1650/51) and early Caspar-style surgery]. Fukuoka: Kyushu University. https://qir.kyushu-u.ac.jp/dspace/handle/2324/9469
    [Google Scholar]
  33. Mori, Katsumi
    1961 “Ohaku-raiko-izen no iwayuru nanban ”. [The word nanban before European ships came]. In Shinpen Mori Katsumi Chosaku-shu , vol.3 (2009) Tokyo: Bensei-shuppan.
    [Google Scholar]
  34. Morita, Takeshi
    1993Nippo-jisho teiyo [Study on Vocabulario da lingoa de Iapam]. Osaka: Seibundo-shuppan.
    [Google Scholar]
  35. O’Malley, Charles D
    1964 Andreas Vesalius of Brussels 1514–1564 . Berkeley: University of California Press.
    [Google Scholar]
  36. Schurhammer, Georg
    1928 Das kirchliche Sprachproblem in der japanischen Jesuitenmission des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts: ein Stück Ritenfrage in Japan [The problem of Christian terms in the Jesuit mission in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries]. Tokyo: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur-u. Völkerkunde Ostasiens.
    [Google Scholar]
  37. Shinmura, Izzuru
    1971[1915] Nanban-ki [About nanban ] In Shinmura Izzuru Zenshu vol.5 (1971) Tokyo: Chikuma-shobo.
    [Google Scholar]
  38. Toyoshima, Masayuki
    2011 “Latin Glossaries with Vernacular Sources”. [on-line]. joao-roiz.jp/LGR/ (the website was established in 2008 and the search of the Dictionarium Latin Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum became available in 2011)
    [Google Scholar]
  39. World Health Organisation
    2007 WHO International Standard Terminologies on Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific Region . www.wpro.who.int/NR/rdonlyres/14B298C6–518D-4C00-BE02-FC31EADE3791/0/WHOIST_26JUNE_FINAL.pdf.
    [Google Scholar]


  1. Alvarez, Manoel
    1594 Emmanuelis Alvari e Sosietate Iesu de Institution Grammatica . Amakusa: Collegio Amacusensis Societatis Iesu. (facsimile: 2012, Tokyo: Yagi-shoten).
    [Google Scholar]
  2. Anonymous
    1580 Ambrosii Calepini Dictionarium . Lyons. (microfilm: Basel University Library?.
    [Google Scholar]
  3. 1595 Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum . Amakusa: Collegio Iaponico Societatis Iesu. (facsimile: 1979, Benseisha, Tokyo).
    [Google Scholar]
  4. 1598 Racuyoxu . (Nagasaki?): Collegio Iaponico Societatis Iesu. (facsimile: 1978, Kasama-shoin, Tokyo).
    [Google Scholar]
  5. 1603–1604 Vocabulario da lingoa de Iapam . Nagasaki: Collegio de Iapam da Companhia de Iesus. (facsimile: 1998, Seibundo-shuppan, Osaka).
    [Google Scholar]
  6. 1605 Ambrosii Calepini dictionarium, in quo restituendo, atque exornando haec praestitimus . Venice: Marcum Antonium Zalterium. (microfilm: Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa).
    [Google Scholar]
  7. 1696 Oranda-geka-shinan . Kyoto and Edo: Izumoji Izuminojo. 1705. 2nd ed. (microfilm: Kyoto University Library).
    [Google Scholar]
  8. c.1789–1801 Nanshi-shukai . manuscript copied by Gi Ryozan . (microfilm: Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture).
    [Google Scholar]
  9. Barreto, Manoel
    1606–1607 Vocabulario Lusitanico Latino . manuscript. (microfilm: Biblioteca da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa).
    [Google Scholar]
  10. Cardoso, Jerónimo
    1569–1570  Dictionarium Latinolusitanicum et vice versa Lusitanicolatinum . Coimbra: Ioan Barrerius.(microfilm: Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa).
    [Google Scholar]
  11. Collado, Diego
    1632 Dictionarium sive Thesauri Linguae Iaponicae Compendium . Rome: Propaganda Fide. (facsimile: 1966, Rinsen-shoten, Kyoto).
    [Google Scholar]
  12. Granada, Luis de
    1588 Quinta parte de la Introdution del simbolo de la fe . Salamanca: Officina de Cornelio Bonardo (1997 Huerga, Alvaro , ed. Obras completas 13, Fundación Universitaria Española, Dominicos de Andalucia).
    [Google Scholar]
  13. 1592 Fides no dǒxi . Amakusa: Iesus no Companhia no Collegio.(facsimile: 1985, Seibundo-shuppan, Osaka ).
    [Google Scholar]
  14. Nizzoli, Mario
    1595 Marius Nizolius sive Thesaurus Ciceronianus . Basel: Sebastianum Henricpetri.
    [Google Scholar]
  15. Ricci, Matteo
    and Ruggieri, Michele. ca 1583–1588  Dicionário Português–Chinês . manuscript. (facsimile: 2001, Biblioteca Nacional Portugal).
    [Google Scholar]
  16. Rodriguez, João
    1604–1608 Arte da lingoa de Iapam . Nagasaki: Collegio de Iapão da Companhia de IESV. (facsimile: 1976, Benseisha, Tokyo).
    [Google Scholar]
  17. 1620 Arte Breve da lingoa Iapoa . Macao: Collegio da Madre de Deos da Companhia de IESV. (facsimile: 1993, Shin-jinbutsu-oraisha, Tokyo).
    [Google Scholar]
  18. Sawano, Chuan
    . Nanban-ryu-geka-sho . manuscript. (Kyoto University Library).
    [Google Scholar]
  19. Terashima, Ryoan
    1712 Wakan-sansai-zue . (Osaka): Okada Saburoemon and other four. (facsimile: 1970, Tokyo-bijutsu, Tokyo).
    [Google Scholar]
  20. Doi, Tadao
    1932 Kirishitan-gogaku no kenkyu [Study on research into the Japanese language by the early Catholic missionaries]. Osaka: Seibunsha. (2nd ed. 1971, Tokyo: Sanseido.)
    [Google Scholar]
  21. 1982 Kirishitan-ronko [Study on the Japanese linguistics by using the missionaries’ documents]. Tokyo: Sanseido.
    [Google Scholar]
  22. Ebisawa, Arimichi
    1978Nanban-gakuto no kenkyu [Study on Western learning from the Poruguese people in Japan]. Tokyo: Sobunsha.
    [Google Scholar]
  23. Harada, Hiroshi
    2011 Kirishitan-ban raponichi-jisho no genten Calepinus raten-go jiten no keifu [Variant editions of Calepino’s Latin dictionary, which was the original of Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum printed in Japan]. Osaka: private printing.
    [Google Scholar]
  24. Kajikazawa, Chizuru
    1996 “Raponichi-jisho no Nihongo: Nippo-jisho ni nai nihongo ni tsuite”. [Japanese vocabulary in Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum that is not found in Vocabulario da lingoa de Iapam]. Goi-jisho kenkyukai dai-10-kai kenkyu-happyokai, 10–19.
    [Google Scholar]
  25. Kanazawa-daigaku hobungakubu kokubungaku-kenkyushitsu
    1967–1973 Rahonichi-jiten no nihongo [Japanese words in Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum ]. Kanazawa: Rahonichi-jiten sakuin kanko-kai.
    [Google Scholar]
  26. Kishimoto, Emi and Toyoshima, Masayuki
    2005 “Barreto-cho porajisho no kirishitan-gogaku ni okeru igi”. [The Portuguese–Latin dictionary compiled by Manoel Barreto: Its implications for Jesuit linguistics in Japan]. Nihon-gaku, tonko-gaku, kanbun-kundoku no shin-tenkai , Ed. Ishizuka Harumichi kyoju taishoku-kinen-kai , 247–306. Tokyo: Kyuko-shoin.
    [Google Scholar]
  27. Kishimoto, Emi
    2006 ‘The Process of Translation in Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum’. Journal of Asian and African Studies 72.17–26. repository.tufs.ac.jp//handle/10108/28712
    [Google Scholar]
  28. 2008 “Senkyo wo ishiki-shita Raponichi-jisho no nihongo-yaku”. [Japanese translation in Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum as missionary work of Jesuits in Japan]. Kuntengo to kunten-shiryo 121.106–95.
    [Google Scholar]
  29. 2012 “Kirishitan-ban Raponishi-jisho no fogen-goi”. [Regional dialects included in Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum]. Wakan Gobun Kenkyu 10.1–15.
    [Google Scholar]
  30. Koga, Jujiro
    1966 Nagasaki yogaku-shi [History of the Western learning in Nagasaki], vol.1. Nagasaki: Nagasaki-bunken-sha.
    [Google Scholar]
  31. Maruta, Hiroshi
    2000 “Nippo-jisho to Manase Dosan-shoron”. [Introduction to the research on the relationship between Vocabulario da Lingoa de Iapam and Manase Dosan]. Himeji Dokkyo Daigaku Gaikokugo-gakubu Kiyo 13.298–311.
    [Google Scholar]
  32. Michel, Wolfgang
    2008 Keian san, yonen no nihon ni okeru dejima shokan-i Schamberger no katsudo oyobi shoki Caspar-ryu geka ni tsuite [On Caspar Schamberger’s activities in Japan (1650/51) and early Caspar-style surgery]. Fukuoka: Kyushu University. https://qir.kyushu-u.ac.jp/dspace/handle/2324/9469
    [Google Scholar]
  33. Mori, Katsumi
    1961 “Ohaku-raiko-izen no iwayuru nanban ”. [The word nanban before European ships came]. In Shinpen Mori Katsumi Chosaku-shu , vol.3 (2009) Tokyo: Bensei-shuppan.
    [Google Scholar]
  34. Morita, Takeshi
    1993Nippo-jisho teiyo [Study on Vocabulario da lingoa de Iapam]. Osaka: Seibundo-shuppan.
    [Google Scholar]
  35. O’Malley, Charles D
    1964 Andreas Vesalius of Brussels 1514–1564 . Berkeley: University of California Press.
    [Google Scholar]
  36. Schurhammer, Georg
    1928 Das kirchliche Sprachproblem in der japanischen Jesuitenmission des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts: ein Stück Ritenfrage in Japan [The problem of Christian terms in the Jesuit mission in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries]. Tokyo: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur-u. Völkerkunde Ostasiens.
    [Google Scholar]
  37. Shinmura, Izzuru
    1971[1915] Nanban-ki [About nanban ] In Shinmura Izzuru Zenshu vol.5 (1971) Tokyo: Chikuma-shobo.
    [Google Scholar]
  38. Toyoshima, Masayuki
    2011 “Latin Glossaries with Vernacular Sources”. [on-line]. joao-roiz.jp/LGR/ (the website was established in 2008 and the search of the Dictionarium Latin Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum became available in 2011)
    [Google Scholar]
  39. World Health Organisation
    2007 WHO International Standard Terminologies on Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific Region . www.wpro.who.int/NR/rdonlyres/14B298C6–518D-4C00-BE02-FC31EADE3791/0/WHOIST_26JUNE_FINAL.pdf.
    [Google Scholar]
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