Remote interpreting

image of Remote interpreting
  • Affiliations: 1: University of Geneva


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  4. Moser-Mercer, Barbara
    2005a “Remote interpreting: Issues of multi-sensory integration in a multilingual task.”Meta50 (2): 727–738. doi: 10.7202/011014ar
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  7. Mouzourakis, Takis
    2006 “Remote interpreting: A technical perspective on recent experiments.”Interpreting8 (1): 45–66. doi: 10.1075/intp.8.1.04mou
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  12. Hornberger, John C. , Gibson, Count D., Jr. , Wood, William , Degueldre, Christian , Corso, Irene , Palla, Barbara , Bloch, Daniel A
    1996 “Eliminating language barriers for non-English-speaking patients.”Medical Care34 (8): 845–856. doi: 10.1097/00005650‑199608000‑00011
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  1. Grice, Herbert Paul
    1975 “Logic and conversation.”InSyntax and semantics 3: Speech acts, Peter Cole & Jerry L. Morgan (eds), 225–242. New York: Academic Press.
    [Google Scholar]
  2. Heh, Yung-Chung & Qian, Hu
    1997 “Over-the-phone interpretation: A new way of communication between speech communities.”InProceedings of the 38th Annual Conference, Muriel Jerome-O’Keeffe, Muriel (ed.), 51–62. Alexandria, VA: American Translators Association.
    [Google Scholar]
  3. Mikkelson, Holly
    2003 “Telephone Interpreting: Boon or Bane?”InSpeaking in Tongues: Language across Contexts and Users, Luis Perez Gonzalez (ed.), 251–269. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia.
    [Google Scholar]
  4. Moser-Mercer, Barbara
    2005a “Remote interpreting: Issues of multi-sensory integration in a multilingual task.”Meta50 (2): 727–738. doi: 10.7202/011014ar
    https://doi.org/10.7202/011014ar [Google Scholar]
  5. 2005b “Remote interpreting: The crucial role of presence.”Bulletin Suisse de linguistique appliquée81: 73–97.
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  6. 2010 “The search for neuro-physiological correlates of expertise in interpreting.”InTranslation and cognition, Erik Angelone & Greg Shreve (eds), 263–287. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/ata.xv.15mos
    https://doi.org/10.1075/ata.xv.15mos [Google Scholar]
  7. Mouzourakis, Takis
    2006 “Remote interpreting: A technical perspective on recent experiments.”Interpreting8 (1): 45–66. doi: 10.1075/intp.8.1.04mou
    https://doi.org/10.1075/intp.8.1.04mou [Google Scholar]
  8. Phelan, Mary
    2001The interpreter’s resource. Clevedon, Buffalo, Toronto, Sydney: Multilingual Matters.
    [Google Scholar]
  9. Sperling, Jessica
    2011Communicating more for less: Using translation and interpretation technology to serve limited English proficient individuals. Washington, D.C.: Migration Policy Institute.
    [Google Scholar]
  10. Braun, Sabine
    2003Kommunikation unter widrigen Umständen? – Fallstudie zu einsprachigen und gedolmetschten Videokonferenzen. Tübingen: Narr.
    [Google Scholar]
  11. Hewitt, William E
    1995Court interpretation: Model guides for policy and practice in the state courts. Williamsburg, VA: National Center for State Courts.
    [Google Scholar]
  12. Hornberger, John C. , Gibson, Count D., Jr. , Wood, William , Degueldre, Christian , Corso, Irene , Palla, Barbara , Bloch, Daniel A
    1996 “Eliminating language barriers for non-English-speaking patients.”Medical Care34 (8): 845–856. doi: 10.1097/00005650‑199608000‑00011
    https://doi.org/10.1097/00005650-199608000-00011 [Google Scholar]
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