Clause combining, interaction, evidentiality, participation structure, and the conjunction-particle continuum: The Finnish että

image of Clause combining, interaction, evidentiality, participation structure, and the conjunction-particle continuum: The Finnish <i>että</i>

This paper concerns the use of the Finnish particle/conjunction et(tä) in ordinary conversation. Traditionally, että has been considered a complementizer, but we question the description of että-clauses as complements. We show that uses of että range from ones where it serves as a clause linker to clear particle uses, with no clear dividing line. In terms of their pragmatic function, though, the different uses of että are closer to each other: they all serve to create dialogicality in one way or another. Että is used by speakers to regulate participation in conversation and to index shifts in footing. We also consider the historical origin of että and suggest an alternative to the scenario where particle uses are seen as having developed from conjunction uses.

  • Affiliations: 1: University of Helsinki
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