@article{jbp:/content/journals/10.1075/idj.6.1.05bru, author = "Brugger, Christof", title = "Advances in the international standardisation of public information symbols", journal= "Information Design Journal", year = "1990", volume = "6", number = "1", pages = "79-88", doi = "https://doi.org/10.1075/idj.6.1.05bru", url = "https://www.jbe-platform.com/content/journals/10.1075/idj.6.1.05bru", publisher = "John Benjamins", issn = "0142-5471", type = "Journal Article", abstract = "Two main issues in developing and standardizing public information symbols on an international basis are covered in this paper: the procedures for the development and testing of public information symbols as applied by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) committee working on public information symbols; and the results of the 19S5/6 test series conducted under the sponsorship of ISO.", }