Digital Social Reading and Second Language Learning and Teaching

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Rapid changes in communication channels, tools, and conventions of interaction over the last two decades have paved the way for increasingly digital learning environments. In second language (L2) education, shifts toward digital learning and teaching were intensified during the pandemic and many such formats are here to stay. At the same time, a growing interest in socially oriented pedagogies in L2 learning and teaching is prompting many L2 researchers and practitioners to investigate new research areas and explore post-communicative language teaching pedagogies that engage learners more deeply with cultural texts, using a range of semiotic and linguistic resources. Digital Social Reading (DSR) is a pedagogical approach that affords technology-mediated collaborative reading, where texts are read through a digital platform that allows two or more readers to highlight the same virtual copy of a text and discuss it through a digital interface that affords synchronous or asynchronous margin dialogues anchored in specific passages. This book offers empirical studies demonstrating how DSR can foster–and illuminate–learner interactions that mediate learning, and also work that focuses on language teaching perspectives in DSR environments, including task design and assessment issues.

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