Creative Writing Across the Curriculum

Meaningful literacy for college writers across disciplines, languages, and identities

image of Creative Writing Across the Curriculum

Situated among fields (applied linguistics, creative writing studies, writing studies), this book empirically explores the language of writers in contexts of learning externalized in literary genres. At its core, this book features linguistic and thematic analysis of the writing and reflections of adults who experienced what they usually described as meaningful CW in university coursework, sometimes in science and research-focused courses where they might not have expected to compose a literary genre. In addition to synthesizing empirical studies that in total included more than 3,500 participants, chapters present new research involving about 400 more. This book is meant to be substantial in its goal of systematically organizing what is known about CW’s relationship to writers: in terms of feelings of engagement, gains in content knowledge, and revelations about oneself and others.


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