First language acquisition of relativisation in Moroccan Arabic

image of First language acquisition of relativisation in Moroccan Arabic

In this paper, we investigate the acquisition of relativisation in young children exposed to Moroccan Arabic. The aim of the experiment reported is to test the hypothesis by Friedmann, Belletti and Rizzi (2009) according to which children follow a stricter version of Relativised Minimality (RM) in sentence comprehension, to the effect that dependencies in which lexical objects move across lexical subjects are not understood. The work of Belletti, Friedmann, Brunato and Rizzi (2012) further shows that gender mismatch boosts comprehension of similar structures when gender is a criterial feature, as would be the case in Moroccan Arabic. We designed a sentence-picture matching task testing subject and object relativisation, with gender-matched and mismatched subject and object. The experiment was administered to 24 children in the age range of 4 to 5 and a group of adults. The results indicate that, in accordance with the predictions of child RM, the comprehension of subject and object relatives does not differ when subject and object are mismatched in gender; however, object relatives are less well understood when the head of the relative and the intervening subject share the gender feature specification.

  • Affiliations: 1: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


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    (2018) Chinese children’s knowledge of topicalization: Experimental evidence from a comprehension study. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 47(6), 1279–1300. 10.1007/s10936‑018‑9575‑6
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  1. Adani, F. , Sehm, M. , & Zukowski, A.
    (2013) How do German children and adults deal with their relatives. In S. Stavrakaki , M. Lalioti , and P. Konstantinopolou . (Eds.), Advance of Language Acquisition. (pp.14–22). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
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  2. Aoun, J.
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  3. Aoun, J. , Benmamoun, E. , and Choueiri, L.
    (2010) The Grammar of Arabic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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    (2001) Resumption, movement, and derivational economy. Linguistic Inquiry32, 371–403. 10.1162/002438901750372504
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  5. Arosio, F. , Adani, F. , & Guasti, M. T.
    (2009) Grammatical features in the comprehension of Italian relative clauses by children. In J. M. Brucart , A. Gavarró , J. Solà . (Eds.), Merging Features: Computation, Interpretation, and Acquisition (pp.138–155). Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press. 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199553266.003.0008
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  6. Belletti, A. , Friedmann, N. , Brunato, D. & Rizzi, L.
    (2012) Does gender make a difference? Comparing the effect of gender on children’s comprehension of relative clauses in Hebrew and Italian. Lingua, 122, 1053–1069. 10.1016/j.lingua.2012.02.007
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  7. Belletti, A. & C. Manetti
    (2019) Topics and passives in Italian-speaking children and adults. Language Acquisition, 26(2), 153–182, 10.1080/10489223.2018.1508465
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  8. Botwinik, I. , Bshara, R. , & Armon-Lotem, S.
    (2015) Children’s production of relative clauses in Palestinian Arabic: Unique errors and their movement account. Lingua, 156, 40–56. 10.1016/j.lingua.2014.10.007
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  12. Corrêa, L.
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  13. De Vincenzi, M. , Arduino, L. S. , Ciccarelli, L. , & Job, R.
    (1999) Parsing strategies in children’s comprehension of interrogative sentences. In S. Bagnara . (Ed.), Proceedings of ECCS ‘99 – European Conference on Cognitive Science (pp.304–8). Rome: Istituto di Psicologia del CNR.
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  14. El Hadef, I.
    (2019) Un estudi sobre l’adquisició de la darija. BA dissertation, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra.
  15. Elomari, A.
    (1998) The unoptionality of resumptive pronouns. The case of Moroccan Arabic. In Benmamoun, E. . (eds.) Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics: Papers from the Symposium on Arabic Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 10.1075/cilt.167.05elo
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  16. Ennaji, M. , Makhoukh, A. , Es-Saiydy, H. , Moubtassime, M. & Slaoui, S.
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  17. Frauenfelder, U. , Seguí, J. , & Mehler, J.
    (1980) Monitoring around the relative clause. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behaviour, 19, 328–337. 10.1016/S0022‑5371(80)90257‑1
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  18. Friedmann, N. , Belletti, A. & Rizzi, L.
    (2009) Relativized relatives: types of intervention in the acquisition of A-bar dependencies. Lingua, 119, 67–88. 10.1016/j.lingua.2008.09.002
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  19. Friedmann, N. , Haddad, M.
    (2014) The comprehension of sentences derived by syntactic movement in Palestinian Arabic speakers with hearing impairment. Applied Psycholinguistics, 35 (3): 473–513. 10.1017/S0142716412000483
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  20. Friedmann, N. & Szterman, R.
    (2006) Syntactic movement in orally trained children with hearing impairment. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 11: 177–197.
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  21. Friedmann, N. , Szterman, R. , & Haddad-Hanna, M.
    (2010) The comprehension of relative clauses and wh questions in Hebrew and Palestinian Arabic hearing impairment. In A. Castro , J. Costa , M. Lobo , & F. Pratas . (Eds.), Language Acquisition and Development: Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (pp.157–169). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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  22. Gavarró, A. , Cunill, A. , Muntané, M. , & Reguant, M.
    (2012) The acquisition of Catalan relatives: structure and processing. Revue roumaine de linguistique, 57 (2), 183–201.
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  23. Guasti, M. T. , Stavrakaki, S. , & Arosio, F.
    (2008) Number and case in the comprehension of relative causes: evidence from Italian and Greek. In A. Gavarró , M. J. Freitas . (Eds.), Language Acquisition and Development. Proceedings of GALA 2007 (pp.230–240). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
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  24. Guasti, M. T. , Branchini, C. & Arosio, F.
    (2012) Interference in the production of Italian subject and object wh-questions. Applied Psycholinguistics, 33, 185–223. 10.1017/S0142716411000324
    https://doi.org/10.1017/S0142716411000324 [Google Scholar]
  25. Gutiérrez-Mangado, M. J.
    (2011) Children’s comprehension of relative clauses in an ergative language: The case of Basque. Language Acquisition18(3). 176–201. 10.1080/10489223.2011.580674
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  26. Hsiao, F. & Gibson, E.
    (2003) Processing relative clauses in Chinese. Cognition, 90, 3–27. 10.1016/S0010‑0277(03)00124‑0
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  27. Hu, S.
    (2014) Intervention effects and the acquisition of relativization and topicalization in Chinese. Doctoral dissertation, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.
  28. Hu, S. , Guasti, M. & Gavarró, A.
    (2018) Chinese children’s knowledge of topicalization: Experimental evidence from a comprehension study. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 47(6), 1279–1300. 10.1007/s10936‑018‑9575‑6
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  29. Labelle, M.
    (1990) Predication, wh-movement and the development of relative clauses. Language Acquisition, 1, 95–119. 10.1207/s15327817la0101_4
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  30. Pérez-Leroux, A. -T.
    (1995) Resumptives in the acquisition of relative clauses. Language Acquisition, 4, 105–138. 10.1080/10489223.1995.9671661
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    (1990) Relativized Minimality. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
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  38. De Villiers, J. , de Villiers, P. , & Hoban, E.
    (1994) The central problem of functional categories in English syntax of oral deaf children. In H. Tager Flusberg . (Ed.), Constraints on language acquisition: Studies of atypical children (pp.9–47). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
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