'The Conditioned and the Unconditioned'. Late Modern English texts on philosophy

This volume includes methodological considerations and descriptions of some of the texts compiled in The Corpus of English Philosophy Texts (CEPhiT), together with a number of pilot studies that demonstrate how the corpus can be used to investigate English philosophy writing in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, from a synchronic and a diachronic perspective.
CEPhiT is part of the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing (CC). The sampling method employed requires the collection of extracts of ca. 10,000 words. This method has been followed in CETA and CEPhiT, with samples from 40 different authors in the latter, both from Europe and North America. Text selection is based on some extralinguistic criteria, such as year of publication, sex, geographical provenance and text-types/genres. The corpus contains samples belonging to six different genre categories. This taxonomy, as well as some other extralinguistic information, can be used to search the corpus.
CEPhiT, together with the Coruña Corpus Tool purpose-designed software by IrLab, was originally made available with the volume on CD-rom. As of late 2018, these are also accessible online at the Repositorio Universidade Coruña: CCT at http://hdl.handle.net/2183/21850 and CEPhiT at http://hdl.handle.net/2183/21847