Contrastive relations, evaluation, and generic structure in science news

Assuming a close relation between generic structure and coherence structure, this paper attempts to classify the meanings linked by contrastive relations in the genre of science news. The analysis reveals five typical configurations recurrent in the genre which are characterized predominantly by linguistic evaluation and the entities or situations evaluated. The units observed are discussed from three different perspectives: first, from a narrowly semantic point of view; second, with regard to their strategic role in fulfilling the texts’ genre-specific purpose; and finally, with regard to their role in the evaluative coherence in the texts, using both a focus-based and a relational approach to coherence.


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  1. Asher, Nicholas , Farah Benamara , and Yvette Yannick Mathieu
    2009 “Appraisal of Opinion Expressions in Discourse.”Linguisticae Investigationes32 (2): 279–292. doi: 10.1075/li.32.2.10ash
    https://doi.org/10.1075/li.32.2.10ash [Google Scholar]
  2. Asher, Nicolas , and Alex Lascarides
    2003Logics of Conversation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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  3. Bednarek, Monika
    2006Evaluation in Media Discourse. London/New York: Continuum.
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  5. 2009a “Dimensions of Evaluation: Cognitive and Linguistic Perspectives.”Pragmatics & Cognition17 (1): 146–175. doi: 10.1075/pc.17.1.05bed
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    1991The Language of News Media. Oxford: Blackwell.
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    2010Social Transmission, Emotion, and the Virality of Online Content. Accessed January 11, 2012. opim.wharton.upenn.edu/~kmilkman/Virality.pdf
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  9. Biber, Douglas , and Budsaba Kanoksilaptham
    2007 “Introduction to Move Analysis.”InDiscourse on the Move: Using Corpus Analysis to Describe Discourse Structure, ed. by Douglas Biber , Ulla Connor , and Thomas A. Upton , 23–41. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/scl.28
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  10. Bondi, Marina
    2004 “The Discourse Function of Contrastive Connectors in Academic Abstracts.”InDiscourse Patterns in Spoken and Written Corpora, ed. by Karin Aijmer , and Anna-Brita Stenström , 139–156. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/pbns.120.10bon
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  11. Fahnestock, Jeanne
    1986 “Accommodating Science: The Rhetorical Life of Scientific Facts.”Written Communication3 (3): 275–296. doi: 10.1177/0741088386003003001
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  13. Ford, Cecilia E
    2000 “The Treatment of Contrasts in Interaction.”InCause–Condition–Concession–Contrast: Cognitive and Discourse Perspectives, ed. by Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen , and Bernd Kortmann , 283–312. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110219043.3.283
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  14. Gruber, Helmut , and Peter Muntigl
    2005 “Generic and Rhetorical Structures of Texts: Two Sides of the Same Coin?” Folia Linguistica39 (1/2): 75–113. doi: 10.1515/flin.2005.39.1‑2.75
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  15. Haupt, Jaromír
    2010 “Palpated, Phonendoscoped, X-rayed and Tomographed: The Structure of Science News in Good Shape.”InInterpretation of Meaning across Discourses, ed. by Renata Jančaříková , 161–174. Brno: Masaryk University.
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    2009 “Some Aspects of Coherence, Genre, and Rhetorical Structure – And Their Integration in a Generic Model of Text.” Language Studies Working Papers (1): 35–45.
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  18. Hilgartner, Stephen
    1990 “The Dominant View of Popularization: Conceptual Problems, Political Uses.”Social Studies of Science20 (3): 519–539. doi: 10.1177/030631290020003006
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  19. Hoey, Michael
    1983On the Surface of Discourse. London: Allen & Unwin.
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  21. 2005Lexical Priming: A New Theory of Words and Language. London/New York: Routledge.
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  22. Hyland, Ken
    2000Disciplinary Discourses: Social Interactions in Academic Writing. London: Longman.
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  23. Iedema, Rick , Susan Feez , and Peter R. R. White
    1994Media Literacy. Sydney, Disadvantaged Schools Program, NSW Department of School Education.
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  24. Jordan, Michael P
    1985Rhetoric of Everyday English Texts. London: George Allen & Unwin.
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  25. 1985 “Some Relations of Surprise and Expectation.”InThe 11th LACUS Forum 1984, ed. by Robert A. Hall Jr ., 263–273. Columbia, SC: Hornbeam.
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  26. Kanoksilapatham, Budsaba
    2007 “Rhetorical Moves in Biochemistry Research Articles.”InDiscourse on the Move: Using Corpus Analysis to Describe Discourse Structure, ed. by Douglas Biber , Ulla Connor , and Thomas A. Upton , 73–119. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/scl.28.06kan
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  32. Motta-Roth, Désirée , and Cristina dos Santos Lovato
    2009 “Organização retórica do gênero notícia de popularização da ciencia: um estudo comparativo entre português e inglês [The rhetorical organization of the genre of popular-scientific reports: A comparative study of Portuguese and English].” Linguagem em (Dis)Curso9 (2): 233–271. doi: 10.1590/S1518‑76322009000200003
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  33. Myers, Greg
    1990Writing Biology: The Social Construction of Popular Science. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
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  35. Nwogu, Kevin N
    1991 “The Structure of Science Popularizations: A Genre-analysis Approach to the Schema of Popularized Medical Texts.”English for Specific Purposes10: 111–123. doi: 10.1016/0889‑4906(91)90004‑G
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  36. O’Halloran, Kieran
    2009 “Implicit Dialogical Premises, Explanation as Argument: A Corpus-based Reconstruction.”Informal Logic29 (1): 15–53.
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  37. Scherer, Anelise S
    2010 “Explicit Intertextuality in Science Popularization News.”Revista Ao pé da Letra12 (2): 25–49.
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  38. Spenader, Jennifer , and Gert Stulp
    2007 “Antonymy and Contrast Relations.” In Seventh International Workshop on Computational Semantics , Tilburg, 10–11 January.
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  39. Suhardja, Imelda
    2008 “Discourse of ‘Distortion’ and Health and Medical News Reports: A Genre Analysis Perspective.” Unpublished PhD thesis. University of Edinburgh.
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  40. Swales, John
    1990Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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  41. Taboada, Maite
    2004Building Coherence and Cohesion: Task-Oriented Dialogue in English and Spanish. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/pbns.129
    https://doi.org/10.1075/pbns.129 [Google Scholar]
  42. Taboada, Maite , and William C. Mann
    2006 “Rhetorical Structure Theory: Looking Back and Moving Ahead.”Discourse Studies8 (3): 423–459. doi: 10.1177/1461445606061881
    https://doi.org/10.1177/1461445606061881 [Google Scholar]
  43. Taboada, Maite
    2009 “Implicit and Explicit Coherence Relations.”InDiscourse, of Course, ed. by Jan Renkema , 127–140. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/z.148.13tab
    https://doi.org/10.1075/z.148.13tab [Google Scholar]
  44. Taboada, Maite , Kimberly Voll , and Julian Brooke
    2008 “Extracting Sentiment as a Function of Discourse Structure and Topicality.” School of Computing Science Technical Report 2008-20 .
  45. Thetela, Puleng
    1997 “Evaluated Entities and Parameters of Value in Academic Research Articles.”English for Specific Purposes16 (2): 101–118. doi: 10.1016/S0889‑4906(96)00022‑1
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  46. Thompson, Geoff , and Susan Hunston
    2000 “Evaluation: An Introduction.”InEvaluation in Text: Authorial Stance and the Construction of Discourse, ed. by Susan Hunston , and Geoff Thompson , 1–27. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
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  47. Thompson, Geoff
    1998 “Resonance in Text.”InLinguistic Choice across Genres: Variation in Spoken and Written English, ed. by Antonia Sanchez-Macarro , and Ronald Carter , 29–63. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/cilt.158.05tho
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  48. Thompson, Geoff , and Jianglin Zhou
    2000 “Evaluation and Organization in Text: The Structuring Role of Evaluative Disjuncts.”InEvaluation in Text: Authorial Stance and the Construction of Discourse, ed. by Susan Hunston , and Geoff Thompson , 122–141. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.
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  49. Urbanová, Zuzana
    2013 “The Hard News Report: The Beginning, Middle and End.”InSilesian Studies 2012: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of English and American Studies, ed. by Markéta Johnová , and Michaela Weiss , 137–154. Opava: Silesian University in Opava.
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    1988News as Discourse. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
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  51. 1998Ideology. A Multidisciplinary Introduction. London: Sage.
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  52. White, Peter R. R
    1997 “Death, Disruption and the Moral Order: The Narrative Impulse in Mass-Media Hard News Reporting.”InGenres and Institutions: Social Processes in the Workplace and School, ed. by Francis Christie , and James R. Martin , 101–133. London: Cassell.
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  54. Winter, Eugene O
    1974 “Replacement as a Function of Repetition: A Study of Some of Its Principal Features in the Clause Relations of Contemporary English.” Unpublished PhD thesis, University of London.
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