Rhetorical use of some Finnish conjunctions in constructions and the scope of subordination

image of Rhetorical use of some Finnish conjunctions in constructions and the scope of subordination

This article describes the nature and meaning of a group of constructions that include different conjunctions and onomatopoetic expressions as their elements. Some of these conjunctions are subordinating, while others are coordinating; the constructions thus create depictions of various states of affairs using differing designs of construal, some with a more symmetrical design, others with an asymmetrical design. The tone of each construction varies, depending on the conjunction chosen and the order of the elements. Two types of constructions with subordinating conjunctions kun (‘when’) and kunnes (‘until’) are studied more closely in order to demonstrate how these constructions work and how they acquire their meaning. It will be argued that these constructions are recurring rhetoric patterns of narration and storytelling and that they are best studied as holistic patterns per se, not as sentences that can be divided into separate subordinate or coordinated clauses. It will also be suggested that their narrative power is, however, motivated by the more standard uses of the differing coordinate and subordinate conjunctions. One of these conjunctions is special: kunnes as a conjunction is a narrative device anticipating a dramatic change in the course of action, rather than a means of marking a clause as background information the way subordinating conjunctions normally do. Therefore, if something can be seen as the governing part in this kind of kunnes use, it is not just a single clause but an overall action and chain of events described earlier. Examining these rhetoric structures can shed light on subordination as a phenomenon in general. The article ends with a discussion of subordination, subordinate conjunctions and different descriptions of subordination.


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  19. 2013 “Todisteena äänen kuva: suomen kielen imitatiivikonstruktiot.” [Representations of sound as evidence: imitative constructions in Finnish]. Doctoral thesis. The University of Helsinki, Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Nordic Studies. Available at: urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-10-8860-5.
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  21. Jääskeläinen, Anni , and Aino Koivisto
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  24. Laury, Ritva , and Eeva-Leena Seppänen
    2008 “Clause Combining, Interaction, Evidentiality, Participation Structure, and the Conjunction-Particle Continuum: The Finnish että.”InCrosslinguistic Studies of Clause Combining: The Multifunctionality of Conjunctions, ed. by Ritva Laury , 153–178. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi: 10.1075/tsl.80.08lau
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  28. 2010Lecture in Seminar Cognitive and Discourse Perspectives on Subordination . Helsinki, March 8–10, 2010.
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  29. Leino, Pentti , Ilona Herlin , Suvi Honkanen , Lari Kotilainen , Jaakko Leino , and Maija 
    2001Roolit ja rakenteet: henkilöviitteinen allatiivi Biblian verbikonstruktioissa. Helsinki: SKS.
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  30. Leskinen, Juha
    2001 “Suomalaiset, karjalaiset ja virolaiset korkeakouluopiskelijat imitatiivien käyttäjinä ja tuntijoina.”InItämerensuomalaista ekspressiivisanaston tutkimusta. Suomen kielen laitoksen julkaisuja 42, ed. by Juha Leskinen , 40–73. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopisto.
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  31. NS = Nykysuomen sanakirja
    [Dictionary of contemporary Finnish], niteet 1–3, 1966, lyhentämätön kansanpainos. Päätoimittaja Matti Sadeniemi. Valtion toimeksiannosta teettänyt Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura. Helsinki: WSOY.
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  32. Östman, Jan-Ola
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  35. Päiviö, Pia
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    1926Suomen kielen lauseoppi oppikouluja varten. 11th printing. Helsinki: Otava.
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  39. Sorjonen, Marja-Leena
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  41. Vilkuna, Maria
    2000Suomen lauseopin perusteet. 2 edition. Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskuksen julkaisuja 90. Helsinki: Edita.
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  42. Visapää, Laura
    2012 “Joka-relatiivilauseen tulkinnasta.” [On the interpretation of the Finnish joka relative clause]. Virittäjä116: 533–559.
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  1. Abbott, H. Porter
    2009The Cambridge introduction to narrative. Second edition. Fourth printing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    [Google Scholar]
  2. Cristofaro, Sonia
    2003Subordination. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    [Google Scholar]
  3. Croft, William
    2001Radical Construction Grammar: Syntactic Theory in Typological Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198299554.001.0001
    https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198299554.001.0001 [Google Scholar]
  4. 2005 “Logical and Typological Arguments for Radical Construction Grammar.”InConstruction Grammar in a Cross-language Perspective, ed. by Mirjam Fried , and Jan-Ola Östman , 273–315. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing. doi: 10.1075/cal.3.11cro
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  5. Declerk, Renate
    1996 “A Functional Typology of English when-clauses.”Functions of Language3: 185–234. doi: 10.1075/fol.3.2.03dec
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  6. van Dijk, Teun A
    1979 “Pragmatic Connectives.”Journal of Pragmatics3: 447–456. doi: 10.1016/0378‑2166(79)90019‑5
    https://doi.org/10.1016/0378-2166(79)90019-5 [Google Scholar]
  7. Etelämäki, Marja
    2010 “Subordinated Activities?” A Conference Presentation in the Conference Cognitive and Discourse Perspectives on Subordination . Helsinki, March 8–10, 2010.
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  8. Fried, Mirjam , and Jan-Ola Östman
    2004 “Construction Grammar: A Thumbnail Sketch.”InConstruction Grammar in a Cross-language Perspective, ed. by Mirjam Fried , and Jan-Ola Östman , 11–86. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing. doi: 10.1075/cal.2.02fri
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  9. Genetz, Arvid
    1890Suomen partikkelimuodot [ The Finnish Particle Forms ]. Helsinki: SKS.
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  10. Goffman, Erving
    1981Forms of Talk. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
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  11. Goldberg, Adele E
    1995Constructions: A Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
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  12. 2006: Constructions at Work: The Nature of Generalization in Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  13. Herlin, Ilona
    1998Suomen kun. Helsinki: SKS.
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  14. ISK = Hakulinen , Auli, Maria Vilkuna , Riitta Korhonen , Vesa Koivisto , Tarja Riitta Heinonen , and Irja Alho
    2004Iso suomen kielioppi [The Comprehensive Grammar of Finnish]. Helsinki: SKS.
    [Google Scholar]
  15. Jääskeläinen, Anni
    2007a “Borderline Case: Subordination on not – Subordination in Idiomatic, Rhetoric when or until Constructions.” Presentation in Conference 10th International Pragmatics Conference . Göteborg, July 8–13, 2007.
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  16. 2007b “Puheen imitatiivikonstruktioita: proadverbin ja proadjektiivin “sitomat” imitatiivi/ele-konstruktiot puheessa.” [Imitative constructions of speech: Imitative/gesture constructions bound by a proadverd or a proadjective in speech]. A Conference Presentation. XXXIV Kielitieteen päivät , Oulu, May 24–25, 2007.
    [Google Scholar]
  17. 2012a “Konjunktio kunnes ja sen alisteisuus.” [The conjunction kunnes ‘until’ and its qualities of subordination.] Virittäjä116: 500–532.
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  18. 2012b “Sehän menee että suhahtaa: tulemisen ja menemisen äänet”. [Sounds of coming and going .] In Verbit ja konstruktiot, ed. by Ilona Herlin , and Lari 
Kotilainen , 62–103. Helsinki: SKS.
    [Google Scholar]
  19. 2013 “Todisteena äänen kuva: suomen kielen imitatiivikonstruktiot.” [Representations of sound as evidence: imitative constructions in Finnish]. Doctoral thesis. The University of Helsinki, Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Nordic Studies. Available at: urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-10-8860-5.
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  20. . forthcoming. “Onomatopoeettisuuden äännesymboliikkaa suomessa. Esimerkkinä imitatiivit.” [Sound symbolism in Finnish. Imitatives as examples]. Article.
  21. Jääskeläinen, Anni , and Aino Koivisto
    2012 “Konjunktio, partikkeli vai konnektiivi?” [Conjunction, particle or connective?] Virittäjä116: 591–601.
    [Google Scholar]
  22. Kalliokoski, Jyrki
    1989Ja. Rinnastus ja rinnastuskonjunktion käyttö. Helsinki: SKS.
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  23. Kauppinen, Anneli
    2006 Polyseeminen ”vaikka” ja neuvottelun retoriikkaa. Virittäjä110: 162–189.
    [Google Scholar]
  24. Laury, Ritva , and Eeva-Leena Seppänen
    2008 “Clause Combining, Interaction, Evidentiality, Participation Structure, and the Conjunction-Particle Continuum: The Finnish että.”InCrosslinguistic Studies of Clause Combining: The Multifunctionality of Conjunctions, ed. by Ritva Laury , 153–178. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi: 10.1075/tsl.80.08lau
    https://doi.org/10.1075/tsl.80.08lau [Google Scholar]
  25. Langacker, Ronald W
    1987Foundations of Cognitive Grammar Volume 1: Theoretical Prerequisities. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
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  26. 1991Foundations of Cognitive Grammar Volume II: Descriptive Application. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
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  27. 2008 “Subordination in Cognitive Grammar.”InAsymmetric Events, ed. by Barbara Lewadowska-Tomaszczyk , 137–149. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/celcr.11.10lan
    https://doi.org/10.1075/celcr.11.10lan [Google Scholar]
  28. 2010Lecture in Seminar Cognitive and Discourse Perspectives on Subordination . Helsinki, March 8–10, 2010.
    [Google Scholar]
  29. Leino, Pentti , Ilona Herlin , Suvi Honkanen , Lari Kotilainen , Jaakko Leino , and Maija 
    2001Roolit ja rakenteet: henkilöviitteinen allatiivi Biblian verbikonstruktioissa. Helsinki: SKS.
    [Google Scholar]
  30. Leskinen, Juha
    2001 “Suomalaiset, karjalaiset ja virolaiset korkeakouluopiskelijat imitatiivien käyttäjinä ja tuntijoina.”InItämerensuomalaista ekspressiivisanaston tutkimusta. Suomen kielen laitoksen julkaisuja 42, ed. by Juha Leskinen , 40–73. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopisto.
    [Google Scholar]
  31. NS = Nykysuomen sanakirja
    [Dictionary of contemporary Finnish], niteet 1–3, 1966, lyhentämätön kansanpainos. Päätoimittaja Matti Sadeniemi. Valtion toimeksiannosta teettänyt Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura. Helsinki: WSOY.
    [Google Scholar]
  32. Östman, Jan-Ola
    2005 “Construction Discourse: A Prolegomenon.”InConstruction Grammars, ed. by Jan-Ola Östman , and Mirjam Fried , 121–144. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/cal.3.06ost
    https://doi.org/10.1075/cal.3.06ost [Google Scholar]
  33. Oswalt, Robert L
    1994 “Inanimate Imitatives in English.”InSound Symbolism, ed. by Leanne Hinton , Johanna Nichols , and John J. Ohala , 293–306. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    [Google Scholar]
  34. Penttilä, Aarni
    1957Suomen kielioppi. Porvoo: WSOY.
    [Google Scholar]
  35. Päiviö, Pia
    2007Suomen kielen asti ja saakka. Terminatiivisten partikkelien synonymia, merkitys, käyttö ja kehitys sekä asema kieliopissa. Turun yliopiston suomalaisen ja yleisen kielitieteen laitoksen julkaisuja 75. Turku: Turun yliopisto.
    [Google Scholar]
  36. Rhodes, Richard
    1994 “Aural images.� InSound symbolism, ed. by Leanne Hinton , Johanna Nichols , and John J. Ohala , 276–292. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    [Google Scholar]
  37. Seppänen, Eeva-Leena , and Ritva Laury
    2007 “Complement Clauses as Turn Continuations: the Finnish et (tä)-Clause.”Pragmatics17: 553–572.
    [Google Scholar]
  38. Setälä, E.N
    1926Suomen kielen lauseoppi oppikouluja varten. 11th printing. Helsinki: Otava.
    [Google Scholar]
  39. Sorjonen, Marja-Leena
    1989 “Vuoronalkuiset konnektorit: mutta.”InKieli 4. Suomalaisen keskustelun keinoja 1, ed. by Auli Hakulinen , 62–176. Helsinki: Helsingin yliopiston suomen kielen laitos.
    [Google Scholar]
  40. Taylor, John R
    2004 “The Ecology of Constructions.”InStudies in Linguistic Motivation. Cognitive linguistics research 28, ed. by Günter Radden , and Klaus-Uwe Panther , 49–73. 
Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
    [Google Scholar]
  41. Vilkuna, Maria
    2000Suomen lauseopin perusteet. 2 edition. Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskuksen julkaisuja 90. Helsinki: Edita.
    [Google Scholar]
  42. Visapää, Laura
    2012 “Joka-relatiivilauseen tulkinnasta.” [On the interpretation of the Finnish joka relative clause]. Virittäjä116: 533–559.
    [Google Scholar]
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