Approaches to Hungarian

Volume 13: Papers from the 2011 Lund conference

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This volume brings together ten papers presented at the 10th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian (Lund, 2011). The papers cover a broad field of issues in Hungarian relating to phonetics, phonology, semantics, syntax and pragmatics, such as vowel harmony, particle verb constructions, impersonal use of personal pronouns, the diachronic development of comparative subclauses, pseudoclefts and wh-interrogatives. While the majority of the papers focus on Hungarian, four articles discuss questions relating to other languages. One article compares clausal coordinate ellipsis in Hungarian, Estonian, Dutch and German, another addresses the question how the information structural notions discourse new, Focus and Given relate to each other. Two articles focus on Finnish, discussing DP-extraction and participal constructions, respectively. The broad range of phenomena covered in this volume makes it relevant not just to scholars working on Hungarian, but to a general audience of generative linguists.

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