The Search for Self-Definition in Russian Literature

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In Gorbachev's Russia and outside of it the strength and scope of Russian nationalism is currently a subject of strenuous scholarly debate. The many and varied forms national ideology takes in Russian literature are the subject of this collection of essays. Over the past two hundred years Russians have used their literature to express both conformist and nonconformist views on the relationship between the individual and society and on Russian national destiny. Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Grossman, Tvardovsky, Rasputin, Zinovyev and others have taken diverse stands in regard to Russian nationalism, and their points of view are explored in this book. Several chapters offer suggestive overviews of nationalism's role in literature. The influence of Stalinist mentality on nationalism is also explored, as are the overt expressions of nationalist sentiments in the conditions of Gorbachev's glasnost. This book offers a rare insight into the present Soviet Russian literary scene, and it will help refocus future studies of Russian literature.

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