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- Theoretical linguistics [35] http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject http://instance.metastore.ingenta.com/content/lin-theor
- Syntax [25] http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject http://instance.metastore.ingenta.com/content/lin-syntax
- Semantics [18] http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject http://instance.metastore.ingenta.com/content/lin-seman
- Romance linguistics [17] http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject http://instance.metastore.ingenta.com/content/lin-rom
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- Dictionaries [1] http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject http://instance.metastore.ingenta.com/content/tran-dict
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Balkan Syntax and Semantics
Editor(s): Olga Mišeska TomićPublication Date July 2004More LessThe book deals with some syntactic and semantic aspects of the shared Balkan Sprachbund properties. In a comprehensive introductory chapter, Tomić offers an overview of the Balkan Sprachbund properties. Sobolev, displaying the areal distribution of 65 properties, argues for dialect cartography. Friedman, on the example of the evidentials, argues for typologically informed areal explanation of the Balkan properties. The other contributions analyze specific phenomena: polidefinite DPs in Greek and Aromanian (Campos and Stavrou), Balkan constructions in which datives combine with impersonal clitics or non-active morphology (Rivero), Balkan optatives (Ammann and Auwera), imperative force in the Balkan languages (Isac and Jakab), clitic placement in Greek imperatives (Bošković), focused constituents in Romanian and Bulgarian (Hill), synthetic and analytic tenses in Romanian (D'Hulst, Coene and Avram), "purpose-like" modification in a number of Balkan languages (Bužarovska), Balkan modal existential “wh”-constructions (Grosu), child and adult strategies in interpreting empty subjects in Serbian/Croatian (Stojanović and Marelj), conditional sentences in Judeo-Spanish (Montoliu and Auwera).
The Bantu–Romance Connection
Editor(s): Cécile De Cat and Katherine DemuthPublication Date September 2008More LessThis landmark volume is the first work specifically designed to explore the extent to which striking surface morpho-syntactic similarities between Bantu and Romance languages actually represent similar syntactic structures. In particular, it explores the timely and much debated issues of verbal morphology and agreement, the structure of DPs, and word order/information structure, with the goal of providing a better understanding of the structure of the different languages investigated, and the implications this holds for syntactic theory more generally. All of the papers draw on data from both Bantu and Romance languages, providing a framework for much-needed further comparative research on the nature of linguistic structure, its diversity and constraints, and the implications this has for learnability/acquisition. The volume also provides an important precedent for incorporating insights from Bantu linguistic structure into mainstream of syntax research.
Bare Argument Ellipsis and Focus
Author(s): Andreas KonietzkoPublication Date December 2016More LessThis monograph explores the syntax and information structure of bare argument ellipsis. The study concentrates on stripping, which is identified as a subtype of bare argument ellipsis typically associated with focus sensitive particles or negation. This monograph presents a unified account of stripping located at the syntax-information structure interface and argues for a licensing mechanism which is strongly tied to the focus properties of the construction. Under this view, types of bare argument ellipsis such as stripping and pseudostripping, which have received different treatments in the literature, are shown to be subject to the same licensing mechanism. This analysis is also extended to instances of bare argument ellipsis in embedded contexts, which have received little attention in the literature so far. Integrating theoretical and experimental reasoning, this study presents a series of experiments investigating the extraction, prosody and context properties of stripping and thus arrives at a comprehensive and unified account.
Bare Nominals in Brazilian Portuguese
Author(s): Albert WallPublication Date November 2017More LessOver the last three decades, Brazilian Portuguese bare nominals have turned into a hot topic in the cross-linguistic study of nominal syntax and semantics. This contribution is the first comprehensive, book-length treatment of the issue, covering both the long-standing discussion about the adequate analysis of these forms as well as the establishment of a solid empirical basis for future research. The book goes further than previous accounts in also taking into consideration the phonetic-phonological dimension, showing the advantages of a more comprehensive account. The empirical section outlines an innovative approach in which different methods and data types are combined and focuses on the underresearched definite / specific / referential uses and interpretations of bare singulars. The book also addresses the traditional topics in the study of bare nominals – genericity, the mass/count distinction, NP-internal plural agreement, the NP/DP distinction, and syntax-semantics-phonology interface questions – in the light of the new findings.
Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training
Author(s): Daniel GilePublication Date November 2009More LessBasic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training is a systematically corrected, enhanced and updated avatar of a book (1995) which is widely used in T&I training programmes worldwide and widely quoted in the international Translation Studies community. It provides readers with the conceptual bases required to understand both the principles and recurrent issues and difficulties in professional translation and interpreting, guiding them along from an introduction to fundamental communication issues in translation to a discussion of the usefulness of research about Translation, through discussions of loyalty and fidelity issues, translation and interpreting strategies and tactics and underlying norms, ad hoc knowledge acquisition, sources of errors in translation, T&I cognition and language availability. It takes on board recent developments as reflected in the literature and spells out and discusses links between practices and concepts in T&I and concepts and theories from cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics.
A Basis for Scientific and Engineering Translation
Author(s): Michael HannPublication Date May 2004More LessThis CD-rom and the accompanying handbook attack many of the most crucial difficulties encountered by both native and non-native English speakers when translating scientific and engineering material from German.
The CD-rom is like a miniature encyclopaedia dealing with the fundamental conceptual basis of science, engineering and mathematics, with particular regard to terminology. It provides didactically organised dictionaries, thesauri and a wide range of microglossaries highlighting polysemy, homonymy, hyponymy, context, collocation, usage as well as grammatical, lexical and semantic considerations essential to accurate translation. It also supplies a wide variety of reference material and illustrations useful to self-taught professional technical translators, translator trainers at universities, and especially to student translators.
All the main branches of industrial technology are examined, such as mechanical, electrical, electronic, chemical, nuclear engineering, and fundamental terminologies are provided for a broad range of important subfields: automotive engineering, plastics, computer systems, construction technology, aircraft, machine tools.
The handbook provides a useful introduction to the CD-Rom, enabling readers proficient in two languages to acquire the basic skills necessary for technical translation by familiarity with fundamental engineering conceptions themselves.
Bavarian Syntax
Editor(s): Günther Grewendorf and Helmut WeißPublication Date November 2014More LessDialect syntax has proven to be an invaluable data source for theoretical syntax, and theoretical syntax has provided useful analytical tools for uncovering fascinating grammatical properties of dialects. In the 1980s, the assumption that there must be more than one structural position in the left periphery of the clause was confirmed (among others) by so-called "doubly filled COMPs" in Bavarian (e.g. the co-occurrence of a wh-phrase and a complementizer), and in the 1990s, Northern Italian dialects provided the main empirical evidence for Rizzi’s extended theory of the left clausal periphery (the so-called "Split-C-hypothesis"). Among German dialects, Bavarian played a prominent role from the beginning: in addition to doubly-filled COMPs we find phenomena such as complementizer agreement, partial pro-drop, pronominal clitics, extractions from finite clauses introduced by complementizers, negative concord, parasitic gaps, or double possessors, all of which are fascinating and highly relevant for theoretical syntax. The contributions in this volume investigate and analyze a wide range of topics from Bavarian syntax with the focus on implications for general theoretical questions. This volume is of interest for any linguist interested in syntactic theory and dialect syntax.
The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English
Publication Date March 2010More LessSpeak and write perfect English!
BBI teaches you how to combine words with words to form phrases (so you can say “
mortgaged to the hilt; I want something badly”). BBI also teaches you how to combine words into structures to form clauses and sentences (so you can say “I
want you to go = What I want is for you to go”). So BBI helps you with both vocabulary and grammar.
BBI shows you important vocabulary and grammatical differences between American and British English.
BBI gives you plenty of examples that can serve as models for your own use of English.
Some of these examples are authentic quotations from works of American and British literature.
This Third Edition of the BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English is an expanded and updated version of the First Edition (1986) and its Revised Edition (1997), both of which were favorably received. In this third edition, the contents of the BBI have been increased by over 20%.
In the selection and presentation of new material, many sources have been used, including:
Internet searches;
The British National Corpus;
Reading and listening to English-language material;
For Grammatical Patterns:
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language (Randolph Quirck et al.); For Collocations: Lists of Lexical Functions (compiled by Igor Mel’cuk et al.).
The BBI has been “highly recommended” by the English-Speaking Union.
Using the BBI: A workbook with exercises is now available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/z.bbi.workbook
Be and Equational Sentences in Egyptian Colloquial Arabic
Author(s): Mohamed Sami AnwarPublication Date January 1979More LessThe volume attempts to deal with equational sentences in Egyptian Colloquial Arabic and their remote structure. In this unique monograph Mohamed Sami Anwar oes to show that equational sentences in Egyptian Colloquial Arabic are derived from underlying sentences that have transitive or intransitive verbs and that the verb be in its overt form is only a tense marker. The chapter following the introduction deals with the equational sentences functioning as conveyers of stative ideas. The third chapter deals with the verb be in Egyptian Colloquial Arabic and how it functions only as a tense marker. The fourth chapter is an analysis of determination as regards the subject and why in some cases the predicate, at the surface structure, has to occur before the subject. The final chapter deals with the predicate slot and its types of fillers, and analyzes also the remote structure of the equational sentences to interpret the phenomenon of the presence and absence of agreement in number and gender between the subject and the predicate.
Be(com)ing a Conference Interpreter
Author(s): Veerle DuflouPublication Date September 2016More LessThis study offers a novel view of Conference Interpreting by looking at EU interpreters as a professional community of practice. In particular, Duflou’s work focuses on the nature of the competence conference interpreters working for the European Parliament and the European Commission need to acquire in order to cope with their professional tasks. Making use of observation as a member of the community, in-depth interviews and institutional documents, she explores the link between the specificity of the EU setting and the knowledge and skills required. Her analysis of the learning experiences of newcomers in the professional community shows that EU interpreters’ competence is to a large extent context-dependent and acquired through situated learning. In addition, it highlights the various factors which have an impact on this learning process.
Using the way Dutch booth EU interpreters share the workload in the booth as a case, Duflou demonstrates the importance of mastering collaborative and embodied skills for EU interpreters. She thereby challenges the idea of interpreting competence from an individual, cognitive accomplishment and redefines it as the ability to apply the practical and setting-determined know-how required to function as a full member of the professional community.
Becoming and Being an Applied Linguist
Editor(s): Rod EllisPublication Date September 2016More LessBecoming and Being an Applied Linguist contains narrative accounts of the lives of thirteen well-established applied linguists. Their professional autobiographies document the development of some of the key areas of applied linguistics – second, language acquisition, motivation, grammar, vocabulary, testing, second language writing, second language classroom research, practitioner research, English as a lingua franca, teacher cognition, and computer-assisted language learning. The book tells how these applied linguists grew into their areas of specialization. It will be of interest to any would-be applied linguist. The book also provides a readable overview of the whole field that will be of value to students of applied linguistics.
Becoming Eloquent
Editor(s): Francesco d'Errico and Jean-Marie HombertPublication Date December 2009More LessFew topics of scientific enquiry have attracted more attention in the last decade than the origin and evolution of language. Few have offered an equivalent intellectual challenge for interdisciplinary collaborations between linguistics, cognitive science, prehistoric archaeology, palaeoanthropology, genetics, neurophysiology, computer science and robotics. The contributions presented in this volume reflect the multiplicity of interests and research strategy used to tackle this complex issue, summarize new relevant data and emerging theories, provide an updated view of this interdisciplinary venture, and, when possible, seek a future in this broad field of study.
Becoming Human
Author(s): Teresa BejaranoPublication Date July 2011More LessWhat do the pointing gesture, the imitation of new complex motor patterns, the evocation of absent objects and the grasping of others’ false beliefs all have in common? Apart from being (one way or other) involved in the language, they all would share a demanding requirement – a second mental centre within the subject. This redefinition of the simulationism is extended in the present book in two directions. Firstly, mirror-neurons and, likewise, animal abilities connected with the visual field of their fellows, although they certainly constitute important landmarks, would not require this second mental centre. Secondly, others’ beliefs would have given rise not only to predicative communicative function but also to pre-grammatical syntax. The inquiry about the evolutionary-historic origin of language focuses on the cognitive requirements on it as a faculty (but not to the indirect causes such as environmental changes or greater co-operation), pays attention to children, and covers other human peculiarities as well, e.g., symbolic play, protodeclaratives, self-conscious emotions, and interactional or four-hand tasks.
Being in Time
Editor(s): Shimon Edelman, Tomer Fekete and Neta ZachPublication Date July 2012More LessGiven that a representational system's phenomenal experience must be intrinsic to it and must therefore arise from its own temporal dynamics, consciousness is best understood — indeed, can only be understood — as being in time. Despite that, it is still acceptable for theories of consciousness to be summarily exempted from addressing the temporality of phenomenal experience. The chapters comprising this book represent a collective attempt on the part of their authors to redress this aberration. The diverse treatments of phenomenal consciousness range in their methodology from philosophy, through surveys and synthesis of behavioral and neuroscientific findings, to computational analysis. This collection's broad scope and integrative approach, characterized by the view of the brain as a dynamical system that computes the mind's representation space, will be of interest to researchers, instructors, and students in the cognitive sciences wishing to acquaint themselves with the current thinking in consciousness research. Series B.
Beiträge zur Morphologie
Editor(s): Hans FixPublication Date January 2007More LessDer vorliegende Band, der auf ein interdisziplinäres Symposion Morphologische Probleme in den Sprachen der Ostseeanrainer im September 2005 am Alfried-Krupp-Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald zurückgeht, enthält Beiträge von Norbert Endres (Greifswald), Frank Heidermanns (Köln), Arend Quak (Amsterdam), Klaus Dietz (Berlin), Lucia Kornexl (Greifswald), Thomas Klein (Bonn), Dieter Möhn & Ingrid Schröder (Hamburg), Steffen Krogh (Århus), Andrea de Leeuw van Weenen (Leiden), Hans Fix (Greifswald), Andreas Schabalin (Greifswald), Dominika Skrzypek (Poznan), Hans Götzsche (Aalborg), Rainer Fecht (Berlin), Jochen D. Range (Netzelkow), Riho Grünthal (Helsinki), Johanna Laakso (Wien) und Marko Pantermöller (Greifswald).
Benefactives and Malefactives
Editor(s): Fernando Zúñiga and Seppo KittiläPublication Date April 2010More LessBenefactives are constructions used to express that a state of affairs holds to someone’s advantage. The same construction sometimes also serves as a malefactive, whose meanings are generally not a simple mirror image of the benefactive. Benefactive constructions cover a wide range of phenomena: malefactive passives, general and specialized benefactive cases and adpositions, serial verb constructions and converbal constructions (including e.g. verbs of giving and taking), benefactive applicatives, and other morphosyntactic strategies. The present book is the first collection of its kind to be published on this topic. It includes both typological surveys and in-depth descriptive studies, exploring both the morphosyntactic properties and the semantic nuances of phenomena ranging from the familiar English double-object construction and the Japanese adversative passive to comparable phenomena found in lesser-known languages of Africa, Asia, and the Americas. The book will appeal to typologists and linguists interested in linguistic diversity and it will also be a useful reference work for linguists working on language description.
Author(s): Hanne-Ruth ThompsonPublication Date November 2012More LessBangla (Bengali), an Eastern Indo-Aryan Language, is the national language of Bangladesh with 150 million speakers and the state language of Paschim Banga (West Bengal) in India with 90 million speakers. There are sizeable communities of Bengalis scattered all over the world. Altogether, the number of native speakers make Bangla the fifth or sixth largest language in the world. Like Hindi and other South Asian languages, Bangla has subject-object-verb word order, postpositions, causative and compound verbs. Unlike Hindi it has no gender.
This volume presents a systematic overview of the language, from the sound system to parts of speech, syntactic categories to reduplicative features and some short text passages. The book is written in transliteration throughout to provide ease and convenience to non-Bengali as well as to Bengali linguists and students. In order to connect linguistic analysis with the living language, the book is furnished with plenty of real language examples, demonstrating the spirit, grace and wit of the Bangla language.
Bermudian English
Author(s): Nicole EberlePublication Date May 2021More LessBermudian English. A sociohistorical and linguistic profile focuses on a hitherto severely under-researched variety of English. The book traces the origins and development of Bermudian English, so as to situate the variety within the canon of other lesser-known varieties of English, and provides a first in-depth description of its variable morphosyntactic structure. Relying on sociolinguistic interview data and combining qualitative, typological and quantitative, variationist analyses of selected morphosyntactic features, it sheds light on structural affiliations of Bermudian English and argues for a two-way transfer pattern where Bermudian English plays an important role in the development of a number of other English(-based) varieties in the wider geographical region. Complementing existing studies which document such varieties, this book contributes to the body of research that describes the diversity of English(-based) varieties around the globe, filling a notable gap.
De betekenis als verhaal
Author(s): Algirdas Julien GreimasPublication Date June 1991More LessDe Franse semioticus Algirdas Julien Greimas is ongetwijfeld een van de belangrijkste denkers in het Europese structuralisme. Zijn werk vormt dan ook de inspiratiebron voor onderzoekers uit diverse disciplines. Het Greimassiaanse model gaat er immers vanuit dat de meest uiteenlopende verschijnselen geanalyseerd kunnen worden in termen van betekenisrelaties: niet alleen verhalen en andere tekstsoorten, maar ook beeldende kunst en architectuur, gedragsvormen en emoties.Dit boek wil – voor het eerst in het Nederlands – Greimas zelf aan het woord laten. Het bevat de basisteksten van zijn semiotisch project en belangrijke toepassingen op het vlak van de literatuurstudie, de esthetica en de epistemologie van de menswetenschappen. De teksten worden toegelicht door de vertalers en zijn voorzien van een uitvoerige algemene inleiding en een geannoteerde bibliografie.
Between Grammar and Lexicon
Editor(s): Ellen Contini-Morava and Yishai TobinPublication Date April 2000More LessThis volume has its origins in a theme session entitled: “Lexical and Grammatical Classification: Same or Different?” from the Fifth International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. It includes theme session presentations, additional papers from that conference, and several invited contributions. All the articles explore the relationship between lexical and grammatical categories, both illustrating the close interaction, as well as questioning the strict dichotomy, between them. This volume promotes a holistic view of classification reflecting functional, cognitive, communication, and sign-oriented approaches to language which have been applied to both the grammar and the lexicon.
The volume is divided into two parts. Part I, Number and Gender Systems Across Languages, is further subdivided into three sections: (1) Noun Classification; (2) Number Systems; and (3) Gender Systems. Part II, Verb Systems and Parts of Speech Across Languages, is divided into two sections: (1) Tense and Aspect and (2) Parts of Speech. The analyses represent a diverse range of languages and language families: Bantu (Swahili), Guaykuruan (Pilagá), Indo-European (English, Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Spanish) and Semitic (Hebrew).