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- Linguistics [3769] http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject http://instance.metastore.ingenta.com/content/lin
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200 Years of Syntax
Author(s): Giorgio GraffiPublication Date April 2001More LessThis book argues convincingly against the widespread opinion that very few syntactic studies were carried out before the 1950s. Relying on the detailed analysis of a large amount of original sources, it shows that syntactic matters were in fact carefully investigated throughout both the 19th century and during the first half of the 20th century. Moreover, it illustrates how the enormous development of syntactic research in the last fifty years has already condemned even several recent ideas and analyses to oblivion, and deeply influenced current research programs. The wealth of research undertaken over the last two centuries is presented here in a systematic way, taking as its starting point the relationship of syntax with psychology throughout this period. The critical ideas expressed in the text are based on a detailed illustration of the different syntactic models and analyses rather than on the polemics between the different schools.
A0 – The Lexical Status of Adjectives
Editor(s): Phoevos Panagiotidis and Moreno MitrovićPublication Date November 2022More LessThis volume brings together seven eminently original attempts to answer a sorely neglected question: What are adjectives? Although the positioning of adjectives as well as aspects of their semantics have been investigated in depth, their actual status as a lexical category has generally been treated superficially in the linguistic literature.
In this volume, the different approaches to the categorial identity of adjectives put forward include their position in the inventory of lexical categories, the elusive noun-adjective link, the functional entourage of adjectives and their relational character, the role of concord and possession – and so on. The contributors bring different viewpoints as well as a variety of language data into the discussion, from Chinese to Indo-European, and on to Niger-Congo languages.
Abduction, Belief and Context in Dialogue
Editor(s): Harry Bunt and William BlackPublication Date November 2000More LessLanguage is always generated and interpreted in a certain context, and the semantic, syntactic, and lexical properties of linguistic expressions reflect this. Interactive language understanding systems, such as language-based dialogue systems, therefore have to apply contextual information to interpret their inputs and to generate appropriate outputs, but are in practice very poor at this. This book contains a number of studies in Computational Pragmatics, the newly emerging field of study of how contextual information can be effectively brought to bear in language understanding and generation. The various chapters center around the conceptual, formal and computational modeling of context in general, of the relevant beliefs of dialogue participants in particular, and of the reasoning that may be applied to relate linguistic phenomena to aspects of the dialogue context.
These issues are discussed both from a theoretical point of view and in relation to their roles in prototypical language understanding systems.
Abhandlung über die bedeutsamen Verhaltensweisen der Sprache. [Tractatus de Modis significandi.]
Author(s): Thomas von Erfurt and Stephan GrotzPublication Date December 1998More LessDer lange dem Duns Scotus zugeschriebene Traktat des Thomas von Erfurt wird hier erstmals in einer deutschen Übersetzung vorgestellt. Er gilt als der abschließende Höhepunkt der spekulativen Grammatik, einer der gewichtigsten Ausformungen der spätmittelalterlichen Sprachtheorie. Von Bedeutung dürfte dieser Text aber nicht nur für Mediävisten sein. Daî der Traktat auch in neueren sprachtheoretischen Ansätzen eine zentrale Rolle spielt, zeigt seine Wiederentdeckung durch Charles S. Peirce, Martin Heidegger oder den Strukturalisten Roman Jakobson. Übersetzung und Einleitung verstehen sich deshalb nicht nur als eine Verständnishilfe für den Traktat, sondern auch als ein Hinweis auf seinen historischen wie systematischen Grundlagencharakter.
Grundlagencharakter hat hier vor allem Thomas’ Theorie von einer grammatischen Bedeutsamkeit der Sprache. Danach finden sich in allen Sprachen dieselben grammatischen Formen und Funktionen und können insofern universal als die bedeutsamen Verhaltensweisen »der« Sprache (modi significandi) beschrieben werden. Freilich ist dies die Sicht eines mittelalterlichen Universalismus, der einem heutigen Sprachverständnis kaum mehr Stand hält. Von daher liegt die wirkliche Herausforderung des Traktats, die nicht nur bei den Zeitgenossen für heftige Abwehrreaktionen sorgte, sondern die auch heute nichts von ihrer Provokanz eingebüßt hat, in seiner Einsicht, daß die grammatischen Formen eine prinzipiell andere Bedeutungsstruktur besitzen als das lexikalische Inventar einer Sprache. Mit der Herausarbeitung einer solchen grammatischen Signifikationsstruktur bietet der Traktat einen äußerst lehrreichen Einblick in die Genese dessen, was mittlerweile unter dem Schlagwort der »Semantik von Formen« eine facttenreiche Wirkung entfaltet hat.
Above and Beyond the Segments
Editor(s): Johanneke Caspers, Yiya Chen, Willemijn Heeren, Jos Pacilly, Niels O. Schiller and Ellen van ZantenPublication Date December 2014More LessAbove and Beyond the Segments presents a unique collection of experimental linguistic and phonetic research. Mainly, it deals with the experimental approach to prosodic, and more specifically melodic, aspects of speech. But it also treats segmental phonetics and phonology, second language learning, semantics and related topics.
Apart from European languages and dialects (including Dutch, English, Greek, Danish, and dialects from Italy and The Netherlands) there also are chapters on regions as widespread as China, Russia, South Africa, South Sudan, and Surinam. These all testify the enormous diversity of language and speech in the world.
This book is of special interest to linguists working on prosodic aspects of speech in general and to those studying non-Western languages in particular.
The Abstraction Engine
Author(s): Michael FortescuePublication Date April 2017More LessThe main thesis of this book is that abstraction, far from being confined to higher forms of cognition, language and logical reasoning, has actually been a major driving force throughout the evolution of creatures with brains. It is manifest in emotive as well as rational thought. Wending its way through the various facets of abstraction, the book attempts to clarify – and relate – the often confusing meanings of the word ‘abstract’ that one may encounter even within the same discipline. The unusual synoptic approach, which draws upon research in psychology, neural network theory, child language acquisition, philosophy and consciousness studies, as well as a variety of linguistic disciplines, cannot be compared directly to other books on the market that touch upon just one particular aspect of abstraction. It is aimed at a wide readership – anyone interested in the nature of abstraction and the cognitive processing and purpose behind it. (series A)
Academic and Professional Discourse Genres in Spanish
Editor(s): Giovanni ParodiPublication Date May 2010More LessThis volume offers a description and a deep examination of discourse genres across four disciplines (Psychology, Social Work, Industrial Chemistry, and Construction Engineering), in academic and professional settings. The study is based on one of the largest available corpus on disciplinary written discourse in Spanish (PUCV-2006 Corpus of Spanish containing almost 60 million words). Twelve chapters range from the theoretical guiding principles of the research in terms of genre conception, the detailed description of each corpus (academic and professional), computational analysis from multi-dimensional perspectives, and the qualitative analysis of two specialized genres (University Textbook and Disciplinary Text) in terms of their rhetorical macro-moves and moves. Theoretically speaking, a multi-dimensional perspective (social, linguistic and cognitive) is emphasized and special attention to the cognitive nature of discourse genres is supported.
The Academic Discourse of Mechanical Engineering
Author(s): Thi Ngoc Phuong Le, Minh Man Pham and Michael BarlowPublication Date March 2023More LessThis volume examines rhetorical conventions employed in mechanical engineering research to understand the knowledge-making principles of the discipline, as well as their expression within the research article. In particular, the study analyses the organisational patterns of mechanical engineering research articles using Swales’s conceptualisation of moves and steps. In addition, the research identifies the phraseology associated with specific moves and steps. The study draws on a corpus of 120 mechanical engineering research articles, equally distributed across two sub-disciplines (mechanical systems and thermal-fluids engineering), three research traditions (experimental, theoretical and mixed methods), and two publication periods (2002–2006 and 2012–2016). It adopts an integrated methodology, intertwining various approaches and perspectives including corpus linguistics, move analysis, discourse analysis and interviews to address two main strands of research enquiry: (i) What are the properties of the rhetorical structures in terms of range, frequency, and length for each section of mechanical engineering research articles? (ii) What effect does sub-discipline, research tradition and publication date have on the rhetorical structure of research articles?
Academic Voices
Author(s): Kjersti Fløttum, Trine Dahl and Torodd KinnPublication Date August 2006More LessThis book explores how the voices of authors and other researchers are manifested in academic discourse, and how the author handles the polyphonic interaction between these various parties. It represents a unique study of academic discourse in that it takes a doubly contrastive approach, focusing on the two factors of discipline and language at the same time. It is based on a large electronic corpus of 450 research articles from three disciplines (economics, linguistics and medicine) in three languages (English, French and Norwegian). The book investigates whether disciplines and languages may be said to represent different cultures with regard to person manifestation in the texts. What is being studied is thus cultural identities as tendencies in linguistic practices. For the majority of the features focused on (e.g. metatext and bibliographical references), the discipline factor turns out to contribute more strongly to the variation observed than the language factor. However, for some of the features (e.g. pronouns and negation), the language factor is also quite strong.
Additional background information on the investigations reported in this book can be found at www.uib.no/kiap/.
Academic Writing
Editor(s): Eija Ventola and Anna MauranenPublication Date March 1996More LessWriting is crucial to the academic world. It is the main mode of communication among scientists and scholars and also a means for students for obtaining their degrees. The papers in this volume highlight the intercultural, generic and textual complexities of academic writing. Comparisons are made between various traditions of academic writing in different cultures and contexts and the studies combine linguistic analyses with analyses of the social settings in which academic writing takes place and is acquired. The common denominator for the papers is writing in English and attention is given to native-English writers’ and non-native writers’ problems in different disciplines. The articles in the book introduce a variety of methodological approaches for analyses and search for better teaching methods and ways of improving the syllabi of writing curricula. The book as a whole illustrates how linguists strive for new research methods and practical applications in applied linguistics.
Accesibilidad, traducción y nuevas tecnologías
Editor(s): Lucía Navarro-Brotons, Analía Cuadrado Rey and Iván Martínez-BlascoPublication Date November 2024More LessAccesibilidad, traducción y nuevas tecnologías es un volumen académico esencial en el que se presentan nueve interesantes artículos escritos por expertos en los campos de la accesibilidad y la traducción. Esta completa colección ofrece análisis académicos rigurosos y perspectivas innovadoras sobre la lectura fácil, la accesibilidad lingüística legal, los enfoques educativos del subtitulado para el público sordo y con discapacidad auditiva y la intertextualidad en la audiodescripción. Cada artículo ofrece una exploración en profundidad y soluciones prácticas, lo que convierte a este volumen en un recurso inestimable para investigadores, profesionales y estudiantes, preparado para hacer avanzar significativamente el mundo académico y la práctica en estos ámbitos dinámicos e interrelacionados.
This is a scholarly volume featuring nine insightful articles authored by experts in the fields of accessibility and translation. This comprehensive collection offers rigorous academic analyses and innovative perspectives on easy reading, legal linguistic accessibility, educational approaches to subtitling for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing audiences, and intertextuality in audio description. Each article provides in-depth exploration and practical solutions, making this volume an invaluable resource for researchers, practitioners, and students, poised to significantly advance academic and practice in these dynamic and interrelated domains.
Accessibility and Acceptability in Technical Manuals
Author(s): Inger LassenPublication Date May 2003More LessAccessibility and Acceptability in Technical Manuals is written for an audience with a general interest in readability studies, linguistics and technical writing. With the main emphasis on technical manuals the book is primarily targeted at those who have a special interest in the design and use of utility texts and how these texts are received and understood by a multifaceted audience. Accessibility is not a new research area and many explanations have been offered over the past years as to why non-experts often have difficulties in comprehending texts written by technological experts. This book offers a new approach to accessibility studies by exploring not only style, but also attitudes to style, by asking text consumers which style they prefer for different parts of the manual. A key role is played by the Systemic Functional Linguistics' notion of grammatical metaphor, a stylistic choice that is commonly used in technical literature. Grammatical metaphor — although apparently obstructing the comprehension process of some readers — is a common element in the preferred style that separates the ‘insiders’ from the ‘outsiders’. An explanation of this rather surprising result is offered by resorting to Critical Discourse Analysis.
The Aconceptual Mind
Author(s): Pauli PylkköPublication Date July 1998More LessAccording to Heidegger, naturalistic thinking is naive and unable to deal with its own essence and limitations. It can only serve the veiled interests of modern Western technology in its inherent inclination to attain global dominance. But these eight thematically intertwined essays face Heidegger’s critique of naturalistic thinking habits. The author develops a holistic and antirealistic version of naturalism. This ‘holistic naturalism’ does not approach nature as a set of entities or things which can be used for technological purposes. Instead, nature is approached as human experience which originally lacks conceptual structure and which can therefore not be fully controlled by a rational subject. (Series A)
Acquiring Sociolinguistic Variation
Editor(s): Gunther De Vogelaer and Matthias KaterbowPublication Date September 2017More LessThe study of how linguistic variation is acquired is considered a nascent field in both psycho- and sociolinguistics. Within that research context, this book aims at two objectives. First, it wants to help bridging the gap between researchers working on acquisition from different theoretical backgrounds. The book therefore includes contributions by both psycho- and sociolinguists, and by representatives of further relevant sub-disciplines of linguistics, including historical linguistics and dialectology. Second, in order to enable cross-linguistic comparison, the book brings together research carried out in different sociolinguistic constellations, as most obviously found in different language areas or different countries.
Acquisition and Development of Hebrew
Editor(s): Ruth A. BermanPublication Date August 2016More LessThe volume addresses developing knowledge and use of Hebrew from the dual perspective of typologically specific factors and of shared cross-linguistic trends, aimed at providing an overview of acquisition in a single language from infancy to adolescence while also shedding light on key issues in the field as a whole. Essentially non-partisan in approach, the collection includes distinct approaches to language and language acquisition (formal-universalist, pragmatic-usage based, cognitive-constructivist) and deals with a range of topics not often addressed within a single volume (phonological perception and production, inflectional and derivational morphology, simple-clause structure and complex syntax, early and later literacy, writing systems), with data deriving from varied research methodologies (interactive conversations and extended discourse, adult input and child output, longitudinal and cross-sectional corpora, structured elicitations). Each chapter provides background information on Hebrew-specific facets of the topic of concern, but typically avoids ethno-centricity by relating to more general issues in the domain. The book should thus prove interesting and instructive for linguists, psychologists, and educators, and for members of the child language research community both within and beyond the confines of Hebrew-language expertise.
Acquisition in Interlanguage Pragmatics
Author(s): Anne BarronPublication Date April 2003More LessAcquisition in Interlanguage Pragmatics provides readers with a much-needed insight into the development of pragmatic competence, an area of research long neglected in interlanguage pragmatics. The longitudinal investigation which provides the basic material for this book consists of a corpus of requests, offers and refusals of offers elicited from Irish learners of German over a ten-month study abroad period using production questionnaires and a variety of metapragmatic instruments. The analysis focuses on developments in these learners’ knowledge of discourse structure, pragmatic routines and internal modification. Findings present valuable information pertaining to the process of acquisition of pragmatic competence. They also point to the favourable but imperfect nature of the study abroad context for the development of pragmatic competence. A comprehensive discussion of theoretical and methodological issues, an in-depth analysis and an extensive bibliography make this book of interest to both researchers and students in interlanguage pragmatics, cross-cultural pragmatics, German as a foreign language and study abroad research.
The Acquisition of Complex Morphology
Author(s): William ForshawPublication Date October 2021More LessMany theories of language acquisition struggle to account for the morphological complexity and diversity of the world’s languages. This book examines the acquisition of complex morphology of Murrinhpatha, a polysynthetic language of Northern Australia. It considers semi-naturalistic data from five children (1;9-6;1) collected over a two-year period. Analysis of the Murrinhpatha data is focused on the acquisition of polysynthetic verb constructions, large irregular inflectional paradigms, and bipartite stem verbs, which all pose interesting challenges to the learner, as well as to theories of language acquisition. The book argues that morphological complexity, which broadly includes factors such as transparency, predictability/regularity, richness, type/token frequency and productivity, must become central to our understanding of morphological acquisition. It seeks to understand how acquisition is impacted by differences in morphological systems and by the ways in which children and their interlocutors use these systems.
The Acquisition of Derivational Morphology
Editor(s): Veronika Mattes, Sabine Sommer-Lolei, Katharina Korecky-Kröll and Wolfgang U. DresslerPublication Date November 2021More LessThis book offers the first systematic study of the early phases in the acquisition of derivational morphology from a cross-linguistic and typological perspective.
It presents ten empirical longitudinal studies in genealogically and typologically diverse languages (Indo-European, Finno-Ugric, Altaic) with different degrees of derivational complexity. Data collection, analysis and systematic comparison between child speech and parental child-directed speech are strictly parallel across the chapters. In order to identify the productivity of a derivational pattern, signalling the crucial developmental stage in its acquisition, the concept of the mini-paradigm criterion was applied.
Similar developmental processes can be observed in all children, independent of the language they acquire, but the children’s courses of development also show obvious typological differences. This points towards an important impact of the structural properties of the specific language on emergence, use and the early course of development of derivational patterns.
The Acquisition of Differential Object Marking
Editor(s): Alexandru Mardale and Silvina MontrulPublication Date June 2020More LessDifferential Object marking (DOM), a linguistic phenomenon in which a direct object is morphologically marked for semantic and pragmatic reasons, has attracted the attention of several subfields of linguistics in the past few years. DOM has evolved diachronically in many languages, whereas it has disappeared from others; it is easily acquired by monolingual children, but presents high instability and variability in bilingual acquisition and language contact situations. This edited collection contributes to further our understanding of the nature and development of DOM in the languages of the world, in acquisition, and in language contact, variation, and change. The thirteen chapters in this volume present new empirical data from Estonian, Spanish, Turkish, Korean, Hindi, Romanian and Basque in different acquisition contexts and learner populations. They also bring together multiple theoretical and methodological perspectives to account for the complexity and dynamicity of this widespread linguistic phenomenon.
The Acquisition of Diminutives
Editor(s): Ineta Savickienė and Wolfgang U. DresslerPublication Date January 2007More LessThis cross-linguistic volume innovates research of the acquisition of diminutives in the inflecting-fusional languages Lithuanian, Russian, Croatian, Greek, Italian, Spanish, German and Dutch, the agglutinating languages Turkish, Hungarian and Finnish and in the introflecting Hebrew. These languages differ in various aspects relevant for the acquisition of diminutives and the development of pragmatics in early child language. Diminutive formation often tends to be the first pattern of word formation to emerge. The main reason for this seems to lie in the pragmatic functions of endearment, empathy, and sympathy, which make diminutives particularly appropriate for child-centred communication. A main topic of this book is the relation of emergence and early development between diminutives and other categories of word formation and inflection. The greater degree of morphological productivity and transparency, as well as phonological saliency, favors the use of diminutives. In this case diminutives may facilitate the acquisition of inflection.