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Variation and Change in the Encoding of Motion Events
Editor(s): Juliana Goschler and Anatol StefanowitschPublication Date November 2013More LessThe linguistic typology of motion event encoding is one of the central topics in Cognitive Linguistics. A vast body of typological, contrastive, and psycholinguistic research has shown the potential, but also the limitations of the original distinction between verb-framed and satellite-framed languages. This volume contains ten original papers focusing specifically on the variation and change of motion event encoding in individual languages and language families. The authors show that some of the central claims about motion event encoding need careful re-examination and reformulation and that individual languages and language families are more variable across space and time than even a refined typology could neatly capture at this time. The volume thus contributes to a more detailed and fine-grained foundation for the investigation of conceptual causes and consequences of different motion-event encoding strategies.
Variation and Evolution
Editor(s): Sandro Sessarego, Juan J. Colomina-Almiñana and Adrián Rodríguez-RiccelliPublication Date August 2020More LessThis book is a collection of original studies analyzing how different internal and external factors affect Spanish language variation and evolution across a number of (socio)linguistic scenarios. Its primary goal is to expand our understanding of how native and non-native varieties of Spanish co-exist with other languages and dialects under the influence of several linguistic and extra-linguistic forces. While some papers analyze the linguistic dynamics affecting Spanish grammars from a cross-dialectal perspective, others focus more closely on the relations established between Spanish and other languages with which it is in contact. In particular, some of these studies show how power and prestige may support (or not) the use of Spanish in different social contexts and educational realities, given that the attitudes toward this language vary greatly across the Spanish-speaking world. On the one hand, in some regions, Spanish represents the variety spoken by the majority of the population, typically related to prestige and power (Spain and Latin America). On the other hand, in other contexts, the same language is conceived as a minority variety, which may or may not be associated with stigmatized immigrant groups (i.e., in the US).
Variation and Reconstruction
Editor(s): Thomas D. CravensPublication Date April 2006More LessThe relation of language variation to reconstructed languages and to the methodology of reconstruction has long been neglected. The articles in the present volume consider this relationship from a number of different angles, with a number of different focuses. Several of the papers discuss evidence from Germanic, either Proto-Germanic (Joseph, Schwink), or daughter languages such as Dutch (Goss & Howell), Afrikaans (Roberge), Newcastle English (Milroy), and a Wisconsin German dialect (Geiger & Salmons). Other papers look at Italian (Cravens), Spanish (Harris-Northall), and the non-Indo-European languages or families Aramaic (Miller), and Proto-Hmong-Mien (Ratliff), and the Southeast Asian languages Phan Rang Cham and Tsat (Thurgood). In doing so they bring together a number of interconnected issues which are of current concern in comparative and historical linguistics.
Variation in Indigenous Minority Languages
Editor(s): James N. Stanford and Dennis R. PrestonPublication Date April 2009More LessIndigenous minority languages have played crucial roles in many areas of linguistics - phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, typology, and the ethnography of communication. Such languages have, however, received comparatively little attention from quantitative or variationist sociolinguistics. Without the diverse perspectives that underrepresented language communities can provide, our understanding of language variation and change will be incomplete. To help fill this gap and develop broader viewpoints, this anthology presents 21 original, fieldwork-based studies of a wide range of indigenous languages in the framework of quantitative sociolinguistics. The studies illustrate how such understudied communities can provide new insights into language variation and change with respect to socioeconomic status, gender, age, clan, lack of a standard, exogamy, contact with dominant majority languages, internal linguistic factors, and many other topics.
Variation in Language
Editor(s): Petr Sgall, Jirí Hronek, Alexandr Stich and Ján HoreckýPublication Date July 1992More LessCzech, a clear case of a language having a Standard and a strong central vernacular with intensive shifting between them, offers many points of general interest to sociolinguists. This volume is divided in 5 chapters and opens with a general discussion of language varieties. 'The Two Central Language Formations in Czech' gives a summary description of the Czech central vernacular. This is followed by a chapter on 'The Origin and Opposition of Standard and Common Czech' and in the next chapter code switching between Standard and Common Czech is discussed. The concluding chapter presents starting points for a theoretical description of a national language with intralingual variation and a preliminary formulation of perspectives on the stratification of Czech.
Variation in Political Metaphor
Editor(s): Julien Perrez, Min Reuchamps and Paul H. ThibodeauPublication Date August 2019More LessThe objective of this book is to understand variation in political metaphor. Political metaphors are distinctive and important because they are used to achieve political goals: to persuade, to shape expectations, to realize specific objectives and actions. The analyses in the book go beyond the mere identification of conceptual metaphors in discourse to show how political metaphors function in the real world. It starts from the finding that the same conceptual domains are used to characterize politics, political entities and political issues. Yet, the specific metaphors used to describe these conceptual domains often change. This book explores some of the reasons for this variation, including features of political leaders (e.g., their age and gender), countries, and other sociopolitical circumstances. This perspective yields a better understanding of the role(s) of metaphors in political discourse.
Variation in Second and Heritage Languages
Editor(s): Robert Bayley, Dennis R. Preston and Xiaoshi LiPublication Date July 2022More LessVariationist work in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) began in the mid 1970s and steadily progressed during the 1980s. Much of it was reviewed along with newer approaches in Bayley and Preston 1996 (B&P), heavily devoted to VARBRUL analyses that exposed the variability in developing interlanguages and placed variationist work within the canon of SLA. This new volume features three developing trends. First, it widens the scope of L1s of learners (from 6 in B&P to 8) and L2 targets (2 in B&P to 7) and in each case has brought more careful demographic and variable considerations to bear, including heritage languages and study abroad. Second, it modernizes statistics by moving from VARBRUL to the more widely used log-odds probabilities that allow more detailed consideration of variables and their influences. Finally, it deepens consideration of variable sociolinguistic meaning in learner behaviors, a dominating feature of 3rd Wave variationist work.
Variation in the Caribbean
Editor(s): Lars Hinrichs and Joseph T. FarquharsonPublication Date January 2011More LessThe study of linguistic variation in the Caribbean has been central to the emergence of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics as an academic field. It has yielded influential theory, such as the (post-)creole continuum or the 'Acts of Identity' models, that has shaped sociolinguistics far beyond creole settings. This volume collects current work in the field and focuses on methodological and theoretical innovations that continue, expand, and update the dialog between Caribbean variation studies and general sociolinguistics.
Variation in University Student Writing
Author(s): Larissa GoulartPublication Date August 2024More LessThis book provides a comprehensive description of the situational and linguistic characteristics of undergraduate student writing, considering both assignment type and discipline. Drawing on a corpus of more than 900 undergraduate student assignments from four disciplinary groups (Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Life Sciences), the book combines corpus-based analyses of linguistic features with analyses of communicative purposes and text characteristics. Variation in University Writing takes a new approach to register variation by grouping assignments by their communicative purpose (to argue, to explain, to compare, to describe, to narrate a personal event, to give a procedural recount, to give personal advice, and to propose), rather than register categories. A multidimensional analysis provides a detailed description of the linguistic patterns of undergraduate writing. The findings presented in this book will be of interest to teachers of writing, instructors of English for Academic Purposes (EAP), and researchers of university writing.
Variation Rolls the Dice
Editor(s): Enoch O. Aboh and Cécile B. VigourouxPublication Date October 2021More LessVariation Rolls the Dice: A worldwide collage in honour of Salikoko S. Mufwene aims to celebrate Mufwene’s ground-breaking contribution to linguistics in the past four decades. The title also encapsulates his approach to language as both systemic and socio-cultural practices, and the role of variation in determining particular evolutionary trajectories in specific linguistic ecologies. The book therefore focuses on variation within and across languages, within and across speakers, and how this fundamental aspect of human behavior can affect language structure in time and space. Mufwene has been instrumental in putting creole languages on the map of General Linguistics and connecting their analysis to issues of language acquisition, multilingualism, language contact, language evolution, and language typology. Thanks to the diversity of topics and the wide-ranging theoretical persuasions of the contributors, this volume aims at a large readership including both scholars and advanced students interested in cutting-edge research in the aforementioned domains.
Variation within and across Romance Languages
Editor(s): Marie-Hélène Côté and Eric MathieuPublication Date December 2014More LessThis volume is a selection of twenty peer-reviewed articles first presented at the 41st annual Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), held at the University of Ottawa in 2011. They are thematically linked by a broad notion of variation across languages, dialects, speakers, time, linguistic contexts, and communicative situations. Furthermore, the articles address common theoretical and empirical issues from different formal, experimental, or corpus-based perspectives. The languages analyzed belong to the main members of the Romance family, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, French, Ladin, Italian, Sardinian, and Romanian, and a variety of topics across a wide spectrum of linguistic subfields, from phonetics to semantics, as well as historical linguistics, bilingualism and second-language learning, is covered. By illustrating the richness and complementarity of subjects, methods, and theoretical frameworks explored within Romance linguistics, significant contributions are made to both the documentation of Romance languages and to linguistic theory.
Variation, Change, and Phonological Theory
Editor(s): Frans L. Hinskens, Roeland van Hout and W. Leo WetzelsPublication Date December 1997More LessThere is a growing awareness that a fruitful cooperation between the (diachronic and synchronic) study of language variation and change and work in phonological theory is both possible and desirable. The study of language variation and change would benefit from this kind of cooperation on the conceptual and theoretical levels. Phonological theory may well profit from a greater use of what is commonly called ‘external evidence’.
This volume contains contributions by outstanding representatives from the more data-oriented fields and phonological theory. They discuss possibilities and problems for a further integration of both areas, by considering questions such as where and to which extent the two may need each other, and whether there is a need for an interdisciplinary conceptual framework and methodology. Attention is also paid to questions regarding the cause and actuation, linguistic constraints and the internal spread of linguistic change, as well as to possible and impossible processes of language change.
Variational Pragmatics
Editor(s): Klaus P. Schneider and Anne BarronPublication Date May 2008More LessThis collection of papers is designed to establish variational pragmatics. This new field is situated at the interface of pragmatics and dialectology and aims at systematically investigating the effect of macro-social pragmatic variation on language in action. As such, it challenges the widespread assumption in the area of pragmatics that language communities are homogeneous and also addresses the current research gap in sociolinguistics for variation on the pragmatic level. The introductory chapter establishes the rationale for studying variational pragmatics as a separate field of inquiry, systematically sketches the broader theoretical framework and presents a framework for further analysis. The papers which follow are located within this framework. They present empirical variational pragmatic research focusing on regional varieties of pluricentric languages. Speech acts and other discourse phenomena are addressed and analysed in a number of regional varieties of Dutch, English, French, German and Spanish. The seminal nature of this volume, its empirical orientation and the extensive bibliography make this book of interest to both researchers and students in pragmatics and sociolinguistics.
Variations on Polysynthesis
Editor(s): Marc-Antoine Mahieu and Nicole TersisPublication Date April 2009More LessThis work is comprised of a set of papers focussing on the extreme polysynthetic nature of the Eskaleut languages which are spoken over the vast area stretching from Far Eastern Siberia, on through the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, and Canada, as far as Greenland. The aim of the book is to situate the Eskaleut languages typologically in general linguistic terms, particularly with regard to polysynthesis. The degree of variation from more to less polysynthesis is evaluated within Eskaleut (Inuit-Yupik vs. Aleut), even in previously insufficiently explored domains such as pragmatics and use in context – including language contact and learning situations – and over typologically related language families such as Athabascan, Chukotko-Kamchatkan, Iroquoian, Uralic, and Wakashan.
Varieties of English in Writing
Editor(s): Raymond HickeyPublication Date October 2010More LessThis volume is concerned with assessing fictional and non-fictional written texts as linguistic evidence for earlier forms of varieties of English. These range from Scotland to New Zealand, from Canada to South Africa, covering all the major forms of the English language around the world. Central to the volume is the question of how genuine written representations are. Here the emphasis is on the techniques and methodology which can be employed when analysing documents. The vernacular styles found in written documents and the use of these as a window on earlier spoken modes of different varieties represent a focal concern of the book. Studies of language in literature, which were offered in the past, have been revisited and their findings reassessed in the light of recent advances in variationist linguistics.
Varieties of Questions in English Conversation
Author(s): Elizabeth G. WeberPublication Date November 1993More LessThis book examines relations which hold between morphosyntactic form and communicative function in discourse by examining form-function correlations of noninterrogative questions in ordinary English conversation. So-called nontypical declarative and nonclausal questions are identified functionally. The role morphosyntax plays in the production and interpretation of these forms as doing questioning is then considered. Speakers are shown to use specific patterns of morphosyntactic marking to enable recipients to interpret noninterrogatives as functional questions. Explanations for morphosyntactic patterns found in the data are stated in terms of discourse use.
Verb and Context
Editor(s): Susana Rodríguez Rosique and Jordi M. Antolí MartínezPublication Date January 2023More LessThis volume approaches the interaction of evidentiality with some other related categories, such as modality and mirativity, from an innovative angle: its connection to informational configuration. The aim of this book is to analyze the impact of shared knowledge on TAME categories as well as to explore its reflection on different verb choices. It provides an innovative theoretical view as well as a robust typological, crosslinguistic perspective.
Verb Classes and Aspect
Editor(s): Elisa Barrajón López, José Luis Cifuentes Honrubia and Susana Rodríguez RosiquePublication Date November 2015More LessThis volume offers a variety of perspectives on two of the main topics situated at the crossroads between lexical semantics and syntax, namely: (a) aspect and its correspondence with syntactic structure; and (b) the delimitation of syntactic structures from verb classes. Almost from Aristotle’s Metaphysics, it has been assumed that verbs invoke a mental image about the way in which eventualities are distributed over time. When it comes to determining time schemata, the lexical class to which the verb belongs represents a first step. Speaking about verb classes does not exclusively mean a semantic similarity; rather, verb classes exhibit a bundle of common features and thus show a set of recursive behavior patterns. Beyond the meaning of the verb, both semantic and syntactic factors, together with pragmatic ones, play a decisive role when establishing the aspectual classification of an eventuality. The contributions collected in this book approach the aforementioned lines, either analyzing the relationships between aspect and syntactic structure or traversing the path from a verb class to its syntactic manifestation. Some of them stress diachronic filiations, while others include processes of word formation in the debate; some of them focus on certain classes, such as movement verbs or psychological verbs, while others examine specific constructions. A number of chapters also discuss relevant theoretical issues concerning the analysis of aspect. In sum, the kaleidoscopic view provided by this book allows the reader to delve deeper into one of the most controversial – as well as exciting – topics within current linguistics.
Verb Clusters
Editor(s): Katalin É. Kiss and Henk van RiemsdijkPublication Date May 2004More LessMany languages have constructions in which verbs cluster. But few languages have verb clusters as rich and complex as Continental West Germanic and Hungarian. Furthermore the precise ordering properties and the variation in the cluster patterns are remarkably similar in Hungarian and Germanic. This similarity is, of course, unexpected since Hungarian is not an Indo-European language like the Germanic language group. Instead it appears that the clustering, inversion and roll-up patterns found may constitute an areal feature. This book presents the relevant language data in considerable detail, taking into account also the variation observed, for example, among dialects. But it also discusses the various analytical approaches that can be brought to bear on this set of phenomena. In particular, there are various hypotheses as to what is the underlying driving force behind cluster formation: stress patterns, aspectual features, morpho- syntactic constraints? And the analytical approaches are closely linked to a number of questions that are at the core of current syntactic theorizing: does head movement exist or should all apparent verb displacement be reduced to remnant movement, are morphology and syntax really just different sides of the same coin?
Verb Constructions in German and Dutch
Editor(s): Pieter A.M. Seuren and Gerard KempenPublication Date August 2003More LessGerman and Dutch verb constructions show a rich array of syntactic phenomena that have so far been underexposed in the literature, despite the fact that they have proved to be a source of substantial problems in theoretical grammar. The cross-linguistic study of verb constructions and complementation has been dominated by views deriving from English or, for that matter, Latin. The German and Dutch complementation systems, however, feature several important properties that are missing from English but occur in many other languages. Well-known but only partially understood examples are clause-final verb clusters and the so-called Third Construction. In the present book, these and related phenomena are addressed by leading representatives of various schools of linguistic thought, in particular Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), Generative Grammar, Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG), Tree Adjoining Grammar (TAG), Performance Grammar, and Semantic Syntax. By bringing together the diverse theoretical analyses into one volume, the editors hope to stimulate comparative evaluations of the formalisms.
Verb First
Editor(s): Andrew Carnie, Heidi Harley and Sheila DooleyPublication Date February 2005More LessThis collection of papers brings together the most recent crosslinguistic research on the syntax of verb-initial languages. Authors with a variety of theoretical perspectives pursue the questions of how verb-initial order is derived, and how these derivations play into the characteristic syntax of these languages. Major themes in the volume include the role of syntactic category in languages with verb-initial order; the different mechanisms of deriving V-initial order; and the universal correlates of the order. This book should be of interest to scholars who work on theoretical approaches to word order derivation, typologists, and those who work on the particular grammars of Celtic, Zapotec, Mixtec, Polynesian, Austronesian, Mayan, Salish, Aboriginal, and Nilotic languages.
The Verb in Turkish
Editor(s): Eser Erguvanlı TaylanPublication Date February 2002More LessThis book is a collection of articles on the properties of the verb in Turkish as the core element of clause structure, by linguists from different parts of the world. Articles present the most recent analyses on the Turkish language carried out in various theoretical orientations within the functional-formal range. The topics researched in the contributions center around properties of verbal inflection as the morphological means to express temporal, aspectual and modal notions, and the implications of these morphological configurations to syntactic theory.
Verb Valency Changes
Editor(s): Albert Álvarez González and Ia NavarroPublication Date September 2017More LessThis volume surveys a variety of verb valency change phenomena among diverse languages and from diverse theoretical viewpoints. It offers typological studies comparing languages in topics like applicative polysemy, complex predicate formation and locative alternation, but also works describing the different valency-changing operations in specific languages including West Circassian, Huasteca Nahuatl, Tlachichilco Tepehua and Seri, and works dealing with specific valency change constructions, such as tla- constructions in Nahuatl, resultatives in Yaqui, antipassives in Mocoví, and labile verbs in Arabic. This book aims to put this variety of backdrops in perspective and to clarify the notion and mechanisms of verb valency change. Both scholars and expert readers will get in these works a better understanding of the different verb valency changing operations and of the typological aspects involved in this phenomenon, together with a better grasp of how argument realization and verb morphology are connected in some languages.
Verbal Aspect in Discourse
Editor(s): Nils B. ThelinPublication Date January 1990More LessIn the light of growing insights into the universal temporal-semantic nature of aspectual distinctions, today's aspectology has broadened its attention from restrictedly event-defining functions of aspect on the sentence level towards its primary perspectival functions on the discourse/situation level. Hereby it attempts to relate these functions to each other in ways that stimulate consistently language processing on a more solid perceptual-conceptual and pragmatic basis. Reflecting in various ways this general tendency. The 13 papers collected in this volume are oriented to four fields of research: (1) Developmental properties of aspect and tense; (2) Ideo-pragmatic and conceptual-semantic correlates of aspect and the perspectival organisation of discourse; (3) Aspect, case and discourse; (4) and Aspect in literary discourse. The editor's Introduction gives a comprehensive survey of contemporary aspectology and its development towards a proper integration of discourse/situation conditions. Besides cross-linguistic considerations (including English), the languages analyzed specifically are Russian, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, French and Finnish.
Verbal Complement Clauses
Author(s): Claudia FelserPublication Date May 1999More LessThis monograph examines the syntax of bare infinitival and participial complements of perception verbs in English and other European languages, and investigates the general conditions under which verbal complement clauses are licensed. The introductory chapter is followed by an overview of the major syntactic and semantic characteristics of non-finite complements of perception verbs in English. The third chapter presents an analysis within the framework of Chomsky's (1995) Minimalist Program according to which event-denoting complements are minimally realised as projections of an aspectual head. In the next chapter, it is argued that verbs capable of licensing aspectual complement clauses must be able to function as a special type of control predicate, an assumption which is shown to account for a number of seemingly unrelated properties of the constructions under consideration. The final chapter examines syntactically reduced clausal complements from a cross-linguistic perspective, showing that Southern Romance languages differ from Germanic ones with respect to the availability of 'bare' aspectual complement clauses, a difference that is attributed to morphological properties of verbs in these languages.
The Verbal Complex in Subordinate Clauses from Medieval to Modern German
Author(s): Christopher D. SappPublication Date January 2011More LessThis research monograph is an empirical and theoretical study of clause-final verbal complexes in the history of German. The book presents corpus studies of Middle High German and Early New High German and surveys of contemporary varieties of German. These investigations of the verbal complex address not only the frequencies of the word orders, but also the linguistic factors that influence them. On that empirical basis, the analysis adopted is the classic verb-final approach, with alternative orders derived by Verb (Projection) Raising. Verb Raising in these historical and modern varieties is subject to morphological, prosodic, and sociolinguistic restrictions, suggesting that the orders in question are not driven by narrow syntax but by their effects at the interface with phonology. This study will be of interest to students and scholars studying the diachronic syntax of German, West Germanic dialect syntax, and the relationship between prosody and word order.
Verbal Prepositions and Argument Structure
Author(s): Mai Ellin TungsethPublication Date April 2008More LessThis book investigates different types of verb-PP combinations and examines the types of meanings which arise when the argument structure of the PP fuses with the verbal argument structure. Focussing mainly on data from Norwegian, the book investigates three different empirical domains of PP-VP combinations and concludes that the arising interpretations result from a combination of the fine-grained structure of the PP, the structure of the verb phrase, and the different modes of combination. The book sheds new light on the syntax-semantics interplay while adding new insight about the properties of the category P in Norwegian. The book also contributes to the debate between Lexicalism and Constructionism, and it concludes that a moderate Constructionist model with a fine-grained syntactic structure determining interpretation is best equipped to handle the enormous flexibility of verb-prepositional phrase combinations of the types explored.
Les verbes de mouvement en français et en espagnol
Author(s): Béatrice LamiroyPublication Date January 1983More LessCe livre présente une étude comparée des infinitives des verbes de mouvement en français et en espagnol, avec l’intention d’illustrer la valeur heuristique de la pratique comparative en confrontant deux langues sur un point particulier de la syntaxe.
Verbs of Implicit Negation and their Complements in the History of English
Author(s): Yoko IyeiriPublication Date February 2010More LessFor sale in all countries except Japan. For customers in Japan: please contact Yushodo Co. The principal focus of this book concerns various shifts of complements which verbs of implicit negation (e.g. forbid, forbear, avoid, prohibit, and prevent) have experienced in the history of English. Forbid, for example, was once followed by that-clauses, while in contemporary English it is in usual cases followed by to-infinitives except in the fixed form God forbid that … Although a number of English verbs have undergone similar syntactic changes, the paths they have selected in their historical development are not always the same. Unlike forbid, the verb prevent is now followed by gerunds often with the preposition from. This book describes some of the most representative paths followed by different verbs of implicit negation and reveals the major complement shifts that have occurred throughout the history of English. It will be of particular interest to researchers and students specializing in English linguistics, historical linguistics, and corpus linguistics.
Veritas et subtilitas
Editor(s): Tengiz Iremadze and Udo Reinhold JeckPublication Date November 2018More LessThe book provides a collection of scientific papers which are dedicated to the memory of Burkhard Mojsisch. The collection includes highly qualified papers on ancient, medieval and early modern philosophy, and demonstrates the importance of the historical research of philosophy at the beginning of the 21st century and its current trends. It documents historical aspects of important philosophical discussions of contemporaneity (e.g. in the fields of intercultural philosophy and interdisciplinary philosophy, such as philosophy of neuroscience). The authors are leading specialists of philosophy, especially of ancient and medieval philosophy. The collection includes papers in German, English, and French.
Versprechen und Verlesen
Author(s): Rudolf Meringer and Carl MayerPublication Date January 1978More LessVersprechen und Verlesen (1895) is distinguished more by observational accuracy than by theoretical sophistication; but it is exactly this characteristic which has proved its lasting value. It is a scrupulously collected, usefully organized, and very large corpus of errors, providing material on which hypotheses can be tested and generalisations made. Others before Meringer had speculated about what speech errors might demonstrate; he was the first to attempt to find out. In this Meringer made a worthy and lasting contribution to linguistic and psychological study.This fac simile edition is preceded by an Introductory article by Anne Cutler and David Fay.
Author(s): Nguyễn Ðình-HoàPublication Date September 1997More LessAn essential descriptive introduction to a South-East Asian language with over seventy million speakers, this book provides a conservative treatment of the phonology, lexicon and syntax of Vietnamese, with comments on semantics and history, with particular reference to writing systems, loan words and syntactic structures. All example texts are transcribed and glossed.Prof. Nguyễn Ðình-Hoà has based this grammar on his vast teaching experience and gives basic insights into “Vietnamese without veneer”.
The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax
Editor(s): Alexandre Rodríguez Guerra and Xosé Bieito Arias FreixedoPublication Date November 2018More LessThis book offers the most comprehensive, up-to-date, multidisciplinary approach to the work of Galician jongleur Martin Codax and the Vindel Parchment. This medieval manuscript with the texts of seven cantigas de amigo by Martin Codax and the music score of six of them, is a philological gem that underwent numerous vicissitudes. The current volume comprises eighteen chapters dealing in depth with Codax’s work and the Vindel Parchment from five basic perspectives: literature; linguistics, codicology and ecdotics; music; history and reception of the Vindel Parchment; and the historical background of medieval Vigo (at the time still a small town where Codax’s cantigas de amigo are set). Specialists from different disciplines and countries joined forces in a effort to improve our understanding of Martin Codax and his lyric poetry. The research included here tries to go beyond received knowledge in the field by using new approaches and perspectives, delving deeper into areas that had not been sufficiently studied, or by venturing into unexplored territories. Many hypotheses are put forward, contributing to raising interest in a fascinating, enigmatic author, in his extraordinary cantigas and in a medieval parchment that is becoming less and less mysterious. The volume contains contributions in English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Galician, each accompanied by a summary in English.
Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Language Learning
Author(s): Ulf SchützePublication Date June 2024More LessIt is intriguing and challenging to learn a language by diving into the worlds of Virtual Reality (3-D environments, avatars, games) and Artificial Intelligence (chatbots, agents). What are the issues and benefits of these technological innovations? Taking readers on a journey through the brain, this book explains how VR and AI may foster and sustain connectivity between language faculties, the senses/emotions, working and long-term memory, and attention. With the speed of technological innovation increasing, cognitive demand as well as aspects of intrinsic motivation are analyzed, charted, and discussed, as these may become essential for future development of language learning experiences. This volume should be of interest to instructors, researchers, and students of languages and linguistics, cognitive psychology, and computer science.
The Virtues of Language
Editor(s): Dieter Stein and Rosanna SornicolaPublication Date September 1998More LessThe volume contains 13 specially written specialist articles on a wide range of subjects within the ambit of the history of the English language and prominent literary uses of it. In uniting linguistic and literary pursuits in a single volume, it follows the noble Neapolitan scholar’s research interests, as well as representing topics that figure prominently in any comprehensive university course in English. Subjects range from the rise of the present progressive in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle via issues in Medieval English, concepts of language inherent in the Early Modern English grammatical treatises and an evaluation of their value as evidence for the development of the language, the “new science” and language in the 17th century, on literary issues like the “implied director” in Macbeth, Sir Elyot’s Enigmatic “Image of Governance”, English history reflected in Ben Jonson to the history of text types and Jespersen’s reading of Saussure’s “Cours”. Apart from an introductory section with articles on Frank’s biography, his scientific activities and his impact on the field, the book contains work by Susan Fitzmaurice, Nicola Pantaleo, Gabriella Di Martino, Konrad Koerner, Stefano Manferlotti, Uwe Baumann, Anna Maria Palombi Cataldi, Rosanna Sornicola and Dieter Stein.
Visions in Exile
Author(s): Malcolm K. ReadPublication Date January 1990More LessMalcolm K. Read employs a psychoanalytic model which sees civilization as a manner of instinctual renunciation in this analysis of selected texts from the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. Focusing on their moments of silence and contradiction, he demonstrates that certain attitudes toward the body expressed in these texts have a basis, albeit unconscious, in a motivation which is ultimately political. The central topics, deeply intertwined thematically and theoretically, relate to the nature and development of language; to the Baroque art of Gongora and Quevedo; to Feijoo's defense of the rationalist subject set against Torres Villarroel's subversion of the same; and to the neo-classical aesthetics of Luzan and Arteaga. The result is an interdisciplinary approach that challenges traditional assumptions in both literary criticism and linguistic historiography.
Visual Linguistics with R
Author(s): Christoph RühlemannPublication Date July 2020More LessThis book is a textbook on R, a programming language and environment for statistical analysis and visualization. Its primary aim is to introduce R as a research instrument in quantitative Interactional Linguistics. Focusing on visualization in R, the book presents original case studies on conversational talk-in-interaction based on corpus data and explains in good detail how key graphs in the case studies were programmed in R. It also includes task sections to enable readers to conduct their own research and compute their own visualizations in R. Both the code underlying the key graphs in the case studies and the datasets used in the case studies as well as in the task sections are made available on the book’s companion website.
Visual Metaphor
Editor(s): Gerard J. SteenPublication Date December 2018More LessMetaphor has recently been reconceptualised as a fundamental part of the human conceptual system. It can hence be expressed in language but also in other modalities and media of communication, including gesture and body language, sound and music, and film and visuals. In spite of this theoretical landslide, however, the wide range of nonverbal metaphor and its processing has neither been empirically investigated on the same scale nor with the same rigour as metaphor in language. The overarching goal of this book is to report on the findings of a research program aimed at exploiting the vast cognitive linguistic and psycholinguistic expertise on metaphor in language for a new, behaviourally founded approach to the structure and processes of metaphor in one of these nonverbal manifestations, namely static visuals. The book presents concepts and methods for the identification and analysis of metaphor in document structure as well as new approaches to the study of visual metaphor processing. Its results are intended to further the development of an encompassing and robust cognitive-scientific theory of metaphor by including visual metaphor while also enriching our understanding of the communicative possibilities and effects of visual metaphor in multimodal discourse.
Visual Metaphors
Editor(s): Réka Benczes and Veronika SzelidPublication Date September 2022More LessWhenever we think about the world – including its concrete and abstract entities – we typically see a series of so-called mental images in front of our eyes that aid us in everyday problem solving and navigating ourselves in the world. Visual metaphors, similarly to their linguistic counterparts, largely build on such images.
Nevertheless, the interplay of metaphorical/metonymical text and imagery is not necessarily (and not usually) straightforward and raises complex theoretical and methodological questions. The eleven chapters in this collection address a wide range of such challenges, such as what are visual metaphors in the first place; how can they be identified; what is their relationship to linguistic metaphors; what are their most common manifestations; what knowledge structures are required for their interpretation; and how do they interact with metonymies. The studies cut across linguistics, politics, philosophy, poetry, art and history – highlighting the ubiquitous role that visual metaphor plays in everyday life and conceptualizations.
Originally published as special issue of Cognitive Linguistic Studies 7:1 (2020).
Visual Thought
Editor(s): Liliana AlbertazziPublication Date December 2006More LessThis volume starts from an interdisciplinary expertise of the contributors, and chooses to work on the very origins of conscious qualitative states in perception. The leading research paradigm can be synthesized in ‘phenomenology to neurons to stimuli, and backwards’, since as a starting point it has taken the phenomenal appearances in the visual field. Specifically, the leading theme of the volume is the co-presence and interaction of diverse types of spaces in vision, like the optical space of psychophysics and of neural elaboration, the qualitative space of phenomenal appearances, and its relation with the pictorial space of art. The contributors to the volume agree in arguing that those spaces follow different rules of organization, whose specific singularity and reciprocal dependence have to be individuated, as a preliminary step to understand the architecture of the conscious awareness of our environment and to conceive its potential implementation in constructing any kind of embodied intentional agents. (Series B)
Visually Situated Language Comprehension
Editor(s): Pia Knoeferle, Pirita Pyykkönen-Klauck and Matthew W. CrockerPublication Date March 2016More LessVisually Situated Language Comprehension has been compiled as a state-of the-art introduction to real-time language processing in visually-situated contexts. It covers the history of this emergent field, explains key methodological developments and discusses the insights these methods have enabled into how language processing interacts with our knowledge and perception of the immediate environment. Scientists interested in how language users integrate what they know with their perception of objects and events will find the book a rewarding read. The book further covers lexical, sentence, and discourse level processes, as well as active visual context effects in both non-interactive and interactive tasks and thus present a well-balanced view of the field. It is aimed at experienced researchers and students alike in the hopes of attracting new talent to the field. Thanks to its in-depth methodological introduction and broad coverage it constitutes an excellent course book.
Vita coaetanea / A Contemporary Life / Vida coetánea / Vida coetània
Author(s): Ramon LlullPublication Date April 2017More LessThe Vita coaetanea (A Contemporary Life) is an autobiographical account of Ramon Llull’s life dictated by himself to a friend in 1311 when he was seventy-nine years old. In it Llull reviews his works in the context of a life dedicated to God and motivated by the desire to disseminate the message of the Christian faith among the infidels. Llull, the self-labeled troubadour of books, wrote this account in part as a self-justification of his life and work, in part as self-consolation for his unending toils and travails. It is very likely that he also had in mind the Council of Vienne (1311) which he was about to attend and where he submitted petitions dealing with the establishment of adequate places to study languages for the preaching of the Gospel to every creature and the founding of a Christian military religious order that waged permanent war against the Saracens until the Holy Land is reconquered. Llull wanted to frame these petitions within a well thought-out justificatory account of his life and works that exudes passion, commitment and love for his fellow man.
This volume contains the Latin original, as well as translations into Catalan, Spanish, and English.
Vocabulary in a Second Language
Editor(s): Paul Bogaards and Batia LauferPublication Date July 2004More LessThe eleven chapters of Vocabulary in a Second Language are written by the world’s leading researchers in the field of vocabulary studies in second language acquisition. Each chapter presents experimental research leading to new conclusions about and insights into the selection, the learning and teaching, or the testing of vocabulary knowledge in foreign languages. This book is intended as an up-to-date overview of the important domain of the lexicon for researchers in the field of second language acquisition, teacher trainers and professional teachers of second or foreign languages.
Vocabulary Knowledge
Editor(s): Scott Jarvis and Michael DallerPublication Date August 2013More LessLanguage researchers and practitioners often adopt tools and techniques without testing whether they really work as they should. This is understandable because most scholars do not have the time or expertise to properly evaluate the usefulness of all instruments, measures, and methods they need. It is therefore critical to have problem solvers in the field who gain the necessary expertise and take the time to scrutinize existing methods, identify problems, and offer new solutions. This volume represents the work of scholars who have done this; it is a collection of the latest advances, developments, and innovations regarding the modeling and measurement of learners’ vocabulary growth curves, current levels of vocabulary knowledge and lexical proficiency, and the patterns of lexical diversity found in their language production. Several of the contributors also address the complex but important relationship between automated indices and human judgments of learners’ lexical patterns and abilities.
Vocalize to Localize
Editor(s): Christian Abry, Anne Vilain and Jean-Luc SchwartzPublication Date May 2009More LessVocalize-to-Localize? Meerkats do it for specific predators… And babies point with their index finger toward targets of interest at about nine months, well before using language-specific that-demonstratives. With what-interrogatives they are universal and, as relativizers and complementizers, play an important role in grammar construction. Some alarm calls in nonhumans display more than mere localization: semantics and even syntax. Instead of telling another monomodal story about language origin, in this volume advocates of representational gestures, semantically transparent, but with a problematic route toward speech, meet advocates of speech, with a problematic route toward the lexicon. The present meeting resulted in contributions by 23 specialists in the behaviour and brain of humans, including comparative studies in child development and nonhuman primates, aphasiology and robotics. The near future will tell us if the present crosstalk — between researchers in auditory and in visual communication systems — will lead to a more integrative framework for understanding the emergence of babbling and pointing, two types of neural control whose coordination could pave the way toward the word and syntax.
The contributions to this volume were previously published as Interaction Studies 5:3 (2004) and 6:2 (2005).
Vocative Constructions in the Language of Shakespeare
Author(s): Beatrix BussePublication Date November 2006More LessThis study investigates the functions, meanings, and varieties of forms of address in Shakespeare’s dramatic work. New categories of Shakespearean vocatives are developed and the grammar of vocatives is investigated in, above, and below the clause, following morpho-syntactic, semantic, lexicographical, pragmatic, social and contextual criteria. Going beyond the conventional paradigm of power and solidarity and with recourse to Shakespearean drama as both text and performance, the study sees vocatives as foregrounded experiential, interpersonal and textual markers. Shakespeare’s vocatives construe, both quantitatively and qualitatively, habitus and identity. They illustrate relationships or messages. They reflect Early Modern, Shakespearean, and intra- or inter-textual contexts. Theoretically and methodologically, the study is interdisciplinary. It draws on approaches from (historical) pragmatics, stylistics, Hallidayean grammar, corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics, socio-historical linguistics, sociology, and theatre semiotics. This study contributes, thus, not only to Shakespeare studies, but also to literary linguistics and literary criticism.
Voice and Argument Structure in Baltic
Editor(s): Axel Holvoet and Nicole NauPublication Date August 2015More LessThe second volume in the VARGReB series deals with voice in the wider sense, encompassing both alternations that preserve semantic valency, with passives as the most typical instance, and valency-changing devices such as the causative. Regarding the former, special attention is given to event-structural conditions on passivization, non-canonical passives, and the relation between passives and (active) impersonals. Papers dealing with causatives focus on valency patterns and argument marking in canonical as well as extended uses of causative morphology. Other articles consider converse constructions and the argument structure of middles, which seem to hold a position between voice in the narrow sense and valency-changing operations. An introductory article provides background information on the repertoire of voice alternations in Baltic from a cross-linguistic perspective. Representing different approaches and methods, the contributions to this volume offer fine-grained analyses of data from contemporary Latvian and Lithuanian.
Voice and Grammatical Relations
Editor(s): Tasaku Tsunoda and Taro KageyamaPublication Date March 2006More LessThis volume presents thirteen original papers dealing with various aspects of two related areas of research of major concern to linguists of all theoretical persuasions: voice and grammatical relations. The papers are written from typological, functional, and cognitive perspectives, and contain a number of general studies as well as studies focusing on specific issues, and offer a wealth of data from a broad range of languages. The volume provides up-to-date discussions of an array of issues of theoretical concern, including the nature of grammatical relations, voice in agent/patient systems, the expression vs. non-expression of participant roles, and personal vs. impersonal passives. The papers in the volume demonstrate that investigations into the nature of voice and grammatical relations can still yield fresh theoretical and typological insights.
Voice and Inversion
Editor(s): T. GivónPublication Date May 1994More LessThis collection aims first to establish a structure-independent, language-independent definition of pragmatic voice, and more specifically then a universal functional definition of “inverse”. The grammar and pragmatic function of the four major voice constructions — direct-active, inverse, passive, antipassive — are surveyed using narrative texts from 14 languages: Koyukon (Athabascan), Plains Cree (Algonquian), Chepang (Tibeto-Burman), Squamish and Bella Coola (Salish), Sahaptin (Sahaptian), Kutenai (isolate), Surinam Carib (Carib), Spanish and Greek (Indo-European), Korean, Maasai (Nilotic), Cebuano and Karao (Philippine). The comparative quantified study of pragmatic voice functions tests the validity of a universal functional definition of voice and in particular of “inverse”. The cross-language comparison of grammatical structures that code the various voice functions then lays down the foundation for a non-trivial cross-language typology of “inverse”.
Voice Quality
Author(s): John LaverPublication Date January 1979More LessThe characteristic voice quality of a speaker conveys to listeners a wealth of information about his physical, psychological and social attributes. For this reason, voice quality is of interest to a wide range of disciplines, including linguistics, phonetics and speech science, speech pathology, sociology, psychology, medicine, and communication engineering. Literature on voice quality is, consequently, scattered through a correspondingly wide range of publications. While this bibliography is unlikely to be exhaustive, it aims to be comprehensive. Exceptions to this are purely medical literature and literature on speech pathology; also, although a number of different languages are represented, works in English received the principal coverage.