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- Linguistics [3772] http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject http://instance.metastore.ingenta.com/content/lin
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Word Order Change in Icelandic
Author(s): Thorbjörg HróarsdóttirPublication Date January 2001More LessWhile Modern Icelandic exhibits a virtually uniform VO order in the VP, Old(er) Icelandic had both VO order and OV order, as well as ‘mixed’ word order patterns. In this volume, the author both examines the various VP-word order patterns from a descriptive and statistical point of view and provides a synchronic and diachronic analysis of VP-syntax in Old(er) Icelandic in terms of generative grammar. Her account makes use of a number of independently motivated ideas, notably remnant-movement of various kinds of predicative phrase, and the long movement associated with “restructuring” phenomena, to provide an analysis of OV orders and, correspondingly, a proposal as to which aspect of Icelandic syntax must have changed when VO word order became the norm: the essential change is loss of VP-extraction from VP. Although this idea is mainly supported here for Icelandic, it has numerous implications for the synchronic and diachronic analysis of other Germanic languages.
Word Order in Discourse
Editor(s): Pamela A. Downing and Michael NoonanPublication Date June 1995More LessThis volume brings together a collection of 18 papers dealing with the problem of word order variation in discourse. Word order variation has often been treated as an essentially unpredictable phenomenon, a matter of selecting randomly one of the set of possible orders generated by the grammar. However, as the papers in this collection show, word order variation is not random, but rather governed by principles which can be subjected to scientific investigation and are common to all languages.The papers in this volume discuss word order variation in a diverse collection of languages and from a number of perspectives, including experimental and quantitative text based studies. A number of papers address the problem of deciding which order is 'basic' among the alternatives. The volume will be of interest to typologists, to other linguists interested in problems of word order variation, and to those interested in discourse syntax.
Word Order in Hungarian
Author(s): Genoveva PuskásPublication Date August 2000More LessHungarian word-order is characterized by large scale preposing of constituents to sentence-initial positions. This study examines systematically the elements which occur in the left periphery. Focal, wh- and negative operators which have scope over the whole sentence must appear in the left periphery overtly; topicalized elements precede the scope operators and appear in an organized system as well. The author proposes that the structure of the Hungarian sentence comprises a rich set of left-peripheral functional projections, organized into sub-systems, like the Scope field and the Topic field. On the basis of the structure of Hungarian, the study proposes to consider these sub-systems as being in turn split, that is hierarchically organized into specific functional projections.
The study also examines the well-formedness conditions linked to multiple preposing. It is shown that the various well-formedness criteria apply overtly in Hungarian. This enables to make a direct link between the scope properties of affective operators and the articulated structure of the left periphery.
Word Order Typology and Comparative Constructions
Author(s): Paul Kent AndersenPublication Date January 1983More LessThis monograph, discussing various aspects involved with a typology of word order, strives to take a next step towards a better understanding of the profound unity underlying languages. The volume is divided into five sections: 1) Word order typology; 2) A critical analysis of word order typology; 3) Word order within comparative constructions; 4) Word order in the comparative construction in the Rigveda; 5) Diachronic aspects of word order withing comparative constructions.
Word Order, Agreement and Pronominalization in Standard and Palestinian Arabic
Author(s): Mohammad A. MohammadPublication Date April 2000More LessThe two related issues of word order, and subject-verb agreement have occupied center stage in the study of Arabic syntax since the time of Sibawayhi in the eighth century. This book is a contribution to both of these areas. It is grounded within the generative grammar framework in one of its most recent versions, namely Minimalism, as expounded in Chomsky (1995).
In this volume, a detailed description is given of word order options in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and Palestinian Arabic (PA). It is shown that, perhaps surprisingly, the two varieties allow almost the same range of word orders.
The important question of whether Arabic has a VP is addressed: the author argues extensively that Arabic has a VP category. The evidence derives from examining superiority effects, ECP effects, binding, variable interpretations, etc.
Also discussed is the content of [Spec, TP] in VSO sentences. It is argued that the position is occupied by an expletive pronoun. The author defends the Expletive Hypothesis which states that in VSO sentences the expletive may take part in checking some features of the verb. A typology of the expletive pronoun in Modern Standard Arabic, Palestinian Arabic, Lebanese Arabic, and Moroccan Arabic is provided.
A particularly interesting problem involving pronominal co-reference is the following: if the subject is the antecedent of a pronominal clitic, word order is free; if a pronominal is cliticized onto the subject, then the antecedent must precede. An account that derives these restrictions without recourse to linear order is proposed.
Word-Order Change as a Source of Grammaticalisation
Author(s): Susann FischerPublication Date June 2010More LessThis book presents a new perspective on the interaction between word-order and grammaticalisation by investigating the changes that stylistic fronting and oblique subjects have undergone in Romance (Catalan, French, Spanish) as compared to Germanic (English, Icelandic). It discusses a great deal of historical comparative data showing that stylistic fronting and oblique subjects have (had) a semantic effect in the Germanic and in the Romance languages, and that they both appear in the same functional category. The loss of stylistic fronting and oblique subjects is seen as an effect of grammaticalisation, where grammaticalisation is taken to be a regular case of parameter change. In contrast to previous and recent approaches to grammaticalisation, however, the author shows that it is not the loss of morphology that triggers grammaticalisation with subsequent word-order changes, but that the word-order change sets off grammaticalisation in the functional categories, which is then followed by the loss of morphology.
Words in Dictionaries and History
Editor(s): Olga Timofeeva and Tanja SäilyPublication Date May 2011More LessBringing together fifteen articles by scholars in Europe and North America, this collection aims to represent and advance studies in historical lexis. It highlights the significance of the understanding of dictionary-making and language-making as important socio-cultural phenomena. With its general focus on England and English, the book investigates the reception and development of historical and modern English vocabulary and culture in different periods, social and professional strata, geographical varieties of English, and other national cultures. The volume is based on individual (meta)lexicographical, etymological, lexicosemantic and corpus studies, representing two large areas of research: the first part focuses on the history of dictionaries, analysing them in diachrony from the first professional dictionaries of the Baroque period via Enlightenment and Romanticism to exploring the possibilities of the new online lexicographical publications; and the second part looks at the interfaces between etymology, semantic development and word-formation on the one hand, and changes in society and culture on the other.
Words of Crisis as Words of Power
Author(s): Marta NeüffPublication Date May 2018More LessThe volume explores crisis rhetoric in contemporary U.S. American presidential speechmaking. Rhetorical leadership constitutes an inherent feature of the modern presidency. Particularly during times of critical events, the president is expected to react and address the nation. However, the power of the office also allows him or her to direct attention to particular topics and thus rhetorically create or exploit the notion of crisis. This monograph examines the verbal responses of George W. Bush and Barack Obama to pressing issues during their terms in office. Assuming an interdisciplinary approach, it illuminates the characteristics of modern crisis rhetoric. The aim of the book is to show that elements of Puritan rhetoric, and specifically the tradition of the jeremiad, although taken out of their original context and modified to suit a modern multiethnic society, can still be detected in contemporary political communication. It will be of interest to students and scholars of presidential rhetoric, political communication, sociolinguistics, and cultural studies.
Words, Books, Images, and the Long Eighteenth Century
Editor(s): Antoinina Bevan Zlatar, Mark Ittensohn, Enit Karafili Steiner and Olga TimofeevaPublication Date December 2021More LessThe essays collected in this volume engage in a conversation among lexicography, the culture of the book, and the canonization and commemoration of English literary figures and their works in the long eighteenth century. The source of inspiration for each piece is Allen Reddick’s scholarship on Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), the great English lexicographer whose Dictionary (1755) included thousands upon thousands of illustrative quotations from the “best” authors, and, more recently, on Thomas Hollis (1720-1774), the much less well-known bibliophile who sent gifts of books by a pantheon of Whig authors to individuals and libraries in Britain, Protestant bastions in continental Europe, and America. Between the covers of Words, Books, Images readers will encounter canonical English authors of prose and poetry—Bacon, Milton, Defoe, Dryden, Pope, Richardson, Swift, Byron, Mary Shelley, and Edward Lear. But they will also become acquainted with the agents of their canonization and commemoration—the printers and publishers of Grub Street, the biographer John Aubrey, the lexicographer and biographer Johnson, the bibliophile Hollis, and the portrait painter Reynolds. No less crucially, they will meet fellow readers of then and now—women and men who peruse, poach, snip, and savour a book’s every word and image.
Words, Grammar, Text
Editor(s): Rosamund MoonPublication Date July 2009More LessJohn Sinclair’s work is widely known and has had a far-reaching influence, particularly in the areas of corpus linguistics, lexis, phraseology, lexicography, grammar, and discourse analysis. This collection of papers, written by former colleagues at Birmingham University, looks at some key writings by John Sinclair, with the intention of showing why his ideas are of lasting significance. Contributions deal with the Cobuild Project (directed by Sinclair) and its innovative first dictionary; collocation and the Open Choice and Idiom Principles; the interactions between and interdependence of phraseology and grammar; semantic prosody; and the construction of meaning in text. This volume was originally published as a Special Issue of International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 12:2 (2007).
Work Organization and Europe as a Development Coalition
Author(s): Richard Ennals and Bjørn GustavsenPublication Date March 1999More LessWork Organization has achieved recent prominence in European policy, as new employment guidelines are embodied in the policies of all European Member States. New forms of Work Organization, properly understood, offer collaborative competitive advantage to European enterprises. This book, based on decades of action research in separate European nations, identifies the research background from which these new insights and policy initiatives have emerged, with continuing lessons to be learned from differences.
Work Organization is the missing link which enables innovation and training to produce sustainable increases in productivity: this is not mere academic theory but also vital practical business. The book launches a new European research agenda, which is attracting interest from across the developed world and beyond. Rather than arguing for a stronger role for the state, or simply leaving matters to the market, the book presents a “third way” based on networks and coalitions, illustrated with numerous current European case studies, which provide explanations for developments at the level of enterprises, regions and the European Union itself. The book provides valuable insights into new European Commission initiatives and Transatlantic Dialogue, and provides the foundations for renewed democratic dialogue.
A World Atlas of Translation
Editor(s): Yves Gambier and Ubaldo StecconiPublication Date February 2019More LessWhat do people think of translation in the different historical, cultural and linguistic traditions of the world? How many uses has translation been put to? How distant from one another are the concepts of translation found in the different traditions? These are some of the questions A World Atlas of Translation addresses. Its twenty-one reports give us pictures taken from the inside, both from traditions that are well represented in the literature and from the many that (for now) are not.
But the Atlas is not content with documenting – no map is this innocent. In fact, the wealth of information collected and made accessible by its reporters can be useful to gauge the dispersion of translation concepts across traditions. As you read its reports, the Atlas will keep asking “How far apart do these concepts look to you?” Finally and more ambitiously, the reports can help us test the hypothesis that a cross-cultural notion of translation exists. In this respect, the Atlas is mostly a proof of concept. It hopes to encourage further fact-based research in quest of a robust and compelling unifying notion of translation.
World Englishes
Editor(s): Elena Seoane and Cristina Suárez-GómezPublication Date May 2016More LessThis book provides a collection of articles that reflect the current state of affairs in the blossoming field of World Englishes by bringing together several innovative synchronic and diachronic approaches. It contributes to the ongoing theoretical discussion concerning the criteria that make a low-frequency item represent an incipient change and examines the suitability of the sociolinguistics of globalisation theory for the study of non-traditional avenues for the spread of vernacular varieties of English (recent migrations, the entertainment industry, the web). It explores crucial aspects of language change and dialect evolution through the study of grammatical phenomena and the particular linguistic and socio-historical factors conditioning them. Together with theoretical questions, the volume shows a concern for methodological issues, such as sociolinguistic interviews, map-task experiments, metalinguistic comments, acceptability judgments and corpus-based methods. This volume represents the latest trends in the field and will undoubtedly set the agenda for the years ahead.
This title is in pledging for Knowledge Unlatched Select 2023
World Englishes and Second Language Acquisition
Author(s): Michael PercillierPublication Date September 2016More LessBridging the gap between the fields of World Englishes and Second Language Acquisition, this volume offers an in-depth comparative analysis of two postcolonial varieties of English (Singapore and Malaysian English) and neighbouring Indonesian learner English in order to examine the Outer/Expanding Circle distinction and shed light on the genesis of postcolonial varieties of English. The study identifies and analyses more than thirty linguistic features in the categories phonology, morphology, syntax, and discourse, concluding that in spite of clear syntactic differences, the distinction between the Outer and Expanding Circles is gradual rather than strictly categorical, and should rely on current sociolinguistic realities rather than on historical criteria. The volume will be highly relevant for researchers interested in the dynamics of Outer Circle and Expanding Circle Englishes, the structural and sociolinguistic aspects of English in Southeast Asia, or the integration of the paradigms of World Englishes and Second Language Acquisition.
World Englishes on the Web
Author(s): Mirka HonkanenPublication Date August 2020More LessWorld Englishes on the Web focuses on linguistic practices at the intersection of international migration and social media, examining the language repertoires of Nigerians living in the United States, and their negotiations of identity and authenticity on a Nigerian web forum. Based on a large corpus of informal, multilingual, interactive, online writing, this book describes how diasporic Nigerians employ African-American Vernacular English, Nigerian English, Nigerian Pidgin, and ethnic Nigerian languages in an online community of practice. The project combines corpus linguistic methods—relying on a corpus management tool custom-made for web forum data—with ethnographically-informed qualitative analyses of morphosyntactic, lexical, and orthographic features, and immigrants’ language attitudes and ideologies. It is relevant particularly for linguists and other social scientists interested in World Englishes, the sociolinguistics of globalization and computer-mediated communication, corpus linguistics, and pidgin and creole languages
World Englishes – Problems, Properties and Prospects
Editor(s): Thomas Hoffmann and Lucia SiebersPublication Date September 2009More LessWorld Englishes is a vibrant research field that has attracted scholars from many different linguistic subdisciplines. Emphasizing the common ground of all research on World Englishes, the 22 articles in this collected volume, selected from more than a hundred papers presented at the 2007 conference of the International Association for World Englishes in Regensburg, cover a broad range of topics which together reflect the state of the art of research in this field. The volume focuses on regions as diverse as Africa, the Caribbean, the Antipodes and Asia, but also promotes a globally comparative perspective by analyzing selected characteristics of the English language across a wide range of varieties. Methodologically, a number of different approaches are applied, including corpus linguistic studies, socio-phonetics as well as historical discourse analysis. Due to its wide scope, the book is of interest not only to World Englishes scholars but also to sociolinguists as well as applied, contact or corpus linguists.
Editor(s): Tom Clark, Emily Finlay and Philippa KellyPublication Date January 2017More LessIn 1978, Nelson Goodman explored the relation of “worlds” to language and literature, formulating the term, “worldmaking” to suggest that many other worlds can as plausibly exist as the “world” we know right now. We cannot catch or know “the world” as such: all we can catch are the world versions - descriptions, views or workings of the world – that are expressed in symbolic systems (words, music, dancing, visual representations). Over the twenty-five years since then, creative works have played a crucial role in realigning, reshaping and renegotiating our understandings of how worlds can be made and preserved in the face of globalizing trends.
The volume is divided into three sections, each engaging with worlds as malleable constructs. Central to all of the contributions is the question: how can we understand the relationships between natural, political, cultural, fictional, literary, linguistic and virtual worlds, and why does this matter?
Writing and Identity
Author(s): Roz IvaničPublication Date March 1998More LessWriting is not just about conveying ‘content’ but also about the representation of self. (One of the reasons people find writing difficult is that they do not feel comfortable with the ‘me’ they are portraying in their writing. Academic writing in particular often poses a conflict of identity for students in higher education, because the ‘self’ which is inscribed in academic discourse feels alien to them.)
The main claim of this book is that writing is an act of identity in which people align themselves with socio-culturally shaped subject positions, and thereby play their part in reproducing or challenging dominant practices and discourses, and the values, beliefs and interests which they embody. The first part of the book reviews recent understandings of social identity, of the discoursal construction of identity, of literacy and identity, and of issues of identity in research on academic writing. The main part of the book is based on a collaborative research project about writing and identity with mature-age students, providing:
a case study of one writer’s dilemmas over the presentation of self;
a discussion of the way in which writers’ life histories shape their presentation of self in writing;
an interview-based study of issues of ownership, and of accommodation and resistance to conventions for the presentation of self;
linguistic analysis of the ways in which multiple, often contradictory, interests, values, beliefs and practices are inscribed in discourse conventions, which set up a range of possibilities for self-hood for writers.
The book ends with implications of the study for research on writing and identity, and for the learning and teaching of academic writing.
The book will be of interest to students and researchers in the fields of social identity, literacy, discourse analysis, rhetoric and composition studies, and to all those concerned to understand what is involved in academic writing in order to provide wider access to higher education.
Writing and Language Learning
Editor(s): Rosa M. ManchónPublication Date November 2020More LessThe current volume aspires to add to previous research on the connection between writing and language learning from a dual perspective: It seeks to reflect current progress in the domain as well as to foster future developments in theory and research. The theoretical postulations contained in Part I identify and expand in novel ways the diverse lenses through which the varied, multi-faceted dimensions of the connection between writing and language learning can be explored. The methodological reflections put forward in Part III signal theoretically-grounded and pedagogically-relevant paths along which future empirical work can grow. The empirical studies reported in Part II illuminate the myriad of individual, educational, and task-related variables that (may) mediate short-term and long-term language learning outcomes. These studies examine diverse forms of writing, performed in varied environments (including pen-and-paper and digital writing), conditions (writing individually and/or collaboratively), and instructional settings (academic settings – including secondary school and college level institutions – as well as out-of-school contexts).
Writing and Literacy in Chinese, Korean and Japanese
Author(s): Insup Taylor and M. Martin TaylorPublication Date December 2014More LessThe book describes how the three East Asian writing systems-Chinese, Korean, and Japanese- originated, developed, and are used today. Uniquely, this book: (1) examines the three East Asian scripts (and English) together in relation to each other, and (2) discusses how these scripts are, and historically have been, used in literacy and how they are learned, written, read, and processed by the eyes, the brain, and the mind.
In this second edition, the authors have included recent research findings on the uses of the scripts, added several new sections, and rewritten several other sections. They have also added a new Part IV to deal with issues that similarly involve all the four languages/scripts of their interest.
The book is intended both for the general public and for interested scholars. Technical terms (listed in a glossary) are used only when absolutely necessary.
Writing and Literacy in Chinese, Korean and Japanese
Author(s): Insup Taylor and Martin M. TaylorPublication Date December 1995More LessThis edition has been replaced by a new edition and is no longer available for purchase.
Chinese, Japanese, South (and North) Koreans in East Asia have a long, intertwined and distinguished cultural history and have achieved, or are in the process of achieving, spectacular economic success. Together, these three peoples make up one quarter of the world population.
They use a variety of unique and fascinating writing systems: logographic Chinese characters of ancient origin, as well as phonetic systems of syllabaries and alphabets. The book describes, often in comparison with English, how the Chinese, Korean and Japanese writing systems originated and developed; how each relates to its spoken language; how it is learned or taught; how it can be computerized; and how it relates to the past and present literacy, education, and culture of its users.
Intimately familiar with the three East Asian cultures, Insup Taylor with the assistance of Martin Taylor, has written an accessible and highly readable book. Writing and Literacy in Chinese, Korean and Japanese is intended for academic readers (students in East Asian Studies, linguistics, education, psychology) as well as for the general public (parents, business, government). Readers of the book will learn about the interrelated cultural histories of China, Korea and Japan, but mainly about the various writing systems, some exotic, some familar, some simple, some complex, but all fascinating.
Writing Development
Editor(s): Clotilde PontecorvoPublication Date November 1997More LessThis volume presents a selection of papers presented at a series of three workshops organized by the Network “Written Language and Literacy” as launched by the European Science Foundation. The main topics making up Writing Development are: (1) Writing and literacy acquisition: Links between speech and writing, with contributions by David R. Olson, Claire Blanche-Benveniste, Emilia Ferreiro, Ruth Berman, Liliana Tolchinsky & Ana Teberosky; (2) Writing and reading in time and culture, with contributions by Collette Sirat, Françoise Desbordes, Harmut Günther, Peter Koch, & Jean Hébrard: (3) Written language competence in monolingual and bilingual contexts, with contributions by Michel Fayol & Serge Mouchon, Georges Lüdi, & Ludo Verhoeven; (4) Writing systems, brain structures and languages: A neurolinguistic view, with contributions by Giuseppe Cossu, Heinz Wimmer & Uta Frith, & Brian Butterworth. The volume heads off with an extensive introduction “Studying writing and writing acquisition today: A multidisciplinary view”.
Writing History as a Prophet
Author(s): Elisabeth WesselingPublication Date December 1991More LessThis is a postmodernist history of the historical novel with special attention to the political implications of the postmodernist attitude toward the past.
Beginning with the poetics of Sir Walter Scott, Wesseling moves via a global survey of 19th century historical fiction to modernist innovations in the genre.
Noting how the self-reflexive strategy enables a novelist to represent an episode from the past alongside the process of gathering and formulating historical knowledge, the author discusses the elaboration of this strategy, introduced by novelists such as Virginia Woolf and William Faulkner, in the work of, among others, Julian Barnes, Jay Cantor, Robert Coover and Graham Swift. Wesseling also shows how postmodernist writers attempt to envisage alternative sequences for historical events. Deliberately distorting historical facts, authors of such uchronian fiction, like Thomas Pynchon, Ishmael R. Read, Salman Rushdie and Gunter Grass, imagine what history looks like from the perspective of the losers, rather than the winners.
Writing History in Late Modern English
Editor(s): Isabel Moskowich, Begoña Crespo, Luis Puente-Castelo and Leida Maria MonacoPublication Date October 2019More LessThis volume focuses on the relationship and interaction of language and science between 1700 and 1900. It pays particular attention to English History writing in late Modern English as compiled in the Corpus of History English Texts (CHET), a newly released sub-corpus of the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing. The chapters cover methodological issues, the period and the status of the discipline itself, as well as pilot studies for the description of scientific discourse using CHET. They embrace topics in several linguistic fields: discourse analysis, syntax, semantics, morpho-syntax. The studies take into account extralinguistic parameters of texts, such as year of publication, sex of the author, geographical provenance of authors and the communicative formats/genres to which the text sample belongs. In the particular case of CHET, the collected samples can be grouped in eight different categories and such categories, as well as the above-mentioned metadata information, can be used to search the corpus. The book is of interest for scholars specialised in corpus linguistics and historical linguistics, as well as linguists in general. The metadata information used for analysis can also be of interest for historians and historians of science in particular.The Corpus of History English Texts (CHET), accompanied by the Coruña Corpus Tool (CCT), purpose-designed software by IrLab, is accessible online at the Repositorio Universidade Coruña at http://hdl.handle.net/2183/21849
Writing in Nonstandard English
Editor(s): Irma Taavitsainen, Gunnel Melchers and Päivi PahtaPublication Date February 2000More LessThis book investigates linguistic variation as a complex continuum of language use from standard to nonstandard. In our view, these notions can only be established through mutual definition, and they cannot exist without the opposite pole. What is considered standard English changes according to the approach at hand, and the nonstandard changes accordingly. This book offers an interdisciplinary and multifaceted approach to this central theme of wide interest.
The articles approach writing in nonstandard language through various disciplines and methodologies: sociolinguistics, pragmatics, historical linguistics, dialectology, corpus linguistics, and ideological and political points of view. The theories and methods from these fields are applied to material that ranges from nonliterary writing to canonized authors. Dialects, regional varieties and worldwide Englishes are also addressed.
Writing Organization
Author(s): Carl RhodesPublication Date August 2001More LessCarl Rhodes examines the implicit power of writing and authorship that is at play when people and organisations are (re)presented in research. To explore this, the book reports a research project in the area of organisational storytelling that investigates how people in one organisation used stories to (re)present their own learning experiences from the implementation of a quality management program. This research is written in three principal genres: autobiography, ethnography and a fictional short story. These (re)presentational strategies are reviewed to examine how different genres effect authority in different ways. Drawing extensively on the work of Mikhail Bakhtin and on writers associated with postmodernism and poststructuralism, the book offers a challenging discussion of what organisational research might be when the notion of the equivalence of reality and representation is radically questioned.
Writing Systems, Reading Processes, and Cross-Linguistic Influences
Editor(s): Hye K. PaePublication Date July 2018More LessThis book provides readers with a unique array of scholarly reflections on the writing systems of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean in relation to reading processes and data-driven interpretations of cross-language transfer. Distinctively broad in scope, topics addressed in this volume include word reading with respect to orthographic, phonological, morphological, and semantic processing as well as cross-linguistic influences on reading in English as a second language or a foreign language. Given that the three focal scripts have unique orthographic features not found in other languages – Chinese as logography, Japanese with multi-scripts, and Korean as non-Roman alphasyllabary – chapters expound script-universal and script-specific reading processes. As a means of scaling up the body of knowledge traditionally focused on Anglocentric reading research, the scientific accounts articulated in this volume importantly expand the field’s current theoretical frameworks of word processing to theory building with regard to these three languages.
Writing(s) at the Crossroads
Editor(s): Georgeta CislaruPublication Date August 2015More LessThis volume aims at contributing to an interpretive approach to writing and its dynamics. It offers a general scope on the process-product interface by multiplying the points of view on both the process and the product and their links. The book presents new findings and perspectives in the study of language and writing, both theoretical and methodological (e.g. dual process models of writing, pragmatics of writing, linguistic analysis of psycholinguistic units such as bursts of production). It also presents new tools for a longitudinal approach to the writing steps, key-stroke logging with integrated linguistic modules, and textometric analysis of written texts. The volume is composed of five sections that highlight different approaches to writing from the viewpoint of multiple disciplines: Anthropology, Cognitive Psycholinguistics, Communication Studies, Didactics (Applied Linguistics), Discourse Analysis, Literacy, Sociolinguistics and Text Genetics. This book will be relevant for scholars and students interested in writing, text analysis, literacy, learning and teaching.
As of January 2019, this e-book is freely available, thanks to the support of libraries working with Knowledge Unlatched.
Writings in General Linguistics
Author(s): Mikołaj KruszewskiEditor(s): E.F.K. KoernerPublication Date November 1995More LessThis volume brings together the most important general linguistic writings by Mikołay Kruszewski (1851-1887), whom Roman Jakobson described as “one of the greatest theoreticians of language among the world linguists of the late nineteenth century”. Apart from reissuing a revised version of the late Robert Austerlitz’ translation of the theoretical introduction of Kruszewski’s Master’s thesis on morphophonemic alternation in Old Slavic, first published in German in 1881, the bulk of the present volume consists of the first translation ever, by Gregory M. Eramian, of Kruszewski’s doctoral thesis, Outline of Linguistic Science, supervised by J. Baudouin de Courtenay and submitted in Russian at the University of Kazan in 1883, which until now has been available only in German translation, published in Techmer’s “Zeitschrift” (Leipzig, 1884-1890; reprinted Amsterdam, 1973). Together with a detailed introduction, a full list of Kruszewski’s writings, a bibliography of secondary sources, including a reconstruction of the major works consulted by Kruszewski, and detailed indexes of biographical names, subjects & terms, and languages cited for examples, the present volume provides Western scholars with a solid textual and contextual basis for a proper reassessment of the ideas of arguably the most outstanding 19th-century linguistic thinker.
Written Communication across Cultures
Author(s): Yunxia ZhuPublication Date November 2005More Less
Winner of ABC's award for Distinguished Publication for 2006
This book explores effective written communication across cultures both theoretically and practically. Specifically it conceptualizes cross-cultural genre study and compares English and Chinese business writing collected from Australia, New Zealand and China. It is also one of those inspired by contrastive rhetoric but has contributed innovatively and uniquely by incorporating research findings from genre analysis, in particular, the sociocognitive genre perspective into this cross-cultural study.
On the one hand, the endeavor represents an in-depth theoretical exploration by considering not only discourse community and cognitive structuring, but also the deep semantics of genre and intertextuality, while broadening genre study by integrating insights from cross-cultural communication as well as the Chinese perspectives. On the other hand, the book also addresses pragmatic issues. As a particular feature, it solicits professional members’ intercultural viewpoints; thus confirming the shared social "stock of knowledge" employed in the culturally defined writing conventions.
Last but not least, this book explores the implications for genre education and training, and develops an appropriate model for cross-cultural genre learning, which encourages learning through legitimate peripheral participation and intercultural learning in business organizations.
Written Language Revisited
Author(s): Josef VachekPublication Date January 1989More LessJosef Vachek, one of the last living exponents of the Prague School, has dedicated 50 years of his life to the study of written language in all its aspects. This volume is a tribute to him on the occasion of his 80th birthday. It contains a selection of his papers written between 1945 and 1987. Contents Writing and phonetic transcription; Written language and printed language; The linguistic status of written utterances; The primacy of writing?; Segmentation of the flow of speech and written language; The stylistics of written language; Glossematics and written language; Paralinguistic sounds, written language and language development; Written language as a heterogenous system; The 1929 Praguian Theses, internal speech, and written language; Written language seen from the functionalist angle; On the problem of written language; The development of the written norm of English; Puristic tendencies in written language; Redundancy in written language with special regard to capitalization of graphemes; Spelling as an important linguistic concept; Pluridimensionality of written utterances and its consequences; Revaluations of redundant graphemes; Thoughts on some fifty years of research in written language.
The Written Questionnaire in Social Dialectology
Author(s): Stefan DollingerPublication Date December 2015More LessMethods of linguistic data collection are among the most central aspects in empirical linguistics. While written questionnaires have only played a minor role in the field of social dialectology, the study of regional and social variation, the last decade has seen a methodological revival. This book is the first monograph-length account on written questionnaires in more than 60 years. It reconnects – for the newcomer and the more seasoned empirical linguist alike – the older questionnaire tradition, last given serious treatment in the 1950s, with the more recent instantiations, reincarnations and new developments in an up-to-date, near-comprehensive account. A disciplinary history of the method sets the scene for a discussion of essential theoretical aspects in dialectology and sociolinguistics. The book is rounded off by a step-by-step practical guide – from study idea to data analysis and statistics – that includes hands-on sections on Excel and the statistical suite R for the novice.This book has a companion website: http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/impact.40.website
Written Reliquaries
Author(s): Leslie K. ArnovickPublication Date December 2006More LessWritten Reliquaries: The resonance of orality in medieval English texts establishes the linguistic component of orality and oral tradition. The relics it examines are traces of spoken performance, artifacts of linguistic and cultural processes. Seven case studies animate verbal acts of making promises, quoting proverbs, pronouncing curses, speaking gibberish, praying Pater Nosters, invoking saints, and keeping silence. The study of their resonance is enabled by a methodological conjunction of historical pragmatics and oral theory. Insights from oral theory enlighten spoken traditions which in turn may be understood in the larger historical-pragmatic context of linguistic performance. The inquiry ranges across broad as well as narrow planes of reference to trace a complex set of cultural and linguistic interactions. In this way it reconstructs relevant discursive contexts, giving detailed accounts of underlying assumptions, traditions, and conventions. Doing so, the book demonstrates that an integrated methodology not only allows access to oral discourse in both Old English and Middle English but also provides insight into the fluid medieval interchange of literacy and orality.
XIV Congresso Internationale di Linguistica e Filologia Romanza
Editor(s): Alberto VarvaroPublication Date December 1978More LessThese acts of the 1974 Congresso Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Romanza (Naples) were co-published by John Benjamins Publishing Company and Gaetano Macchiaroli. The five volumes are subdivided into sections by linguistic sub-fields. Vol. 1 contains the plenary papers and papers from the round tables. Volume 2 contains sections on I. General problems, II. Geographical linguistics and sociolinguistics, and III. Languages in contact. Volume 3 contains section IV. Grammar, subdivided into Phonology and phonetics, Morphology, and Syntax. Volume 4 contains sections V. Lexicology, VI. Semantics, and VII. Texts and languages. Volume 5 continues section VII. Texts and languages, and further includes sections VIII. Problems of philology, and IX. History of Romance Philology. The papers are written in Italian, French, and Spanish.
Yiddish: Turning to Life
Author(s): Joshua A. FishmanPublication Date August 1991More LessWorldwide interest in Yiddish has often concentrated on its secular forms of expression: its literature, its theater, its journalism and its political-party associations. This all-encompassing study, covers these phenomena as well as investigating the demographic and political mushrooming of Yiddish-speaking Ultra-Orthodoxy, both in America and in Israel. As the title suggests, this volume attempts to show that Yiddish is now finally on the path towards recovery. The volume consists of 17 papers grouped into five sections: Yiddish and Hebrew: Conflict and Symbiosis; Yiddish in America; Corpus Planning: The ability to change and grow; Status Planning: The Tshernovits Conference of 1908; Stock-taking: Where are we now? Each section is prefaced by an introduction. In addition there are also five papers written in Yiddish. The work emphasises an empirical and theoretical approach to the growing Ultra-Orthodox sector, that until now, has largely been ignored. Fishman's interest in Yiddish (among other Jewish languages) has previously been difficult to access and it is hoped that the appearance of this book will go some way toward alleviating this situation. The volume also includes a statistical appendix bringing together data on Yiddish for the past 100 years from the Czarist Empire, the USSR, Poland, Israel, the USA, and other parts of the world. This extensive and enlightening study should be of interest to sociolinguists and all those engaged in efforts on behalf of small languages everywhere.
You Know
Author(s): Jan-Ola ÖstmanPublication Date January 1981More LessThe basic function the expression you know serves in conversational discourse is said to be that of a pragmatic particle used when the speaker wants the addressee to accept as mutual knowledge (or at least be cooperative with respect to) the propositional content of his utterance. The fact that you know is even used when the addressee is assumed not to know what the speaker is talking about, suggests that it functions at the deference level of politeness, as a striving towards attaining a camaraderie relationship between speaker and hearer. You know is found to be more often used by women than by men in spontaneous conversation, and the manner in which it is used is significantly different from male usage. Ontogenetically, the age of four seems to be crucial for initial steps to use and master pragmatic particles including you know. Data for the study were derived from tape-recorded conversations and interviews.
Young Children's Dyadic Pretend Play
Author(s): Ursula V. SchwartzPublication Date May 1991More LessPretend play in early childhood arises in the context of social interaction and, as such, constitutes a form of discourse indigenous to the child's world. The present study is a first detailed investigation of thematic-ideational structure in young children's dyadic pretend play with special emphasis on major generative strategies involved in the realization of coherent play action sequences. Play was conceptualized as a story in a dramatic mode where two actors jointly generate or attempt to generate ideationally coherent action sequences or play plots resulting in a complex, ever-evolving thematic structure at a number of levels of analysis. Methodological problems of analysis resulted in the creation of an analytic procedure — Master Text — that simultaneously addresses structural and processual features of play and is able to deal with lengthy play segments. The results characterize playing as a form of discourse which proceeds according to patterned regularities at the level of Thematic Core Structures and associated schemata which underly the plot surface. The realization of such structurizations comes about during the play process in a complex interplay with features of the setting and requires establishing and modifying a shared knowledge base. These findings are discussed in light of their significance for childhood socialization.
Youngspeak in a Multilingual Perspective
Editor(s): Anna-Brita Stenström and Annette Myre JørgensenPublication Date May 2009More LessDespite its potential influence on the standard language, there is still relatively little written about the language of the young. This book gives new insight into some important areas of their language, such as identity construction reflected, for instance, in prosodic patterns and language choice, the use of discourse markers and slang in a contrastive perspective, the pragmatics of fixed expressions and the impact of English on the teenage vernacular. Most of the articles are corpus-based, and all represent naturally occurring spontaneous conversation. The book will be of interest to linguists, university students and anyone interested in today’s adolescent language and language change.
Yugoslav General Linguistics
Editor(s): Milorad RadovanovićPublication Date January 1989More LessThis volume is the first anthology of readings in Yugoslav general linguistics in English. It contains twenty contributions by outstanding Yugoslav scholars in such areas as comparative typology and contact linguistics, sociolinguistics (including such topics as bilingualism, multilingualism, diglossia, language planning, language policy, translation theory, etc.), psycholinguistics, structural/generative linguistics (phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics), text linguistics, pragmatics, linguistic semiotics, and the philosophy of language science. The collection should appeal to linguists of all persuasions and specializations.
'Yvain' dans le miroir
Author(s): Joan Tasker GrimbertPublication Date January 1988More LessThis study views the pervasive ambiguity of Chretien's romances as a positive quality and focuses on the techniques used in Yvain to encourage reflection. An adversative structure informs this romance, setting up a disconcerting rhythm of false belief and reversal which forces the reader/listener (like the hero) to question all that meets the eyes and ears. Grimbert's discussion ranges broadly and authoritatively over subjects from narrative omniscience and reliability ... to character, to rhetoric and the duplicity of language”. Norris J. Lacy, French Review 63.2 (1989).
Zarathustra and the Ethical Ideal
Author(s): Robert H. CousineauPublication Date January 1991More LessThis work defines its course in reference to Nietzsche's Also Sprach Zarathustra. The author uses Zarathustra to reflect how our understanding is wedded to affective modes, thematizing especially laughter, fear, awe and hope. The book invites us to rethink how to overcome some relevant impasses of contemporary analytic, hermeneutic and (post)deconstructionist thought. The author seeks the dialogue with the texts and the reader and gradually brings to the fore the ethical. In the words of the author: Most works on Nietzsche talk about him, few address him, much less invite the reader to walk with him. It is time for a dialogical itinerary.
Zur 'Heliand' metrik
Author(s): Ingeborg HinderschiedtPublication Date January 1979More LessDie Heliandmetrik ist eine Metrik im Altsachsischen. In dieser Studie wird versucht eine Analyse, Beschreibung und Auswertung nach der formalen Kriterien zu beschreiben. Wichtig ist vor allem das Verhältnis von Rhythmus und Satzgewicht.
Zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache
Author(s): Wilhelm SchererPublication Date December 1995More LessWilhelm Scherer (1841-1886) has gained wide recognition for his extraordinary accomplishments in linguistics as well as in literary studies.
His first and most important contribution to the development of linguistic science was his monumental work of 508 pages Zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache, published in 1868.
His stated objective was “to subject all aspects of the Germanic grammar to a new treatment.” While such a wording sounds rather modest, the actual implementation in his book, if viewed within the framework of his time, might very appropriately be called revolutionary. He broke with August Schleicher’s distinction between ‘development’ (in prehistorical time) and ‘decay’ (in historical time) in the history of language and replaced it with his notion of continuous, uninterrupted development. His survey of the relevant literature of his time is almost exhaustive, and his findings serve as the solid stepping stone for his own advances.
To facilitate reading, the editor has supplied an index of names (with life dates), a complete listing of the literature referred to by Scherer as well as an introduction to Scherer’s life and his general scholarly achievements.
Zur mittelalterlichen Herkunft einiger Theoreme in der modernen Aristoteles-Interpretation
Author(s): Erwin SondereggerPublication Date March 2024More LessDie Rezeption der Texte von Aristoteles in verschiedenen Welten hat zu Umformungen geführt, von denen manche noch heute als Meinung des Aristoteles selbst behauptet werden. Wenn es möglich ist, diese aus verschiedenen Welten herkommenden Umgestaltungen ausdrücklich zu machen, können sie methodisch ausgeschaltet werden. Beispiele solcher Sedimente der Rezeption betreffen zentrale Themen, beispielsweise, dass Aristoteles eine Substanz-Metaphysik entwickelt habe, aus welcher letztlich eine theologische Ausrichtung oder mindestens ein theologischer Höhepunkt folge. Dass dies eine der Wirkungen der durch verschiedene pseudo-aristotelische Texte bestimmten Rezeption ist, wird heute kaum mehr wahrgenommen, weil die moderne Lektüre des Corpus Aristotelicum schon entsprechend gesteuert ist.
Die vorliegende Studie versucht an Hand der Kommentare von Albertus Magnus und von Thomas von Aquin zu Metaphysik XII diese Wirkung der Rezeption zu belegen. Ein Nebenprodukt der Arbeit besteht in der Einsicht in den Paradigmenwechsel in der Theologie bei den zwei Genannten.
The reception of Aristotle’s texts in different worlds has led to transformations, some of which are still claimed today as the opinions of Aristotle himself. If it is possible to make these transformations coming from different worlds explicit, they can be methodically eliminated. Examples of such reception sediments concern central themes, for example that Aristotle developed a metaphysics of substance, from which a theological orientation or at least a theological climax ultimately follows. The fact that this is one of the effects of the reception determined by various pseudo-Aristotelian texts is hardly noticed today because the modern reading of the Corpus Aristotelicum is already steered accordingly.
The present study attempts to demonstrate this effect of reception using the commentaries of Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas on Metaphysics XII. A by-product of the work is the insight into the paradigm shift in theology among the two mentioned.
Zur Phonologie und Morphologie des Altniederländischen
Editor(s): Rolf H. Bremmer, Jr. and Arend QuakPublication Date January 1992More LessUnter den Übersichten über die ältesten germanischen Sprachen vermißt man oft das Altniederländische. Es wird ihm höchstens ein sehr bescheidener Platz unter der Bezeichnung 'Altnieder fränkisch' eingeräumt. Als Folge der namentlich deutschen historischen Sprachforschung des 19. Jahrhunderts betrachtet man das Altniederfränkische meistens als eine der deutschen Mundarten und nicht als selbständigen Zweig neben den anderen kontinentalen westgermanischen Sprachen: Altfriesisch, Altsächsisch und Althochdeutsch. Eine andere Betrachtungsweise ist durchaus möglich und gar wünschenswert. Maurits Gysseling und Arend Quak zeigen in diesem Band, daß das spärliche Material – hauptsächlich Namen und die Wachtendonckschen Psalmen – eine ausreichende Grundlage bieten, um zu einer einigermaßen ausgebauten Phonologie und Morphologie des Altniederländischen zu kommen. Dieses Buch ist somit nicht nur ein Ansatz zu weiterer Forschung des Altniederländischen als solches. Es bildet zugleich die Grundlage für vergleichende Zwecke.
La «cavalleria umanistica» italiana / The Italian “Humanistic Chivalry”
Editor(s): Antoni Ferrando and Anna Maria BabbiPublication Date November 2021More LessThis book aims to contribute to the knowledge of the cultural and linguistic relations between Italy and the Crown of Aragon in the 15th century. In particular, it studies some relevant aspects of the chivalric romance entitled Curial e Guelfa, written in Italy around 1443-1448 in Catalan, but mainly Italian in spirit, sources and onomastics. It is probably the very first work of a genre known as “humanistic chivalry”, the epitome of which will be Ariosto’s Orlando furioso.
The literary context of Milan and Naples (The Three Crowns, Troubadour Lyrics, Humanism) is analyzed in the first part of the volume. It is this context that made possible the gestation of the Curial, an extraordinary anonymous romance, which was most likely written by the knight Enyego d’Àvalos (Inico d’Avalos), born in Toledo but raised in Valencia. The second part of the volume is devoted to the study of some lexical, stylistic and syntactic aspects of the Curial, which show the author's excellent knowledge of Catalan and the constant influence of Italian in the romance.
Questo libro si propone di contribuire alla conoscenza delle relazioni culturali tra l'Italia e la Corona d’Aragona nel XV secolo. In particolare, studia il romanzo dal titolo Curial e Güelfa, scritto in Italia intorno al 1443-1448, dotato di italianità, fonti e onomastica, ma scritto in catalano. È probabilmente la primissima opera di un genere noto come “cavalleria umanistica| , la cui epitome sarebbe l’Orlando Furioso dell’Ariosto.
Questo volume analizza il contesto letterario di Milano e Napoli che ha reso possibile questo straordinario romanzo anonimo, di cui conosciamo ormai con quasi assoluta certezza che il suo autore era Enyego o Inico d'Avalos. I contributi in questo volume approfondiscono alcuni degli aspetti lessicali, stilistici e sintattici di Curial e Güelfa, e mettono in evidenza l'eccellente conoscenza del catalano da parte del suo autore, nonché la presenza onnipresente della lingua italiana.
El libro pretende contribuir al conocimiento de las relaciones culturales entre Italia y la Corona de Aragón en el siglo XV. En concreto se ocupa de la novela Curial e Güelfa , gestada en Italia hacia 1443-1448, de espíritu, fuentes y onomástica principalmente italianos, pero redactada en lengua catalana. Es probablemente la manifestación más primeriza del género literario conocido como “caballería humanística”, que tendrá su punto culminante con el Orlando furioso, d’Ariosto.
Este volumen analiza el contexto literario de Milán y Nápoles que hizo posible esta extraordinaria novela anónima, de la que ahora sabemos con casi absoluta certeza que su autor fue Enyego o Inico d’Avalos. Las contribuciones de este volumen profundizan en algunos de los aspectos léxicos, estilísticos y sintácticos de Curial e Güelfa, y destacan el excelente conocimiento del catalán de su autor, así como la presencia omnipresente de la lengua italiana.
À la recherche de la prédication
Editor(s): Christiane Marque-Pucheu, Fryni Kakoyianni-Doa, Peter A. Machonis and Harald UllandPublication Date November 2016More LessUne thématique commune, le statut prédicatif de certains syntagmes prépositionnels dans différentes langues, fédère les dix études rassemblées dans le présent recueil qui tire son originalité du sujet lui-même. À ce jour, en effet, rares sont les études qui ont abordé la nature prédicative du syntagme prépositionnel. C’est d’autant plus inédit que ces syntagmes sont courants dans des structures comme les phrases à copule. Pour y parvenir, des chercheurs provenant d’horizons théoriques aussi variés que la grammaire de construction, le lexique-grammaire, la grammaire générative, la psychomécanique et la linguistique appliquée, examinent les aspects théoriques de ces syntagmes, sollicitent de vastes corpus ou encore confrontent le français et une autre langue (anglais, grec moderne, grec ancien, russe). De quoi intéresser non seulement la communauté des chercheurs travaillant en linguistique descriptive, mais aussi dans d’autres domaines, qu’il s’agisse de linguistique informatique, de linguistique contrastive ou de typologie des langues.
L'Époque de la Renaissance (1400–1600)
Editor(s): Eva KushnerPublication Date November 2017More LessLa nouvelle culture (1480-1520) vient compléter la sous-série Renaissance de l’ « Histoire comparée des littératures de langues européennes », ce qui ne nuit en rien à sa vocation unique; car les quarante années, son objet, englobent un extraordinaire ensemble de développements culturels répondant au passé, tout en créant des visions nouvelles avec l’appui d’une multiplicité d’institutions, la réutilisation savante des langues anciennes, la prise en compte de pays nouvellement découverts. Dans tous les domaines de l’esprit: arts, sciences, visions du monde règne la soif de la découverte. Mais ce n’est pas au mépris du passé, au contraire; car la nouvelle culture se nourrit des réalisations et des leçons du passé. Elle est attentive à l’appel du présent tout en reconnaissant ses liens historiques que ce soit dans le domaine politique, poétique, esthétique, scripturaire, et de la pensée religieuse. Même entre opposants tels que Luther et Érasme s’institue un « colloque continu » animé par une aspiration commune à la vérité spirituelle et à un mode de vie politique et civique au sein duquel le passé nourrit et transforme le présent. Au cours des quarante années attribuées au volume présent, la Renaissance est opérante dans nombre de régions, pays, strates sociales, arts de vivre. Cette multiplicité d’instantanés invite le lectorat à percevoir en quoi les années 1480-1520 sont au cœur même du phénomène nommé Renaissance.
L'Époque de la Renaissance (1400–1600)
Editor(s): Tibor Klaniczay, Eva Kushner and André StegmannPublication Date January 1988More LessLe nouveau volume de la série Histoire comparée des littératures de langues européennes constitue lui-même la première partie d'un ensemble de quatre volumes. Ces volumes sont consacrés à une période de 200 ans qui dans l'histoire de la civilisation des peuples d'Europe porte le nom de Renaissance. Les premiers 80 ans de cette époque voient naître, dans un milieu encore empreint de la culture de la fin du moyen-âge, le nouvel esprit qui se nomme humanisme. L'équipe internationale des chercheurs qui ont écrit les chapitres du volume en observant strictement les points de vue de la méthode des recherches comparatives, a travaillé sous la direction des chefs de trois centres internationaux connus des études de la Renaissance: le Centre d'Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance de Tours, le Centre de Recherches de la Renaissance de Budapest et la Chaire de français de l'Université McGill de Montréal. Il a résulté de cette entreprise collective un ouvrage volumineux qui rend compte des phénomènes les plus importants de cette phase de l'histoire de la culture européenne en les examinant dans un contexte international.This volume is part of a book set which can be ordered at a special discount: https://www.benjamins.com/series/chlel/chlel.special_offer_epo.pdf
L'Époque de la Renaissance (1400–1600)
Editor(s): Eva KushnerPublication Date February 2011More LessAu sein de la vaste entreprise qu'est l'Histoire comparée des littératures de langues européennes, la sous-série portant sur la Renaissance, dont fait partie le volume que voici, représente à plusieurs égards une gageure novatrice. La Renaissance a souvent et abondamment été étudiée comme transformation de la civilisation occidentale, en Italie avant tout, par la redécouverte de ses sources gréco-latines et l'absorption de celles-ci par la pensée et la culture contemporaines, et notamment par le christianisme post-médiéval. Certes, l'histoire déjà existante de divers pays d'Europe et de diverses aires linguistiques n'a pas manqué de prendre en compte les manifestations littéraires et artistiques de ces phénomènes. Mais il manquait une vision d'ensemble qui fût attentive aux multiples relations passées et présentes des oeuvres entre elles, au travers des frontières. C'est le but que se propose la sous-série Renaissance en tentant de décrire, dans toute sa complexité interlinguistique, interlittéraire, interculturelle et internationale l'époque qui s'étend de 1400 à 1610 (dates peut-être arbitraires mais fournissant du moins une hypothèse quant à la situation chronologique du phénomène Renaissance). Maturations et mutations (1520–60) explore cette tranche chronologique particulière, dans de multiples domaines de la culture et du littéraire au sein des cultures, en examinant une série de grandes réalisations de l'esprit humain telles qu'elles s'expriment, avec leurs ressemblances et leurs différences, en diverses langues européennes. Plutôt que d'imposer une notion arbitrairement unifiée de la Renaissance (parce qu'il est collectif, mais aussi parce que la multiplicité des survivances et des émergences défie toute généralisation) l'ouvrage que voici tente de saisir l'élan renaissant, là où il se présente, dans toute sa diversité et sa maturité.This volume is part of a book set which can be ordered at a special discount: https://www.benjamins.com/series/chlel/chlel.special_offer_epo.pdf