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- Linguistics [3769] http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject http://instance.metastore.ingenta.com/content/lin
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- 2025 [6] http://pub2web.metastore.ingenta.com/ns/yearOfPublication 2025
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Über die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier
Author(s): Friedrich SchlegelPublication Date January 1977More LessThis volume presents a fac simile edition of Friedrich Schlegel’s Über die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier. Ein Beitrag zur Begründung der Altertumskunde (Heidelberg, 1808). It is preceded by an introductory article by Sebastiano Timpanaro ‘Friedrich Schlegel and the beginnings of Indo-European linguistics in Germany’.
‘Kubla Khan’ – Poetic Structure, Hypnotic Quality and Cognitive Style
Author(s): Reuven TsurPublication Date February 2006More LessThis book endorses Coleridge's statement: "nothing can permanently please which does not contain in itself the reason why it is so". It conceives 'Kubla Khan' as of a hypnotic poem, in which the "obtrusive rhythms" produce a hypnotic, emotionally heightened response, giving false security to the "Platonic Censor", so that our imagination is left free to explore higher levels of uncertainty. Critics intolerant of uncertainty tend to account for the poem's effect by extraneous background information. The book consists of three parts employing different research methods. Part One is speculative, and discusses three aspects of a complex aesthetic event: the verbal structure of 'Kubla Khan', validity in interpretation, and the influence of the critic's decision style on his critical decisions. The other two parts are empirical. Part Two explores reader response to gestalt qualities of rhyme patterns and hypnotic poems in perspective of decision style and professional training. Part Three submits four recordings of the poem by leading British actors to instrumental investigation.
The ‘Noun Phrase’ across Languages
Editor(s): Tsuyoshi Ono and Sandra A. ThompsonPublication Date July 2020More LessThe ‘NP’ is one of the least controversial grammatical units that linguists work with. The NP is often assumed to be universal, and appears to be robust cross-linguistically (compared to ‘VP’ or even ‘clause’) in that it can be manipulated in argument positions in constructed examples. Furthermore, for any given language, its internal structure (order and type of modifiers) tends to be relatively fixed. Surprisingly, however, the empirical basis for ‘NP’ has never been established. The chapters in this volume examine the NP in everyday interactions from diverse languages, including little-studied languages as well as better-researched ones, in a variety of interactional settings. Together, these chapters show that cross-linguistically, the category NP is not as robust as has been assumed: in the context of temporally unfolding human interaction, its structural status is constantly negotiated in terms of participants’ evolving social agendas.
“All families and genera”
Editor(s): Isabel Moskowich, Inés Lareo and Gonzalo CamiñaPublication Date September 2021More Less“All families and genera”: Exploring the Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts aims at exploring scientific writing in late Modern English. This volume is the fourth of its kind devoted to the analysis of the relations between language and different scientific disciplines from 1700 to 1900. Here, forty texts on biology and related fields as compiled in the Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts (CELiST) constitute the basis for the fifteen studies describing scientific discourse on methodological issues, the period and the status of the discipline itself as well as pilot studies.
CELiST is accompanied by an updated version of the Coruña Corpus Tool (CCT), a purpose-designed software. Both the tool and the corpus are freely accessible at the Repositorio Universidade Coruña: CCT at http://hdl.handle.net/2183/21850and CELiST at https://ruc.udc.es/dspace/handle/2183/25720(DOI: https://doi.org/10.17979/spudc.9788497497848).
The book is addressed to an international readership. It is of interest for university libraries as well as other academic institutions/societies and individual scholars specialised in corpus linguistics and historical linguistics all over the world.
“And he knew our language”
Author(s): Marcus TomalinPublication Date April 2011More LessThis ambitious and ground-breaking book examines the linguistic studies produced by missionaries based on the Pacific Northwest Coast of North America (and particularly Haida Gwaii) during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Making extensive use of unpublished archival materials, the author demonstrates that the missionaries were responsible for introducing many innovative and insightful grammatical analyses. Rather than merely adopting Graeco-Roman models, they drew extensively upon studies of non-European languages, and a careful exploration of their scripture translations reveal the origins of the Haida sociolect that emerged as a result of the missionary activity. The complex interactions between the missionaries and anthropologists are also discussed, and it is shown that the former sometimes anticipated linguistic analyses that are now incorrectly attributed to the latter. Since this book draws upon recent work in theoretical linguistics, religious history, translation studies, and anthropology, it emphasises the unavoidably interdisciplinary nature of Missionary Linguistics research.
As of January 2019, this e-book is freely available, thanks to the support of libraries working with Knowledge Unlatched.
“Appelle-moi Pierrot”
Author(s): Jo Ann Marie ReckerPublication Date January 1986More LessThe present study uses modern Molière criticism as a way of understanding Mme de Sévigné. In both Molière and Mme de Sévigné there is evidence of esprit or wit, that intellectual facility which perceives contrasts. Moliéresque critical theory would call this perception the "Imposteur" technique. As the opening lines of Molière's Lettre sur l'Imposteur propose, it is a "discours du ridicule" where ridicule is defined as the incongruous and the unreasonable. This notion depends on an act of intelligent judgement of what actually constitutes the normatively reasonable, and consequently, it presupposes the same perspective on the part of the reader/spectator. Implicit to both irony and ridicule is the complementarity necessary between the giver and the receiver of the message. The application of moliéresque critical theory to the Correspondance of Mme de Sévigné can contribute to a renewed appreciation of the highly intellectual quality of the comic genius of a "spirituelle marquise," a mother who desperately wanted to entice a distanced daughter to regularity in an epistolary exchange, a woman of wit and irony.
“Self” in Language, Culture, and Cognition
Author(s): Yanying LuPublication Date November 2019More LessThis book explores socio-cultural meanings of ‘self’ in the Chinese language through analysing a range of conversations among Chinese immigrants to Australia qualitatively on the topics of individuality, social relationships and collective identity. If language, culture and cognition are major roads, this book is the junction that unites them by arguing that selfhood occurs at their interface. It provides an interdisciplinary approach to unpack manifestations and perceptions of ‘self’ in the contemporary Chinese diaspora discourse from the perspectives of Sociolinguistics, Cognitive Linguistics and the newly developed Cultural Linguistics. This book not only discusses empirical and theoretical issues on the conceptualisation and communication of social identity in a cross-cultural context, it also reveals how traditional and modern ideas in Chinese culture are interacting with those of other world cultures. Considering the power of language, enduring and emerging beliefs and stances that permeate these speakers’ views on their social being and outlooks on life impart their significance in cross-cultural communication and pragmatics.
As of January 2023, this e-book is freely available, thanks to the support of libraries working with Knowledge Unlatched.