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Doctor–Patient Interaction
Editor(s): Walburga von Raffler-EngelPublication Date January 1989More LessThis volume covers many of the ways of speaking that create problems between doctor and patient. The questions under consideration in the present book are the following: How is the doctor-patient interaction structured in a particular culture? What takes place during the process? What causes misunderstandings, lack of cooperation and even total non-compliance? What is the outcome of the interaction and how does the patient benefit from it? Finally, and this is the ultimate purpose of this book: How can the interaction be improved so that an optimum outcome is assured for the patient with maximum satisfaction to the physician?
Doing Justice to Court Interpreting
Editor(s): Miriam Shlesinger and Franz PöchhackerPublication Date October 2010More LessFirst published as a Special Issue of Interpreting (10:1, 2008) and complemented with two articles published in Interpreting (12:1, 2010), this volume provides a panoramic view of the complex and uniquely constrained practice of court interpreting. In an array of empirical papers, the nine authors explore the potential of court interpreters to make or break the proceedings, from the perspectives of the minority language speaker and of the other participants. The volume offers thoughtful overviews of the tensions and conflicts typically associated with the practice of court interpreting. It looks at the attitudes of judicial authorities towards interpreting, and of interpreters towards the concept of a code of ethics. With further themes such as the interplay of different groups of "linguists" at the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal and the language rights of indigenous communities, it opens novel perspectives on the study of interpreting at the interface between the letter of the law and its implementation.
Doing Politics
Editor(s): Michael Kranert and Geraldine HoranPublication Date December 2018More LessThis edited volume explores the discursive, performative and mediated dimensions of contemporary political discourse. The strengths of the volume are manifold: it contains cutting edge interdisciplinary research on political discourses by international authors (UK, USA, Italy, Germany, Austria, Denmark) in political science, discourse linguistic and social interaction research. The contributions represent a wide range of methodological approaches to political discourse, analyzing a broad variety of genres, some of which have been less analyzed to-date, for example Wikipedia articles in combination with their discussion pages or the interaction between politicians and voters in the constituency office of a British Member of Parliament. The contributions also focus on political discourses of high and relevant topicality, such as EU membership of Britain, populism, migration and xenophobia, terrorism and narratives in international relations.
Doing SLA Research with Implications for the Classroom
Editor(s): Robert M. DeKeyser and Goretti Prieto BotanaPublication Date March 2019More LessThis book is unique in bringing together studies on instructed second language acquisition that focus on a common question: “What renders this research particularly relevant to classroom applications, and what are the advantages, challenges, and potential pitfalls of the methodology adopted?” The empirical studies feature experimental, quasi-experimental and observational research in settings ranging from the classroom to the laboratory and CALL contexts. All contributors were asked to discuss issues of cost, ethics, participant availability, experimental control, teacher collaboration, and student motivation, as well as the generalizability of findings to different kinds of educational contexts, languages, and structures.
This volume should be of interest to graduate students in second language research, practicing teachers who want some guidance to navigate the sometimes overwhelming array of publications, and to researchers who are planning studies on instructed second language learning or teaching and are looking to make principled decisions on which of the existing methodologies to adopt.
Domains and Directions in the Development of TBLT
Editor(s): Martin BygatePublication Date November 2015More LessThis volume brings together contemporary position statements and research reviews which were originally presented as Plenary Addresses to the Biennial International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching, between 2005 and 2013. It thus assembles up-to-date reflections, critiques, and recommendations from influential researchers working within the TBLT paradigm over the last 30 years, thereby also highlighting most of the major theoretical perspectives so far developed. While the plenarists structured their chapters around their original presentations, they have been invited to update their thinking as they feel appropriate and in response to recent developments in the field. The collection thus offers representative and accessible coverage of a range of approaches to the overall philosophy of TBLT, to the relationship between TBLT and the study of second language acquisition, and to the development and implementation of TBLT as a comprehensive approach to language education, curriculum, and pedagogy.
Author(s): J. Derrick McClurePublication Date September 2002More LessThe dialect of North-East Scotland, one of the most distinctive and best preserved in the country, survives as both a proudly maintained mark of local identity and the vehicle for a remarkable regional literature. The present study, after placing the dialect in its historical, geographical and social context, discusses in some detail a selection of previous accounts of its distinctive characteristics of phonology and grammar, showing that its shibboleths have been well recognised, and have remained consistent, over a long period. Passages of recorded speech are then examined, with extensive use of phonetic transcription. Finally, a representative selection of written texts, dating from the eighteenth century to the present and illustrating a wide variety of styles and genres, are presented with detailed annotations. A full glossary is also included. This study clearly demonstrates both the individuality of the dialect and the richness of the local culture of which it is an integral part.
Doubts and Directions in Translation Studies
Editor(s): Yves Gambier, Miriam Shlesinger and Radegundis StolzePublication Date July 2007More LessLike previous collections based on congresses of the European Society of Translation Studies (EST), this volume presents the latest insights and findings in an ever-changing, ever-challenging domain. The twenty-six papers, carefully chosen from about 140 presented at the 4th EST Congress, offer a bird's eye view of the most pressing concerns and most exciting vistas in Translation Studies today. The editors' final choices reflect a focus on quality of approach, originality of topic, and clarity of presentation, and aim at capturing the most salient developments in the contemporary theory, methodology and technology of TS. As always in EST, the themes covered relate to translation as well as interpreting. They include discussion of a broad range of text-types and skopoi, and a diversity of themes, such as translation universals, translation strategies, translation and ideology, perception of translated humor, translation tools, etc. Many of the papers force us to take a fresh look at seemingly well established paradigms and familiar notions, while also making recourse to work being done in other disciplines (Semiotics, Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Contrastive Studies).
Dramatized Discourse
Author(s): Zhuo Jing-SchmidtPublication Date August 2005More LessLanguage is a symbolic system of meanings evoked by linguistic forms. The choice of forms in communication is non-arbitrary. Rather, speakers pick those forms whose meanings best convey their discourse intention. The meaning of the Mandarin ba-construction, argues Jing-Schmidt, is discourse dramaticity, a concept that includes high conceptual salience and subjectivity. The ba-construction and its "syntactic variations" are never interchangeable because contrast in their meanings determines difference in their functions. Quantitative analyses based on authentic data validate the postulation of discourse dramaticity. By taking discourse pragmatics seriously, the dramaticity hypothesis enables a unitary explanation that transcends sentence grammar. The diachronic treatment reveals the syntactic change of the ba-construction as an adaptive process of pragmatization, which raises the issue of linguistic evolution as a result of socio-cultural development.
This book will be of particular value to readers interested in the interaction between grammar and pragmatics and to teachers confronting the controversy of the ba-construction in foreign language pedagogy.
Drawing Attention to Metaphor
Editor(s): Camilla Di Biase-Dyson and Markus EggPublication Date April 2020More LessThe communicative act of drawing attention to metaphor is a relatively recent topic in metaphor studies and one that has remained contentious from a cognitive perspective. This book brings philologists of ancient languages together with metaphor experts from several modalities to interrogate whether ancient and modern texts and languages draw attention to figurative tropes in similar ways. In this way, the diachronic, multimodal and pluridisciplinary contributions to this volume critically review the theoretical frameworks underpinning metaphor marking and metaphor analysis from a completely new empirical basis.
Drawing the Boundaries of Meaning
Editor(s): Betty J. Birner and Gregory WardPublication Date November 2006More LessOne of the most lively and contentious issues in contemporary linguistic theory concerns the elusive boundary between semantics and pragmatics, and Professor Laurence R. Horn of Yale University has been at the center of that debate ever since his groundbreaking 1972 UCLA dissertation. This volume in honor of Horn brings together the best of current work at the semantics/pragmatics boundary from a neo-Gricean perspective. Featuring the contributions of 22 leading researchers, it includes papers on implicature (Kent Bach), inference (Betty Birner), presupposition (Barbara Abbott), lexical semantics (Georgia Green, Sally McConnell-Ginet, Steve Kleinedler & Randall Eggert), negation (Pauline Jacobson, Frederick Newmeyer, Scott Schwenter), polarity (Donka Farkas, Anastasia Giannakidou, Michael Israel), implicit variables (Greg Carlson & Gianluca Storto), definiteness (Barbara Partee), reference (Ellen Prince, Andrew Kehler & Gregory Ward), and logic (Jerrold Sadock, Francis Jeffry Pelletier & Andrew Hartline). These original papers represent not only a fitting homage to Larry Horn, but also an important contribution to semantic and pragmatic theory.
Drei Studien zum Germanischen in alter und neuer Zeit
Editor(s): John Ole Askedal, Harald Bjorvand and Ottar GrønvikPublication Date January 1995More LessDer vorliegende Band ist ein Ergebnis der Arbeit im Bereich der vergleichen den germanischen Sprachwissenschaft am Germanistischen Institut der Universität Oslo. Im Beitrag von Harald Bjorvand wird gezeigt, daß die Zahl der maskulinen Verbalnomina mit i-Stamm bildung aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach wesentlich größer ist, als bisher angenommen wurde. Der Aufsatz von Ottar Gronvik bringt neue Gesichtspunkte zu den Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen des Krimgotischen und zur Herkunft der Goten. Im Beitrag von John Ole Askedal werden Hauptzüge der arealtypologischen Beziehungen zwischen Verbkonstruktionen in den modernen germanischen Sprachen beschrieben.
Dublin English
Author(s): Raymond HickeyPublication Date July 2005More LessThe present book describes the English language in all its facets as spoken in present-day Dublin, the capital of the Republic of Ireland. It covers the entire range of its history since the first arrival of English there several hundred years ago. Apart from the evolution of English in the capital, the book also concentrates on the significant changes which have been taking place in the speech of Dublin in the past 15 years or so. The rapid change of Dublin English is seen as a correlate to the many social and economic developments which have occurred in recent years. The type of linguistic change in Dublin is driven by dissociation (the mirror-image of accommodation) and will be of particular interest to scholars working within the ‘language variation and change’ framework as it will to those more generally concerned with varieties of English and their specific profiles vis à vis more standard forms of English.
Dutch Contributions to the Eighth International Congress of Slavists, Zagreb, Ljubljana, September 3–9, 1978
Editor(s): Jan M. MeijerPublication Date January 1979More LessThis volume contains 18 papers derived from presentations by Dutch linguists at the Eighth International Congress of Slavists.
Dutch for Reading Knowledge
Author(s): Christine van Baalen, Frans R.E. Blom and Inez HollanderPublication Date August 2012More LessThis first Dutch for Reading Knowledge book on the market promotes a high level of reading and translation competency by drawing from Dutch grammar, vocabulary and reading strategies, and providing many translation “shortcuts” and tips when tackling complex texts in Dutch. Aimed at students, researchers and scholars who need to learn how to read and translate modern Dutch texts for their academic research, this book focuses on those areas where the Netherlands plays or has played a leading and innovative role in the world. These areas include architecture, art history, design, the Dutch Golden Age, (post)colonialism, (im)migration, social legislation and water management. For all areas the authors combine profound knowledge of the field with great expertise in teaching Dutch language and culture. This book can be used for a Dutch for Reading Knowledge course or curriculum, and is also highly suitable for self study.
Dutch Literature in the Age of Rembrandt
Author(s): Maria A. SchenkeveldPublication Date January 1991More LessDutch literature of the 17th century, while not as famous as other elements of the culture of the Dutch Golden Age, deserves independent focus, not only because of its own intrinsic worth, but also because of the evidence of strong social concern that it presents and the light it sheds on other aspects of the Golden Age. Despite this, outside the Netherlands the literature has not been examined closely, undoubtedly because of the language barrier, but also because there is no reasonable introduction to the material in English. This book fills that lacuna. Richly illustrated, it groups its subjects thematically: politics, religion, nature, daily life. Because Golden Age painting, in particular, is so famous, the book devotes a special chapter to the connection between poetry and painting. A concluding chapter shows the republic's function as a European literary trading center with brisk import and export. Included also are texts and translations of poems and extensive bibliographies for further study.
A Dynamic Approach to Second Language Development
Editor(s): Marjolijn H. Verspoor, Kees de Bot and Wander LowiePublication Date February 2011More LessDynamic systems theory, a general theory of change and development, offers a new way to study first and second language development and requires a new set of tools for analysis of empirical data. After a brief introduction to the theory, this book, co-authored by several leading scholars in the field, concentrates on tools and techniques recently developed to analyze language data from a dynamic perspective. The chapters deal with the general thoughts and reasoning behind coding data, analyzing variability, discovering interacting variables and modeling. The accompanying How to sections give step-by-step instructions to using macros to speed up the coding, creating a dedicated lexical profile, making min-max graphs, testing for significance in single case studies by running simulations, and modeling. Example files and data sets are available on the accompanying website (http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/lllt.29.website). Although the focus is on second language development, the tools are applicable to a wide range of phenomena in applied linguistics.
The Dynamic Consultation
Author(s): Marisa CordellaPublication Date October 2004More LessThis book introduces a unique model of medical discourse that identifies the forms of talk – voices – that doctors and patients use during the consultation, and studies the dynamic interaction as it unfolds particularly in follow-up visits. Natural recordings, semi-structured interviews, questionnaires and ethnographic observations provide the data for the research, which was carried out in an Outpatient Clinic in Santiago, Chile. Using an interactional sociolinguistic approach, analysis of the data identifies doctor–patient communication as a micro-performance of broader socio-cultural realities, in which social status, power, knowledge and personal beliefs and values all find expression in the consultative setting. Importantly, while both doctor and patient voices are shown to contribute to an essentially asymmetrical exchange, the study also identifies the holistic and empathic Fellow Human voice, which places doctors and patients on a more equal footing. In connection with this voice, the Spanish concept of simpatía is also discussed.While the model in this study was developed within a specific socio-cultural framework, it is hoped that it will be adapted and modified more widely and contribute to a better understanding between doctors and their patients.
Dynamic Variation in Second Language Acquisition
Author(s): Bronwen Patricia DysonPublication Date August 2021More LessDynamic Variation in Second Language Acquisition makes a cutting-edge contribution to knowledge about how second language learners develop their second language. Drawing comprehensively on Processability Theory’s theoretical understanding that individual variation dynamically interacts with ordered stages of language acquisition, the book provides an informative, critical analysis of historical and contemporary debates about the role of variation in linguistic variation, particularly second language variation. Richly illustrated with a forensic year-long study of how eight adolescent learners of English vary in their acquisition of syntax and morphology, this monograph shows that learners vary in their timing of development between two distinct learner types along a continuum and without skipping stages. The book uncovers how learner variation is dynamic and quite (although not entirely) systematic and how this variation contributes to change in the second language. It will be essential reading for researchers, students, and practitioners.
Dynamics and Terminology
Editor(s): Rita Temmerman and Marc Van CampenhoudtPublication Date December 2014More LessThe urge to understand all aspects of human experience more and better seems to be one of the motives underlying cognitive development in many domains of human existence. Understanding more and better is at the basis of knowledge creation and extension. One way of getting access to how understanding comes about and how knowledge is the result of a continuous dynamics of understanding and misunderstanding is by studying the cognitive potential and the development of natural language(s) and more particularly of terminology, in specialized domains. In this volume on dynamics and terminology, thirteen contributors illustrate that human cognition is a dynamic process in a variety of socio-cognitive and cultural settings. The case studies encompass a panoply of methodologies and deal with subjects ranging from the dynamics of legal understanding in multilingual Europe, over financial, economic and scientific terminology in several cultural and linguistic settings, to language policy issues in multilingual environments. All thirteen contributors link the dynamics of cognition to the creative potential of language as a repository of past and present experience in cultural settings and to the creation of neologisms in domain-specific languages. Attention is given to the functionality of indeterminacy, vagueness, polysemy, ambiguity, synonymy, metaphor and phraseology. In this volume terminology is researched and discussed from an interdisciplinary perspective, combining insights developed over the last decades in communicative terminology, socio-terminology, socio-cognitive terminology, cultural terminology, with tools and methods from cognitive linguistics, corpus linguistics, sociolinguistics, frame semantics, semiotics, knowledge engineering and statistics.
The Dynamics of English in Namibia
Editor(s): Anne SchröderPublication Date September 2021More LessThe English language as spoken in Namibia has virtually been overlooked in most textbooks, handbooks, and surveys of varieties of English around the world, or else has only been mentioned in passing. However, this variety of English has recently attracted the attention of several researchers and the present volume brings together most scholars actively involved in the research on English in Namibia from various linguistic fields to present their current research. It covers a wide range of linguistic issues, such as empirical analyses on various levels of linguistic description and use, as well as the application of diverse methodologies, from questionnaire surveys, sociolinguistic interviews and focus group discussions, to corpus linguistics, linguistic landscaping, and digital ethnography. This book represents the first comprehensive collection of articles and in-depth discussions of this emerging variety of World Englishes.