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- Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research (vols. 1–17, 2000–2015)
Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research (vols. 1–17, 2000–2015)
Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research (vols. 1–17, 2000–2015)
Price: € 1515.60 + Taxes
Collection Contents
Creating Social Orientation Through Language
Author(s): Andreas LanglotzThis monograph develops a new socio-cognitive theory of sense-making for analyzing the creative management of situated social meaning. Drawing on cognitive-linguistic and social-interactional heuristics in an innovative way, the book both theorizes and demonstrates how embodied cognizers create complex situated conceptualizations of self and other, which guide and support their interactions. It shows how these sense-making processes are managed through the coordinated social interaction of two (or more) communicative partners.
To illustrate the theory, the book draws on two distinct data sets: front-desk tourist-information transactions and online-workgroup discussions. It scrutinizes how the communicative partners use verbal humour as a powerful strategy to creatively establish a situated social image for themselves.
This book addresses specialists and advanced students in the areas of cognitive linguistics as well as interactional approaches to language. Moreover, it will be of great value to readers interested in verbal humour, business communication, and computer-mediated communication.
Sensory Adjectives in the Discourse of Food
Author(s): Catherine DiederichSensory Adjectives in the Discourse of Food presents a frame-based analysis of sensory descriptors. This book investigates the identification and usefulness of conceptual frames in three respects: First, an analysis of scientific language use shows that a semantic interpretation of the adjectives is dependent on the operationalizations performed in the field of sensory science. Second, a systematic frame semantic analysis of the descriptors sheds light on how meaning is constructed with regard to the lexemes’ wider context, from the utterance to the text type. Third, a comparison with German descriptors tests the applicability of a frame from one language to another (English – German). Framing presents itself as a means to capture the knowledge representation that underlies a particular discourse. With its detailed linguistic analyses and its interdisciplinary treatment of framing across discourse (specialized vs. public discourse), this book is interesting for researchers working within cognitive linguistics, terminology, and sensory science.
Editor(s): Isabelle Buchstaller and Ingrid van AlphenMore LessResearch on quotation has yielded a rich and diverse knowledge-base. Scientific interest has been sparked particularly by the recent emergence of new quotative forms in typologically related and unrelated languages (i.e. English be like, Hebrew kazé, Japanese mitai-na).The present collection gives a platform to research conducted within different linguistic sub-disciplines and on the basis of a variety of Western and non-Western languages. The introduction presents an overview of forms and functions of old and new quotative constructions. The nine chapters investigate quotation from different perspectives, from conversation analysis over grammaticalization and language variation and change to typological and formal approaches. The collection advocates a comprehensive approach to the phenomenon ‘quotation’, seeking a more nuanced knowledge-base as regards the linguistic properties, social uses and pragmatic functions than monolingual or single disciplinary approaches deliver. The cross-disciplinary nature and the wealth of data make the findings broadly available and relevant.
A Method for Linguistic Metaphor Identification
Author(s): Gerard J. Steen, Aletta G. Dorst, J. Berenike Herrmann, Anna A. Kaal, Tina Krennmayr and Tryntje PasmaThis book presents a complete method for the identification of metaphor in language at the level of word use. It is based on extensive methodological and empirical corpus-linguistic research in two languages, English and Dutch. The method is formulated as an explicit manual of instructions covering one chapter, the method being a development and refinement of the popular MIP procedure presented by the Pragglejaz Group in 2007. The extended version is called MIPVU, as it was developed at VU University Amsterdam. Its application is demonstrated in five case studies addressing metaphor in English news texts, conversations, fiction, and academic texts, and Dutch news texts and conversations. Two methodological chapters follow reporting a series of successful reliability tests and a series of post hoc troubleshooting exercises. The final chapter presents a first empirical analysis of the findings, and shows what this type of methodological attention can mean for research and theory.
Cognitive Processing in Second Language Acquisition
Editor(s): Martin Pütz and Laura SicolaMore LessThis edited volume represents state of the field research linking cognition and second language acquisition, reflecting the experience of the learner when engaged in noticing, input/output processing, retrieval, and even attrition of target forms. Contributions are both theoretical and practical, describing a variety of L1, L2 and L3 combinations from around the world as observed in spoken, written, and computer-mediated contexts. The book relates conditions of language, task, medium or environment to how learners make decisions about language, with discussions about the application or efficacy of these conditions on linguistic success and development, and pedagogical implications.
The Shared Mind
Editor(s): Jordan Zlatev, Timothy P. Racine, Chris Sinha and Esa ItkonenMore LessThe cognitive and language sciences are increasingly oriented towards the social dimension of human cognition and communication. The hitherto dominant approach in modern cognitive science has viewed “social cognition” through the prism of the traditional philosophical puzzle of how individuals solve the problem of understanding Other Minds. The Shared Mind challenges the conventional “theory of mind” approach, proposing that the human mind is fundamentally based on intersubjectivity: the sharing of affective, conative, intentional and cognitive states and processes between a plurality of subjects. The socially shared, intersubjective foundation of the human mind is manifest in the structure of early interaction and communication, imitation, gestural communication and the normative and argumentative nature of language. In this path breaking volume, leading researchers from psychology, linguistics, philosophy and primatology offer complementary perspectives on the role of intersubjectivity in the context of human development, comparative cognition and evolution, and language and linguistic theory.
Asymmetric Events
Editor(s): Barbara Lewandowska-TomaszczykMore LessThe book introduces the concept of asymmetric events, an important concept in language and cognition, which, for the first time in linguistic literature, is identified in a more systematic way and analyzed in a number of different languages, including typologically or genetically unrelated ones. Asymmetric events are two or more events of unequal status in an utterance and papers in the volume present ways in which a linguistic description of main events in a sentence is different (morphologically, syntactically, discursively) from a description of backgrounded events. The prototypical asymmetries involving perception, cognition, and language are identified in subordination, nominalization and modification of various kinds but they extend to coordinate structures, serial verbs, spatial language and viewing arrangement, as well as part - whole relations. The perspective is broadly cognitive and functional, the authors use different though complementing methodologies, some include corpus data, and the asymmetries are shown to have a variety of stylistic and ideological implications.An in-depth analysis of manifold asymmetries in structure and function of diverse languages makes this volume of interest to linguists of different persuasion, philosophers, cognitive researchers, discourse analysts and students of language and cognition.
Finding Metaphor in Grammar and Usage
Author(s): Gerard J. SteenCognitive linguists have proposed that metaphor is not just a matter of language but of thought, and that metaphorical thought displays a high degree of conventionalization. In order to produce converging evidence for this theory of metaphor, a wide range of data is currently being studied with a large array of methods and techniques. Finding Metaphor in Grammar and Usage aims to map the field of this development in theory and research from a methodological perspective. It raises the question when exactly evidence for metaphor in language and thought can be said to count as converging. It also goes into the various stages of producing such evidence (conceptualization, operationalization, data collection and analysis, and interpretation). The book offers systematic discussion of eight distinct areas of metaphor research that emerge as a result of approaching metaphor as part of grammar or usage, language or thought, and symbolic structure or cognitive process.
The Language of Pain
Author(s): Chryssoula LascaratouHow is the universal, yet private and subjective, experience of pain talked about by different people in everyday encounters? What does the analysis of pain-related lexico-phraseological choices, grammatical structures, and linguistic metaphors reveal as to how pain is perceived and experienced? Are pain utterances primarily used to express or to describe this experiential domain? This is the first book that investigates such questions from both a functional and a cognitive perspective: it combines two converging usage-based theoretical models in a systematic linguistic inquiry of the construal of pain in everyday language. This work is based on a specialised electronic corpus of Greek naturally-occurring dialogues in a health care context, the underlying assumption being that in the absence of factual evidence intuition about language cannot reliably detect or predict patterns of usage. Comparing Greek with English data, this book significantly contributes to the development of this research field cross-linguistically.
Speaking of Colors and Odors
Editor(s): Martina Plümacher and Peter HolzMore LessHow to speak of colors and odors? In many cases, we have to think about an adequate description of a perceived odor or shade of color. Words are not fluently available.The contributions discuss color and odor perception and its linguistic representation from different disciplinary angles: from neurobiology, neuropsychology, psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics and philosophy. They show that linguistic representation of colors and odors depends highly on cultures of communication. Experts are skilled in discerning finer differences between their sense impressions and have at their disposal a special language which non-experts do not master. The color and odor vocabulary is rare, if there is no cultural habit to communicate the very sense impression. In cases where individuals have to speak of their sensory experiences more precisely they often turn to metaphors. The contributions discuss the lack of inter-individual conventions of naming and describing odors – compared to the more expanded linguistic representation of colors.
Applied Cultural Linguistics
Editor(s): Farzad Sharifian and Gary B. PalmerMore LessResearch in the relatively new field of cultural linguistics has implications for second language learning and intercultural communication. This volume is the first of its kind to bring together studies that examine the implications for applied programs of research in these domains. Collectively, the contributions explore the interrelationship between language, culture, and conceptualisations. Each study focuses on a different language-and-culture. The languages-cultures studied include Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Persian, English, Aboriginal English and African English. The particular conceptual bases of the contributions range from theories of embodiment and conceptual metaphors to theories of schemas and cultural scripts. Several authors directly address the application of their observations to the fields of second language/dialect learning and intercultural communication, while others first present a theoretical analysis and then explore its practical implications. Collectively, the contributions establish a novel direction for research in applied linguistics.
Metaphor and Corpus Linguistics
Author(s): Alice DeignanMetaphor is a topical issue across a number of disciplines, wherever researchers are concerned with how speakers and writers package and process messages. This book is addressed at readers from diverse academic backgrounds who are interested in ways of researching metaphor from different perspectives, and especially through corpus linguistics. A number of approaches to and exploitations of metaphor, including conceptual metaphor theory and cognitive approaches more generally, text and spoken discourse analysis, and CDA, are discussed, explored and critiqued using corpus data. The book also includes corpus linguistic studies of different aspects of metaphor, which investigate its linguistic and semantic properties and relate them to current theoretical views. The book demonstrates the need for naturally-occurring language data to be used in the development of metaphor theory, and shows the value of corpus data and techniques in this work.
Origins of Language
Author(s): Sverker JohanssonSverker Johansson has written an unusual book on language origins, with its emphasis on empirical evidence rather than theory-building. This is a book for the student or researcher who prefers solid data and well-supported conclusions, over speculative scenarios. Much that has been written on the origins of language is characterized by hypothesizing largely unconstrained by evidence. But empirical data do exist, and the purpose of this book is to integrate and review the available evidence from all relevant disciplines, not only linguistics but also, e.g., neurology, primatology, paleoanthropology, and evolutionary biology. The evidence is then used to constrain the multitude of scenarios for language origins, demonstrating that many popular hypotheses are untenable. Among the issues covered: (1) Human evolutionary history, (2) Anatomical prerequisites for language, (3) Animal communication and ape "language", (4) Mind and language, (5) The role of gesture, (6) Innateness, (7) Selective advantage of language, (8) Proto-language.
Cognitive Semantics and Scientific Knowledge
Author(s): András KertészThe book focuses on the question of how and to what extent cognitive semantic approaches can contribute to the new field of the cognitive science of science. The argumentation is based on a series of instructive case studies which are intended to test the prospects and limits of the metascientific application of both holistic and modular cognitive semantics. The case studies show that, while cognitive semantic research is able to solve problems which have traditionally been the domain of the philosophy of science, it also encounters serious limits. The prospects and the limits thus revealed suggest new research topics which in future can be tackled by cognitive semantic approaches to the cognitive science of science.
Editor(s): Max M. Louwerse and Willie van PeerMore LessThemes play a central role in our everyday communication: we have to know what a text is about in order to understand it. Intended meaning cannot be understood without some knowledge of the underlying theme. This book helps to define the concept of ‘themes’ in texts and how they are structured in language use.
Much of the literature on Thematics is scattered over different disciplines (literature, psychology, linguistics, cognitive science), which this detailed collection pulls together in one coherent overview. The result is a new landmark for the study and understanding of themes in their everyday manifestation.
Editor(s): Kaoru HorieMore LessComplementation, i.e. predication encoded in argument slots, is well-renowned for its syntactic and semantic variability across languages. As such, it poses a tantalizing descriptive/explanatory challenge to linguists of any theoretical persuasion.
Recent developments in Cognitive and Functional-typological linguistics have enabled researchers to address various unexplored research questions on complementation phenomena. The seven papers included in this volume represent the most recent endeavors to explore cognitive-functional foundations of complementation phenomena from various theoretical perspectives (Cognitive Grammar, Mental Space Theory, Typology, Discourse-functional linguistics, Cognitive Science). The seven papers are prefaced by an introductory chapter (Kaoru Horie and Bernard Comrie) which situates the current volume within the major complementation studies of the past forty years. This work presents a new theoretical venue of complementation studies and enhances our understanding of this complex yet intriguing syntactic and semantic phenomenon.
Meaning and Cognition
Editor(s): Liliana AlbertazziMore LessThe aim of this book is to present significant aspects of cognitive grammar by adopting an interdisciplinary approach. The book provides an interplay of contributions by some exponents of cognitive grammar (Langacker, Croft, Wood, Geeraerts, Kövecses, Wildgen), and philosophers of language (Albertazzi, Marconi, Peruzzi, Violi) who, in most cases, share a phenomenological and Gestalt approach to the problem of semantics.
The topics covered include themes that are central to the debate in cognitive grammar, such as, metaphor, construal operations, prototypicality, Gestalt schemes and field semantics. The book offers evidence to support the cognitive hypothesis in semantics and the existence of a close connection between the structures of perception and the categories of natural language.
Because of the approach employed, with its consideration of borderline aspects among semantics, linguistics, theoretical reflection and historical analysis, the book marks out a route for a philosophical inquiry complementary to a cognitive approach to the semantics of natural language.