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Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (vols. 1–335, 1975–2015)
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (vols. 1–335, 1975–2015)
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Pathways of the Brain
Author(s): Sydney M. LambThe brain is the organ of knowledge and organizer of our abilities, our means of recognizing a face in a crowd, of conversing about anything we experience or imagine, of forming thoughts and developing ideas, of instantly understanding words coming rapidly in conversation. How does it manage all this? Does it represent information in symbols or in the connectivity of a vast network?Pathways of the Brain builds a theory to answer such questions. Using a top-down modeling strategy, it charts relationships among words and other products of the brain’s linguistic system to reveal properties of that system. Going beyond earlier linguistics, it sets three plausibility requirements for a valid neurocognitive theory: operational, developmental, and neurological: It must show how the linguistic system can operate for speaking and understanding, how it can be learned by children, and how it is implemented in neural structures. Unlike theories that leave linguistics isolated from science, it builds a bridge to biology.
Of interest to anthropologists, linguists, neurologists, neuroscientists, philosophers, psychologists, and any thoughtful person interested in language or the brain.
The author is Agnes Cullen Arnold Professor Emeritus of Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences.
Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics
Editor(s): Elabbas Benmamoun, Mushira Eid and Niloofar HaeriMore LessThe papers in this volume address core areas in contemporary Arabic linguistics: syntax, phonology, and variation studies. The papers in the syntax sections address different topics from the perspective of the Minimalist Program (Chomsky 1995) and subsequent work. The topics in this section are adverbs and adjectives, resumptive pronouns, gapping and VP deletion, and the morphosyntax of reciprocals. The phonology section consists of a contribution on coarticulation effects of uvular(ized) segments, and of a paper on pharyngealization and uvularization within the framework of Optimality Theory. The sociolinguistics papers in the third section of the volume represent three important lines of inquiry: discourse level variation, stylistic variation, and diachronic variation.
Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics
Editor(s): Mushira Eid and Robert R. RatcliffeMore LessThe papers in this volume are a selection of papers presented at the 10th Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics (Salt Lake City, 1-3 March 1996). The contributions are:
Remarks on Focus in Standard Arabic: Jamal Ouhalla;
Definiteness Realization and Function in Palestinian Arabic: Dina Belyayeva; Case Properties of Nominalization Dps in Classical Arabic: Arthur Stepanov; Underspecification of Lexical Entries for Arabic Verbs: Mark S. LeTourneau; Plural Formation in Arabic: Ali Idrissi; Prosodic Templates in a Word-Based Morphological Analysis of Arabic: Robert R. Ratcliffe; The Suppletive Imperative of Arabic ‘Come’: David Testen; On an Optimality-Theoretic Account of Epenthesis and Syncope in Arabic Dialects: Bushra Adnan Zawaydeh; Acoustics of Pharyngealization vs. Uvularization Harmony: Kimary N. Shahin; Phonological Variation in Syrian Arabic: Correlation with Gender, Age, and Education: Jamil Daher; Arabic speakers and Parasitic Gaps: Naomi Bolotin; Stress Prosody and Speech Segmentation: Evidence from Moroccan Arabic: Younes Mourchid.
The Phonology of Coronals
Author(s): Tracy Alan HallThis study investigates the phonological behavior of coronal consonants, i.e. sounds produced with the tip or blade of the tongue. The analysis draws on data from over 120 languages and dialects. A definition of coronality is proposed that rejects the current view holding that palatals are positively marked for this feature. The feature [coronal] is assumed to be privative; the natural class of noncoronals is captured with the feature [peripheral], which dominates [labial] and [velar] in feature geometry. The book contains a detailed examination of the phonological patterning of segments belonging to each of the six coronal subplaces (i.e. interdental, dental, alveolar, retroflex, palatoalveolar, and alveolopalatal). A universal set of features is posited that accounts for these facts. Inventories of coronal consonants are treated in depth and impossible contrasts are accounted for with several if-then statements. The present study also contains a lengthy analysis of the phonology of rhotic consonants. A set of features is postulated which captures natural classes involving rhotics and nonrhotic consonants and which distinguishes the various stricture types among rhotics (i.e. trill vs. tap vs. approximant).
Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics
Editor(s): Mushira Eid and Dilworth B. ParkinsonMore LessThis volume includes twelve papers selected from the Ninth Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, held at Georgetown University, Washington D.C., 1995. Three of the papers deal with codeswitching with Arabic, two with the acquisition of Arabic, and four with different aspects of Arabic grammatical structure. The volume also includes three papers presenting data on negation in some Arabic dialects (including those of Yemen, Morocco, Egypt).
The topics are diverse and include Arabic and constraints on codeswitching, verb embeddings and collocations in codeswitching, ellipsis in child language acquisition, clitic left dislocation, parameter resetting in second language acquisition, accessing pharyngeal place, and the derivation of imperatives.
Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics
Editor(s): Mushira EidMore LessThis volume includes ten papers selected from the Eighth Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, held at the University of Masschusetts, Amherst, 1994. Six of them deal with the syntax of Arabic two with phonology, and two with variation. The topics represented in the volume include binding in Arabic, the analysis of negation and negative polarity items, pronoun doubling in codeswitching, linguistic variation and language change, voice assimilation in Arabic dialects, among others.
The volume includes contributions by the following: Mahasen Abu Mansour; Maher Bahloul; Raja Bahloul; Elabbas Benmamoun; Naomi Bolotin; Mushira Eid; Mark LeTourneau; Michael McOmber; Bernadette Plunkett; Keith Walters
Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics
Editor(s): Mushira EidMore LessThis volume includes ten papers selected from the Seventh Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics. For the first time in this series, three of the papers represent experimental studies dealing with Arabic syllable and morphological structure. Four are focused on aspects of agreement in Arabic. The remaining three deal with certain problems in Arabic phonology and discourse.
Perspectives on Grammaticalization
Editor(s): William PagliucaMore LessThis is the second of two volumes deriving from papers presented at the Nineteenth Annual UWM linguistics Symposium held in Milwaukee in 1990. It focuses on the evolution of grammatical form and meaning from lexical material, which has reinvigorated historical analysis and theory and led to advances in the understanding of the relation between diachrony and universals. The richness and potential of some of the leading approaches to grammaticalization are here illustrated in thirteen selected papers.
Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics
Editor(s): Mushira Eid, Vicente Cantarino and Keith WaltersMore LessThis volume divides into 3 sections: I. Arabic in Contact: the Hispano-Arabic Connection; II. Arabic in Contact: Other Connections; III. Phonological Perspectives.
Author(s): Fernando PoyatosThis is the first interdisciplinary book-length treatment of paralanguage, briefly defined as: nonverbal vocal or narial communication. After sensitizing the reader to our sound-generating movements and to all human external and environmental sounds for their unquestionable communicative qualities, it realistically combines an anatomical-physiological auditory approach to voice production (identifying many neglected articulations) with the analysis of its visual manifestations as the triple reality of speech: language-paralanguage-kinesics. The primary qualities of speech (loudness, pitch etc.) are extensively discussed, as are the many voice qualities. The longest chapter in the book deals with paralinguistic differentiators: laughter, crying, sighing, yawning, coughing, sneezing etc. Finally the author presents a model for analyzing paralinguistic alternants, word-like independent constructs (such as Pooh, Aah and Brrr). Throughout the discussion of these paralinguistic phenomena, extensive attention is given to cultural, social and psychological aspects. This first, ground-breaking interdisciplinary work on paralanguage will serve as a source of data and a theoretical/methodological model for phoneticians, linguists, anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, speech therapists etc.
Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics
Editor(s): Mushira Eid and Clive HolesMore LessThe papers in the first section of this volume, 'Variation in Arabic', deal with a wide range of topics: the function of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) vs. dialect variation in political speeches, patterns of variation in concord in Cairene dialect, the extent to which Cairenes 'know' MSA, and the scope of emphaticization in different dialects.
In the section on 'Phonological Perspectives' there are papers dealing with emphasis spread and with gemination/degemination/antigemination in Iraqi Arabic.
The papers in the section on syntax, all focused on MSA and within a GB framework, discuss aspects of Arabic that are problematic for current hypotheses in linguistics, and also more traditional issues such as word order and verbal vs. nominal sentences.
The last two papers represent a historical, comparative Semitic perspective: on the function of energic suffixes, and on the reconstruction of the early Arabic sounds represented by siin and šiin.
Principles and Prediction
Editor(s): Mushira Eid and Gregory IversonMore LessThe volume is divided into four sections: typology, syntax, discourse and phonology. Two of the typology papers study the structure and organization of category systems (Joseph Greenberg, Linda Schwartz); the third discusses language typology and universals from the perspective of language acquisition (Fred Eckman). The eight papers in the syntax section are of three types. Edith Moravcsik and James Tai discuss 'general' issues of linguistic theory/domain. Four papers (Mushira Eid, Michael Kac, Nancy Hedberg, Larry Hutchinson) address specific analyses and their implications from language-particular and theoretical perspectives. The papers by Deborah Dahl and Thomas Rindflesch relate theoretical concepts and analyses to natural language processing. In the section on discourse, the contributions by Anita Barry and Amy Sheldon deal with interpersonal conflict; George Yule discusses the selection between direct and indirect speech forms. Helga Delisle and Cynthia Clamons consider ways in which choices among, or variation in, some grammatical and semantic categories may be explainable on pragmatic and discourse grounds. The phonology papers are focused on two major themes: underspecification and borrowing. Four of the articles address the issue of underspecification in phonological representations (Daniel Dinnsen, Joseph Stemberger, Janet Bing, Gregory Iverson). In the other two papers questions of borrowing are discussed, in Nancy Stenson's contribution from a synchronic perspective, and in Gunter Schaarsmidt's paper from a historical one. The volume is completed by a subject index and a language index.
Prehistory, History and Historiography of Language, Speech, and Linguistic Theory
Editor(s): Bela BrogyanyiMore LessThis collection of papers deals primarily with topics in general linguistics, including history of linguistic science. The volume is divided in 5 parts: I. Origin and Prehistory of Language, II. Historiography of Linguistics, III. Phonology and Phonetic Change, IV. Morphology and Syntax, and V. Socio-Neurolinguistics and Multilingualism.
Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics
Editor(s): Ellen Broselow, Mushira Eid and John McCarthyMore LessThis volume includes papers on the study of Arabic dialects and their implications for general linguistics (Section I), as well of papers of a more general nature (Sections II and III). Because the Arabic dialects are similar in many ways, a study of their differences can help isolate precisely the range of permissible interlinguistic variation (i.e. the “parameters” of universal grammar). A number of papers in Section I focus on the contribution of dialect studies to a theory of crossdialectal and crosslinguistic variation; others focus on individual dialects, thus providing data and analyses that can further contribute to our understanding of this type of variation. The papers in Sections II and III of the volume are selected from the general session of the symposium and address sociolinguistic and historical aspects of Arabic, respectively.
Papers in Theoretical Linguistics
Author(s): Niels DanielsenEditor(s): Per BaerentzenMore LessThis volume contains eight papers by the late Niels Danielsen, Danish linguist and philologist, and serves as a fine introduction to this theory of linguistic universality. The papers highlight the most important universals introduced by him, such as Linguistic Polarity, the Constitutional Axis of Language, the Verbal Nuclei, the Nomic Structure of Sentences, the Transversal Relations and the Critical Field of Distribution. All articles are reprinted in their original form, except for the paper originally entitled “Zur Universalität der Sprache”, which is here presented in an English translation for the first time. The volume is completed by a biographical sketch of Danielsen by Laurits Rendboe, a full list of his publications, an index of languages and an index of authors.
Prospects for a New Structuralism
Editor(s): Hans-Heinrich LiebMore LessThis volume, which has partly grown from a Round Table at the XIVth International Congress of Linguists, argues for a large amount of underlying unity in outlook among different frameworks in present-day linguistics: the contemporary Prague School; the Noematic approach; the UNITYP model; Integrational Linguistics; Natural Morphology; much recent work in phonology; and Popperian Interactionism as applied, in particular, to historical linguistics. Section I discusses philosophical issues such as realism vs. cognitivism; Section II characterizes current frameworks; and Section III deals with individual linguistic areas like phonology. Leading representatives of the various approaches are shown to agree in subscribing to most if not all of nine 'Principles of New Structuralism' that combine ontological realism with non-cognitivist mentalism. These principles define a position that is structuralist in a novel sense and appears to be partly represented also in approaches such as Katzian 'Platonism' and Searle's intentionalism; it should be compatible with frameworks like GPSG. There are definite historical connections with European structuralism. The position is incompatible with current cognitivism of the 'mechanism' type but otherwise bridges traditional oppositions such as the dichotomy of generative vs. non-generative frameworks.
Author(s): Joseph F. KessThis textbook is designed to serve as an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of psycholinguistics. It is directed at filling the reading needs of courses in departments of linguistics and of psychology, presenting an integrated overview of the ways in which both disciplines have investigated the learning, production, comprehension, storage and recall of natural languages. Also detailed are those research topics that have captured the interests of psycholinguists over the past few decades. Some current topics included are modularity vs interactionism, the role of parsing strategies in sentence comprehension, and accessing the mental lexicon in word recognition. Earlier topics that have attracted considerable energy not so long ago, such as sound symbolism and linguistic relativity, are also investigated in some detail. Psycholinguistics is an enquiry into the psychology of language, but the facts of language are what generate theories about why language is learned, produced and processed the way it is. Thus there is a wide array of examples from the languages of the world, intended to provide a feeling for what the nature and range of human language are like.
Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics
Editor(s): Bernard Comrie and Mushira EidMore LessThis is the third in a continuing series of papers presented at the annual meetings of the Arabic Linguistic Society whose primary purpose is to provide a forum for the study of Arabic within current approaches in linguistics. The volume includes a section on Arabic in relation to other languages, with papers ranging from the importance of Arabic to general linguistic theory, and guttural phonology to Arabic loanwords in Acehnese, verbless sentences in Arabic and Hebrew, and a contrastive study of middle and unaccusative constructions in Arabic and English. In the second section of the book, “Grammatical perspectives on Arabic”, topics ranging from causatives in Moroccan Arabic and epenthesis in Makkan Arabic to a computer analysis of Modern Standard Arabic morphology are discussed. The third section, “Socio- and psycholinguistic perspectives”, includes papers on women, men, and linguistic variation, code switching and linguistic accommodation, and agrammatism.
Papers from the 5th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics
Editor(s): Sylvia M. Adamson, Vivien A. Law, Nigel Vincent and Susan WrightMore LessThis volume is a collection of articles based on papers presented at the 5th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics at Cambridge in 1987. It draws together important state-of-the-art' studies in the syntax, phonology, morphology and semantics of Old, Middle and Modern English by prominent figures in the field into a single volume. Core theoretical areas are well represented and there are also major papers in dialectology, stylistics, metrics, socio-historical linguistics and the history of English linguistics.The volume is dedicated to the memory of Professor James P. Thorne, whose last conference paper is included in the collection.
Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics
Editor(s): Mushira Eid and John McCarthyMore LessThe papers in this volume approach the study of Arabic, its structure and use, from different linguistic and sociolinguistic perspectives. The book is divided into three sections: Section I Morphological and Phonological Perspectives; Section II Semantic Perspectives; Section III Sociolinguistic Perspectives.