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- Critical Theory (vols. 1–11, 1985–1993)
Critical Theory (vols. 1–11, 1985–1993)
Critical Theory (vols. 1–11, 1985–1993)
Price: € 889.20 + Taxes
Collection Contents
Signs, Dialogue and Ideology
Author(s): Augusto PonzioSigns, Dialogue and Ideology illustrates and critically examines — both historically and theoretically — the current state of semiotic discourse from Peirce to Bakhtin, through Saussure, Levinas, Schaff and Rossi-Landi to modern semioticians such as Umberto Eco. Ponzio is in search of a method to construct an appropriate language to talk about signs and ideology in this “end of ideology” era. Ponzio aims at an orientation in semiotics based on dialogism and interpretation by calling attention to the widespread transition from the semiotics of decodification to the semiotics of interpretations of signs which are not constrained by the dominant process of social reproduction. To this end the author draws on the literature on 'dialogue', 'otherness', 'linguistic work', 'critique of sign fetishism', and 'interpretative dynamics'. Critique of identity and critique of the subject reaffirm the 'objective', the material, the signifiant, the interpreted sign, the opus; i.e. the 'Otherness' as opposed to the expectation of exhaustiveness in the creation and interpretation of sign products.
Between Signs and Non-Signs
Author(s): Ferruccio Rossi-LandiEditor(s): Susan PetrilliMore LessThe Italian philosopher F. Rossi-Landi (1921-1985) conducted pioneering work in the philosophy of language. His research is characterised by a critique of language and ideology in relation to sign production processes and the process of social reproduction. Between Signs and Non-Signs is a collection of 14 articles by Rossi-Landi written between 1952 and 1984 and gives an overview of his contribution to the philosophy of language and his critique of Charles Morris, Wittgenstein, Bachtin, and his Italian contemporaries. It is in fact a project initiated by the author and now posthumously completed by the editor, with a complete bibliography of Rossi-Landi's extensive work. Susan Petrilli's Introduction gives a fresh view of the importance of Rossi-Landi's work to modern critical theory.
Feminist Critical Negotiations
Editor(s): Alice A. Parker and Elizabeth A. MeeseMore LessThis volume is a collection of original contributions in the field of feminist critical theory which reflect upon past practices and suggest new strategies and directions for future work. The articles are presented in two non-exclusive, interactive sections: “Theorizing Feminist Criticism” and “The Feminist Writing Subject”. They offer different points of entry into the familiar debates that have dominated feminist literary criticism for over a decade. The contributions stage negotiations with literary critical and feminist theory which are productive of different perspectives and new strategies for reading and writing.
Language, Power and Ideology
Editor(s): Ruth WodakMore LessThe topic of Language and Ideology has increasingly gained importance in the linguistic sciences. The general aim of critical linguistics is the exploration of the mechanisms of power which establish inequality, through the systematic analysis of political discourse (written or oral). This reader contains papers on a variety of topics, all related to each other through explicit discussions on the notion of ideology from an interdisciplinary approach with illustrative analyses of texts from the media, newspapers, schoolbooks, pamphlets, talkshows, speeches concerning language policy in Nazi-Germany, in Italofascism, and also policies prevalent nowadays. Among the interesting subjects studied are the jargon of the student movement of 1968, speeches of politicians, racist and sexist discourse, and the language of the green movement. Because of the enormous influence of the media nowadays, the explicit analysis of the mechanisms of “manipulation”, “suggestion”, and “persuasion” inherent in language or about language behaviour and strategies of discourse are of social relevance and of interest to all scholars of social sciences, to readers in all educational institutions, to analysts of political discourse, and to critical readers at large.
The Difference Within
Editor(s): Elizabeth A. Meese and Alice A. ParkerMore LessThe essays in this volume represent the most recent thinking collected on the problematics of feminism and critical theory, engaging the question of the relationship between these terms and the differences within each in terms of the other. As a whole, this piece of an extended conversation within feminism suggests both the illusory comfort of generic demarcations and the discomforting power of the play of difference. The articles are theoretically wide-ranging and provocative, offering discussion of works by such authors as Nella Larsen, Frances Harper, William Faulkner, Toni Morrison, and Alice Walker.
Approaches to Discourse, Poetics and Psychiatry
Editor(s): Iris M. Zavala, Teun A. van Dijk and Myriam Díaz-DiocaretzMore LessA collection of innovative essays representing the most recent developments in poetry as discourse, the discourse of power, and discourse of psychiatry and psychosis. The essays in this volume deal with questions of interpretation of poetry, psychoanalysis, and political theory. All are presented here as appropriate objects of discourse studies which go beyond conventional analysis.
The Nature of the Right
Editor(s): Gill SeidelMore LessThis volume challenges and extends the definition of right and right-wing discourse as traditionally conceived in male scholarship. The eleven papers share a common perspective: a critique of the ideology of 'natural difference' as the basis for oppression of the dominated group. In a radical feminist analysis, the relation of domination between the sexes is seen as central to the projects of the right, in which the constructions of 'nations', 'races' and 'gender' present variations in time and space. In its linking of oppressions, this books makes an important and timely contribution to feminist theory and puts the case for a radical and altogether coherent rethinking of right-wing political space.
Theory of Performing Arts
Author(s): André Helbon recent years, the post structuralist theories seem to have created a split in theatrological research. But, as André Helbo analyses in this book , a dialectic theory of the semiotic and the symbolic exchange bring to light a specific paradigm. From his wide experience as a semiotician and a theatrologist, the author has developed an analysis for the theory of spectacle. Focusing his study on a critical theory of the performing arts, and examining the fundamental controversies, he then offers new perspectives and new instruments of analysis: the social aspects, readability/visibility, coherence, the spectacle contract.
Discourse and Literature
Editor(s): Teun A. van DijkMore LessDiscourse and Literature boldly integrates the analysis of literature and non-literary genres in an innovative embracing study of discourse. Narrative, poetry, drama, myths, songs, letters, Biblical discourse and graffiti as well as stylistics and rhetorics are the topics treaded by twelve well-known specialists selected and introduced by Teun A. van Dijk.
Translating Poetic Discourse
Author(s): Myriam Díaz-DiocaretzTranslating Poetic Discourse argues in favor of a critical model that bridges between translation and women’s studies on theoretical and practical levels. It proposes key-elements to be integrated into the problem of interpretation of contemporary poetry by women, and discusses the links between gender markers and the speech situation in feminist discourse as a systematic problem.
This book will be of interest to scholars of Translation Studies, Women’s Studies, Poetry, Comparative Literature and Discourse.
Women, Feminist Identity and Society in the 1980s
Editor(s): Myriam Díaz-Diocaretz and Iris M. ZavalaMore LessThe general objective of this volume is to present and discuss different modes of existence in women’s texts and feminist identity in political and poetic discourse on the one hand, and to analyze the factors which determine differing relationships between women and society, and which result in specific forms of identity on the other. The essays in this volume explore language, gender, mass media, sexuality, class and social change, women’s identity as Blacks and in the Third World as well as the nature of domination, feminine criticism and female creativity. The volume opens with a challenging question by the feminist poet Adrienne Rich, ‘Who is We?’