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German Language and Literature Monographs (vols. 1–12, 1976–1982)
German Language and Literature Monographs (vols. 1–12, 1976–1982)
Price: € 1192.50 + Taxes
Collection Contents
The Narrative Works of Günter Grass
Author(s): Noel ThomasThis study provides a critical analysis of the narrative works of Günter Grass, under which Die Blechtrommel, Katz und Mann, Hundejahre und Der Butt. It is of interest to everyone who wants to get a better understanding of the novels of this famous German writer.
Das Bild der Antike in der Deutschen Romantik
Author(s): Helene M. Kastinger RileyDie vorliegende Arbeit sollte beitragen an ein besseres Verständnis der romantischen Literatur im zeitgenössischen Kontext. Es wird untersucht wie die die Klassik und die Romantik sich mit einander verhalten haben anhand von Einzelanalysen. Auf tradiotionelle Grenzen wie Früh-, Hoch- oder Spätromantik wird verzichtet, sowie auch auf die Idee daß in romantische Werke nur aesthetische Tendezen zum Ausdruck kamen; sondern daß auch politisch operative und sozialpolitische funktionale Tendenzen wichtig waren.
Reinmars Women
Author(s): William E. JacksonReinmar der Alte, the twelfth-century poet also known as Reinmar von Hagenau, wrote a considerable number of ‘Frauenlieder’ and ‘Frauenstrophen’, i.e. poems and stanzas in which the speaker is a woman. However, there has never been a satisfactory scholarly treatment of these poems. Throughout the history of scholarship dealing with his works, the evaluation has been based mainly on a characterization of his personality. This volume tries to fill this gap by presenting and analysing the Woman’s Song of Reinmar.
The Multiple Perspective
Author(s): Irene Stocksieker Di MaioIn this study the works of Wilhelm Raabe (1831–1910) are being discussed, taking into account the emerge of the perspectival narration, culminating in the Braunschweig period (1870–1920). The book starts with a survey of the point of view theory, including the concept of multiple perspective, and then focusses on the works of Raabe in which these various techniques will be demonstrated. Special attention is paid to three works of the Braunschweig period; Der Dräumling, Das Horn von Wanza and Kloster Lugau.
Goethe's Search for the Muse
Author(s): David B. RichardsThat Goethe was also a translator is a well-kept secret. However, in this study the main focus lies on these translations. Especially on his five longest and most important ones, such as Diderot’s Le Neveu de Rameau and Cellini’s Vita.Not only will the translations be discussed but – and maybe even more importantly – also will this study try to give an answer to the motivation of Goethe. Why did he devote so much time to these translations? This volume offers a complete new perspective on Goethe and his works.
Zur 'Heliand' metrik
Author(s): Ingeborg HinderschiedtDie Heliandmetrik ist eine Metrik im Altsachsischen. In dieser Studie wird versucht eine Analyse, Beschreibung und Auswertung nach der formalen Kriterien zu beschreiben. Wichtig ist vor allem das Verhältnis von Rhythmus und Satzgewicht.
Adolf Glassbrenner
Author(s): Heinz BulmahnAdolf Glassbrenner (1810–1876) was a German humorist and satirist. The aim of this study is to show that Glassbrenner’s writings were rooted within the abstract idealism of the Young Germans. Special focus lies on the period between 1840 and 1849, Glassbrenner’s most active writing period, and representing most closely the elements of Humor and Tendenz. This study is of interest to everyone who wants to know more about the ideas behind the writings of Adolf Glassbrenner, but also to those who want to make a first acquaintance with this famous German writer.
Der von Kürenberg
Author(s): Gayle Agler-BeckDer von Kürenberg was one of the first named poets to write in Middle High German language. This study presents a modified, diplomatic edition of the fifteen strophes text by Der von Kürenberg. It offers a commentary on the original text and discusses the literary and interpretative problems connected with the poet’s work.
Theodor Storm
Author(s): David ArtissHow characteristic were the elements used in Theodor Storm’s (1817–1888) fiction? What were the rich fund of symbols and myths that he used? Few Storm interpreters have addressed themselves seriously to these questions. This study tries to fill this gap.
Festival and Fiction in Heinrich Wittenwiler's 'Ring'
Author(s): Rolf R. MuellerThis volume investigates Heinrich Wittenwiler’s famous poem Ring. Main focus is the relation of the narrative to the traditional topoi of marriage, folly, and play.
Friedrich Nicolais Satiren
Author(s): Peter MollenhauerSatiren wurden oft als ästhetische Kunstübung gesehen, aber der Satiriker Friedrich Nicolai (1733–1811) hatte die Frage nach dem Wahren so eindringlich wie auch ein Kritiker gestellt. Damit bekam die Satire eine neue Deutung und hat diese die Kulturgeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts wesentlich beeinflusst.
Die vorliegende Studie dokumentiert Friedrich Nicolais Satiren, insofern diese neben der Kritik als wesensbestimmende Waffe des Aufklärers Nicolai anzusehen waren.
Strickers Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal
Author(s): Ingeborg HendersonDer Stricker war ein deutscher Fabeldichter, der in der ersten Hälfte des 13. Jahrhunderts lebte. In dieser Publikation wird versucht der harrenden Frage, “welche Stellenwert der Stricker in der nachklassischen Romantradition genau eingenommen hat” eine Lösung zu liefern; besonders wird Strickers Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal behandelt.