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Lingvisticæ Investigationes Supplementa (vols. 1–31, 1979–2014)
Lingvisticæ Investigationes Supplementa (vols. 1–31, 1979–2014)
Price: € 3222.90 + Taxes
Collection Contents
1 - 20 of 30 results
Idiomatic Constructions in Italian
Author(s): Simonetta VietriThis study is devoted to the analysis of Italian idioms with either ordinary or support verbs (also called light verbs). The research focuses on the exhaustive description of idioms, and is based on their systematic classification according to the principles of the Lexicon-Grammar methodology developed by Maurice Gross (1975, 1979 and further). A thorough examination of the literature shows strong disagreement on the acceptability of some idiomatic constructions. For this reason, the Web was used as a corpus to verify judgments on the supposed ungrammatical constructions. This approach showed that idiomatic constructions which have always been considered ungrammatical are instead perfectly acceptable if contextualized. The results obtained include the following: passive is not a "special case" when it concerns idioms, and idiomatic constructions show the same complexity as non-idiomatic constructions.
Ressources Lexicales
Editor(s): Núria Gala and Michael ZockMore LessLes ressources lexicales (dictionnaires, bases de données, thesaurus, etc.) rassemblent des connaissances sur les mots, leurs sens et leurs usages. Si pendant des siècles elles ont été tributaires de l'imprimerie et du format textuel, il existe de nos jours une grande variété d'outils et de ressources accessibles sous des formats électroniques divers. Ainsi, la façon de considérer les ressources lexicales a changé considérablement ces dernières décennies. On a vu notamment apparaître des ressources non plus conçues en tant qu'entités statiques, mais modélisées sous forme de bases de données ou de graphes, dans lesquelles les informations sont liées et accessibles dynamiquement. Le domaine des ressources lexicales, au carrefour de plusieurs disciplines dont la linguistique, la lexicologie, la lexicographie et le traitement automatique des langues, est sans nul doute en pleine effervescence. Le but de ce volume est d'en dresser un panorama général qui rend compte de l’existant et des évolutions en cours.
Lexical resources store knowledge concerning words, their meanings and uses. While dictionaries were confined to printed media, there are now a variety of tools available in electronic form for different purposes. The way we look at these resources (their creation and use) has changed dramatically over the last few decades. Indeed, there is hardly any task in Natural Language Processing which can be conducted without them. While being built by hand in the past, lexical resources are nowadays built with the help of machines, more or less automatically. Also, rather than being conceived as static entities (data-base view), lexical resources are often viewed as graphs, whose nodes and links (connection strengths) may change over time. Interestingly, properties concerning topology, clustering and evolution known from other disciplines also apply to lexical resources: everything is linked, hence accessible, and everything is evolving. While the field is still in evolution, a snapshot may nevertheless be useful to reveal where we stand. This is precisely one of the goals of this volume.
Autour des verbes
Editor(s): Kozué OgataMore LessLe présent recueil rassemble douze études consacrées à des problèmes de syntaxe verbale et à certains faits fondamentaux de lexique et de grammaire. Au-delà de la diversité des approches, l'originalité de l'ouvrage tient au fait que les contributions concernent plusieurs phénomènes peu ou pas décrits auparavant. On y trouvera des études générales portant sur la classification des constructions verbales et sur la notion de prédicat, et d'autres approches plus particulières décrivant : des constructions causatives irrégulières, ou transitives et causative attributive, du verbe faire, les constructions impersonnelles, les attributs de devenir et l'objet indirect en de de changer. A la frontière de la construction et de l’interprétation verbales sont présentées deux études portant sur la diathèse : verbes pronominaux passifs en français et en italien. Enfin, une étude contrastive entre français et japonais sur les déterminations temporelles dans les récits au passé.
This collection assembles twelve studies devoted to problems of verbal syntax and certain fundamental facts of lexicon and grammar. Beyond the diversity of approaches, the originality of the work is due to the fact that the contributions relate to several phenomena little or not described before. One will find general studies relating on the classification of verbal constructions and the concept of predicate, and other approaches more particular describing : irregular causative constructions, or transitive and causative complements of the verb faire, complements of devenir, impersonal constructions and complements and indirect object with de of the verb changer. On the border of verbal construction and interpretation, two studies are presented relating to the diathesis : passive reflexive verbs in French and in Italian. And also a contrastive study between French and Japanese on the temporal determinations in past tense.
Lexical-Semantic Relations
Editor(s): Petra StorjohannMore LessThis collection of articles sketches the complexity of the subject of lexical-semantic relations and addresses semantic, lexicographic and computational issues on an array of meaning relations in different languages. It brings together a variety of linguistic studies on the contextualised construction of synonymy and antonymy in discourse. It shows that research on language and cognition calls for empirical evidence from different sources. This volume demonstrates how the internet, corpus data, as well as psycholinguistic methods contribute profitably to gain insights into the nature of the paradigmatics in actual language use. Furthermore, the volume is concerned with practical and application-oriented research on lexical databases, and it includes explorations of sense-related items in dictionaries from both a text-technological and lexicographic perspective.
La raison morphologique
Author(s): Bernard FradinCe recueil se compose de treize articles centrés sur la morphologie ou le lexique. Ses auteurs ont tous entretenu des relations de travail avec Danielle Corbin et la plupart sont des linguistes reconnus en morphologie. Au-delà de la diversité des approches, l’originalité de l’ouvrage tient au fait qu’il rassemble des contributions qui mettent en lumière des données nouvelles concernant plusieurs phénomènes peu ou pas décrits auparavant (l’incidence des contraintes prosodiques dans la formation des gentilés, les noms dérivés ambigus entre N de procès et N de propriété (correction), la sémantique des adjectifs dénominaux, l’inhibition dans les adjectifs dérivés d’ethniques en espagnol (Usbekistán / usbekistano), ou encore la morphologie non conventionnelle à travers les lexèmes complexes en -ouille) et des contributions qui débattent de questions théoriques plus classiques : principe de la base unique, frontière entre dérivation et composition, statut des segments fluctuants, relation entre préfixation et catégorisation, dérivation paradigmatique. Les phénomènes traités concernent essentiellement l’espagnol, le français, le grec, l’italien et le portugais.
La négation dans les langues romanes
Editor(s): Franck FloricicMore LessNegation has always been and still is a central topic in typological studies and theoretical research. Its centrality shows itself in the fact that it is not restricted to a given linguistic field but compasses the whole domain of linguistic studies. Very often, works on negation are brought about in a one-sided perspective which excludes other points of view. This book, on the contrary, puts together studies on negation based on various theoretical frameworks and aims to cover a wide range of theoretical perspectives. The book offers contributions on negation in Old Occitan, in Old Italic languages, and in several modern Romance languages (Italian, Roumanian, French, Spanish, Occitan, Catalan, among others). It covers the diachronic dimension of negation, and explores the syntactic as well as the semantico-pragmatic side of the phenomenon; aspects of negative affixation provide the morphological dimension. The originality of this volume thus lies in the multidisciplinarity of the approaches and perspectives offered.La question de la négation a toujours été et demeure un sujet central dans les recherches en linguistique théorique et typologique. Son caractère central réside en ceci qu’elle n’est pas limitée à un domaine linguistique donné, mais embrasse le champ entier de la recherche linguistique. Aussi les travaux sur la négation sont-ils très souvent réalisés dans une perspective donnée qui exclut de facto d’autres points de vue ou d’autres approches. Cet ouvrage prend au contraire le parti de réunir des études dont les postulats théoriques et méthodologiques sont variés, couvrant ainsi un éventail de perspectives théoriques. Le présent volume propose donc des contributions sur la négation en Ancien Occitan, dans les langues de l’Italie ancienne et dans diverses langues romanes contemporaines (notamment en Italien, Roumain, Français, Espagnol, Occitan, Catalan). Il couvre ainsi la dimension diachronique de la négation, et s’attache à en décrire le fonctionnement d’un point de vue syntaxique aussi bien que sémantico-pragmatique. La dimension morphologique de la négation est également abordée via la problématique de l’affixation négative. L’originalité de cet ouvrage réside donc dans la multidisciplinarité des approches et des perspectives qu’il offre.
Les Périphrases Verbales
Editor(s): Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot and Nicole Le QuerlerMore LessThis comprehensive volume contains twenty-six out of thirty three papers that were presented at the International Conference on "Les Périphrases Verbales". The conference took place at the University of Caen-Basse-Normandie from June 25th to June 28th 2003, and was co-organized by the Crisco umr cnrs research group and the French Department at Tel Aviv University, Israel. The contributors to this volume aim to present a broad spectrum of theoretical approaches to the analysis of constructions entitled "périphrases verbales". Their work revolves around three central themes: the definition of these constructions and the distinction between certain verbal expressions and true periphrastic expressions; a particular meaning or function of these expressions; and specific nominal constructions considered as periphrastic expressions. The volume is divided into seven sections, each throwing light on a particular aspect of periphrastic expression from various perspectives. The issues discussed are: temporal and aspectual periphrases; auxiliaries, copula, and support verbs; causative periphrases; venire and aller + infinitive / participle; inchoative periphrases; modal periphrases; and the heritage of Gustave Guillaume.
Lexique, Syntaxe et Lexique-Grammaire / Syntax, Lexis & Lexicon-Grammar
Editor(s): Christian Leclère, Éric Laporte, Mireille Piot and Max SilberzteinMore LessMaurice Gross, who died in December 2001, was a pioneer and leading thinker in the field of modern linguistics. Long before computers could facilitate large-scale, lexically-based language study, he and his team began building an exhaustive, empirically-based inventory of the "lexicon-grammar" of French which, thirty years later, still remains the most complete syntax-based lexicon available. Researchers all over the world have adopted the Gross model of description, which serves as a computational model for any language. As can be seen in the contributions in this volume, it has been applied to languages as different as Arabic, Chinese, English, Greek or Korean (as well as the major Romance languages, of course). In this volume the reader will also find a number of articles by eminent linguists who were close friends of Maurice Gross, and frequently in dialogue with him on linguistic issues. No matter whether they shared his theoretical views, or his particular empirical methods of description, they each had great respect for his work, especially for the close-grained linguistic analysis which has set a benchmark for future generations.
Détermination et Formalisation
Editor(s): Xavier Blanco, Pierre-André Buvet and Zoé GavriilidouMore LessThe contributions brought together in this volume represent the state-of-the-art in the study of determiners, which finds itself in the intersection of such fields as theoretical linguistics, computational linguistics, and logic. The articles provide original viewpoints on determination, and bring new perspectives to classic problems. They concern mainly French, but also a large set of other European languages. They center on the lexical properties of determiners in combinations. The reported research is essentially contrastive and oriented to translation and applied technological issues.
A French-English Grammar
Author(s): Morris SalkoffIn this contrastive French-English grammar, the comparisons between French structures and their English equivalents are formulated as rules which associate a French schema (of a particular grammatical structure) with its translation into an equivalent English schema. The grammar contains all the rules giving the English equivalents under translation of the principal grammatical structures of French: the verb phrase, the noun phrase and the adjuncts (modifiers). In addition to its intrinsic linguistic interest, this comparative grammar has two important applications. The translation equivalences it contains can provide a firm foundation for the teaching of the techniques of translation. Furthermore, such a comparative grammar is a necessary preliminary to any program of machine translation, which needs a set of formal rules, like those given here for the French-to-English case, for translating into a target language the syntactic structures encountered in the source language.
Anglicisms, Neologisms and Dynamic French
Author(s): Michael D. PiconeThis comprehensive study of Anglicisms in the context of accelerated neological activity in Contemporary Metropolitan French not only provides detailed documentation and description of a fascinating topic, but opens up new vistas on issues of general linguistic interest: the effects of technology on language, the analyticity-syntheticity controversy, the lexical contribution to language vitality, the study of compound word formation, the interplay between cultural and linguistic affectivity. By investigating the dynamics of borrowing within the larger framework of general neological productivity and by bringing to bear cognitive and pragmatic considerations, a much-needed fresh approach to the entire question of Anglicisms takes shape. All pertinent phenomena regarding Anglicisms in French — a topic which continues to command the attention of language commentators and defenders in France and elsewhere — are explored: integral borrowings, semantic calques, structural calques, the generation of pseudo-Anglicisms and hybrids, graphological and phonological phenomena. In each case, the phenomenon is investigated in the proper context of its interaction with other pertinent neological, phonological and sociocultural developments. These include general changes in French compound word formation, modified derivational dynamics, the microsystem of pseudo-Classical morphology, historic phonological instabilities, the pressure for more synthetic types of lexical production in relation to the needs of technology and society. Rather than adhering rigidly to any single theoretical model, there is an attempt to set up a dialog between differing models in order to arrive at a multidimensional view of the phenomena investigated.
Classification Syntaxique des Constructions Adjectivales en Coréen
Author(s): Jeesun NamThe purpose of this study is the systematic description of a set of data called Adjectives in Korean, which reduces to a minimum theoretical preoccupations and abstract formalisations with no practical applications. The framework of our research is the Lexicon-grammar, whose fundamental idea is that the minimal meaningful unit is the simple sentence and not an isolated word. This work is constituted as follows: given that the corpus extracted from current dictionaries is insufficient for our purpose, we will reconstitute a complete corpus: first, with a formal definition, and then according to some other principles discussed in the first section. With this more complete corpus (5300 items), we will examine in the second section general syntactic properties of adjectival constructions. The third section is devoted to the description of 15 classes of adjectival structures. These syntactic classes will be represented in the form of tables in the annex. The results obtained in this work are indispensable at least for the following activities: first, the elaboration or verification of a linguistic theory demands a priori examination and systematic description of empirical data; furthermore, a syntactic description of lexical data, which is as exhaustive as possible, has a particular interest in the perspective of the elaboration of a lexicon suitable for computer processing of natural language.L’objectif de cette étude est la description systématique d’un ensemble de données dit Adjectifs en coréen, en réduisant au minimum les préoccupations théoriques et les formalisations abstraites et éloignées des faits. Notre démarche s’inscrit dans le cadre du Lexique-grammaire, dont l’idée fondamentale est que l’unité minimale de sens est la phrase simple et non le mot isolé. Ce travail est constitué de la manière suivante: étant donné que le corpus extrait des dictionnaires actuels est insuffisant pour notre objectif, on reconstituera un corpus complet: d’abord avec une définition formelle, et ensuite selon certains autres principes dont nous parlerons dans la première partie; une fois ce corpus constitué (5300 items), on examinera dans la deuxième partie, les propriétés syntaxiques générales des constructions adjectivales; la troisième partie est consacrée à décrire 15 classes de structures adjectivales. Ces classes syntaxiques se présentent sous la forme des tables dans l’annexe. Les résultats que nous avons obtenus dans ce travail sont indispensables au moins pour les deux activités suivantes: d’abord, une élaboration ou une vérification d’une théorie linguistique exige préalablement l’examen et la description systématique de données empiriques; par ailleurs, une description syntaxique des données lexicales, aussi exhaustive que possible, a un intérêt particulier dans la perspective de l’élaboration d’un lexique adéquat au traitement informatique du langage naturel.
Tendances Récentes en Linguistique Française et Générale
Editor(s): Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot and Lucien KupfermanMore LessThe contributors of this book aim to present a broad spectrum of different theoretical approaches in French linguistics. Despite the apparent heterogeneity in the field, a deeper unity in the varous topics emerges demonstrating that French linguistics today is more and more characterized as a consistent framework for common research. This book gives credence to the claim that French linguistics stands at a crossroads where subdomains meet and feed one another.
Lexiques-Grammaires comparés en français
Editor(s): Jacques Labelle and Christian LeclèreMore LessIn most French linguistic studies, the object is so-called standard French, a rather woolly and reductive designation. The particularities of national languages such as Belgian and Quebec French are often forgotten or treated as outlandish facts. The first Montreal conference Lexiques grammaires comparés, on the contrary, deals with the formal description of different variants of French, from two essential points of view: Linguistic analysis (lexicon and syntax) and computational treatment of data.
This volume presents the contributions of the participants in that conference (June 1992): André Goosse, Jean Klein and Béatrice Lamiroy for Belgium; David Clemenceau, Eric Laporte, Gaston Gross, Maurice Gross, Alain Guillet and Max Silberztein for France; Lorne Bouchard, Eric Brunelle, Francine Caviola, Chantal Contant, Jocelyn Desbiens, Gaétane Dostie, Louisette Emirkanian, Jacques Labelle, Pierre Larochelle, Jean-Marcel Léard, Pierre Martel, Sophie Rosset, Sylvie Thiboutot for Quebec.
Continuity in Linguistic Semantics
Editor(s): Catherine Fuchs and Bernard VictorriMore LessUntil recently, most linguistic theories as well as theories of cognition have avoided use of the notion of continuity. At the moment, however, several linguistic trends, sharing a preoccupation with semantico-cognitive problems (e.g. cognitive grammars, 'psychomechanics', 'enunciative theories'), are trying to go beyond the constraints imposed by discrete approaches. At the same time, mathematical (e.g. differential geometry and dynamical systems) and computer science tools (e.g. connectionism) have been proposed that can be used for modelling of continuous linguistic phenomena.In this volume, linguists, philosophers, mathematicians and computer scientists discuss which semantic phenomena (linked to the lexicon, to grammatical theories or to syntactic structures) call for continuous models and which formalisation tools can contribute to the development of such models. The first part of the book is devoted to linguistic issues, the second part deals with modelling issues.Many important questions are raised in the discussion, for instance: Is continuity just a convenient representation of gradual yet discrete facts, or is it an intrinsic characteristic of semantic phenomena? How can the introduction of continuity be reconciled with a methodology based on the falsifiability of theories? What is the link between continuity and Gestalt theory? Can linguistic continuity be accounted for by mathematical models? What about statistical models? How can continuity be implemented on a digital and therefore discrete machine?
La phonologie du schwa français
Editor(s): S. Paul VerluytenMore LessCe livre présente quatre études sur la phonologie du schwa français. “Sur l’identité phonologique du schwa français dans l’accentuation et dans la syllabation”, par Hans Basbøll; “La syllabification et les regles de changement de syllabe en français”, par Roland Noske; “A propos de l’ajustement de e en français”, par Bernard Tranel; “De l’ajustement du schwa en syllabe fermée dans la phonologie due français”, par Yves-Charles Morin.
Machine Translation
Author(s): John Lehrberger and Laurent BourbeauThe use of the computer in translating natural languages ranges from that of a translator's aid for word processing and dictionary lookup to that of a full-fledged translator on its own. However the obstacles to translating by means of the computer are primarily linguistic. To overcome them it is necessary to resolve the ambiguities that pervade a natural language when words and sentences are viewed in isolation. The problem then is to formalize, in the computer, these aspects of natural language understanding. The authors show how, from a linguistic point of view, one may form some idea of what goes on inside a system's black box, given only the input (original text) and the raw output (translated text before post-editing). Many examples of English/French translation are used to illustrate the principles involved.
Sentential Complementation in Spanish
Author(s): Carlos SubiratsThe aim of the present work is to study the main distributional and transformational properties of verbs with a non-prepositional sentential complement in the two-argument sentence in Spanish.
Dépendance et niveaux de représentation en syntaxe
Author(s): Jean-Roger VergnaudDans cette étude, nous développons une approche formelle de quelques problèmes de linguistique. Les questions que nous considérons se rattachent plus spécialement à la théorie des dépendances et à celle des niveaux de représentation, ainsi qu'à la relation entre ces théories: une théorie formelle des cas, les subordonnées infinitives en français et en anglais, la théorie des constructions relatives. Nous avons choisi ces domaines particuliers, parmi d'autres, parce qu’ils permettent d'illustrer certaines préoccupations théoriques communes des linguistes et des informaticiens.
Syntaxe des verbes de mouvement en coréen contemporain
Author(s): Chai-Song HongCe travail est une description syntaxique des constructions des verbes de mouvement (Vmt) en coréen contemporain. L’objectif immédiat est the caractériser syntaxiquement les phrases acceptant un Vmt et de décrire leurs propriétés formelles. Dans cette optique, on doit: construire sur la base de critères formels la classe des Vmt; recenser toutes les entrées lexicales susceptibles de figurer dans cette classe en vue d’en déterminer une liste aussi complète que possible; analyser les principales propriétés syntaxiques des phrases à Vmt. Les cinq chapitres de ce livre et sa conclusion correspondent à ces principales questions.