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Subject collection: Semiotics (98 titles, 1967–2015)
Subject collection: Semiotics (98 titles, 1967–2015)
Price: € 9219.95 + Taxes
Collection Contents
Perspectives on Multimodality
Editor(s): Eija Ventola, Cassily Charles and Martin KaltenbacherMore LessThis volume sign posts several paths of multimodality research and theory-building today. The chapters represent a cross-section of current perspectives on multimodal discourse with a special focus on theoretical and methodological issues (mode hierarchies, modelling semiotic resources as multiple semiotic systems, multimodal corpus annotation). In addition, it discusses a wide range of applications for multimodal description in fields like mathematics, entertainment, education, museum design, medicine and translation.
Peirce and Value Theory
Editor(s): Herman ParretMore LessMost of the essays collected in this book were presented at the Charles S. Peirce Sesquicentennial Congress (Harvard University, September 1989). The volume is devoted to themes within Peirce's value theory and offers a comprehensive view of less known aspects of his influential philosophy, in particular Peirce's work on ethics and aesthetics.The book is divided in four sections. Section I discusses the status of ethics as a normative science and its relation with logic; some applications are presented, e.g. in the field of bioethics. Section II investigates the specific position of Peircean aesthetics with regard to classical American philosophy, especially Buchler, to Husserlian phenomenology, and to European structuralism (Saussure, Jakobson). Section III contains papers on internal aspects of Peirce's aesthetics and its place in his thought. The final section presents applications of Peirce's aesthetic theory: analyses of visual art (mainly paintings), of literary texts and of musical meaning.
Author(s): Fernando PoyatosThis is the first interdisciplinary book-length treatment of paralanguage, briefly defined as: nonverbal vocal or narial communication. After sensitizing the reader to our sound-generating movements and to all human external and environmental sounds for their unquestionable communicative qualities, it realistically combines an anatomical-physiological auditory approach to voice production (identifying many neglected articulations) with the analysis of its visual manifestations as the triple reality of speech: language-paralanguage-kinesics. The primary qualities of speech (loudness, pitch etc.) are extensively discussed, as are the many voice qualities. The longest chapter in the book deals with paralinguistic differentiators: laughter, crying, sighing, yawning, coughing, sneezing etc. Finally the author presents a model for analyzing paralinguistic alternants, word-like independent constructs (such as Pooh, Aah and Brrr). Throughout the discussion of these paralinguistic phenomena, extensive attention is given to cultural, social and psychological aspects. This first, ground-breaking interdisciplinary work on paralanguage will serve as a source of data and a theoretical/methodological model for phoneticians, linguists, anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, speech therapists etc.
Paris School Semiotics
Editor(s): Paul Perron and Frank CollinsMore LessIt has often been claimed that the aim of semiotics is to establish a general theory of systems of signification. However, as Jean-Claude Coquet notes in a recent collection of essays, what distinguishes one school of semiotics from another is the initial definition given of sign. If, for certain semioticians, the sign is first of all an observable phenomenon, for the Paris School it is first of all a construct and this point of departure has crucial theoretical and practical consequences. The essays appearing in these two volumes are representative of recent work carried out by members of this semiotic school. Essays in Volume I study problems more closely related to theoretical issues, while Volume II focuses more specifically on various fields of application.
Paris School Semiotics
Editor(s): Paul Perron and Frank CollinsMore LessIt has often been claimed that the aim of semiotics is to establish a general theory of systems of signification. However, as Jean-Claude Coquet notes in a recent collection of essays, what distinguishes one school of semiotics from another is the initial definition given of sign. If, for certain semioticians, the sign is first of all an observable phenomenon, for the Paris School it is first of all a construct and this point of departure has crucial theoretical and practical consequences. The essays appearing in these two volumes are representative of recent work carried out by members of this semiotic school. Essays in Volume I study problems more closely related to theoretical issues, while Volume II focuses more specifically on various fields of application.
The Prague School and Its Legacy
Editor(s): Yishai TobinMore LessMany of the fundamental ideas of the classical Prague School have guided or inspired much of the interdisciplinary post World War II research in linguistics, literary theory, semiotics, folklore and the arts. The Prague School promoted a humanistic and functional Leitmotiv of language as an open, flexible, adaptable, and abstract system of systems used by human beings to communicate. This hommage to the Prague School presents papers in five areas of research:- Prague School phonology and its theoretical and methodological implications, — The Prague School and functional discourse analysis, — The Prague School and aspects of literary criticism, — The sociological and ethnographical concerns of the Prague School, — The Prague School's semiotic approach to the arts.
Poetics of Expressiveness
Author(s): Yu Shcheglov and A. ZholkovskyThe volume presents for the first time in book form in English the work of two major representatives of the so-called Moscow-Tartu school. The Introduction outlines their project for a poetics of expressiveness against the background of the structural-semiotic movement of the '60s and '70s. Part I is a systematic exposition of the theory, concentrating on the concepts of theme, expressive device, poetic world, etc. Part II and III apply these concepts to a structuralist portrayal of Leo Tolstoy's tales for children (shown to be A War and Peace in miniature) and of the medieval Latin author Archpoet of Cologne (with special emphasis on his Mock Penitent). The volume is provided with a Bibliography of the poetics of expressiveness and a Glossary of its metalanguage.
Petites Mythologies de l'œil et de l'esprit
Author(s): Jean-Marie FlochLa sémiotique plastique refuse la confusion du visible et du dicible. Tout ce qui fait sens peut être soumis à l’analyse: la saturation d’un rouge, le parallélisme ou le croisement de deux lignes ou encore le rappel d’un même agencement de formes et de volumes dan un espace bâti. Les sept études concrètes ici rassemblées portent sur des œuvres aussi différentes qu’une photographie d’Edouard Boubat, une bande dessinée de Benjamin Rabier, deux publicités (‘News’, ‘Urgo’), un tableau de Kandinsky, une maison conçue par l’architecte Georges Baines, les essais critiques et les dessins de Roland Barthes. Un phénomène sémiotique commun les parcourt, qui justifie l’unité de leur approche: c’est le couplage de catégories du signifiant visuel – opposant les couleurs, les formes ou les valeurs – avec certaines catégories conceptuelles, telles que nature/culture, identité/altérité, vie/mort, etc. La compréhesion de ce principe porteur de signification conduit au rapprochement des problématiques esthétique, anthropologique et sémiotique de l’image et de l’œuvre d’art. Elle implique le rejet de tout cloisonnement et de toute hiérarchie a priori des arts et des langages.