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Subject collection: Semiotics (98 titles, 1967–2015)
Subject collection: Semiotics (98 titles, 1967–2015)
Price: € 9219.95 + Taxes
Collection Contents
41 - 60 of 98 results
Studies in Functional Stylistics
Editor(s): Jan Chloupek and Jiří NekvapilMore LessThe 15 contributions in the present collection can be divided roughly into three groups: (1) Papers directly following up functional stylistics and the theory of language culture, elaborated in the classical period of the Prague Linguistic School. (2) Papers concerning the problems of style in a wider communicative arena. These contributions are closely related to contemporary text linguistics and also deal with problems involving psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and semiotics. (3) Papers having, at least in some part, a pronounced historiographic character. These contributions reflect the fact that contemporary Czech linguistic research is firmly anchored in the Prague linguistic tradition. Although the authors' frame of reference is mainly Czech and the current language situation in the Czech Republic, the majority of contributions were intended to have a more general linguistic character and general linguistic validity.
Signs, Science and Politics
Author(s): Lia FormigariThis book tells the story of how 18th-century European philosophy used Locke's theory of signs to build a natural history of speech and to investigate the semiotic tools with which nature and civil society can be controlled. The story ends at the point where this approach to language sciences was called into question. Its epilogue is the description of the birth of an alternative between empiricism and idealism in late 18th- and early 19th-century theories of language. This alternative has given rise to such irreducible dichotomies as empirical linguistics vs. speculative linguistics, philosophies of linguistics vs. philosophy of language. Since then philosophers have largely given up reflecting on linguistic practice and have left the burden of unifying and interpreting empirical research data to professional linguists, limiting themselves to the study of foundations and to purely self-contemplative undertakings. The theoretical and institutional relevance to the present of the problems arising from this situation is in itself a sufficient reason for casting our minds back over a period in which, as in no other, linguistic research was an integral part of the encyclopaedia of knowledge, and in which philosophers reflected, and encouraged reflection, upon the semiotic instruments of science and politics.
Signs, Dialogue and Ideology
Author(s): Augusto PonzioSigns, Dialogue and Ideology illustrates and critically examines — both historically and theoretically — the current state of semiotic discourse from Peirce to Bakhtin, through Saussure, Levinas, Schaff and Rossi-Landi to modern semioticians such as Umberto Eco. Ponzio is in search of a method to construct an appropriate language to talk about signs and ideology in this “end of ideology” era. Ponzio aims at an orientation in semiotics based on dialogism and interpretation by calling attention to the widespread transition from the semiotics of decodification to the semiotics of interpretations of signs which are not constrained by the dominant process of social reproduction. To this end the author draws on the literature on 'dialogue', 'otherness', 'linguistic work', 'critique of sign fetishism', and 'interpretative dynamics'. Critique of identity and critique of the subject reaffirm the 'objective', the material, the signifiant, the interpreted sign, the opus; i.e. the 'Otherness' as opposed to the expectation of exhaustiveness in the creation and interpretation of sign products.
Author(s): Fernando PoyatosThis is the first interdisciplinary book-length treatment of paralanguage, briefly defined as: nonverbal vocal or narial communication. After sensitizing the reader to our sound-generating movements and to all human external and environmental sounds for their unquestionable communicative qualities, it realistically combines an anatomical-physiological auditory approach to voice production (identifying many neglected articulations) with the analysis of its visual manifestations as the triple reality of speech: language-paralanguage-kinesics. The primary qualities of speech (loudness, pitch etc.) are extensively discussed, as are the many voice qualities. The longest chapter in the book deals with paralinguistic differentiators: laughter, crying, sighing, yawning, coughing, sneezing etc. Finally the author presents a model for analyzing paralinguistic alternants, word-like independent constructs (such as Pooh, Aah and Brrr). Throughout the discussion of these paralinguistic phenomena, extensive attention is given to cultural, social and psychological aspects. This first, ground-breaking interdisciplinary work on paralanguage will serve as a source of data and a theoretical/methodological model for phoneticians, linguists, anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, speech therapists etc.
Symbolism and Reality
Author(s): Charles W. Morris and George H. MeadCharles W. Morris' doctoral thesis Symbolism and Reality, written in 1925 at Chicago under George H. Mead, has never before been published. It sets out to prove that thought and mind are not entities, nor even processes involving a psychical substance distinguishable from the rest of reality, but are explicable as the functioning of parts of the experience as symbols to an organism of other parts of experience. Being then the symbolic portion of experience, the psychical or mental can neither be sharply opposed to the rest of experience nor identical with the whole of experience. This edition includes a preface by Achim Eschbach, an extensive bibliography of Morris' works, and indices of names and subjects.
La Charpente modale du sens
Author(s): Per Aage BrandtCet ouvrage est consacré à l'analyse des modalités — épistémiques, aléthiques, déontiques et ontiques — et propose une réécriture de la théorie de Greimas à partir d'une nouvelle conception dynamique du phénomène modal. L'introduction et l'interrogation sémiotique de la théorie des catastrophes de R. Thom et de J. Petitot permettent de redéfinir l'actant, le faire, l'échange, le parcours narratif, et de repenser l'organisation discursive: l'aspectualité, la quantification, la véridiction, la condition, et la constitution des morphologies sémiques. A travers la mise en phrases des scénarios dynamiques, les effets modaux sont étudiés dans le domaine du mode grammatical, et finalement dans le champ de l'énonciation. Une conception morphogénétique du sens est proposée qui le suit à travers les strates de sa constitution modale. On aboutit à une sémiotique expliquant la relation entre iconicité dynamique et symbolisation, et s'ouvrant au dialogue actuel avec les sciences cognitives et au débat sur la répresentation des connaissances. En cours de route, une nouvelle théorie de la narrativité est développée.
Between Signs and Non-Signs
Author(s): Ferruccio Rossi-LandiEditor(s): Susan PetrilliMore LessThe Italian philosopher F. Rossi-Landi (1921-1985) conducted pioneering work in the philosophy of language. His research is characterised by a critique of language and ideology in relation to sign production processes and the process of social reproduction. Between Signs and Non-Signs is a collection of 14 articles by Rossi-Landi written between 1952 and 1984 and gives an overview of his contribution to the philosophy of language and his critique of Charles Morris, Wittgenstein, Bachtin, and his Italian contemporaries. It is in fact a project initiated by the author and now posthumously completed by the editor, with a complete bibliography of Rossi-Landi's extensive work. Susan Petrilli's Introduction gives a fresh view of the importance of Rossi-Landi's work to modern critical theory.
Fundamentals of Story Logic
Author(s): Therese BudniakiewiczDrawing largely on Propp's and Greimas' work on the narrative, this book is aimed at consolidating and extending their views through a series of concrete applications. The volume offers a critical examination of narrative structure in terms of its two basic syntactic units or sets of operations, namely the “eventual or dynamic configurations corresponding to communication or to contract or, more general, to the structure of exchange.” Because of the emphasis it lays on the logical frame underlying the syntagmatic dimension of the story, the book contributes to an integrated descriptive model deliberately centered on “narrative semiotics as a branch of descriptive poetics.” The discussion of value in its social and legal context brings to light the links between the theory of narrative and its anthropological sources. This book shows that a strict concern with story logic requires a reevaluation of the basic premises of semiotic theory and raises important epistemological questions about its evolution.
Logical Semiotics & Mereology
Author(s): Richard M. MartinThe papers in this volume are concerned with a variety of vitally important topics in philosophical logic, the philosophy of language, the philosophy of mathematics, the philosophy of science, and in the application of modern logic to wider philosophical problems. All of them make fundamental use, in one way or another, of logical semiotics, the modern trivium of systematic syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, and some of them, of mereology, the general theory of parts and whole. The book includes 20 articles, dealing with such subjects as 'Logical semiotics and logistic grammar', 'The semiotics of mathematical practice', 'Husserlian parts and wholes', 'Compound individuals and the languages of science', and discusses work of Geach, Lesniewski, Carnap, Peirce, and Quine.
Linguistics and Psychoanalysis
Author(s): Michel Arrivé and Jean-Claude CoquetIf you read or reread Freud, it is difficult not to find on a single page references to language: from speech to text, from slip of the tongue to word play, from letter to meaning-passing inevitably through the strange notion of literal meaning, that fascinated Freud. In short, the unconscious is linked to language. How could it be otherwise, if psychoanalysis is a cure through speech as indicated as early as 1881, by Fraülein Anna O.? The problem of the relationship between linguistic and psychoanalytic concepts necessarily arises. Until now this question has been examined mainly by psychoanalysts, from their own perspective, but here it is investigated by a linguist, who systematically explores two domains. The first is related to the sign and symbol, where the meeting of Freud, Saussure and Hjelmselv ocurred; whereas in the second, that of the signifier, Saussure reappears escorted by Lacan. But Freud is not far away, sine the Lacanian theory of the signifier is rooted not only in Saussure's Cours, but also in the Metapsychology and in Freud's Correspondence with Fliess. To aspire to unravel this knot, in fact corresponds to attempt a reading of the Lacanian aphorism “the unconscious is structured like a language”.
Feminist Critical Negotiations
Editor(s): Alice A. Parker and Elizabeth A. MeeseMore LessThis volume is a collection of original contributions in the field of feminist critical theory which reflect upon past practices and suggest new strategies and directions for future work. The articles are presented in two non-exclusive, interactive sections: “Theorizing Feminist Criticism” and “The Feminist Writing Subject”. They offer different points of entry into the familiar debates that have dominated feminist literary criticism for over a decade. The contributions stage negotiations with literary critical and feminist theory which are productive of different perspectives and new strategies for reading and writing.
Semiological Investigations, or Topics Pertaining to the General Theory of Signs
Author(s): Johann Cristoph HoffbauerReprint of the original Latin text Tentamina semiologica, sive quaedam generalem theoriam signorum spectantia (1789), edited, translated and with an Introduction by Robert E. Innis The 33 sections of this classic text by Hoffbauer have a twofold focus: a descriptive inventory of signs, and a comparison of the expressive and cognitive powers of different sign systems. Using his sign typology as a point of departure, Hoffbauer inquires into the elements of matter and form both necessary and adequate to arrive at a definition of the sign. His purpose in doing so is to present his own version of a general sign theory after pointing out significant errors and weaknesses in the characteristicae universalis of Leibniz, Becher, Toennis, Kalmar, etc. Against the background of criticism of the contemporary deductive sign theories of Lambert, Baumgarten, Mendelssohn, Daries, Wilkins, Kircher and others, Hoffbauer's general semiology gives shape to an outline of a deductive-hypothetical theory of signs. In this historical perspective, Hoffbauer's semiology is of outstanding importance and provides the opportunity to think through once again central and permanent problems of the general science of signs.
Mimesis in Contemporary Theory: An interdisciplinary approach
Editor(s): Ronald BogueMore LessThe essays collected in this volume focus on the interrelated themes of mimesis, semiosis and power, each study exploring some facet of the problem of representation and its relation to strategies of power in the use of verbal and visual signs. Topics discussed include mimesis and power in Plato's Ion, rhetoric and erotics in Petrarch's thought; the limits of visual and verbal representation in Renaissance paintings of the Annunciation; binary thought and Peirce's triadic semiotics; the cinematic semiotics of Gilles Deleuze; fascist iconography in the paintings of Anselm Kiefer; oppositional strategies in postmodern fiction; visual and verbal representations of the body in mass culture; and the semiotics of violence in postmodern popular culture.
The Empire of Signs
Editor(s): Yoshihiko IkegamiMore LessLike Roland Barthes' well-known book, L’Empire des signes, from which the title of the present collection is taken, this volume contains essays dealing with certain aspects of Japanese culture.
Le discours aspectualisé
Editor(s): Jacques FontanilleMore LessL'objectif affiché du colloque 'Le Discours aspectualisé' était d'examiner à quelles conditions on peut passer d'une conception phrastique et linguistique de l'aspect à une théorie de l'aspectualisation discursive en sémiotique. La confrontation de plusieurs disciplines et de plusieurs méthodes — linguistique générale, linguistique historique, sciences cognitives, sémiotique, entre autres — devait permettre de cerner les effets théoriques de ce changement d'objet et de dimension, et d'en mesurer, dans la mesure du possible, les répercussions épistémologiques.
Sémiotique en jeu
Editor(s): Michel Arrivé and Jean-Claude CoquetMore LessFruit d’une décade tenue au Centre culturel de Cerisy en 1983, l’ouvrage réunit une quinzaine de contributions qui sont autant de signes d’ouverture de la part d’une discipline en cours d’évolution. La mise en question porte á la fois sur les postulats (philosophiques et épistémologiques) de la sémiotique, sur ses méthodes (notamment face à de nouveaux domaines d’investigation comme la musique ou l’architecture) et sur ses enjeux (en particulier quant au statut du ‘sujet’ – sujet d’énonciation, sujet ‘analytique’, sujet de l’interaction sociale). Avec une importante intervention d’A.J. Greimas, qui répond ice, sure un ton quasi improvisé, aux questions de l’assistance. Débat avec Paul Ricœur (résumé).
Charles S. Peirce, 1839–1914
Author(s): Gérard Deledalle and Max H. FischThis work is the intellectual biography of the greatest of American philosophers. Peirce was not only a pioneer in logic and the creator of a philosophical movement pragmatism he also proposed a phenomenological theory, quite different from that of Husserl, but equal in profundity; and long before Saussure, and in a totally different spirit, a semiotic theory whose present interest owes nothing to passing fashion and everything to its fecundity. Throughout his life Peirce wrote continually about sign and phenomenon (or phaneron). Consequently his writings must be studied chronologically if they are not to appear incomprehensible or contradictory. One of the merits of this book is to clarify Peirce's thought by analysing its development chronologically. We follow the evolution of Peirce's thought from his critique of Kantian logic and Cartesianism (Chap. I, “Leaving the Cave”: 1851-1870) to his discovery of modern logic and pragmatism (Chap. II, “The Eclipse of the Sun”: 1870-1887) and finally to a semiotic founded on a phenomenology the base of which is the logic of relations and the crowning-point scientific metaphysics (Chap. III, “The Sun Set Free”: 1887-1914). The book includes a detailed chronology, a general bibliography, and an index.
The Semiotics of Fortune-telling
Author(s): Edna Aphek and Yishai TobinThis book presents a semiotic analysis of the linguistic and extralinguistic elements of fortune-telling as part of a larger pragmatic-oriented theory of human communication. The material was collected in Israel, in Hebrew, and parallels are made with other languages and cultures. The analysis is based on dynamic relativism of the multidimensional, transcendental, holistic process of human communication.
Essays on Significs
Editor(s): H. Walter SchmitzMore LessSignifics is one of those (by no means exclusively) sign theoretically relevant movements which arose at the turn of the century. It established a philosophical tradition which, from its very inception, was interlaced with widely varying movements ranging, for example, from Breal's semantics to Carnap's and Neurath's logical empiricism. In this volume, an international group of well-known scholars from various disciplines undertakes a broad re-evaluation of significs and its development which promises also to yield a better knowledge of research approaches in linguistics, semiotics, philosophy, and psychology with which significs was related or vied for acceptance. Contributions deal with Lady Welby's biography and socio-cultural background, the intellectual context of the signific movement at the turn of the century and the relationships between Welby's semiotic and philosophical ideas on the one hand and those of her contemporaries (Breal, Peirce, Schiller, Vailati etc.) and followers (Ogden, Van Eeden, Mannoury etc.) on the other. Descriptions of the historiographically most important archive materials, a bibliography of publications on Lady Welby and her significs and an index of names conclude the volume.
From Sign to Text
Editor(s): Yishai TobinMore LessThis volume contains selected contributions from the colloquium From Sign to Text' (Ben Gurion University, 1985) and combines the diverse interdisciplinary interests and approaches of the contributors in a fundamentally shared definition of language seen as a flexible and open-ended system of systems' revolving around the notion of signs used by human beings to communicate. The special interrelationship between signs and texts is discussed both theoretically and methodologically. The collection consists of an English and a French section.