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Subject collection: Semiotics (98 titles, 1967–2015)
Subject collection: Semiotics (98 titles, 1967–2015)
Price: € 9219.95 + Taxes
Collection Contents
81 - 98 of 98 results
Petites Mythologies de l'œil et de l'esprit
Author(s): Jean-Marie FlochLa sémiotique plastique refuse la confusion du visible et du dicible. Tout ce qui fait sens peut être soumis à l’analyse: la saturation d’un rouge, le parallélisme ou le croisement de deux lignes ou encore le rappel d’un même agencement de formes et de volumes dan un espace bâti. Les sept études concrètes ici rassemblées portent sur des œuvres aussi différentes qu’une photographie d’Edouard Boubat, une bande dessinée de Benjamin Rabier, deux publicités (‘News’, ‘Urgo’), un tableau de Kandinsky, une maison conçue par l’architecte Georges Baines, les essais critiques et les dessins de Roland Barthes. Un phénomène sémiotique commun les parcourt, qui justifie l’unité de leur approche: c’est le couplage de catégories du signifiant visuel – opposant les couleurs, les formes ou les valeurs – avec certaines catégories conceptuelles, telles que nature/culture, identité/altérité, vie/mort, etc. La compréhesion de ce principe porteur de signification conduit au rapprochement des problématiques esthétique, anthropologique et sémiotique de l’image et de l’œuvre d’art. Elle implique le rejet de tout cloisonnement et de toute hiérarchie a priori des arts et des langages.
Sémiotique et philosophie. (Semiotics and Philosophy)
Author(s): Georges KalinowskiLa réflexion sur le droit et la morale a conduit Georges Kalinowski à la logique et à la philosophie. Au début des années cinquante, il crée – à côté de G.H. von Wright et O. Becker – la logique des normes. Sémiotique et philosphie prolonge ses différentes études de logique, métalogique (sémiotique) et philosophie. Kalinowski y discute les idées sur le langage d’une part, et certaines notions sémiotiques d’autre part, issues des anciens (Aristote, les Stoïciens, les scolastiques) et des modernes (Carnap, Frege, Husserl, Lesniewski, Quine, Russell, Saussure, von Wright, Zinov’ev). Il procède en même temps à un affinement de l’outillage conceptuel d’analyse en sémiotique, en proposant des distinctions telles que désignation forte ou faible, vérité au sens fort ou faible, analycité a priori et a posteriori, ou indicatif et conditionnel en sémantique des mondes possibles.
Charles S. Peirce and the Linguistic Sign
Author(s): David A. PhariesThis monograph is about the semiotics of lexical signs, and is of particular interest for historical linguists, in particular those interested in etymology. Specialists in linguistic change have long noticed that certain classes of words seem to be in part exempt from regular patterns of sound change, or perhaps more likely to undergo unusual analogical shifts. The problem is far worse for the etymologist, since the lexicon of every language contains some hundreds of semiotically problematic vocables which must, if the etymological dictionaries are ever to be completed, be explained somehow. Always been struck by the sheer capriciousness of etymologies in which some sort of unusual form-meaning relations are involved, the author, with the help of C.S. Peirce, provides answers to crucial questions in his search to make sense of those capricious etymologies.
Semiotics of Drama and Theatre
Editor(s): Herta Schmid and Aloysius Van KesterenMore LessThe volume presents perspectives in the theory of drama and theatre that are new for the following reasons: 1) the contributions reflect the international cooperation in developing drama and theatre as well as its theories; 2) this collection is the first attempt of presenting papers within the context of (Analytical) Theory of Science; 3) it is the first consistent set of papers starting from semiotics a s a meta-theory. The volume is divided into four sections: I Fundamental of Theatre Research, II Theory of Drama and Theatre, III Descriptive Theatre Research, IV Applied Theatre Research. The fifth and final section offers a selective bibliography of analytical approaches to drama and theatre.
Significs and Language
Author(s): H. Walter SchmitzThis is the facsimile 1911 reprint of Victoria Lady Welby’s very last publication Significs and Language. The Articulate form of our Expressive and Interpretative resources. This volume also includes two major essays from the author’s hands, ‘Meaning and Metaphor’ (reprinted from The Monist 3:4, 1893), and ‘Sense, Meaning and Interpretation’ (reprinted from Mind 5:17 and 18, 1896), and a selection of several noteworthy and unpublished essays. In the introduction to this volume the editor H. Walter Schmitz exemplifies how Lady Welby developed her significs in discussion and cooperation with numerous highly divergent scientists and scholars of her times; how her ideas influenced other scholars in Europe and the US; and how significs sank to near oblivion and was finally recovered.
The Ubiquity of Metaphor
Editor(s): Wolf Paprotté and René DirvenMore LessThis volume brings together a number of articles representative of the present outlook on the importance of metaphors, and of the work done on metaphors in several domains of (psycho)linguistics. The first part of the volume deals with metaphor and the system of language. The second part offers papers on metaphor and language use. In the third part psychological and psycholinguistic aspects of metaphor are discussed.
Women, Feminist Identity and Society in the 1980s
Editor(s): Myriam Díaz-Diocaretz and Iris M. ZavalaMore LessThe general objective of this volume is to present and discuss different modes of existence in women’s texts and feminist identity in political and poetic discourse on the one hand, and to analyze the factors which determine differing relationships between women and society, and which result in specific forms of identity on the other. The essays in this volume explore language, gender, mass media, sexuality, class and social change, women’s identity as Blacks and in the Third World as well as the nature of domination, feminine criticism and female creativity. The volume opens with a challenging question by the feminist poet Adrienne Rich, ‘Who is We?’
Learning and Hatred for Meaning
Author(s): Hugo Kuyper LeticheThis study poses the problems of theoretical and philosophical pedagogy in the practice of teaching. The research goal was to improve my teaching. A concrete experience of undergraduate lecturing is the subject. This unconventional New Paradigm research strives for an immediacy of contact between text and practice. How does a beginning lecturer grapple with this job? What is it like to establish oneself as a teacher? The emphasis is upon the experience of teaching, of the school, and what is expected of one as instructor.
'Studies in Logic' by Members of the Johns Hopkins University (1883)
Author(s): Achim EschbachEditor(s): Charles S. PeirceMore LessThis volume contains a facsimile reprint of the 1883 Boston edition of Studies in Logic by Members of the Johns Hopkins University, edited by Charles S. Peirce. In relation to this work there are three mutually related aspects of Peirce’s thought which deserve to be particularly emphasized: the community structure of science as propagated and practiced by Peirce; his consideration of the fundamental relationship between logic and semiotics; and his emphatic plea for a historisation of science and, hence, of semiotics. Peirce’s Studies in Logic is preceded in this volume by a portrait of Peirce as scientist, mathematician, historian, logician and philosopher by Max. H. Fisch, and a history of semiotics and Charles S. Peirce by Achim Eschbach.
History of Semiotics
Editor(s): Achim Eschbach and Jürgen TrabantMore LessThis volume brings together a collection of papers on the general theoretical and methodological problems in the historiography of semiotics. It is not a history in the conventional sense, even though the main periods and figures in the development of semiotics are given due prominence. Nevertheless, it should offer the reader stimulation and food for thought in the critical approach to even the least questioned facts of semiotic history and the emphasis given to hitherto neglected problems and persons.
Meaning and Reading
Author(s): Michel MeyerAccording to the traditional view, meaning presents itself under the form of some kind of identity. To give the meaning of a sentence amounts to being capable of producing some substitute based on the identity of the terms of the sentence. Is then the meaning of a book, or of any text, the capacity of rewriting it? Instead of retaining a double-standard theory of meaning, one for sentences and another for texts, that would allow for an ad hoc gap, the author provides a unified conception, called the question view of language he has developed, known as problematology. He pursues a systematic analysis of questioning in literature and shows how questioning makes the understanding process possible.
Semiotics and Pragmatics
Author(s): Herman ParretLooking at the ‘semiotic landscape’ – the panorama of constituted semiotics – two traditions seem to have developed separately and without interpenetration. Anglo-Saxon semioticians consider the Peircean framework to provide the adequate conceptual apparatus, whereas so-called ‘Continental’ semioticians refer to the sign theory in Saussure and in its interpretation by Hjelmslev (for instance, the École sémiotique de Paris). Evaluating each other’s projects, methods, and results could lead to a balanced view. The purpose of this monograph is to get the best out of the adequate insights from both sides, and to make suggestions how the semioticians from the Peircean or Saussuro-Hjelmslevian school can be removed from their isolationist positions. A comparison and homologation of these two orientations will be carried out from the angle of the impact of pragmaticism on both semiotic orientations. How intentionality, action, conventionality, interlocution are integrated in both orientations will be given particular emphasis.
What is Meaning?
Author(s): Victoria Lady Welby and Achim EschbachIn "What is Meaning" (1903) the author elaborates on the fundamental tenets of her theory of sign, to which she gave the overall term ‘significs’. One of the main obstacles to an adequate theory of meaning, in Lady Welby’s opinion, is the unfounded assumption of fixed sign meaning. "There is, strictly speaking, no such thing as the Sense of a word, but only the sense in which it is used – the circumstances, state of mind, reference, ‘universe of discourse’ belonging to it. The Meaning of a word is the intent which it is desired to convey – the intention of the user. The Significance is always manifold, and intensifies its sense as well as its meaning, by expressing its importance, its appeal to us, its moment for us, its emotional force, its ideal value, its moral aspect, its universal or at least social range."
This facsimile of the 1903 edition of "What is Meaning" is accompanied by an essay on "Significs as a Fundamental Science" by Achim Eschbach, and "A Concise History of Significs" by G. Mannoury.
The Structure of the Literary Process
Editor(s): Peter Steiner, Miroslav Červenka and Ronald VroonMore LessThese papers on the structure of the literary process were brought together in memory of Felix Vodička (1909–1974). Contributions by: Jacek Baluch, Miroslav Červenka, Květoslav Chvatík, E.M. van Dam-Havelková, Sergej Davydov, Lubomir Doležel, Miroslav Drozda, Jan van der Eng, F.W. Galan, Mojmír Grygar, Wolfgang Iser, Milan Jankovič, Hans Robert Jauss, Renate Lachmann, Gail Lenhoff, Ladislav Matějka, Tone Pretnar, Lucylla Pszczołowska, Janice A. Radway, Charles Eric Reeves, Herta Schmid, Miloš Sedmidubský, Peter Steiner, Wendy Steiner, Oleg Sus, Ronald Vroon.
Semiotic Principles in Semantic Theory
Author(s): Neal R. NorrickThis study represents a contribution to the theory of meaning in natural language. It proposes a semantic theory containing a set of regular relational principles. These principles enable semantic theory to describe connections from the lexical reading of a word to its figurative contextual reading, from one variant reading of a polysemous lexical item to another, from the idiomatic to its literal reading or to the literal reading(s) of one or more of its component lexical items. Semiotic theory provides a foundation by supplying principles defining motivated expression-content relations for signs generally. The author argues that regular semantic relational principles must dervive from such semiotic principles, to ensures the psychological reality and generality of the semantic principles.
Semiotics and Dialectics
Editor(s): Peter V. ZimaMore LessBy focusing on the “East European” dialogues and polemics, both contemporary and past, the present volume pursues two aims: 1) It would like to locate the discussion between semiotics and dialectics in an historical context. 2) It would like to make the reader familiar with the solutions proposed by theoreticians like Bakhtin, Lotman, Voloshinov, Fischer and Mukařovský, solutions which, in the past, were frequently ignored by European Marxists, semioticians and sociologists of literature. At present, one cannot help feeling that if they had been familiar with the works of these authors, Marxism, Critical Theory, semiotics and the sociology of literature (of the text) would have evolved differently.
Explorations in Semantics and Pragmatics
Author(s): Geoffrey N. LeechThe aim of this book is to show the way forward to a coherent view of language in which the achievement of the formalist paradigm is strengthened to the extent that its claims are weakened. A formal theory such as generative grammar is a special theory which is to be subsumed in a general theory of linguistic communication that also includes pragmatics. The tension between the psycho-formalist and the socio-functional views could be resolved in a synthesis whereby both the psychological and social natures of language are fully acknowledged. Semantics and pragmatics, representing these two natures in the study of meaning, have distinct goals, which can be defined more clearly and pursued more effectively to the extent that both their distinctness and their interdependence are recognized.
Musica Romana
Author(s): Günther WilleVorliegende Arbeit, welche die Bedeutung der Musik im antiken Rom zum Gegenstand hat, versucht eine Zusammenschau hundertjähriger Einzelforschung verschiedener Disziplinen, um Altertums- und Musikwissenschaft durch Darstellung und Quellendokumentation zu neuem Verständnis und neuer Bewertung einer bislang teils unbekannten, teils verkannten Epoche abendländischer Musik- und Geistesgeschichte anzuregen.Inhalt: I. Einführung in Problem und Beweisziel, Geschichte der Forschung und Form der Darstellung; II. Die Musik im kultischen Leben der Römer; III. Die Musik im militärischen Leben der Römer; IV. Gesang und Instrumentalmusik im täglichen Leben der Römer; V. Die Musik im römischen Theater und Zirkus, bei Unterhaltung und Tanz; VI. Das Kunstlied im alten Rom; VII. Die Musik in der römischen Gesellschaft; VIII. Das Verhältnis früher römischer Christen zur Musik; IX. Die Musik in der römischen Bildung; X. Musikalische Bildung in Rhetorik, Grammatik und Mythologie; XI. Nachrichten über Musik in Werken der Geschichtsschreibung, Architektur, Kunstgeschichte, Paradoxographie und Astrologie; XII. Die spätantiken lateinischen Musiktheoretiker; XIII. Zusammenfassung; Register.