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- 2016 collection (147 titles)
2016 collection (147 titles)
2016 collection (147 titles)
Price: € 11863.45 + Taxes
Collection Contents
1 - 20 of 147 results
IntraLatino Language and Identity
Author(s): Kim PotowskiThe increasing diversity of the U.S. Latino population has given rise to a growing population of “mixed” Latinos. This is a study of such individuals raised in Chicago, Illinois who have one Mexican parent and one Puerto Rican parent, most of whom call themselves “MexiRicans.” Given that these two varieties of Spanish exhibit highly salient differences, these speakers can be said to experience intrafamilial dialect contact. The book first explores the lexicon, discourse marker use, and phonological features among two generations of over 70 MexiRican speakers, finding several connections to parental dialect, neighborhood demographics, and family dynamics. Drawing from critical mixed race theory, it then examines MexiRicans’ narratives about their ethnic identity, including the role of Spanish features in the ways in which they are accepted or challenged by monoethnic, monodialectal Mexicans and Puerto Ricans both in Chicago and abroad. These findings contribute to our understandings of dialect contact, U.S. Spanish, and the role of language in ethnic identity.
Introduction to Healthcare for Japanese-speaking Interpreters and Translators
Author(s): Ineke H.M. Crezee and Teruko AsanoThis book is based on the very popular international publication (Crezee, 2013) and has been supplemented with Japanese glossaries. Just like the 2013 textbook, this practical resource will allow interpreters and translators to quickly read up on healthcare settings, familiarizing themselves with anatomy, physiology, medical terminology and frequently encountered conditions, diagnostic tests and treatment options.
This is an exceptionally useful and easily accessible handbook, in particular for English-speaking patients, Japanese-speaking doctors, first-language Japanese-speaking students in healthcare related programs.
This book includes a special chapter on Japan’s shifting social structure and the hierarchies which exist within its medical system and gives concrete examples of patient expectations for hospital stays and physician visits. A further special chapter describes the Japanese insurance system and related regulations in a comprehensive fashion, also discussing standards of third party accreditation. Also included is information regarding the establishment of the Aichi Medical Interpretation System, the first of its kind in Japan, which was launched thanks to the combined efforts of local municipal communities, healthcare organizations and universities in the Aichi Prefecture.
Language Acquisition Beyond Parameters
Editor(s): Anahí Alba de la Fuente, Elena Valenzuela and Cristina Martínez SanzMore LessThe chapters in this volume take different approaches to the exploration of language acquisition processes in various populations (monolingual and bilingual first language acquisition, L2 acquisition) and address issues in syntax, morphology, pragmatics, language processing and interface phenomena. This volume is a tribute to Juana M. Liceras’ fundamental and enduring contribution to the field of Spanish Second Language Acquisition (SLA). All the chapters in the volume are linked to or inspired by Juana’s extensive body of work, and, like Juana’s research, they all stand at the crossroads of formal and experimental linguistics. Together, the studies presented in this volume are a reflection of Juana’s impact both as a mentor and as a collaborative researcher while at the same time showcasing current trends and new directions in the field of generative SLA.
Spanish Learner Corpus Research
Editor(s): Margarita Alonso-RamosMore LessThe aim of this book is to present a comprehensive picture of the current state of Spanish learner corpus research (SLCR), which makes it unique, since no other monograph has focused on collecting research dealing with learner corpora of any language other than English. In addition to an introductory appraisal of current SLCR, as well as a wake-up call reminding us that learner corpus design still needs to be improved, this volume features a selection of original studies ranging from general issues concerning learner corpora compilation to more specific aspects such as phonetic, lexical, grammatical and pragmatic features of the interlanguage of learners of Spanish, as reflected in corpus data. This volume will undoubtedly be of significant interest to researchers involved in corpus linguistics, second language acquisition research, as well as to professionals in the field of Spanish as a second language, including teachers, and creators and publishers of teaching materials.
Bare Argument Ellipsis and Focus
Author(s): Andreas KonietzkoThis monograph explores the syntax and information structure of bare argument ellipsis. The study concentrates on stripping, which is identified as a subtype of bare argument ellipsis typically associated with focus sensitive particles or negation. This monograph presents a unified account of stripping located at the syntax-information structure interface and argues for a licensing mechanism which is strongly tied to the focus properties of the construction. Under this view, types of bare argument ellipsis such as stripping and pseudostripping, which have received different treatments in the literature, are shown to be subject to the same licensing mechanism. This analysis is also extended to instances of bare argument ellipsis in embedded contexts, which have received little attention in the literature so far. Integrating theoretical and experimental reasoning, this study presents a series of experiments investigating the extraction, prosody and context properties of stripping and thus arrives at a comprehensive and unified account.
Cognitive Individual Differences in Second Language Processing and Acquisition
Editor(s): Gisela Granena, Daniel O. Jackson and Yucel YilmazMore LessCognitive Individual Differences in Second Language Processing and Acquisition contains 14 chapters that focus on the role of cognitive IDs in L2 learning and processing. The book brings together theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of cognitive IDs, as well as empirical studies that investigate the mediating role of cognitive IDs in various linguistic domains. Chapters include contributions from researchers working within second language acquisition (SLA), psycholinguistics, and cognitive psychology, sharing a common interest in the application of cognitive IDs to their respective areas of study. The interdisciplinary understanding of cognitive IDs presented in this book makes the book of interest to a wide readership of graduate students, faculty members, and academic researchers in the fields of SLA, psycholinguistics, cognitive psychology, and education.
Element Order in Old English and Old High German Translations
Author(s): Anna Cichosz, Jerzy Gaszewski and Piotr PęzikThis book is the first comprehensive corpus study of element order in Old English and Old High German, which brings to light numerous differences between these two closely related languages. The study’s innovative approach relies on translated texts, which allows the authors to tackle the problem of the apparent incomparability of OE and OHG textual records and to identify the areas of OE and OHG syntax potentially influenced by the Latin source texts. This is especially important from the point of view of OE research, where Latin is rarely considered to be a significant variable. The book’s profile and content is of direct interest to historical linguists working on OE and/or OHG (and Old Germanic languages in general), but it can also greatly benefit several other groups of researchers: scholars applying corpus methods to the study of dead languages, historical linguists generally, linguists researching element order as well as specialists in translation studies.
Formal Studies in Slovenian Syntax
Editor(s): Franc Lanko Marušič and Rok ŽaucerMore LessAlthough in the early days of generative linguistics Slovenian was rarely called on in the development of theoretical models, the attention it gets has subsequently grown, so that by now it has contributed to generative linguistics a fair share of theoretically important data. With 13 chapters that all build on Slovenian data, this book sets a new milestone. The topics discussed in the volume range from Slovenian clitics, which are called on to shed new light on the intriguing Person-Case Constraint and to provide part of the evidence for a new generalization relating the presence of the definite article and Wackernagel clitics, to functional elements such as the future auxiliary and possibility modals, the latter of which are discussed also from the perspective of language change. Even within the relatively well-researched topics like wh-movement, new findings are presented, both in relation to the structure of the left periphery and to the syntax of relative clauses.
Gender, Language and the Periphery
Editor(s): Julie Abbou and Fabienne H. BaiderMore LessThis volume aims to demonstrate that the centre/periphery tension allows for a theory of gender understood as a power relationship with implications for a political analysis of language structures, language uses and linguistic resistances. All of the 12 chapters included in this volume work on understudied languages such as Moldovan, Lakota, Cantonese, Bajjika, Croatian, Hebrew, Arabic, Ciluba, Cantonese, Cypriot Greek, Korean, Malaysian, Basque and Belarusian and they all explore from the margins different dimensions of social gender in grammar. The diversity of languages is reflected in the range of theoretical frameworks (linguistic anthropology, systemic functional linguistics, contrastive syntactical analysis to name a few) used by the authors in order to apprehend the fluidity of gender(-ed) language and identity, to highlight the social constraints on daily discourse and to identify discourses that resist gender norms. This book will be highly relevant for students and researchers working on the interface of gender with morpho-syntax, semantics, pragmatics and discourse analysis.
Professional Identity Constructions of Indian Women
Author(s): Priti SandhuThis book analyzes the narratives of urban, North Indian women for the diverse ways in which they construct the impact of their medium of education – Hindi, English, or a combination of both – on varied aspects of their professional and personal lives. It examines how participants reinforce or interrogate firmly entrenched power heirarchies that have long elevated English in India. Adopting a social constructionist perspective, and treating oral narratives as impacted both by local interactional contingencies and by larger social contexts, this book provides an innovative framework for the analysis of narratives told in qualitative research interviews. Stylization, mock languages, similes and metaphors, reported speech, and varied interactional cues are some of the devices used to examine the intersectioanlity of power and identity within participants’ oral narratives.The book will be of interest to scholars and students of narrative analysis, gender and identity studies, postcolonialism, and professional identity constructions of women.
Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 10
Editor(s): Ernestina Carrilho, Alexandra Fiéis, Maria Lobo and Sandra PereiraMore LessThis volume contains a selection of papers of the 28th Going Romance conference, which was organized by the Linguistics centers of Universidade de Lisboa and Universidade Nova de Lisboa in December 2014. It assembles the invited contributions by Alain Rouveret, Guido Mensching, Luigi Rizzi, and Roberta D’Alessandro, and eleven peer-reviewed papers that were presented at the conference or at the workshops on Constituent Order Variation, Crosslinguistic Microvariation in Language Acquisition, and Subordination in Old Romance.The volume covers a wide range of topics in syntax and its interfaces, and brings to current linguistic theorizing new empirical grounding from Romance languages (including standard, diachronic or regional varieties of Asturian, Brazilian and European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Galician, Italian, Romanian, Sardinian, and Spanish).
This will be of interest to scholars in Romance and in general linguistics.
Theoretical Approaches to Linguistic Variation
Editor(s): Ermenegildo Bidese, Federica Cognola and Manuela Caterina MoroniMore LessThe contributions of this book deal with the issue of language variation. They all share the assumption that within the language faculty the variation space is hierarchically constrained and that minimal changes in the set of property values defining each language give rise to diverse outputs within the same system. Nevertheless, the triggers for language variation can be different and located at various levels of the language faculty. The novelty of the volume lies in exploring different loci of language variation by including wide-ranging empirical perspectives that cover different levels of analysis (syntax, phonology and prosody) and deal with different kinds of data, mostly from Romance and Germanic languages, from dialects, idiolects, language acquisition, language attrition and creolization, analyzed from both diachronic and synchronic perspectives.
The volume is divided in three parts. The first part is dedicated to synchronic variation in phonology and syntax; the second part deals with diachronic variation and language change, and the third part investigates the role of contact, attrition and acquisition in giving rise to language change and language variation in bilingual settings.
This volume is a useful tool for linguistics of diverse theoretical persuasions working on theoretical and comparative linguistics and to anyone interested in language variation, language change, dialectology, language acquisition and typology.
Atypical predicate-argument relations
Editor(s): Thierry Ruchot and Pascale Van PraetMore LessThis book deals with atypical predicate-argument relations. Although the relations between predicates, especially verbal, and their arguments have been long studied, most studies are concerned with typical telic verbs in the past tense, indicative mood, active voice, with all arguments expressed. Recently, linguists have become interested in other types of predicate-argument relations displaying atypical properties, be they morphological or syntactic, in one language or cross-linguistically. The articles in this book investigate some of these: argument marking with some special groups of verbs, arguments not foreseen in the verb valency and contributed by the construction, verbs in idiomatic constructions, valency-changing operations, arguments in thetic sentences or in participle constructions etc. The authors work within different theoretical frameworks and on various languages, from more current languages like English, Spanish, French or German, to Hebrew or lamaholot, an Austronesian language.
Introduction to Healthcare for Arabic-speaking Interpreters and Translators
Author(s): Ineke H.M. Crezee, Nawar Gailani and Anna N. GailaniArabic is a language of substantial cultural and religious importance. It is spoken by about 300 million people, predominantly in the 22 countries of the Arab world, as well as in several other regions where the Arab diaspora has settled. Arabic is also the language of Islam and underpins the religious practice of about 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide.
In view of the above, the authors thought it important to create an easily accessible handbook for interpreters, translators, educators and other practitioners working between Arabic and English in healthcare settings. Introduction to Healthcare for Arabic-speaking Interpreters and Translators follows the seminal publication Introduction to Healthcare for Interpreters and Translators (Crezee, 2013) and has been supplemented with Arabic glossaries and comments about health communication between Anglophones and Arabic speakers. This practical resource book will help inform interpreters and translators about healthcare settings, anatomy, physiology, medical terminology and frequently encountered conditions, diagnostic tests and treatment options.
Arabic is divided into two categories: formal (Classical, Standard or literary) Arabic, and local dialects (colloquial Arabic). Formal Arabic is the official language of all Arab countries. In each of these, there are regional dialects which color formal Arabic and add character to a poetic and expressive language. Poetic nature is found in many daily expressions, and not only in Arabic literature, for example, “Good morning” in Arabic is “Ssabah al khair”, which in essence wishes others a morning of goodness; and, the pan-Arab greeting “Salam Alaykum”, which literally means “may peace be upon you”. Dialects once existed principally in spoken form but these days they are increasingly used in writing in social media and its paraphernalia (mobile phones, tablets, etc.). In this book, formal Arabic is used in the glossaries, simply because it is the recognized language of literacy across the Arabic-speaking world.
A Gender-based Approach to Parliamentary Discourse
Editor(s): Catalina Fuentes Rodríguez and Gloria Álvarez-BenitoMore LessDoes gender condition politicians’ discourse strategies in parliament? This is the question we try to answer in A Gender-based Approach to Parliamentary Discourse: The Andalusian Parliament. This book, written by experts in the field of discourse analysis, covers key aspects of political discourse such as gender, identity and verbal and nonverbal strategies: intensification, enumerative series, non-literal quotations, pseudo-desemantisation, lexical colloquialisation, emotion, eye contact and time management. It provides a large number of examples from a balanced gender parliament, the Andalusian Parliament, and it focuses mainly on argumentation, since parliamentary discourse is above all argumentative. This book will prove invaluable to students and teachers in the field of discourse analysis, and more specifically of political discourse, and will also be very useful to politicians and anyone interested in communication strategies.
As of January 2019, this e-book is freely available, thanks to the support of libraries working with Knowledge Unlatched.
Biolinguistic Investigations on the Language Faculty
Editor(s): Anna Maria Di SciulloMore LessThe papers assembled in this volume aim to contribute to our understanding of the human capacity for language: the generative procedure that relates sounds and meanings via syntax. Different hypotheses about the properties of this generative procedure are under discussion, and their connection with biology is open to important cross-disciplinary work. Advances have been made in human-animal studies to differentiate human language from animal communication. Contributions from neurosciences point to the exclusive properties of the human brain for language. Studies in genetically based language impairments also contribute to the understanding of the properties of the language organ. This volume brings together contributions on theoretical and experimental investigations on the Language Faculty. It will be of interest to scholars and students investigating the properties of the biological basis of language, in terms the modeling of the language faculty, as well as the properties of language variation, language acquisition and language impairments.
Discourse Topics
Author(s): Richard Watson ToddDiscourse topics are a frequently mentioned but rarely operationalised concept in linguistics. Taking a text linguistic approach and defining discourse topics as clusterings of concepts, this book examines and compares methods for investigating topic boundaries, topic identification and topic development. The first book to be devoted to topics in extended discourse, Discourse Topics examines topics in several genres and generates new insights into the nature of discourse topics that challenge the status quo. It is essential reading for researchers in linguistics, discourse analysis, natural language processing and psychology whose work concerns topics.
Passive Constructions in Lithuanian
Editor(s): Anna Kibort and Nijolė MaskaliūnienėMore LessThis unique volume comprises a monograph and a set of articles by renowned typologist Emma Geniušienė which all focus on the topic of morphologically passive constructions in Lithuanian. It is the first translation into English of the author’s original work from the 1970s. It offers a rich treasury of data, a detailed structural description of all morphologically passive constructions, and an examination of the functions which these constructions have in the discourse. The addition of modern interlinear morpheme-by-morpheme glosses to hundreds of linguistic examples and expert editorial work have turned the hard-to-access material into a timeless resource available for the first time to a broad international readership. The volume will be of value to descriptive linguists, typologists, morphologists and formal syntacticians, as well as to scholars of information structure and functional text analysis. It is an exciting addition to the linguistic literature and a fitting tribute to the author.
Designing Speech for a Recipient
Author(s): Kerstin FischerThis study asks how speakers adjust their speech to their addressees, focusing on the potential roles of cognitive representations such as partner models, automatic processes such as interactive alignment, and social processes such as interactional negotiation. The nature of addressee orientation is investigated on three candidates for so-called ‘simplified registers’: speech to children (also called motherese or baby talk), speech to foreigners (also called foreigner talk) and speech to robots. The volume integrates research from various disciplines, such as psychology, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics and conversation analysis, and offers both overviews of child-directed, foreigner-directed and robot-directed speech and in-depth analyses of the processes involved in adjusting to a communication partner.
Editor(s): Nicholas Evans and Honoré WatanabeMore LessThe phenomenon of insubordination can be defined diachronically as the recruitment of main clause structures from subordinate structures, or synchronically as the independent use of constructions exhibiting characteristics of subordinate clauses. Long marginalised as uncomfortable exceptions, insubordinated clause phenomena turn out to be surprisingly widespread, and provide a vital empirical testing ground for various central theoretical issues in current linguistics – the interplay of langue and parole, the emergence of structure, the question of where productive syntactic rules give way to constructions, the role of prosody in language change, and the question of how far grammars are produced by isolated speakers as opposed to being collaboratively constructed in dialogue. This volume – the first book-length treatment on the topic – assembles studies of languages on all continents, by scholars who bring a range of approaches to bear on the topic, from historical linguistics to corpus studies to typology to conversational analysis.