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2021 collection (118 titles)
2021 collection (118 titles)
Price: € 9497.05 + Taxes
Collection Contents
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Urban Matters
Editor(s): Arne Ziegler, Stefanie Edler and Georg OberdorferMore LessThe city as a complex socio-cultural structure plays a central role, economically, administratively as well as culturally. Factors such as higher population density, a more expansive infrastructure, and larger social and cultural diversity compared to rural areas have a substantial impact on urban society and urban communication.
Focusing on the latter, the contributions to this volume discuss the characteristics and dynamics of urban language use, considering aspects such as contact, variation and change, as well as identity, indexicality, and attitudes, but also spatial factors including mobility, urbanisation/counterurbanisation, and diffusion processes.
The collected articles provide an update of ‘first wave’ approaches of variationist sociolinguistics, but also establish a connection to ‘third wave’ research for readers from a broad range of fields, especially sociolinguistics, variationist linguistics, and dialectology. The book presents modern methodological and conceptual ideas and a wealth of new findings but also serves as a reference work, combining theoretical discussions with results from recent empirical studies.
Beyond Concordance Lines
Editor(s): Pascual Pérez-Paredes and Geraldine MarkMore LessIn over 30 years of data-driven learning (DDL) research, there has been a growing sophistication in the ways we collect, analyse, and put corpus data to use. This volume takes a three-fold perspective on DDL. It first looks at DDL and its role in informing language learning theory and how it might shed light on the language development process; secondly it addresses how DDL can help us characterise learner language and inform teaching accordingly, and thirdly it showcases practical applications for the use of DDL in classrooms. The contributors to this volume examine a variety of instructional settings and languages across the world. They reflect on theoretical, methodological and classroom implications using both novel and established language learning theories, natural language processing (NLP), longitudinal research designs, and a variety of language learning targets. The present volume is an invitation from some of the leading researchers in DDL to reflect on the research avenues that will define the field in the coming years.
Building Categories in Interaction
Editor(s): Caterina Mauri, Ilaria Fiorentini and Eugenio GoriaMore LessThis book addresses the topic of linguistic categorization from a novel perspective. While most of the early research has focused on how linguistic systems reflect some pre-existing ways of categorizing experience, the contributions included in this volume seek to understand how linguistic resources of various nature (prosodic cues, affixes, constructions, discourse markers, …) can be ‘put to work’ in order to actively build categories in discourse and in interaction, to achieve social goals. This question is addressed in different ways by researchers from different subfields of linguistics, including psycholinguistics, conversation analysis, linguistic typology and discourse pragmatics, and a major point of innovation is represented in fact by the interdisciplinary nature of the volume and in the systematic search for converging evidence.
Corpora in Translation and Contrastive Research in the Digital Age
Editor(s): Julia Lavid-López, Carmen Maíz-Arévalo and Juan Rafael Zamorano-MansillaMore LessCorpus-based contrastive and translation research are areas that keep evolving in the digital age, as the range of new corpus resources and tools expands, opening up to different approaches and application contexts. The current book contains a selection of papers which focus on corpora and translation research in the digital age, outlining some recent advances and explorations. After an introductory chapter which outlines language technologies applied to translation and interpreting with a view to identifying challenges and research opportunities, the first part of the book is devoted to current advances in the creation of new parallel corpora for under-researched areas, the development of tools to manage parallel corpora or as an alternative to parallel corpora, and new methodologies to improve existing translation memory systems.
The contributions in the second part of the book address a number of cutting-edge linguistic issues in the area of contrastive discourse studies and translation analysis on the basis of comparable and parallel corpora in several languages such as English, German, Swedish, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish, thus showcasing the richness of the linguistic diversity carried out in these recent investigations.
Given the multiplicity of topics, methodologies and languages studied in the different chapters, the book will be of interest to a wide audience working in the fields of translation studies, contrastive linguistics and the automatic processing of language.
Corpus-based Approaches to Register Variation
Editor(s): Elena Seoane and Douglas BiberMore LessAs the first collective volume to focus exclusively on corpus-based approaches to register variation, this book provides an exhaustive account of the range and depth of possibilities that the domain of register variation in English has to offer. It illustrates register variation analysis in different theoretical frameworks, such as Probabilistic Grammar, Systemic Functional Linguistics, and Information Theory, and proposes a new framework within the Text Linguistic Approach: the continuous-situational analytical framework. Several of the contributions apply Multi-Dimensional Analysis to corpus data in order to unveil register (dis)similarities, while others rely on logistic regression models and periodization techniques based on Kullback-Leibler divergence. The volume includes both inter-register and intra-register variation analysis of a wide spectrum of varieties, speakers and periods: British and American English, learner varieties, L2 varieties, and also contains diachronic studies covering early and late Modern English. This broad scope should be a source of inspiration for anyone interested in historical and ongoing register variation in a vast range of varieties of English worldwide.
Growing Sideways in Twenty-first Century British Culture
Author(s): Anne MalewskiThis volume examines changing boundaries between childhood and adulthood in British society and culture at the beginning of the twenty-first century − where these age boundaries are widely debated, policed, and contested − to investigate alternatives to conventional ideas of growing up. Building on observations, especially in children’s literature criticism, that human growth is shaped by a grand narrative that privileges adulthood, and on terminologies of non-normative growth, particularly in queer theory, this monograph develops growing sideways as a concept that queers this grand narrative by destabilising childhood and adulthood, and the boundaries between them. The concept is refined through close readings of twenty-first century British children’s literature, television series, film, and participatory events, troubling age boundaries via specific strategies in three conceptual areas: appearance, play, and space. Exploring power structures around age and gender, this monograph traces growing sideways as a distinct and important alternative discourse of human growth.
Language and Text
Editor(s): Adam Pawłowski, Jan Mačutek, Sheila Embleton and George MikrosMore LessSpecialists in quantitative linguistics the world over have recourse to a solid and universal methodology. These days, their methods and mathematical models must also respond to new communication phenomena and the flood of data produced daily. While various disciplines (computer science, media science) have different ways of processing this onslaught of information, the linguistic approach is arguably the most relevant and effective. This book includes recent results from many renowned contemporary practitioners in the field. Our target audiences are academics, researchers, graduate students, and others involved in linguistics, digital humanities, and applied mathematics.
Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2017
Editor(s): Alexandru Nicolae and Adina DragomirescuMore LessThis volume contains a selection of 18 peer-reviewed papers presented at the 31st edition of Going Romance. Phenomena found in Romance languages (European Portuguese, French, Italian, Spanish, Romanian), in Romance dialects (Cosentino, Salentino, southern Calabrese, Neapolitan, and Trevigiano), and even in creoles with a Romance lexifier (Makista and Kristang) either benefit from in-depth analyses confined to one single variety, or are subjected to comparative analysis (dialect vs standard language, dialect vs different major language(s), cross-dialectal comparison, cross-Romance comparison, and even comparison of language families). Theoretical and experimental approaches complement one another, as do diachrony and synchrony. Individually and as a whole, these contributions show how the Romance languages contribute to a better understanding of issues which are relevant in the current linguistic landscape: acquisition, n-words, ellipsis phenomena, focus and polarity, ditransitive constructions, grammaticalization theory, differential object marking, language ecology, event structure, cyclicity, passives and many more.
Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2018
Editor(s): Sergio Baauw, Frank Drijkoningen and Luisa MeroniMore LessThis volume contains a peer reviewed selection of invited contributions, papers and posters that were presented at the 2018 venue of Going Romance (XXXII) in Utrecht (a four day program that included two thematic workshops).
The papers all discuss data and formalized analyses of one or more Romance languages or dialects, in either synchronic or diachronic perspective, and pay particular attention to the variation and the actual variability that is at stake, not only in syntax and morpho-syntax but also in semantics and phonology. Beyond the discussion of differences between languages and/or dialects from a formalist perspective, the volume also contains a number of papers linking the theme of variation to sociolinguistic issues such as natural bilingualism and micro-contact.
Sensory Experiences
Author(s): Danièle Dubois, Caroline Cance, Matt Coler, Arthur Paté and Catherine GuastavinoSensory Experiences: Exploring meaning and the senses describes the collective elaboration of a situated cognitive approach with an emphasis on the relations between language and cognition within and across different sensory modalities and practices. This approach, grounded in 40 years of empirical research, is a departure from the analytic, reductive view of human experiences as information processing.
The book is structured into two parts. Each author first introduces the situated cognitive approach from their respective sensory domains (vision, audition, olfaction, gustation). The second part is the collective effort to derive methodological guidelines respecting the ecological validity of experimental investigations while formulating operational answers to applied questions (such as the sensory quality of environments and product design).
This book will be of interest to students, researchers and practitioners dealing with sensory experiences and anyone who wants to understand and celebrate the cultural diversity of human productions that make life enjoyable!
Words, Books, Images, and the Long Eighteenth Century
Editor(s): Antoinina Bevan Zlatar, Mark Ittensohn, Enit Karafili Steiner and Olga TimofeevaMore LessThe essays collected in this volume engage in a conversation among lexicography, the culture of the book, and the canonization and commemoration of English literary figures and their works in the long eighteenth century. The source of inspiration for each piece is Allen Reddick’s scholarship on Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), the great English lexicographer whose Dictionary (1755) included thousands upon thousands of illustrative quotations from the “best” authors, and, more recently, on Thomas Hollis (1720-1774), the much less well-known bibliophile who sent gifts of books by a pantheon of Whig authors to individuals and libraries in Britain, Protestant bastions in continental Europe, and America. Between the covers of Words, Books, Images readers will encounter canonical English authors of prose and poetry—Bacon, Milton, Defoe, Dryden, Pope, Richardson, Swift, Byron, Mary Shelley, and Edward Lear. But they will also become acquainted with the agents of their canonization and commemoration—the printers and publishers of Grub Street, the biographer John Aubrey, the lexicographer and biographer Johnson, the bibliophile Hollis, and the portrait painter Reynolds. No less crucially, they will meet fellow readers of then and now—women and men who peruse, poach, snip, and savour a book’s every word and image.
A History of the Study of the Indigenous Languages of North America
Author(s): Marcin KilarskiThe languages indigenous to North America are characterized by a remarkable genetic and typological diversity. Based on the premise that linguistic examples play a key role in the origin and transmission of ideas within linguistics and across disciplines, this book examines the history of approaches to these languages through the lens of some of their most prominent properties. These properties include consonant inventories and the near absence of labials in Iroquoian languages, gender in Algonquian languages, verbs for washing in the Iroquoian language Cherokee and terms for snow and related phenomena in Eskimo-Aleut languages. By tracing the interpretations of the four examples by European and American scholars, the author illustrates their role in both lay and professional contexts as a window onto unfamiliar languages and cultures, thus allowing a more holistic view of the history of language study in North America.
The Swedish FrameNet++
Editor(s): Dana Dannélls, Lars Borin and Karin Friberg HeppinMore LessLarge computational lexicons are central NLP resources. Swedish FrameNet++ aims to be a versatile full-scale lexical resource for NLP containing many kinds of linguistic information. Although focused on Swedish, this ongoing effort, which includes building a new Swedish framenet and recycling existing lexicons, has offered valuable insights into general aspects of lexical-resource building for NLP, which are discussed in this book: computational and linguistic problems of lexical semantics and lexical typology, the nature of lexical items (words and multiword expressions), achieving interoperability among heterogeneous lexical content, NLP methods for extending and interlinking existing lexicons, and deploying the new resource in practical NLP applications. This book is targeted at everyone with an interest in lexicography, computational lexicography, lexical typology, lexical semantics, linguistics, computational linguistics and related fields. We believe it should be of particular interest to those who are or have been involved in language resource creation, development and evaluation.
Beyond Meaning
Editor(s): Elly Ifantidou, Louis de Saussure and Tim WhartonMore LessDespite the fact that they are often crucial to our understanding, the vague, ineffable elements of language use and communication have received much less attention from linguists than the more concrete, effable ones. This has left a range of important questions unanswered. How might we account for the communication of non-propositional phenomena such as moods, emotions and impressions? What type of cognitive response do these phenomena trigger, if not conceptual or propositional? Do creative metaphors and unknown words in second languages and other ‘pointers’ to ‘conceptual regions’ communicate concepts learned from language alone? How might the descriptive ineffability of interjections, free indirect speech etc. be accommodated within a theory of communication? What of those working on the aesthetics of artworks, music and literature? What can evolution tell us about ineffability? The papers in this volume address these fascinating questions head-on. They represent a range of different attempts to answer them and, in so doing, allow us to pose exciting new questions. The aim, to bring the ineffable firmly within the grasp of theoretical pragmatics.
Grammar of Spoken and Written English
Author(s): Douglas Biber, Stig Johansson, Geoffrey N. Leech, Susan Conrad and Edward FineganThe completely redesigned Grammar of Spoken and Written English is a comprehensive corpus-based reference grammar. GSWE describes the structural characteristics of grammatical constructions in English, as do other reference grammars. But GSWE is unique in that it gives equal attention to describing the patterns of language use for each grammatical feature, based on empirical analyses of grammatical patterns in a 40-million-word corpus of spoken and written registers.
Grammar-in-use is characterized by three inter-related kinds of information: frequency of grammatical features in spoken and written registers, frequencies of the most common lexico-grammatical patterns, and analysis of the discourse factors influencing choices among related grammatical features. GSWE includes over 350 tables and figures highlighting the results of corpus-based investigations. Throughout the book, authentic examples illustrate all research findings.
The empirical descriptions document the lexico-grammatical features that are especially common in face-to-face-conversation compared to those that are especially common in academic writing. Analyses of fiction and newspaper articles are included as further benchmarks of language use. GSWE contains over 6,000 authentic examples from these four registers, illustrating the range of lexico-grammatical features in real-world speech and writing. In addition, comparisons between British and American English reveal specific regional differences.
Now completely redesigned and available in an electronic edition, the Grammar of Spoken and Written English remains a unique and indispensable reference work for researchers, language teachers, and students alike.
Intersubjectivity in Action
Editor(s): Jan Lindström, Ritva Laury, Anssi Peräkylä and Marja-Leena SorjonenMore LessIntersubjectivity is a precondition for human life – for social organization as well as for individual development and well-being. Through empirical examination of social interactions in everyday and institutional settings, the authors in this volume explore the achievement and maintenance of intersubjectivity. The contributions show how language codes and creates intersubjectivity, how interactants move towards shared understanding in interaction, how intersubjectivity is central to phenomena and experiences often considered merely individual, and how intersubjectivity evolves through learning. While the core methodology of the studies is Conversation Analysis, the volume highlights the advantages of using several methods to tackle intersubjectivity.
Introduction to Healthcare for Russian-speaking Interpreters and Translators
Author(s): Ineke H.M. Crezee, Johanna Hautekiet and Lidia RuraHealth interpreters and translators often face unpredictable assignments in the multifaceted healthcare setting. This book is based on the very popular international publication (Crezee, 2013) and has been supplemented with commonly asked questions and glossaries in Russian. Just like the 2013 textbook, this practical resource will allow interpreters and translators to quickly read up on healthcare settings, familiarizing themselves with anatomy, physiology, medical terminology and frequently encountered medical conditions, diagnostic tests and treatment options.
This is an exceptionally useful and easily accessible handbook, in particular for interpreters, translators, educators and other practitioners working between Russian and English.
Russian-speakers represent a rich and diverse range of historical, religious and cultural traditions. This book covers some of those, while also describing the Russian health system, and touching on cultural beliefs and natural medicine approaches.
This unique book is an indispensable vade mecum (‘go with me’) for anyone wanting to navigate language access involving speakers of Russian in the health setting.
L1 Acquisition and L2 Learning
Editor(s): Larisa Avram, Anca Sevcenco and Veronica TomescuMore LessThis volume includes fourteen papers on the acquisition of Romance languages, eleven of which were presented at the Romance Turn 9, held in Bucharest in September 2018. The studies offer new insights into central issues in the literature, such as syntactic complexity in both typical and impaired language settings, intervention effects, the acquisition of phenomena which involve both syntactic parameters and an external interface, as well as cross-linguistic interference effects. They present novel longitudinal and experimental data on the first language acquisition and second language learning of French, Italian, European and Brazilian Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish. A unique feature of this volume is the focus on the interaction of language specific properties and of factors which are not specific to the faculty of language in the narrow sense, such as data processing, the nature of the input, discourse structure, computational load, sociolinguistic properties, and the development of Theory of Mind.
La «cavalleria umanistica» italiana / The Italian “Humanistic Chivalry”
Editor(s): Antoni Ferrando and Anna Maria BabbiMore LessThis book aims to contribute to the knowledge of the cultural and linguistic relations between Italy and the Crown of Aragon in the 15th century. In particular, it studies some relevant aspects of the chivalric romance entitled Curial e Guelfa, written in Italy around 1443-1448 in Catalan, but mainly Italian in spirit, sources and onomastics. It is probably the very first work of a genre known as “humanistic chivalry”, the epitome of which will be Ariosto’s Orlando furioso.
The literary context of Milan and Naples (The Three Crowns, Troubadour Lyrics, Humanism) is analyzed in the first part of the volume. It is this context that made possible the gestation of the Curial, an extraordinary anonymous romance, which was most likely written by the knight Enyego d’Àvalos (Inico d’Avalos), born in Toledo but raised in Valencia. The second part of the volume is devoted to the study of some lexical, stylistic and syntactic aspects of the Curial, which show the author's excellent knowledge of Catalan and the constant influence of Italian in the romance.
Questo libro si propone di contribuire alla conoscenza delle relazioni culturali tra l'Italia e la Corona d’Aragona nel XV secolo. In particolare, studia il romanzo dal titolo Curial e Güelfa, scritto in Italia intorno al 1443-1448, dotato di italianità, fonti e onomastica, ma scritto in catalano. È probabilmente la primissima opera di un genere noto come “cavalleria umanistica| , la cui epitome sarebbe l’Orlando Furioso dell’Ariosto.
Questo volume analizza il contesto letterario di Milano e Napoli che ha reso possibile questo straordinario romanzo anonimo, di cui conosciamo ormai con quasi assoluta certezza che il suo autore era Enyego o Inico d'Avalos. I contributi in questo volume approfondiscono alcuni degli aspetti lessicali, stilistici e sintattici di Curial e Güelfa, e mettono in evidenza l'eccellente conoscenza del catalano da parte del suo autore, nonché la presenza onnipresente della lingua italiana.
El libro pretende contribuir al conocimiento de las relaciones culturales entre Italia y la Corona de Aragón en el siglo XV. En concreto se ocupa de la novela Curial e Güelfa , gestada en Italia hacia 1443-1448, de espíritu, fuentes y onomástica principalmente italianos, pero redactada en lengua catalana. Es probablemente la manifestación más primeriza del género literario conocido como “caballería humanística”, que tendrá su punto culminante con el Orlando furioso, d’Ariosto.
Este volumen analiza el contexto literario de Milán y Nápoles que hizo posible esta extraordinaria novela anónima, de la que ahora sabemos con casi absoluta certeza que su autor fue Enyego o Inico d’Avalos. Las contribuciones de este volumen profundizan en algunos de los aspectos léxicos, estilísticos y sintácticos de Curial e Güelfa, y destacan el excelente conocimiento del catalán de su autor, así como la presencia omnipresente de la lengua italiana.
Language Impairment in Multilingual Settings
Editor(s): Sharon Armon-Lotem and Kleanthes K. GrohmannMore LessCOST Action IS0804 “Language Impairment in a Multilingual Society: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment” aimed to profile bilingual specific language impairment (biSLI) by establishing a network for research on the linguistic and cognitive abilities of bilingual children with SLI across different migrant communities. A battery of tools for Language Impairment Testing in Multilingual Settings (LITMUS) was designed within the Action to achieve these aims, including the Parental Bilingual Questionnaire, the Sentence Repetition Task, the Crosslinguistic Lexical Tasks, the Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives, and two nonword repetition tasks that are not language-specific. The chapters in this volume present research on one or more of the LITMUS tasks in bilingual children with typical language development and on use of the LITMUS testing battery for identifying possible language impairment. The work presented here will be of interest for researchers and clinicians alike, and have profound impact in our understanding of bilingual language development and impairment.