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2022 collection (96 titles)
2022 collection (96 titles)
Price: € 7952.60 + Taxes
Collection Contents
Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXXIII
Editor(s): Abdel-Khalig Ali and Atiqa HachimiMore LessThis volume features eight peer-reviewed chapters based on papers presented at the 33rd Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, held at the University of Toronto in 2019. The chapters are divided into four sections: sociolinguistics, phonetics and phonology, syntax, and first language acquisition. They present research on relatively well-studied Arabic varieties such as the Moroccan, Jordanian, and Emirati varieties as well as understudied varieties such as the Palestinian dialects of Gaza and Jaffa, and the Saudi dialects of Al-Ahsa, Ha’il, and Faifi. The chapters address linguistic phenomena that range from language variation and change, the phonemic status and feature composition of rhotics, and the realization patterns of emphatic fricatives to the grammaticalization of aspectual markers, the syntactic and pragmatic aspects of post-wh-questions, and the acquisition trajectory of the definite article. The volume makes valuable descriptive and theoretical contributions to Arabic linguistics.
A Pragmatic Approach to Fluency and Disfluency in Learner Language
Author(s): Maximiliane FrobeniusThis monograph presents analyses of filled and unfilled pauses, cut-offs, repair, discourse markers and other phenomena often referred to as disfluencies in the context of advanced language learners' PowerPoint presentations. It adopts a multimodal perspective to demonstrate the functions of these elements in interaction. Paired with gaze shifts, pointing gestures and posture shifts, they act as facilitators of joint visual orientation, mutual understanding, and accountable actions. Therefore, this volume suggests the name cofluency to reflect their potential functionality. Cofluencies are essential elements of multimodal chunks and multimodal patterns, and these are building blocks of a multimodal turn-taking mechanism for presentations. These concepts are illustrated and discussed based on excerpts from naturally occurring classroom data.
Author(s): Lucía Navarro-BrotonsLa importancia del estudio de la fraseología en general, y de la paremiología en particular, viene avalada tanto por el interés que han suscitado las unidades fraseológicas desde la Antigüedad como porque los investigadores del tema ponen de manifiesto que se trata de la piedra angular del lexicón y acervo cultural de toda lengua. En este marco, esta monografía presenta un breve recorrido histórico de la paremiografía y paremiología en España y Francia; comprueba si existe un vacío cuantitativo y cualitativo en el tratamiento lexicográfico de las paremias en diccionarios sintagmáticos y generales tanto monolingües como bilingües; evidencia si son similares las características sintácticas de las paremias de las estructuras a/à y quien/qui en español y francés; determina si hay un tipo de variante paremiológica que predomine sobre las demás y establece los tipos de correspondencias paremiológicas existentes aplicables al ámbito traductológico.
The importance of studying phraseology in general, and paremiology in particular, is justified by the interest that phraseological units have aroused since ancient times, but also by the fact that researchers on the subject have shown that PUs are the cornerstone of the lexicon and the cultural heritage of any language. In this context, this monograph provides a brief historical overview of paremiography and paremiology in Spain and France; it determines whether there is a quantitative and qualitative gap in the lexicographical treatment of paremias in both monolingual and bilingual syntagmatic and general dictionaries; it determines whether the syntactic characteristics of the paremias of the structures a/à and quien/qui in Spanish and French are similar; it identifies whether there is one type of paremiological variant that is predominant over the others, and it defines the types of existing paremiological equivalences applicable to the field of translation.
Paradigms in Word Formation
Editor(s): Alba E. Ruz, Cristina Fernández-Alcaina and Cristina Lara-ClaresMore LessThe focus of Paradigms in Word Formation: Theory and applications is on the relevance of paradigms for linguistic description. Paradigmatic organization has traditionally been considered an inherent feature of inflectional morphology, but research in the last decades clearly shows the existence of paradigms in word formation, especially in affixal derivation, often at the expense of other word-formation processes. This volume seeks to address the role that paradigms may play in the description of compounding, conversion and participles. This volume should be of interest to anyone specialized in the field of English morphology and word formation.
Particles in German, English, and Beyond
Editor(s): Remus Gergel, Ingo Reich and Augustin SpeyerMore LessGermanic languages have been recognized as having not only intensifying or focus particles, but also so-called modal particles. The relevant items are specialized discourse markers joined by characteristic syntactic properties. After an introductory overview of the complex field, the contributions of the current volume capitalize on, but also work much further beyond the baseline of the established insights. They offer analyses of (a) new data types within and sometimes across several Germanic languages (e.g. varieties/stages of German, Dutch, or Norwegian), encompassing different classes of particles and a variety of syntactic-semantic as well as usage-based aspects; (b) the classical dichotomy between languages like German and English when it comes to the availability of modal particles both synchronically and diachronically; (c) crucial integrated insight from non-Germanic languages such as French, Hungarian, Italian, Mandarin, or Vietnamese. A number of mostly interface-based proposals of several languages as well as further generalizations are put on the table for both expert and novice readers in the field.
Poetic Metaphors
Author(s): Carina RassePoetry pushes metaphor to the limit. Consider how many different, dynamic, and interconnected dimensions (e.g., text, rhyme, rhythm, sound, and many more) a poem has, and how they all play a role in the ways (metaphorical) meaning is constructed. There is probably no other genre that relies so much on the creator’s ability to get his or her message across while, at the same time, leaving enough room for the interpreters to find out for themselves what a poem means to them, what emotions and feelings it evokes, and which experiences it conveys. This book uses interviews, questionnaires and think-aloud protocols to investigate the meanings and functions of metaphors from a poet’s perspective and to explore how readers interpret and engage with this poetry. Besides the theoretical contribution to the field of metaphor studies, this monograph presents numerous practical implications for a systematic exploration of metaphors in contemporary poetry and beyond.
The Pragmatics of Internet Memes
Editor(s): Chaoqun XieMore LessWhat is a meme? What is in a meme? What does ‘living in/with memes’ actually mean? What do memes mean to human beings dwelling in a life-world at once connected and fragmented by the internet and social media? Answers to and ways of answering these and other meme questions that arise in social events represent human assistance in or resistance to meaning making. A pragmatic perspective on internet memes as a way of seeing in social life experience offers a unique window on how meme matters in mediated (inter)actions turn out to be inextricably intertwined with human beings’ presencing and essencing in the life-world. Ultimately, this volume seeks to reveal what and how serious if not unsayable concerns can be concealed behind the seemingly humorous, carefree and colorful carnival of internet memes across cultures, contexts, genres and modalities. This book will be of some value to anyone keen on the dynamics of memes and internet pragmatics and on critical insights that can be garnered in kaleidoscopic multimodal communication. Originally published as special issue of Internet Pragmatics 3:2 (2020).
Points of Convergence in Romance Linguistics
Editor(s): Gabriela Alboiu and Ruth KingMore LessThis volume brings together selected papers from the 48th annual Linguistics Symposium on Romance Languages, held at York University in Toronto, Canada, in April 2018. It presents original research on a wide variety of Romance languages both past (Latin, Old Catalan, Old Iberian Romance, Old Spanish, Old Portuguese, and West-Iberian Medieval Latin) and present (Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, French, Picard, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish) along with a number of contemporary dialects, including Basque Country Spanish, Dominican Spanish, Maine French, Neapolitan, and Picardie French. Divided into four sections — Interfaces, Bridging issues at the CP-TP-vP levels, Bridging issues at the PP-DP levels, and Bridging issues in linguistics — the volume gives researchers and advanced students access to contemporary issues and novel ideas bridging across various areas of Romance linguistics (e.g., morphology, syntax, semantics, phonology, sociolinguistics, first and second language acquisition).
Pseudo-Coordination and Multiple Agreement Constructions
Editor(s): Giuliana Giusti, Vincenzo Nicolò Di Caro and Daniel RossMore LessVerbal Pseudo-Coordination (as in English ‘go and get’) has been described for a number of individual languages, but this is the first edited volume to emphasize this topic from a comparative perspective, and in connection to Multiple Agreement Constructions more generally. The chapters include detailed analyses of Romance, Germanic, Slavic and other languages. These contributions show important cross-linguistic similarities in these constructions, as well as their diversity, providing insights into areas such as the morphology-syntax and syntax-semantics interfaces, dialectal variation and language contact. This volume establishes Pseudo-Coordination as a descriptively important and theoretically challenging cross-linguistic phenomenon among Multiple Agreement Constructions and will be of interest to specialists in individual languages as well as typologists and theoreticians, serving as a foundation to promote continued research.
Pejorative Suffixes and Combining Forms in English
Author(s): José A. Sánchez FajardoThe book is a research monograph that reviews and revises the concept of linguistic pejoration, and explores the role of 15 suffixes and combining forms, such as -ie, -o, -ard, -holic, -rrhea, -itis, -porn, -ish, in the formation of English pejoratives. The examination of the inner structure of the resulting derivatives is based on an innovative methodology that encompasses the theories and approaches of Construction Morphology, Componential Analysis, and Morphopragmatics. Following the principles of this methodology, pejorative words collected from dictionaries and corpora (a total of approximately 950 words) are abstracted into generalizations (or constructional schemas) where structural and functional similarities are used to cognitively trace the ways in which negative (or derisive) meaning is connected with a specific form. Through this multifaceted methodology, my analysis showcases the fact that the universal properties of ‘diminution’, ‘excess’, ‘resemblance’, and ‘metonymization’ are what underlie the making of pejorative meaning. These generalizations, along with the schematic representations of formatives, can help linguists, or linguistics enthusiasts in general, to understand the conventions and intricacy of lexical pejoration.
Pedagogical Realities of Implementing Task-Based Language Teaching
Author(s): Rosemary Erlam and Constanza TolosaThis book documents how teachers, working in school foreign language learning contexts and teaching beginner learners of languages other than English, learn about and use tasks. It first presents a pedagogically researched account of how teachers learn about, design and evaluate tasks, after being introduced to TBLT during an in-service programme. The authors then go into classrooms to explore ways in which teachers continue to use tasks, as part of their regular ongoing classroom language programmes, following their in-service education. The book documents how the teachers use tasks to open up opportunities for language learning for students and investigates how teachers understand and position tasks and TBLT as relevant and of value to their teaching contexts. The challenges that teachers face in incorporating TBLT into their practice are also explored. The book suggests how the use of the task as a pedagogic tool may contribute to ongoing understanding about TBLT.