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2022 collection (96 titles)
2022 collection (96 titles)
Price: € 7952.60 + Taxes
Collection Contents
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Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Learner Corpus Research
Editor(s): Agnieszka Leńko-Szymańska and Sandra GötzMore LessThis volume illustrates the high potential of learner corpus investigations for research into the CAF triad by presenting eleven original learner corpus-based studies which are set within solid theoretical frameworks, examine learner corpora with state-of-the-art analytical techniques and yield highly interesting findings. The volume’s major strength lies in the range of issues it undertakes and in its interdisciplinary thematic novelty. The chapters collectively address all three dimensions of L2 performance related to different linguistic subsystems (i.e. lexical, phraseological and grammatical complexity and accuracy, along with fluency) as well as the interactions among these constructs. The studies are based on data drawn from carefully compiled learner corpora which are analysed with the help of diverse corpus-based methods. The theoretical discussions and the empirical results shall contribute to the advancement of the fields of SLA and writing and speech research and shall inspire further investigations in the area of the CAF triad.
Conspiracy Theory Discourses
Editor(s): Massimiliano Demata, Virginia Zorzi and Angela ZottolaMore LessConspiracy Theory Discourses addresses a crucial phenomenon in the current political and communicative context: conspiracy theories. The social impact of conspiracy theories is wide-ranging and their influence on the political life of many nations is increasing. Conspiracy Theory Discourses bridges an important gap by bringing discourse-based insights to existing knowledge about conspiracy theories, which has so far developed in research areas other than Linguistics and Discourse Studies. The chapters in this volume call attention to conspiracist discourses as deeply ingrained ways to interpret reality and construct social identities. They are based on multiple, partly overlapping analytical frameworks, including Critical Discourse Analysis, rhetoric, metaphor studies, multimodality, and corpus-based, quali-quantitative approaches. These approaches are an entry point to further explore the environments which enable the proliferation of conspiracy theories, and the paramount role of discourse in furthering conspiracist interpretations of reality.
Instructed Second Language Acquisition Research Methods
Editor(s): Laura Gurzynski-Weiss and YouJin KimMore LessWritten for novice and established scholars alike, Instructed Second Language Acquisition Research Methods is a stand-alone research methods guide from an Instructed Second Language Acquisition (ISLA) lens. After offering foundations of conducting ISLA research, the subsequent chapters are organized by four skill areas (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and four major linguistic features (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, pragmatics). In each chapter, authors define the target sub-domain of ISLA, outline the basics of research design, provide concrete guidance on crafting robust research questions, identifying appropriate methodology and method(s), adapting an existing instrument or creating your own, carrying out a study, analyzing and interpreting data, and determining how/where/when to share your work. The volume also dedicates chapters to addressing common inquiries of conducting ISLA research (e.g., obtaining ethics permission, recruiting your own students, working with small and heterogeneous sample sizes, accounting for individual differences), and to maximizing research impact beyond academia. Written by leading experts on each topic, this book is an essential resource for ISLA, SLA, and research methods scholars.
Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXXIII
Editor(s): Abdel-Khalig Ali and Atiqa HachimiMore LessThis volume features eight peer-reviewed chapters based on papers presented at the 33rd Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, held at the University of Toronto in 2019. The chapters are divided into four sections: sociolinguistics, phonetics and phonology, syntax, and first language acquisition. They present research on relatively well-studied Arabic varieties such as the Moroccan, Jordanian, and Emirati varieties as well as understudied varieties such as the Palestinian dialects of Gaza and Jaffa, and the Saudi dialects of Al-Ahsa, Ha’il, and Faifi. The chapters address linguistic phenomena that range from language variation and change, the phonemic status and feature composition of rhotics, and the realization patterns of emphatic fricatives to the grammaticalization of aspectual markers, the syntactic and pragmatic aspects of post-wh-questions, and the acquisition trajectory of the definite article. The volume makes valuable descriptive and theoretical contributions to Arabic linguistics.
Reconstructing Non-Standard Languages
Author(s): Lenore A. Grenoble and Jessica KantarovichFocusing on language contact involving Russian, and the linguistic varieties that emerged from that contact in different social settings, this book analyzes issues and methodologies in reconstructing both the linguistic effects of language contact and the social contexts of usage. In-depth analyses of Odessan Russian, a southern Russian contact variety with Yiddish and Ukrainian elements, and Russian lexifier pidgins illustrate the reconstruction process, which involves making the most of all available documentation, particularly literature and stereotypical descriptions. Historical sociolinguistics of this kind straddles the fields of historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, and contact; this book brings together the methods and theories of these areas to show how they can result in a rich reconstruction of linguistic and socially-conditioned variation. We reconstruct the circumstances and social settings that produced this variation, and demonstrate how to reconstruct which variants were used by different types of speakers under different circumstances, and what kinds of social identities they indexed.
Introducing Chinese Linguistics
Author(s): Hang Zhang and Lan ZhangThis book provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of Chinese linguistics, including the core components of phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, writing system, and social cultural aspects of the language. It also discusses key features of Chinese language acquisition in each of these areas, highlighting common difficulties and obstacles adult learners encounter as revealed in language acquisition research. The integration of basic linguistic knowledge with language acquisition findings provides valuable resources for both current and aspiring Chinese language teachers, and serious learners of Chinese as a second language. Exercise questions included in each chapter serve to reinforce the concepts of Chinese linguistics. The book is designed to not only enhance Chinese learners’ linguistic awareness but also provide language teachers with pedagogical preparation and assistance. While this book can be used as a textbook for an introductory Chinese linguistics course, it is also beneficial to the broader range of readers who are interested in Chinese linguistics.
Nordic Utopias and Dystopias
Editor(s): Pia Maria Ahlbäck, Jouni Teittinen and Maria Lassén-SegerMore LessThe Nordic countries have long been subject to certain idealised, even utopian imaginaries, particularly with regard to images of pristine nature and the societal ideals of democracy, equality and education. On the other hand, such projections inevitably invite dissent, irony and intimations of the utopia’s dark underside. Things may yet take, or may have already taken, a dystopic course. The present volume offers twelve contributions on utopias and dystopias in Nordic literature and culture. Geographically, the articles cover the Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, as well as the autonomous area of Greenland. Through the articles’ varied subjects — ranging from avant-garde literature and long poems to noir TV-series, young adult fiction, popular historiography, and political discourse in literature outside of Norden — the volume brings forth a historically rich, multi-layered picture of social, cultural and environmental imagination in the Nordic countries. Nordic Utopias and Dystopias is thus of interest not only to specialists in dystopian and utopian research but more broadly to scholars of literature and culture, and the political and social sciences, especially but not exclusively in the Nordic context.
A Pragmatic Approach to Fluency and Disfluency in Learner Language
Author(s): Maximiliane FrobeniusThis monograph presents analyses of filled and unfilled pauses, cut-offs, repair, discourse markers and other phenomena often referred to as disfluencies in the context of advanced language learners' PowerPoint presentations. It adopts a multimodal perspective to demonstrate the functions of these elements in interaction. Paired with gaze shifts, pointing gestures and posture shifts, they act as facilitators of joint visual orientation, mutual understanding, and accountable actions. Therefore, this volume suggests the name cofluency to reflect their potential functionality. Cofluencies are essential elements of multimodal chunks and multimodal patterns, and these are building blocks of a multimodal turn-taking mechanism for presentations. These concepts are illustrated and discussed based on excerpts from naturally occurring classroom data.
A0 – The Lexical Status of Adjectives
Editor(s): Phoevos Panagiotidis and Moreno MitrovićMore LessThis volume brings together seven eminently original attempts to answer a sorely neglected question: What are adjectives? Although the positioning of adjectives as well as aspects of their semantics have been investigated in depth, their actual status as a lexical category has generally been treated superficially in the linguistic literature.
In this volume, the different approaches to the categorial identity of adjectives put forward include their position in the inventory of lexical categories, the elusive noun-adjective link, the functional entourage of adjectives and their relational character, the role of concord and possession – and so on. The contributors bring different viewpoints as well as a variety of language data into the discussion, from Chinese to Indo-European, and on to Niger-Congo languages.
Broadening the Spectrum of Corpus Linguistics
Editor(s): Susanne Flach and Martin HilpertMore LessThis volume presents a snapshot of the current state of the art of research in English corpus linguistics. It contains selected papers from the 40th ICAME conference in 2019 and features contributions from experts in synchronic, diachronic, and contrastive linguistics, as well as in sociolinguistics, phonetics, discourse analysis, and learner language. The volume showcases the particular strengths of research in the ICAME tradition. The papers in this volume offer new insights from the reanalysis of new data types, methodological refinements and advancements of quantitative analysis, and from taking new perspectives on ongoing debates in their respective fields.
Catalan Sociolinguistics
Editor(s): Miquel Àngel Pradilla CardonaMore LessL’objectiu de l’obra Catalan Sociolinguistics. State of the Art and Future Challenges és donar compte, de manera sumària, dels grans vèrtexs en què s’ha manifestat l’estudi de la relació entre llengua i societat en la comunitat lingüística catalana, la recepció que s’ha fet dels plantejaments internacionals i l’adaptació domèstica.
Cada tradició sociolingüística ha interpretat la interacció esmentada amb plantejaments específics. La catalana, per exemple, ha apostat per una visió integradora de tot un seguit de treballs que arriben des d’àmbits temàtics diversos (economia, dret, ciència política, comunicació, ecologia, variació lingüística, antropologia, etc.). Així, en el llibre que el lector té a les mans, els autors dels diferents capítols, reconeguts especialistes en la matèria avaluada, ens han ofert mirades complementàries que ens permetran avançar cap a una anàlisi de conjunt, una tasca que es mostrava peremptòria en el marc d’un horitzó finalista de cohesionar internament la disciplina.
The aim of the work Catalan Sociolinguistics. State of the Art and Future Challenges is to give an account, in a summary way, of the major topics dealt with by the study of the relation between language and society in the Catalan language community, and the extent to which international approaches have been received and how they have been adapted to the Catalan domain.
Every tradition has interpreted this interaction with specific approaches. The Catalan tradition, for example, has opted for a vision that integrates a wide range of studies on different themes (economy, law, political science, communication, ecology, linguistic variation, anthropology, and so on). So, in the book you are holding, the authors of the various chapters, recognised specialists in their fields, have provided complementary views that will enable us to make an overall analysis, something that was urgently needed in the context of the ultimate aim of bringing internal consistency to the discipline.
Figurativity and Human Ecology
Editor(s): Alexandra Bagasheva, Bozhil Hristov and Nelly TinchevaMore LessFigurativity has attracted scholars’ attention for thousands of years and yet there are still open questions concerning its nature. Figurativity and Human Ecology endorses a view of figurativity as ubiquitous in human reasoning and language, and as a key example of how a human organism and its perceived or imagined environment co-function as a system. The volume sees figurativity not only as embedded in an environment but also as a way of acting within that environment. It places figurativity within an ecological context, and approaches it as a phenomenon which cuts across bodily, psychological, linguistic, social, cultural and natural environments.
Figurativity and Human Ecology will appeal to those interested in the analysis of the all-encompassing creativity of the human mind and in the methodological difficulties associated with the study of cognition.
From Verbal Periphrases to Complex Predicates
Editor(s): Mar Garachana Camarero, Sandra Montserrat Buendia and Claus Dieter PuschMore LessThis volume, which can be considered as a follow-up publication to Pusch & Wesch (2003), contains ten studies on verbal periphrases in a wide array of Romance languages, both in a synchronic and in a historic perspective. Thus, this collective volume addresses the Romance verbal periphrastic system as a whole. The aim of the contributions is twofold: on the one hand, the authors intend to enrich the knowledge about the inventory of verbal periphrases of Romance languages, both in descriptive and analytical terms. On the other hand, the volume seeks to provide new insights for the study of the grammatical, pragmatic, and cognitive foundations of verbal periphrases, in order to enlarge our comprehension of their genesis, their evolution and their usage. Languages treated in the contributions include Catalan, (European) French, Friulian, (European) Portuguese, Romanian, (European) Spanish, and Catalan Sign Language (LSC).
Handbook of Pragmatics
Editor(s): Frank Brisard, Sigurd D’hondt, Pedro Gras and Mieke VandenbrouckeMore LessThis encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access – for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language – to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use.
The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995.
Also available as Online Resource: https://benjamins.com/online/hop
Iconicity in Cognition and across Semiotic Systems
Editor(s): Sara Lenninger, Olga Fischer, Christina Ljungberg and Elżbieta TabakowskaMore LessThis volume investigates iconicity as to both comprehension and production of meaning in language, gesture, pictures, art and literature. It highlights iconic processes in meaning-making and interpretation across different semiotic systems at structurally, historically and pragmatically different levels of iconicity, with special focus on Cognitive Semiotics. Exploring the ubiquity of iconicity in verbal, visual and gestural communication, these contributions discuss it from the point of view of human meaning-making, examined as a phenomenon that is experienced, embodied and often polysemiotic in nature.
Introduction to Healthcare for Turkish-speaking Interpreters and Translators
Author(s): Ineke H.M. Crezee, Oktay Eser and Fatih KarakaşHealth interpreters and translators often face unpredictable assignments in the multifaceted healthcare setting. This book is based on the very popular international publication (Crezee, 2013) and has been supplemented with commonly asked questions and glossaries in Turkish.
Turkish is the home language of a very significant number of (now often elderly) migrants in countries outside of Turkey and this book provides an invaluable resource to those interpreting for these migrants in the healthcare setting. The book will also be invaluable to those interpreting for medical tourists from Turkey travelling to other countries for treatment.
In short, this is an exceptionally useful and easily accessible handbook, in particular for interpreters, translators, educators, cultural mediators, health professionals and other practitioners working between Turkish and English - or other languages.
Speakers of Turkish represent a rich and diverse range of historical, religious and cultural traditions. This book covers some of those, while also describing the Turkish healthcare system and touching on cultural beliefs and traditional approaches to health.
This unique book is an indispensable vade mecum ("go with me") for anyone wishing to navigate language access involving speakers of Turkish in the healthcare setting.
Author(s): Ramesh Vaman DhongdeKonkani is a modern Indo-Aryan language and a state language of the Indian state Goa. Until recently, it was considered a dialect of Marathi, but it is now considered an independent language. Konkani has several varieties, including the Manglore variety spoken in the south of Goa, the Gawdi variety spoken by the Gawda ethnic group, and the Goan (Panaji) variety. The latter is the focus of this description, and is the variety used in schools, media and state administration. The book provides a descriptive linguistic analysis of Konkani based on spoken and written data collected by the author during extensive fieldwork. The linguistic features of Konkani phonology, morphology, word-formation and syntax are described in detail, and where significant, compared with the Manglore and Gawdi varieties. Since Konkani is undergoing standardisation, and since it has close contact with Marathi, significant similarities and differences between the two languages are also discussed. Konkani has the honour of being the subject of the oldest European grammatical work on any Indian language: Thomas Stephens’ Arte da Lingoa Canarim published in 1640. This grammar is thus the most recent addition to the long tradition of Konkani grammars.
Motion Metaphors in Music Criticism
Author(s): Nina Julich-WarpakowskiThe book explores (1) the motivation of motion expressions in Western classical music criticism in terms of conceptual metaphors (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980, 1999) in two corpus studies, and (2) their perceived degree of metaphoricity among musicians and non-musicians in a rating study. The results show that while fundamental embodied conceptual metaphors likeTIME IS MOTION certainly play a part in explaining why we speak of Western classical music as motion, it is the specific communicative setting of music criticism that determines the particular use of motion metaphors.
Furthermore, the perceived metaphoricity of musical motion metaphors varies with participants’ musical background: musicians perceive musical motion expressions as more literal compared to non-musicians, showing that there are individual differences in the perception of metaphoricity.
Author(s): Lucía Navarro-BrotonsLa importancia del estudio de la fraseología en general, y de la paremiología en particular, viene avalada tanto por el interés que han suscitado las unidades fraseológicas desde la Antigüedad como porque los investigadores del tema ponen de manifiesto que se trata de la piedra angular del lexicón y acervo cultural de toda lengua. En este marco, esta monografía presenta un breve recorrido histórico de la paremiografía y paremiología en España y Francia; comprueba si existe un vacío cuantitativo y cualitativo en el tratamiento lexicográfico de las paremias en diccionarios sintagmáticos y generales tanto monolingües como bilingües; evidencia si son similares las características sintácticas de las paremias de las estructuras a/à y quien/qui en español y francés; determina si hay un tipo de variante paremiológica que predomine sobre las demás y establece los tipos de correspondencias paremiológicas existentes aplicables al ámbito traductológico.
The importance of studying phraseology in general, and paremiology in particular, is justified by the interest that phraseological units have aroused since ancient times, but also by the fact that researchers on the subject have shown that PUs are the cornerstone of the lexicon and the cultural heritage of any language. In this context, this monograph provides a brief historical overview of paremiography and paremiology in Spain and France; it determines whether there is a quantitative and qualitative gap in the lexicographical treatment of paremias in both monolingual and bilingual syntagmatic and general dictionaries; it determines whether the syntactic characteristics of the paremias of the structures a/à and quien/qui in Spanish and French are similar; it identifies whether there is one type of paremiological variant that is predominant over the others, and it defines the types of existing paremiological equivalences applicable to the field of translation.
Time Representations in the Perspective of Human Creativity
Editor(s): Anna Piata, Adriana Gordejuela and Daniel Alcaraz CarriónMore LessIn recent years, the study of the conceptualization of time has seen a considerable growth, providing a basis for exploring the cognitive foundation of metaphor. But if metaphorical representations of time are established in the cognitive system, how are they manipulated when humans are engaged in creative expression? This is the question that the present volume addresses, on the assumption that by interrogating creativity, new insights into our understanding of time may be gained. Our view of creativity, which informs the ten chapters that compose this volume, endorses not only the extraordinary instances found in poetry and the arts (cinema, music, graphic novels, etc.), but also its more ‘mundane’, everyday manifestations that appear in ordinary language use, political discourse, or TV news. Spanning across modalities (verbal, pictorial, auditory, and gestural), the exemplary expressions herein are intended to reflect the richness and diversity vis-à-vis the creativity of time representations while also pointing to the common underpinnings that motivate and constrain creativity.
Creative Writing Across the Curriculum
Author(s): Justin NicholesSituated among fields (applied linguistics, creative writing studies, writing studies), this book empirically explores the language of writers in contexts of learning externalized in literary genres. At its core, this book features linguistic and thematic analysis of the writing and reflections of adults who experienced what they usually described as meaningful CW in university coursework, sometimes in science and research-focused courses where they might not have expected to compose a literary genre. In addition to synthesizing empirical studies that in total included more than 3,500 participants, chapters present new research involving about 400 more. This book is meant to be substantial in its goal of systematically organizing what is known about CW’s relationship to writers: in terms of feelings of engagement, gains in content knowledge, and revelations about oneself and others.
Beyond Babel
Editor(s): Tom ClarkMore LessThe contribution that scholarly organizations make to the study of languages and literatures is a service to the value of systematically learning and using meaning—understanding that meaning operates in systems. Constructively speaking, these organizations support the teaching and research of our world’s experts in grammar, genre, medium, production, reception, exchange, critique, appreciation, and so on. More defensively, they are bulwarks against systems of misinformation, against the empowerment of misrepresentation and distrust between people.
The chapters in this volume range from the Old Testament to Facebook and from East Asia to West Africa via Australia, the Americas, and Europe. The scholarly strength forged across that range speaks to similar strengths that so many scholarly organizations devoted to studies in languages and literatures have cultivated and maintained—often in the face of government indifference or hostility towards the Humanities. Beyond Babel makes a powerful case for their potential.
A Cognitive Perspective on Spatial Prepositions
Author(s): Maria Brenda and Jolanta Mazurkiewicz-SokołowskaA Cognitive Perspective on Spatial Prepositions: Intertwining networks is devoted to the issue of the relation between language and thought approached from the perspective of spatial relations encoded by four equivalent spatial prepositions – English to, German zu, Polish do and Russian к. Regarding these prepositions as path-prepositions, the authors show that the prepositional semantic structures are conceptually grounded in the PATH and the MOTION-EVENT frames and explain that prepositional senses emerge as a result of the PATH image schema transformations and metaphorical mappings related to the EVENT STRUCTURE metaphor. Based on their findings, the authors show how senso-motoric functioning, life experience, individual knowledge, imagery and different ways in which people conceptualize the world influence the relation between language and conceptualization.
Analogy and Contrast in Language
Editor(s): Karolina Krawczak, Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk and Marcin GrygielMore LessWithin cognitive and functional approaches to language structure and grammaticality, analogy and contrast represent two fundamental human cognitive capacities, which, up to now, have mostly been examined separately. This volume seeks to bridge that gap and in doing so it brings together cutting-edge theoretical and empirical research in the field. The chapters in this book examine analogy and contrast across a variety of languages (English, Finnish, Hungarian, Polish, Russian), for different language phenomena (constructions, lexical semantics, morphology, sentence structure, text organization), and with the use of various methods (corpus linguistics, discourse analysis, experimental methods, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis). This state-of-the-art research presented in the book should be of interest to specialists within Cognitive Linguistics, corpus linguistics, construction grammar, discourse analysis, translation studies, metaphor research, and cross-cultural research.
Hegemony, Discourse, and Political Strategy
Author(s): Thomas JacobsHegemony, Discourse, and Political Strategy revisits a question that has long fascinated socialists, progressives, democrats, Greens, and Marxists – how do left-wing forces win at politics? Thirty-five years ago, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe tackled this puzzle in ground-breaking fashion, by drawing on a signature blend of linguistics, Marxist theory, and poststructuralism that came to be known as post-Marxist Discourse Theory (PDT). This book takes up the legacy of Laclau and Mouffe, and elaborates PDT into a full-fledged theory of political strategy for the first time. It argues that post-Marxism provides the foundations for a form of discourse analysis that can explain how political strategies play out as well as why they fail or succeed. Its empirical potential to illuminate the dynamics of hegemonic struggles is demonstrated through a case study focusing on the contestation and politicization of EU trade policy in the European Parliament.
Humour in Self-Translation
Editor(s): Margherita DoreMore LessThis book explores an important aspect of human existence: humor in self-translation, a virtually unexplored area of research in Humour Studies and Translation Studies. Of the select group of international scholars contributing to this volume some examine literary texts from different perspectives (sociological, philosophical, or post-colonial) while others explore texts in more extraneous fields such as standup comedy or language learning. This book sheds light on how humour in self-translation induces thoughts on social issues, challenges stereotypes, contributes to recast individuals in novel forms of identity and facilitates reflections on our own sense of humour. This accessible and engaging volume is of interest to advanced students of Humour Studies and Translation Studies.
Humour in the Beginning
Editor(s): Roald Dijkstra and Paul van der VeldeMore LessHumour in the Beginning presents a multidisciplinary collection of fourteen in-depth case-studies on the role of humour – both benign and blasphemous, elitist and ordinary, orthodox and heterodox – in early, formative stages of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and (late-antique) Judaism. Its coherence is strengthened by four preceding theoretical essays, many cross-references and a conclusion. Thus, the volume allows for a methodologically sound comparison and explanation of historical views on humour in the world’s most important religions. At first sight, the foundational period of religions do not seem to offer much opportunities for humour. A closer look on primary sources, however, reveals the ways in which people formulated answers to existing ideas on humour and laughter, in moments of religious renewal. Main topics include the incongruous nature of the divine, the role of anthropomorphism, superior and didactic humour, moderate laughter, responses from dissenters and the gap between religious regulations and reality.
Bilingualism, Language Development and Processing across the Lifespan
Author(s): Julia HerschensohnHow does knowledge of a first or second language develop, and how is that knowledge used in real time comprehension and production of one or two languages? Language development and processing are the central topics that this book explores, initially in terms of first language(s) and then in terms of additional languages. Human growth and development necessarily involve the passage of time, implicating this orthogonal factor and leading to the observation that capacities may vary across the lifespan. Two theoretical frameworks have historically attributed explanations for knowledge and use of language, nature versus nurture approaches: the former credits biogenetic intrinsic characteristics, while the latter ascribes environmental extrinsic experiences as the causes of developmental change. The evidence examined throughout this book offers a more nuanced and complex view, eschewing dichotomy and favoring a hybrid approach that takes into account a range of internal and external influences.
Dynamism in Metaphor and Beyond
Editor(s): Herbert L. Colston, Teenie Matlock and Gerard J. SteenMore LessThe last half century witnessed an upheaval in scientific investigation of human meaning-making and meaning-sharing. Dynamism in Metaphor and Beyond, is offered as a snapshot of the status of this multidisciplinary endeavor—a peak under the umbrella of what Cognitive Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Figurative Language Studies and related fields have morphed into. This volume honors Raymond W. Gibbs, who played no small role in this upheaval.
The themes and insights emerging from the chapters (i.e., among others, a need for account integration, a new appreciation of the dynamic nature of figurative [and all] meaning-making, a need for continued broadening of the communicative techniques in our studied topics, greater attention to emotion, a deepened appreciation of social motivations and psychological processes involved, etc.) may guide us in our continued grappling with meaning-making and meaning-sharing, via metaphor, through figurative language, and via other communicative phenomena associated with them.
From Pseudo-relatives to Causative Constructions
Author(s): Mara Frascarelli and Giorgia Di LorenzoThis volume proposes a novel structural analysis for causative constructions, offering a solution for the long-standing mono/bi-clausal dualism. Causatives are claimed to instantiate a ‘complex object’ construction, insofar as the causee is not only the subject of the lexical verb, but also a participant that is related to the whole event. Furthermore, the analysis reveals that the realization of causatives implies a crucial interplay with the pseudo-relative construction, a much-debated structure as well. Data from Scandinavian languages are highlighted, through the results of an experimental test on the scope of negation and adverbs supporting the present analysis. The book offers a cross-linguistic perspective as it discusses the relevant constructions in languages including Italian, English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.
Paradigms in Word Formation
Editor(s): Alba E. Ruz, Cristina Fernández-Alcaina and Cristina Lara-ClaresMore LessThe focus of Paradigms in Word Formation: Theory and applications is on the relevance of paradigms for linguistic description. Paradigmatic organization has traditionally been considered an inherent feature of inflectional morphology, but research in the last decades clearly shows the existence of paradigms in word formation, especially in affixal derivation, often at the expense of other word-formation processes. This volume seeks to address the role that paradigms may play in the description of compounding, conversion and participles. This volume should be of interest to anyone specialized in the field of English morphology and word formation.
Relationships in Organized Helping
Editor(s): Claudio Scarvaglieri, Eva-Maria Graf and Thomas Spranz-FogasyMore LessThis edited volume offers up-to-date research on the interactive building and managing of relationships in organized helping. Its contributions address this core of helping in psychotherapy, coaching, doctor-patient interaction, and digital helping interaction and document and analyze essential communicative practices of relationship management. A summarizing contribution identifies common dimensions of relationship management across the different helping contexts and thereby provides a framework for understanding and researching how interactive practices and helping relationships are interconnected. The volume brings together researchers and practitioners and merges academic approaches to studying relationships with practical knowledge about verbal helping in these settings. The book is intended for scholars in the field of organized helping as well as for students and researchers of communication and discourse / conversation analysis in professional and organized contexts. It is also addressed to practitioners interested in learning more about the micro- and meso-management of their working relationships.
Research Methods in Vocabulary Studies
Author(s): Philip Durrant, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia, Benjamin Kremmel and Suhad SonbulUnderstanding vocabulary and its role in language learning is one of the central tasks of applied linguistic research. It is also an area that has seen, and continues to see, huge progress in terms of the complexity and diversity of work being done. While this makes for a rich and exciting research scene, it can also make the task of developing vocabulary research skills a daunting one as specialist subfields develop ever more sophisticated concepts and methods. This book aims to give readers an understanding of the area that is both detailed and rounded by introducing them to understanding and doing vocabulary research from four key perspectives: corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics, language testing, and teaching and learning. Within each area, a state-of-the-art review describes fundamental concepts and commonly used methods, evaluates ongoing methodological debates, and points to areas for future development. It aims both to give readers a solid grounding in the specialized methods and debates associated with each area and to build connections across these specializations, considering points of contact and ways in which they can work together.
Syntactic Priming in Language Acquisition
Editor(s): Katherine MessengerMore LessSyntactic priming is a naturally-occurring psycholinguistic phenomenon that has been used as an experimental manipulation to great effect: over the last 20 years, syntactic priming research with children of different backgrounds has added to our understanding of the mechanisms and stages of syntactic development and priming. This collection of original articles explores the state of the art in that literature. Ten chapters review the findings of syntactic priming research with monolingual and multilingual, typically-developing and atypically-developing child populations from a variety of language backgrounds. The expert authors explore what syntactic priming has revealed about children’s development of syntax and propose ways in which methodological innovations and broadening the scope of future research can build on this. The collection will be a useful resource for researchers from diverse areas of the field of child language, particularly those with a focus on grammatical development.
Visual Metaphors
Editor(s): Réka Benczes and Veronika SzelidMore LessWhenever we think about the world – including its concrete and abstract entities – we typically see a series of so-called mental images in front of our eyes that aid us in everyday problem solving and navigating ourselves in the world. Visual metaphors, similarly to their linguistic counterparts, largely build on such images.
Nevertheless, the interplay of metaphorical/metonymical text and imagery is not necessarily (and not usually) straightforward and raises complex theoretical and methodological questions. The eleven chapters in this collection address a wide range of such challenges, such as what are visual metaphors in the first place; how can they be identified; what is their relationship to linguistic metaphors; what are their most common manifestations; what knowledge structures are required for their interpretation; and how do they interact with metonymies. The studies cut across linguistics, politics, philosophy, poetry, art and history – highlighting the ubiquitous role that visual metaphor plays in everyday life and conceptualizations.
Originally published as special issue of Cognitive Linguistic Studies 7:1 (2020).
Esperanto – Lingua Franca and Language Community
Author(s): Sabine Fiedler and Cyril Robert BroschThis book addresses a fascinating topic – a constructed language that has turned from a project into a fully-fledged language used by some of its speakers on a daily basis. Based on extensive fieldwork, this book provides rare and profound insights into the use of Esperanto in a large number of communicative areas. It studies the speakers’ use of code-switching, phraseology and metaphors, techniques they employ to enhance understanding, such as metacommunication and repair strategies, as well as their predilection for humour. The study also contributes to a comparison between the communication in Esperanto and in the language that is now predominantly used as a lingua franca – English – and allows conclusions to be drawn on the question of what a lingua franca is all about.
Italian Sign Language from a Cognitive and Socio-semiotic Perspective
Author(s): Virginia Volterra, Maria Roccaforte, Alessio Di Renzo and Sabina FontanaThis volume reveals new insights on the faculty of language. By proposing a new approach in the analysis and description of Italian Sign Language (LIS), that can be extended also to other sign languages, this book also enlightens some aspects of spoken languages, which were often overlooked in the past and only recently have been brought to the fore and described.
First, the study of face-to-face communication leads to a revision of the traditional dichotomy between linguistic and enacted, to develop a new approach to embodied language (Kendon, 2004).
Second, all structures of language take on a sociolinguistic and pragmatic meaning, as proposed by cognitive semantics, which considers it impossible to trace a separation between purely linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge.
Finally, if speech from the point of view of its materiality is variable, fragile, and non-segmentable (i.e. not systematically discrete), also signs are not always segmentable into discrete, invariable and meaningless units. This then calls into question some of the properties traditionally associated with human languages in general, notably that of ‘duality of patterning’.
These are only some of the main issues you will find in this volume that has no parallel both in sign and in spoken languages linguistic research.
Generative SLA in the Age of Minimalism
Editor(s): Tania Leal, Elena Shimanskaya and Casilde A. IsabelliMore LessThis volume brings together empirical studies and keynote addresses presented at the 15th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition conference hosted by the University of Nevada, Reno in 2019. The studies selected for the volume reflect how the latest developments in generative syntactic theory and psycholinguistic methodologies have impacted second language acquisition research in the last decade, from the linguistic properties under investigation and L1-L2/Ln language pairings down to the specific research questions in each study. The minimalist view of language architecture is at the center of studies investigating L2 acquisition of raising, scope, definiteness, phonological representations, and interlanguage transfer. The volume also showcases the latest research on interface phenomena, language processing, and working memory. Studies analyze data collected with a variety of L2 populations from adult foreign language learners to adolescent L3 learners and heritage speakers.
English Sentence Constructions
Author(s): Marjolijn H. Verspoor, Tim Kassenberg, Merel Keijzer and Gregory J. PoarchEnglish Sentence Constructions departs from a usage-based theoretical perspective in which all language units -- which we refer to as constructions -- have both a meaning and form, and context is all-important in determining the function and form of these constructions.
As a starting-level module, English Sentence Constructions guides students of English or Language at tertiary level through different levels of analysis at the sentence, clause, phrase, and word level.
The book starts with an explanation of different sentence types and structures (Chapters 1 and 2), zooms in on the verb phrase as the central component of any sentence (in Chapters 3 and 4), before zooming in even closer, discussing word classes (Chapter 5) and phrases (Chapter 6). The next two chapters explicate the intricacies of sentence constituents that function as clauses (Chapter 7) and aid students in integrating all chapters by discussing sentence analysis at all levels (Chapter 8). The last chapter (Chapter 9) shows how knowledge about sentence constructions can be applied to effective writing in English.
English Sentence Constructions can be used in teacher-led modules, but the many exercises in each chapter, the clearly worked out answer keys, and a comprehensive glossary of terminology also make it suitable for self-study. For each chapter, there is an online test in which students can check their understanding.
Figurative Thought and Language in Action
Editor(s): Mario Brdar and Rita Brdar-SzabóMore LessThe contents of the volume prove the vitality of cognitive linguistic studies of figuration when combined with new research methodologies, in tandem with other disciplines, and also when applied to an ever broader range of topics. Individual chapters are concerned not only with some fundamental issues of defining and delimiting metaphor and metonymy, with the impact of figuration on grammatical forms, but are also exemplary discussions of how figurative language is processed and understood, as well as studies of practical ramifications of the use of figurative language in various types of discourse (the language of media, politics and healthcare communication). Most of the volume assumes a synchronic perspective, but diachronic coverage of processes is not missing either. In short, the volume demonstrates how rewarding it is to return to the true origins of cognitive linguistics for new inspiration and take a fresh start promising a true cornucopia of future results.
Genre in World Englishes
Author(s): Susanne MühleisenWorld Englishes and English in postcolonial contexts have been curiously neglected in an otherwise abundant research literature on text types and genres in English. This volume looks at the adaptation, transformation and emergence of genres in the particular cultural context of the Anglophone Caribbean. A comprehensive framework for the investigation of text production in postcolonial and global English communities is followed by empirically based case studies on specific text formats such as recipes, death notices and obituaries, letters to the editor, newspaper advice columns, radio phone-in programmes, online forums and the music genre calypso. Influences from oral versus literate culture as well as status and function of English versus Creole are considered by highlighting written, spoken and digital genres. All chapters present surveys from a historical and cross-cultural perspective before exploring specific linguistic and cultural features in the Caribbean texts. This volume will be highly relevant for researchers in World Englishes and Caribbean studies, postcolonial pragmatics, genre and media studies as well as linguistic anthropology.
Handbook of Pragmatics
Editor(s): Jef Verschueren and Jan-Ola ÖstmanMore LessThe Manual section of the Handbook of Pragmatics, produced under the auspices of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA), is a collection of articles describing traditions, methods, and notational systems relevant to the field of linguistic pragmatics; the main body of the Handbook contains all topical articles. The first edition of the Manual was published in 1995. This second edition includes a large number of new traditions and methods articles from the 24 annual installments of the Handbook that have been published so far. It also includes revised versions of some of the entries in the first edition. In addition, a cumulative index provides cross-references to related topical entries in the annual installments of the Handbook and the Handbook of Pragmatics Online (at https://benjamins.com/online/hop/), which continues to be updated and expanded. This second edition of the Manual is intended to facilitate access to the most comprehensive resource available today for any scholar interested in pragmatics as defined by the International Pragmatics Association: “the science of language use, in its widest interdisciplinary sense as a functional (i.e. cognitive, social, and cultural) perspective on language and communication.”
Particles in German, English, and Beyond
Editor(s): Remus Gergel, Ingo Reich and Augustin SpeyerMore LessGermanic languages have been recognized as having not only intensifying or focus particles, but also so-called modal particles. The relevant items are specialized discourse markers joined by characteristic syntactic properties. After an introductory overview of the complex field, the contributions of the current volume capitalize on, but also work much further beyond the baseline of the established insights. They offer analyses of (a) new data types within and sometimes across several Germanic languages (e.g. varieties/stages of German, Dutch, or Norwegian), encompassing different classes of particles and a variety of syntactic-semantic as well as usage-based aspects; (b) the classical dichotomy between languages like German and English when it comes to the availability of modal particles both synchronically and diachronically; (c) crucial integrated insight from non-Germanic languages such as French, Hungarian, Italian, Mandarin, or Vietnamese. A number of mostly interface-based proposals of several languages as well as further generalizations are put on the table for both expert and novice readers in the field.
Second Language Acquisition Theory
Editor(s): Alessandro G. Benati and John W. SchwieterMore LessProfessor Michael H. Long (1945-2021) was one of the most influential scholars in the field of second language acquisition. This volume presents a set of chapters that honour some of his key contributions in language teaching and learning. Following a bibliometric analysis of the impact of his research to the field, the volume spans topics such as task-based language teaching, focus on form, age effects, transfer, feedback, interaction, incidental learning, stabilization, among many others.
The Middle Voice and Connected Constructions in Ibero-Romance
Author(s): Carlota de Benito MorenoThe reflexive constructions that are the focus of this book are the constructions broadly described with the term “middle”: i.e., those that can appear in all persons, and in which the reflexive marker (RM) cannot be understood as a full referential pronoun. One goal of this study is to provide a corpus-based typology of middle and related uses that allow us to compare the behaviour of the RM in these constructions with previous typological accounts, where competing models (based either on changes of diathesis or on the semantics of the verbal event) can be found. A second goal is to shed light on the evolution of the different functions of the RM, by exploring the factors that affect its productivity, with a specific focus on those verbs where reflexive marking is most variable, that is, anticausative verbs and verbs with no change of valency. These reflexive constructions show a notable difference in productivity in Spanish and Galician, although the languages are closely related and contiguous. The languages are thus good candidates for a contrastive and variationist analysis serving these two goals. The semantic class of the predicate, its aspectual properties and the animacy of the subject are some of the most relevant factors that are taken into account to understand the motivations behind the presence (or absence) of the RM. By relying on a corpus of interviews from rural communities across peninsular Spain (except Catalonia), space as a relevant extra-linguistic variable is taken into account, helping uncover previously unknown geographical patterns.
Science Communication in Times of Crisis
Editor(s): Pascal HohausMore LessThis volume addresses demands on external and internal science communication in times of crisis. The contributions discuss present crises such as COVID-19 (e.g. vaccination campaigns or political reactions towards the pandemic in the context of science scepticism), and climate change (e.g. plausibility judgements or the role of scientists). They also relate their approaches to past crises, e.g. 9/11 or the Galileo affair. This volume is unique in that it is interdisciplinary from a theoretical and methodological perspective. In that respect, the authors apply concepts from corpus linguistics, discourse analysis, rhetoric, news values analysis, pragmatics and terminology research to various types of data, such as newspaper headlines, Tweets, open letters, corpora or glossaries. The case studies are situated within different cultural contexts, with various languages being examined, i.e. Polish, Arabic, English, French, German, and Spanish. Elevating our understanding of the interface of science communication and crisis communication, this collection of articles proves valuable to scholars and students from linguistics, communication science, political science, sociology and philosophy of science.
Development of Tense and Aspect Systems
Editor(s): Jadranka GvozdanovićMore LessLinguistic construal of time lies at the center of language and language use; it is also one of the cognitive foundations of culture. The focus of the papers in this volume is on historical developments of genetically different aspect and tense systems across continents, with contributions on the Sogeram languages of Papua New Guinea, the Arandic languages of Australia, Kisikongo Bantu, and Japanese. In addition, two prototypical Indo-European tense-aspect systems, those of Vedic and Latin, are analyzed in a comparative perspective. Across language groups and continents, the general principles revealed by the studies presented here contribute towards a novel and deepening understanding of tense and aspect. They contribute not only to modelling and theory, but also to a better understanding of processes in individual languages.
Originally published as special issue of the Journal of Historical Linguistics 10:2 (2020).
Understanding L2 Proficiency
Editor(s): Eun Hee Jeon and Yo In'namiMore LessThis edited volume is a collection of theoretical and empirical overviews of second language (L2) proficiency based on four skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Each skill is reviewed in terms of how it has been conceptualized, measured, and studied over the years in relation to relevant (sub-) constructs of the language skill under discussion. This is followed by meta-analyses of correlation coefficients that examine the relationship between the L2 skill in question and its component variables. Unlike most meta-analyses that have a limited range of variables under investigation, our meta-analyses are much larger in scope to better clarify such relationships. By combining theoretical and empirical approaches, the book is helpful in deepening the understanding of how subcomponents or various variables are related to a particular L2 skill.
Sociolinguistic Variation in Old English
Author(s): Olga TimofeevaThis is the first extensive study of Old English to utilise the insights and methodologies of sociolinguistics. Building on previous philological and historical work, it takes into account the sociology and social dialectology of Old English and offers a description of its speech communities informed by the theory of social networks and communities of practice. Specifically, this book uses data from historical narratives and legal documents and examines the interplay of linguistic innovation, variation, and change with such sociolinguistic parameters as region, scribal office, gender, and social status. Special attention is given to the processes of supralocalisation and their correlation with periods of political centralisation in the history of Anglo-Saxon England.
Argumentative Style
Author(s): Frans H. van Eemeren, Bart Garssen, Sara Greco, Ton van Haaften, Nanon Labrie, Fernando Leal and Peng WuArgumentative Style discusses the various ways in which the defence of a standpoint is given shape in argumentative discourse. In this innovative study the new notion – ‘argumentative style’ – introduced for this purpose is situated in the theoretical framework of the pragma-dialectical approach to argumentation. This means that the choices involved in utilising a particular argumentative style do not only concern the presentational dimension, but also the topical selection and the audience adaptation of the strategic manoeuvring taking place in the discourse. In identifying the functional variety of the argumentative styles utilised in the political, the diplomatic, the legal, the facilitatory, the academic, and the medical domain, the point of departure is that these argumentative styles manifest themselves in the discourse in the argumentative moves that are made, the dialectical routes that are chosen and the strategic considerations that are brought to bear.