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2023 collection (91 titles)
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Differential Object Marking in Romance
Editor(s): Monica Alexandrina Irimia and Alexandru MardaleMore LessDifferential marking as applied to direct objects has long been discussed as one of the characterizing traits of many Romance languages. There is, however, wide consensus that a detailed investigation into the nature of this phenomenon raises numerous challenges both at the empirical and theoretical level. Many questions are still being raised regarding which precise morpho-syntactic strategies count as differential object marking, whether the data can be unified, and, subsequently, how they are to be unified formally and theoretically. Additionally, a thorough investigation of this phenomenon is still needed for many Romance languages and especially at the micro-variation level. This volume brings together original papers addressing various aspects of differential object marking in Romance languages, focusing on micro-variation, from both a descriptive and formal perspective, touching on diachrony, language contact, synchrony, and using a large set of methodologies.
Handbook of Terminology
Editor(s): Łucja Biel and Hendrik J. KockaertMore LessAs a core component of legal language used to draft, enforce and practice law, legal terms have fascinated lawyers, linguists, terminologists and other scholars for centuries. Third in the series, this Handbook offers a comprehensive compendium of the current state of knowledge on legal terminology. It is the first attempt to bring together perspectives from the domains of Terminology, Translation Studies, Linguistics, Law and Information Technology in a single place. This interdisciplinary endeavour comprises systematic reviews, case studies and research papers which overview key properties of legal terms and concepts, terminological tools and resources, training aspects, as well as translation in national contexts and multilingual organizations. The Handbook attests to the complex multifaceted nature of legal terminology and showcases its cultural, communicative, cognitive and social contexts in diverse legal systems. It is a rich resource for scholars, practitioners, trainers and students, presenting vibrant research and practice in this area.
This e-book is made available as Open Access under the CC BY-ND 4.0 license.
Responding to Polar Questions across Languages and Contexts
Editor(s): Galina B. Bolden, John Heritage and Marja-Leena SorjonenMore LessThis book is about one of the most fundamental action sequences found across human societies and socio-cultural contexts: polar questions and their responses. Question–answer sequences are among the most basic building blocks for sequences of action in interaction and are ubiquitous among the languages of the world. Among different types of questions, polar questions are the most common, occurring with greater frequency in all studied languages. This volume presents a collection of conversation analytic studies into responses to polar questions across ten different, typologically diverse languages, in a range of action environments and social contexts. The studies explore different ways in which speakers can respond to polar questions, and the relationships between response design, the action implemented by the response, and the context in which it occurs. Taken together, the studies assembled in the volume present a nuanced view of polar responses as a situated social action.
Nominal Classification in Asia and Oceania: Functional and diachronic perspectives
Editor(s): Marc Allassonnière-Tang and Marcin KilarskiMore Less
The Reality of Women in the Universe of the Ancient Novel
Editor(s): María Paz López Martínez, Carlos Sánchez-Moreno Ellart and Ana Belén Zaera GarcíaMore LessThis volume gathers chapters related to the condition of women in the ancient novel. To broaden the perspective, it integrates not only papers dealing with the Greek and Roman novel as a literary genre in its own right, but also as a historical document involving aspects as diverse as history, archaeology, sociology and the history of law. The twenty-six contributions in this volume have been divided into thematic blocks, based on the different approaches that the authors have adopted to tackle the subject. The first block is about realia – the reality in which the fiction has been conceived. The second block focuses on the legal problems that can be deduced from the plots of the novels. The third block encompasses deals with the Greek and Roman novel from the point of view of classical philology, literary criticism and literary theory, with chapters dedicated to the tradition of the ancient novel, both in our most immediate cultural area (Middle Ages, Spanish Golden Age) and in other contexts, whether Indo-European (India, Persia) or of a different origin.
A Pragmatic Agenda for Healthcare
Editor(s): Sarah Bigi and Maria Grazia RossiMore LessThis volume addresses the issue of pragmatic meaning and interpretation in communication contexts regarding health and does so by combining a series of diverse and complementary approaches, which together highlight the relevance of successfully shared understanding to achieve more accessible, inclusive, and sustainable healthcare systems.
The volume is divided into five thematic sections: 1) Analytical approaches to health communication, 2) Intercultural and mediated communication, 3) Negotiation and meaning construction, 4) Expertise and common ground, 5) Uncertainty and evasive answers, bringing together a group of top scholars on the much-debated issue of shared understanding both at the micro-level of dialogues between professionals and patients, and the macro-level of institutional communication.
In the variety of its contributions, it represents an ambitious attempt at setting pragmatics at the core of healthcare communication research and practice, by combining conceptual reflections on core topics in the field of pragmatics (among which are speech acts, common ground, ambiguity, implicitness), with discourse and linguistic analysis of real-world examples exploring various problems in health communication.
Auxiliary Selection in Italo-Romance
Author(s): Irene AmatoThis book proposes a new solution to the long-standing puzzle of auxiliary selection in Romance languages, in particular Italian. The following questions are addressed: why the perfect auxiliary appears in the two forms be and have within a single language, what drives this distribution, and how cross-linguistic data can be accounted for. The solution to these issues consists of an Agreebased analysis that accounts for auxiliary selection in root clauses and restructuring in Standard Italian and in Italo-Romance varieties, which is also compatible with participle agreement. By answering these questions, the book also touches upon more theoretical and foundational problems, such as the distribution of labor between syntax, morphology and the lexicon, and the conditions on the operation Agree (in particular, multiple probing, locality, and minimality). This work contributes to the discussion in the fields of formal morpho-syntax, theoretical linguistics, and Romance linguistics.
Constructional Approaches to Nordic Languages
Editor(s): Evie Coussé, Steffen Höder, Benjamin Lyngfelt and Julia PrenticeMore LessThis volume presents eight studies of linguistic phenomena in Nordic languages (notably Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish) from a construction grammar perspective. The contributions both deepen and widen the focus of construction grammar applied to Nordic languages by dealing with a variety of topics, such as the constructional network, pseudo-coordination, additional language learning and emerging multilingualism, prototypical semantics in argument structure constructions, and domain-specific discourse and language behavior. The volume showcases the vibrant research activity within part of the construction grammar community dealing with Nordic languages, contributing to the knowledge about the structure, use and learning of these languages, as well as to the field of construction grammar as a whole.
Cultural Linguistics and Critical Discourse Studies
Editor(s): Monika Reif and Frank PolzenhagenMore LessThe present volume explores the meeting ground between Critical Discourse Studies and Cultural Linguistics. The contributions investigate culture-specific conceptualisations, ways of framing and conceptual metaphors in political discourse, as well as cultural models, cultural stereotypes and stereotyping. The individual authors use quantitative (e.g. corpus-based approaches) and/or qualitative methods. They address a range of contexts, e.g. Europe, the US, Japan, West Africa, and a variety of topics, e.g. migration, presidential elections, identity, food culture, concepts of health. The papers included in this volume show that ideologies, the key concern of Critical Discourse Studies, cannot be analysed independently of cultural conceptualisations. In a complementary, dialectic fashion, cultural conceptualisation, the central concern of Cultural Linguistics, have ideological implications, sometimes subtle, sometimes very straightforward. The present volume thus illustrates that travelling on this meeting ground is a natural and fruitful endeavour for both approaches.
Exploring Language and Society with Big Data
Editor(s): Minna Korhonen, Haidee Kotze and Jukka TyrkköMore LessAs the legislative bodies of democratic nations, parliaments play a fundamental role in society. Consequently the linguistic practices observed in parliamentary discourse are of importance to everyone. This volume brings together leading researchers in areas of corpus linguistics, big data, parliamentary discourse, and historical linguistics in a truly interdisciplinary exploration at the vanguard of big data and corpus methods with the aim to investigate the intersection between linguistic and social change. Making use of both quantitative and qualitative methods, the studies included in this volume range from a focus on explicitly linguistic phenomena to topics that contribute to our understanding of language and society more generally. It breaks new ground in its critical reflection on the conceptual and methodological challenges of using large corpora of parliamentary discourse to study both the specialised language of parliamentary speech and the societies that the parliaments in question represent and govern.
Individual Differences in Anaphora Resolution
Editor(s): Georgia Fotiadou and Ianthi Maria TsimpliMore LessIndividual Differences in Anaphora Resolution: Language and cognitive effects explores anaphora resolution from different perspectives, and investigates various aspects of the phenomenon, as contributions include research protocols that combine old and new experimental methodologies as well as theoretical and empirical approaches. A central theme across volume contributions are the multiple linguistic and extralinguistic factors that constrain anaphora resolution, its processing and acquisition by a variety of populations (children and adults, monolinguals, bilinguals and second language learners) as well as the mechanisms underlying anaphora resolution. Anaphora resolution constitutes an ideal environment to test the interaction between domain-general cognitive systems and domain-specific linguistic sub-routines, since variability in referential preferences is not related to binding constraints (an integral part of syntax per se) but is closely tied to processing (functional constraints) modulated by the integration of discourse-filtered information.
Patterns and Representation in Arabic Place Assimilation
Author(s): Islam YoussefThis book is a phonological investigation of place assimilation phenomena in two major Arabic dialects: Cairene Egyptian and Baghdadi Iraqi. The studied phenomena involve interactions between consonants (various types of local assimilation), between vowels (monophthongization), or between consonants and vowels (emphasis spread and labialization). Throughout the content chapters, the patterns for each of these processes are carefully described and validated by ample data, and then analyzed representationally using a minimalist model of feature geometry. The analysis follows a holistic approach, as the representations are consistently used for all the segmental phenomena within a dialect. The first exclusive treatment of place assimilation in colloquial Arabic, this book will be of particular interest to scholars and advanced students of Arabic linguistics and dialectology, and to phonologists in general, and can be a point of reference for researchers examining the details of such phenomena in other dialects of Arabic as well.
Text and Wine
Editor(s): M. del Carmen Balbuena Torezano and Manuela Álvarez JuradoMore LessText and Wine: Approaches from terminology and translation collects part of the results of the research project WeinApp: Multilingual System of Information and Winegrowing-Resources (MINECO, Ref. FFI2016-79785-R), carried out by researchers from the universities of Cordoba and Cadiz (Spain), on wine production, the wine sector, and its language and terminology in English, French, German and Spanish. The editors, principal investigators of the project, begin the volume, which contains works on phytopathology, lexical domains and subdomains, wine tourism, agro-legal texts, Indo-European languages, labelling, tasting metaphors, wine and literature, interpretation, wine and medicine, oenological websites, and lexical and morphosyntactic formation around the language of wine.
Corpus Use in Cross-linguistic Research
Editor(s): Marlén Izquierdo and Zuriñe Sanz-VillarMore LessCross-linguistic research is a fruitful field of language inquiry that has benefited enormously from the use of corpora. As sources of linguistic data of various kinds and as tools for language processing, corpora have shaped the development of cross-linguistic research, enabling both language description and practical applications. This volume contains twelve studies that emphasize the usefulness and usability of parallel corpora in accurately exploring the structure and use of seven under-researched languages and language varieties. The first part emphasizes the role of corpus-based descriptive analyses at the lexicogrammatical and discursive levels, as a first step on the way towards concrete applications like translation or language teaching. The second part focuses on the role of parallel-corpus-based language processing techniques and applications that facilitate professional communication. This book will be of interest to scholars in contrastive linguistics, translation studies, discourse analysis, language teaching, and natural language processing.
Free Variation in Grammar
Editor(s): Kristin Kopf and Thilo WeberMore LessRecent years have seen a growing interest in grammatical variation, a core explanandum of grammatical theory. The present volume explores questions that are fundamental to this line of research: First, the question of whether variation can always and completely be explained by intra- or extra-linguistic predictors, or whether there is a certain amount of unpredictable – or ‘free’ – grammatical variation. Second, the question of what implications the (in-)existence of free variation would hold for our theoretical models and the empirical study of grammar. The volume provides the first dedicated book-length treatment of this long-standing topic. Following an introductory chapter by the editors, it contains ten case studies on potentially free variation in morphology and syntax drawn from Germanic, Romance, Uralic and Mayan.
This e-book is made available as Open Access under the CC BY 4.0 license.
Handbook of Pragmatics
Editor(s): Sigurd D’hondt, Pedro Gras, Mieke Vandenbroucke and Frank BrisardMore LessThis encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access – for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language – to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use.
The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995.
Also available as Online Resource: https://benjamins.com/online/hop
L3 Development After the Initial State
Editor(s): Megan M. Brown-Bousfield, Suzanne Flynn and Éva Fernández-BerkesMore LessTo date, the field of L3 acquisition research has had a heavy focus on the initial state of the L3 grammar. While this initial state research is critical to understanding L3 acquisition as a whole, in order for an explanatory understanding of language acquisition in the multilingual mind, the field needs to expand its scope beyond this area of focus. This volume brings together L3 acquisition and multilingualism researchers in order to discuss the state of the field and introduce new ideas related to the development of post-initial L3 knowledge, and the relationship among languages in the multilingual mind. It includes contributions related to syntactic, phonological, and lexical development beyond the L3 initial state. The purpose of this volume is to expand the current academic discussions within this field, by emphasizing the role of the developmental process in an L3 context, with the hope of inspiring further research in this domain.
Photography in Children's Literature
Editor(s): Elina Druker and Bettina Kümmerling-MeibauerMore LessPhotography in Children’s Literature is the first study that examines the wide array of artistic techniques, topics, and genres used within photographic books for children. Covering a time period from the 1870s to the 1980s, the collection offers multifaceted insights into changing perceptions of children and childhood during an era when the world changed in unprecedented ways. More than sixty full-color illustrations demonstrate an impressive variety of genres, from ABC books, concept books, and country portraits to photo reportage and poetry. By discussing photographic books from ten countries and three continents, the collection offers an international scope, providing a glimpse into the production and reception of photography in children’s literature in a range of contexts and cultures. Photographic books for children thus open up new vistas for scholars interested in an interdisciplinary and transnational investigation of children’s literature, text and images, across the centuries.
Research Methods in the Study of L2 Writing Processes
Editor(s): Rosa M. Manchón and Julio Roca de LariosMore LessThis volume brings together the perspectives of new and established scholars who have connected with the broad fields of first language (L1) and second language (L2) writing to discuss critically key methodological developments and challenges in the study of L2 writing processes. The focus is on studies of composing and of engagement with feedback on written drafts, with particular attention to methods of process-tracing through data such as concurrent or stimulated verbal reports, interviews, diaries, digital recording, visual screen capture, eye tracking, keystroke logging, questionnaires, and/or ethnographic observation. The chapters in the book illustrate how progress has been made in developing research methods and empirical understandings of writing processes, in introducing methodological innovations, and in pointing to future methodological directions. It will be an essential methodological guide for novice and experienced researchers, senior students, and educators investigating the processes of writing in additional languages.
Translation Flows
Editor(s): Ilse Feinauer, Amanda Marais and Marius SwartMore LessThe genesis of this book was the 9th Congress of the European Society for Translation Studies, held in Stellenbosch, South Africa, in September 2019 – the first time the event took place outside Europe. “Living Translation – People, Processes, Products” was the Congress theme. A common thread, whether as a methodological or analytical basis, as a descriptive framework or as a subject in itself, was that of “flows” and the “flowing” nature of translation.
The contributions included here draw on a productive framework of networks and flows, and foreground the inherent spatial and temporal diversity of Translation Studies. Translation as a social practice is the golden thread throughout the volume – not just “translation” in the conventional sense, between languages and cultures, but over artificial borders, into new spaces, between non-traditional agents and actors, and through various genres and mediums. Chapters are clustered loosely based on the temporality of the topic under discussion. Work on and from the Global North constitutes the first section, and the second complements this by bringing the Global South into the picture as well.
This state-of-the-art research will stimulate robust scholarly discussions as we map our way forward as a living discipline.