Africa and Applied Linguistics: AILA Review, Volume 16
  • ISSN 1461-0213
  • E-ISSN: 1570-5595
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This article attempts to explore issues of language marginalisation in Malawi. It argues that the policies pursued from independence 1964 todate have not been democratic. They have essentially favoured a small ruling English-Chichewa elite, that has emerged and entrenched itself, regardless of which government has come into power. Viable indigenous languages, which could equally play a meaningful role in the socioeconomic political life of the country, have been largely marginalised, in market places and in other national functions. In the face of this situation, the argument advanced is one of an immediate review of of such incoherent and fragementary policies for more accommodating ones, with a clear vision and an agenda for implementation for all the citizenry.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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