World Applied Linguistics: A Celebration of AILA at 40. AILA Review, Volume 17
  • ISSN 1461-0213
  • E-ISSN: 1570-5595
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This paper examines language trends in 21st century Asia and reports on the development of Applied Linguistics (AL) in the region. It has a dual focus: the first analyses the unique preoccupations of Asian and Asia-based applied linguists that have given rise to present research directions and preferences. These, however, seem to be not much recognized in the currently BANA dominated field. A second focal point considers the larger concerns and issues that might lead to future and different directions in AL scholarship once ‘proper applied linguistics’ — currently originating in the West and dominating research directions — reorients and realigns itself to include these Asian research and findings. It can be predicted that with this realignment, AL will grow as a field of inquiry in leaps and bounds along with the imminent rise of Asia by the middle of the twenty first century.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Applied linguistics; Asia
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