Volume 36, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1461-0213
  • E-ISSN: 1570-5595
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In the fall semester of 2020, 269 Japanese university students were compared in a quasi-experimental study to determine whether extensive and intensive listening interventions yielded significant gains in L2 listening comprehension. At the beginning of the study, 269 students took a 100-item L2 listening exam, and were randomly placed into an extensive ( = 135) or intensive listening group ( = 134). After each group completed five assignments based on extensive or intensive listening principles, students took another 100-item L2 listening exam. Paired-sample t-tests of raw scores and Rasch person ability estimates indicated that the extensive listening group significantly improved in raw scores, (134) = −7.44,  = .00, but not in Rasch person ability estimates (134) = −1.86,  = .07, while the intensive listening group significantly improved in both raw scores, (133) = −9.48,  = .00, and Rasch person ability estimates, (133) = −3.58,  = .00.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): audiobook; extensive listening; intensive listening; L2 listening; t-test; TOEIC
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