Volume 5, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2665-9336
  • E-ISSN: 2665-9344
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This study investigates the types of conditional constructions found in the Indo-Aryan language Odia and studies the morpho-syntactic structure and linear function of it. In Odia, Conditional constructions consist of a main clause (adoposis), and a subordinate clause (protasis). It is usually protasis, which functions as antecedent, and adoposis functions as consequent, forming a single sentence, in which consequent is referentially linked to its antecedent by anaphoric relation. Odia Conditional clause is marked in one of the various morpho-syntactic ways: lexically by 4 conjunctive morphemes like, ‘if’/ ‘whether’, ‘supposing’, ‘otherwise’, ‘in case’ or grammatically by a bound morpheme ‑ added with the verbal form as suffix, in the protasis, or by a correlative phrase ‘as long as’. This paper tries to formalize such relation of conditional clauses and finds that a single conditional operator can map with different conditional scopes for denoting different types of conditional meanings.


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