Volume 4, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2589-109X
  • E-ISSN: 2589-1103
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Over the past two decades, the theoretical backgrounds of instructed second language (L2) pragmatics studies have diversified, and instructional materials have been designed and implemented based on various theories of second language acquisition (SLA). As a result, the field of instructed pragmatics has made significant strides in developing empirically driven, effective instructional methods. Recently, researchers in the fields of task-based language teaching (TBLT) and L2 pragmatics have claimed there are synergistic effects when teaching pragmatics from a TBLT perspective. These researchers argue that both pragmatics instruction and TBLT approaches to language teaching highlight the importance of language use in authentic contexts and achieving communication goals. The focus of the current review article is on task design and implementation in L2 pragmatics research, particularly those studies which were conducted from a TBLT perspective. Pedagogical implications of these studies are discussed, and future directions for task-based approaches to teaching L2 pragmatics for both research and pedagogy are proposed.


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