Volume 10, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0155-0640
  • E-ISSN: 1833-7139
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In regard to language learning, whether it be in listening, speaking, reading or writing, children appear to be genuinely interested In meaning in their world. When it comes to a knowledge of words to be used in any of the processes mentioned, children are interested in their use, their meaning and in connecting new words with old words or ideas.

Numerous studies have investigated the development of children’s word knowledge up to year 4 or approximately age 10 (e.g. Read, 1971; Beers and Henderson, 1977; Zutell, 1979; Gentry, 1981). There are, however, only a few studies involving upper primary and secondary students. This paper looks at literature on children’s word knowledge (including spelling) development up to year 4 and beyond, and includes a table of researched and hypothesized stages in children’s development in orthographic awareness and in word knowledge. An outline of the author’s theory of children’s development in word knowledge is given.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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