Volume 43, Issue 3
  • ISSN 0155-0640
  • E-ISSN: 1833-7139
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This study explored the affective, behavioral, and cognitive engagement of 18 Iranian EFL learners with oral corrective feedback on lexical stress errors. The data were collected using questionnaires, pretests, posttests, and interviews. The questionnaire responses showed that the participants held various perceptions about direct feedback. Additionally, the pretest and posttest results indicated that the learners with positive perceptions about direct feedback had significant lexical stress accuracy gains. Also, the students who viewed direct feedback favorably showed positive affective, behavioral, and cognitive engagement with it. These learners, for instance, frequently reviewed the provided feedback and used cognitive resources when utilizing it. In contrast, the students with negative perceptions about direct feedback showed negative engagement with it. The findings suggest that learners’ affective, behavioral, and cognitive engagement can determine the working of feedback. Also, students’ perceptions seem to filter the feedback they receive, thereby helping shape how they engage with feedback.


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