Volume 45, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0155-0640
  • E-ISSN: 1833-7139
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There is a lack of research on evidence-based intervention in relation to the issue of L2 variations in secondary schools. This study addresses some conceptual problems of L2, proposing a four-quadrant model of language processes. This model provides a framework to identify students’ L2 developmental stages. With an action research method, the data were collected from 126 Chinese language learners in Australia over a 4-year period (2016–2020). The main instruments were questionnaires, class observations, informal interviews, and student feedback. The findings revealed that most learners were initially motivated to learn the Chinese language in year 9, even if they were at varying stages of L2 development. While several factors were interplayed to affect their language experience, the findings underscored the implementation of a range of plausible interventions. The effectiveness of the intervention was measured by student engagement, and further backed by the retention rates of year 12 students. This study provides a beginning to the evidence base, necessary to design Chinese language interventions in Australia.


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