image of Exploring L1/L2 and time impact on linguistic complexity of
Laozi translations
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Research shows that language complexity is a crucial measure of proficiency and that academic and scientific writing has evolved over time. However, linguistic complexity may differ between first (L1) and second (L2) language translations, and its development over time remains unexplored. This study examines how the translator’s native language and the time of translation affect the complexity of translations. Using a corpus of 79 translations, we analyzed syntactic and lexical complexity to compare L1 and L2 English speakers’ translations across three distinct periods. Contrary to expectations, our results reveal no significant complexity differences between L1 and L2 translators, suggesting that native language proficiency does not necessarily influence translation complexity. However, significant variations were found across different historical periods, indicating changes in translation styles over time. These findings show that time influences translation complexity more than the translator’s native language.


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