image of Exploring Chinese heritage language (CHL) retention in New Zealand
Chinese immigrant families
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New Zealand is a multicultural and multilingual country, with Chinese being the largest ethnic group after New Zealand Europeans and Māori. However, the retention of Chinese heritage language (CHL) in New Zealand has not been extensively researched, and there is a lack of understanding of intergenerational CHL transmission in this context. Through a quantitative approach involving 114 Chinese immigrant families in New Zealand, the research investigates how three components of family language policy (FLP) — family language beliefs, language practices, and language management — interrelate with each other and influence children’s CHL development. The results indicate an intricate relationship between FLP and children’s CHL proficiency. Specifically, children’s Chinese language practice is a significant driver in enhancing their communicative proficiency, while effective language management is a crucial driver in improving Chinese literacy.


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