Volume 28, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0155-0640
  • E-ISSN: 1833-7139
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This article analyzes the self-correction of spelling by learners of intermediate Japanese. Participants in this study consisted of 20 students with (Chinese characters) background and 43 without. This study investigates (1) types of spelling errors made; (2) the success rate of corrections made when codes for types of errors (error-codes) were given; (3) strategies used for correcting spelling errors; (4) reasons for a failure to correct errors; and (5) measures for further improvement in correction rates. Three methods, including ‘think-aloud’, observation notes, and the writing of an essay before and after corrections, were used as research tools. The findings show a high rate of success in the self-correction strategies. The errors made by the students may be attributed to a number of different causes. On the basis of the findings, this article puts forth the following suggestions, among others: the provision of increased time for corrections, of more detailed instruction in and of correct pronunciation instruction; increased practice in the use of dictionaries; and improved codes to indicate types of errors.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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