Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics: Volume 2
  • ISSN 1572-0268
  • E-ISSN: 1572-0276
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The paper compares two typologically distinct languages with regard to their lexicalization patterns in encoding metaphorical motion events: (1) verb-framed (V-language, represented by Turkish), in which the preferred pattern for framing motion events is the use of a path verb with an optional manner adjunct (e.g.,enter running), and (2) satellite-framed (S-language, represented by English), in which path is lexicalized in an element associated with the verb, leaving the verb free to encode manner (e.g.,run in). The paper focuses on typological differences in encoding the manner, path, and ground components of metaphorical motion events, using data from novels written originally in English or Turkish, and further extends the applicability of the typological dichotomy to the metaphorical uses of the lexicon.


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