Volume 3, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2452-0063
  • E-ISSN: 2452-0071
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This exploratory study continues early first-level work on intermedia visual agenda setting, which asks what influences the visual media agenda, and extends it into the third level of network analysis. The top visual agenda of the Associated Press is compared to the top visual agenda of 45 U.S. newspapers (divided into three tiers of circulation) over two constructed weeks. Findings indicate some transfer of the visual agenda at both the first and third levels. Additionally, the networked visual agenda has a moderate significant correlation to all newspapers. Sports and local vs. national/international coverage are identified as key aspects of authority over how the visual agendas are formed and transferred. While the AP places sports images high on the visual agenda, newspapers relegate them to inside pages unless they are important events. Smaller-circulation papers put fewer international topics on their front page than medium and high-circulation newspapers.


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