Volume 64, Issue 5-6
  • ISSN 0521-9744
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9668
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Persuasion is the dominant function of tourist promotional texts and is fostered through the use of certain lexical devices such as verbs of perception, which engage readers and arouse in them pleasant feelings. This paper aims to compare verbs of perception in English and Spanish through the exploitation of a bilingual comparable corpus of five British and five Spanish institutional websites. In particular, the analysis conducted seeks to (1) determine which language expresses more perceptions through verbal forms, (2) analyse to what extent each language uses verbs of sensory and intellectual perception, and (3) identify equivalent verbs in both corpora. In general terms, the results show that the English corpus includes a higher frequency of verbs of perception, cognitive verbs prevail over sensory ones in both corpora, and there exist equivalent verbs which are more used in one language than in the other.


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