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Anforderungsprofil für Polizei, Staatsanwaltschaft, Rechtspflege und Gericht zum Erkennen und Umsetzen des Dolmetsch- und Übersetzungsbedarfs
- Source: Babel, Volume 66, Issue 2, May 2020, p. 172 - 187
- 08 Apr 2020
The European Convention on Human Rights and EU Directive 2010/64/EU on the right to interpretation and translation have been transposed into national law. At national level, legislation has led to fundamental changes. In recent years, and varying with the work area and phase of the legal procedure, different needs for interpreters and translators have arisen. Also, the required profile of translators, and especially of interpreters, has changed – due to the implementation of new technologies. What role and status should interpreters and translators now play and have, and above all what skills and knowledge should an interpreter or translator working in the legal field now have.
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