Volume 68, Issue 3
  • ISSN 0521-9744
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9668
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The dubbing process is usually depicted as a linear model in which its participants occupy fixed roles determined by their specializations. However, Torre A, a Peruvian dubbing firm, applies alternative procedures in an emerging context of the dubbing industry. This first case study of dubbing in Peru seeks to examine the dubbing process employed by the agency Torre A based on two projects taking place during its emerging stage as a company. Participants from both projects were interviewed to reconstruct each project workflow. The workflows were then analyzed to contrast the monological, linear theoretical model found in the literature with the dialogical model arising from the participants’ voices. The results show the looping nature of the dubbing process, which is comprised of tasks performed simultaneously or repeatedly by versatile agents whose roles depend on available human and temporal resources as well as intrinsic motivation. This multiplicity of roles also influences the quality criteria used by the agents, who formulate criteria based on their professional perspectives, experiences, and general knowledge of the dubbing process. Thus, a variety of dubbing project circumstances determine how dubbing takes place. This represents a departure from the traditional, or standardized, model of dubbing.


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